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Vivan rests on desk when Meera throws paper rocket on him. He asks if she came now. She says yes and asks if he remembering her so much. He says he does not remember her fights or nok jhok, leaning on her, and is remembering her beautiful smile and wicked talks, he likes them so much. She feels shy and runs aside. He pins her to wall and says he did not think of anyone like this since yesterday, he did not feel for anyone like this before. She walks aside and asks if he remembers her so much. He asks why she is smiling. She says she is wicked, so. He says he is thinking of burning divorce papers and give their marriage one more chance. She asks if he loves her so much. Vivan’s employee calls him and he realizes it is his imagination. Employee says he needs some file. Vivan thinks file is in cupboard and keys are with car keys, SK took that car.

SK stands in queue to meet gyaniji and ask about receipt. Mrs. Kapoor/Pammi donates money and silently leaves. Vivan reach gurdwara and meets SK. SK gives him cupboard and car keys. Pammi sees Roma bending near Vivan’s car and thinks what she is doing. Roma cuts car brakes and thinks SK and Vivan’s car both are gone. Vivan gets into car and leaves. Pammi sees that and panics realizing that Roma cut car brakes. SK comes. Pammi pleads to her to save Vivan as Roma failed his car’s brakes, she identify her as Meera and says she always saved Vivan and even now she should. Meera rushes taking someone’s scooter. Roma comes out of her hiding yelling she had to hide in narrow space, never mind, SK and car are both gone now. She is shocked to see crying Pammi.

Meeera finds Vivan’s car follows it and asks Vivan to stop car. Vivan try to apply brakes, but realizes they have failed. Meera pray to god to save Vivan. She try to stop the car, but it speeds far away. She pray to Babaji to help her save Vivan. She reach via short cut and finds pulling cart nearby and requesting its owner pulls cart in the middle of the road. She signals Vivan to jump out of the car. He jumps and car hits cart and stops. Vivan rolls towards stone, but SK keeps her hand and saves him. Vivan gets up and helps her get up. Her wig falls off. He realizes it is Meera and reminisces earlier events where he realized it was her.

Vivan ask Meera why did she risk her life and save his life. She says his mother saved his life and takes him to gurdwara. Vivan asks who is his mother. Meera says let us search her inside. They pray at gurdwara. Meera prays to send Vivan’s mother Pammi Kapoor somehow. Vivan prays to not let Meera go away from him as he realized his love for her. Meera walks out of gurdwara and search for Mrs. Singh. Vivan comes out and asks where is Pammi Kapoor. Meera says Mrs. Singh is Pammi Kapoor. Vivan reminisces Mrs. Singh showering motherly love on him often. Meera says Pammi ji always protected and helped him. Vivan gets a call that Pammi is kidnapped and if he wants to free her, he should come to some dargah. He informs Meera. Meera says she will accompany him. He says it is his issue and he cannot risk her life, so she should stay at home while he goes there and frees his mother.

Vivan reach dargah and search for clue. Sheri walks in disguised in burqa. Ya Ali Madad Ya Ali song plays in the background. He sees a burqa clad girl standing in front of him. woman shows her face, and Vivan is shocked to see Roma. Roma walks to him and asks if he is shocked. He asks if she is the one who attacked Amaya, attacked him and Meera, etc. She says he is right and Meera always failed her plan, but not anymore. She asks if he does not want to meet his mother. He eagerly says yes. He asks to follow her. Vivan follows Roma eagerly. Roma stops and asks to him to wait, if he wants his mother, he should sign property papers. Vivan asks to call his mother first. Sheri brings Pammi. Vivan says maa. Roma says emotional drama started and warns him to sign the papers first. Pammi asks not to. Roma asks her goons to beat Vivan till he agrees. Meera runs around gurdwara searching for Pammi. She takes binoculars from a kid and sees goons beating Vivan. She runs and with holy flag hits goon’s hand and goon drops gun. Pammi push Sheri. Meera picks gun and warns Roma to spare Vivan. Vivan pin Roma to a wall and says she was ruining his life all along, asks Meera to go away with maa. Meera asks how can she leaving him in danger. He asks not to bother about him and save maaa. Roma push him and he falls on Meeera. Meera drops gun. Pammi picks gun and shoots at Vivan. Pammi bears bullet. Vivan shouts maa..

Precap: Vivan holding Pammi’s hand in hospital hopes she would have come earlier in his life. He sees Pammi’s condition getting critical and calls doctors..

Roma shoots at Vivan, but Pammi comes in front and bear the bullet. Vivan rush her to hospital with Meera. He panics and asks doctors to treat his mom soon. Doctors take Pammi to OT and then shifts her to ICU after removing bullet. Vivan then calls inspector Brar and ask him to arrest Roma as she shot his mother Pammi. Meera gets emotional seeing Pammi’s condition and says not only Roma is responsible for Pammi’s condition. Vivan asks what does she mean. She says he came to India from London to take revenge from Pammi ji and he is also equally responsible for her condition. Vivan is shocked. Their argument continues. Nurse informs that Pammi’s condition is critical. Doctors rush to ICU. Vivan shatters seeing Pammi’s condition and prays to God to punish him and not his mother, think what will he say to Amaya. He reminisces Amaya saying whenever she feel heavyhearted, he should cry and not control himself. Amaya comes running with Nimmo and consoles him. He hug her and says she and Meera were right, he was wrong. Meera says when a child is afraid of parent’s life, his fear is pure, she want to hold his hand like a true friend, but then think a son wanted to punish his mother, she wants to hate that son. After sometime, Vivan and Amaya peep inside ICU and see Meera taking care of Pammi. Amaya tells Vivan that nothing will happen to maa as Meera bhabhi is with maa. Vivan also walks inside ICU and feels guilty for hating his mother, he apologizes and says he wants her in his life. He sees Pammi losing her pulse and calls doctor. Meera performs chest compression. Doctor enters. Pammi revives and open her eyes. Vivan gets happy. Doctor praises Meera and asks how did she save patient’s life. Meera says they are taught not to lose hope till end of game. Roma tells they both saved his life and giving their hands into each others says she wants them to be together always. They both look at each other. A romantic song plays in the background.

Vivan and Amaya bring Pammi home. Dolly does her aarti in punjabi style. Vivan says welcome home mom and takes her in. Meera comes running and hugs her saying welcome home Mrs. Singh ji. Pammi says everyone are right that she is too crazy/jhalli, they teach in SKU not to act motherly with mother-in-law and never speak out their heart to her, but Meera has already done that, so she wants Meera to be her daughter. Dolly says Meera is really jhallli, she should touch Pammi’s feet. Pammi says no, when Meera and Meera are together, they should touch feet together. They both touch feet. Meera takes Pammi in. Amaya taunts Vivan that he is smiling as if he is married just now. He asks to take mom in and thinks he was married long ago, but realized it now. Dolly shows cake to Pammi and asks to give Meera SKU marks as she prepared it. Pammi says she taught to prepare cake at SKU, but never taught culture, only a well cultured mother like Dolly can teach culture to her daughter Meera. She apologizes to them for misbehaving at SKU. Dolly says forget the past. Pammi says she will teach preparing different cakes to Meera and cuts cake. Vivan feeds her cake and thinks he will give whole world’s happiness to Meera.

Bridal Material Premiere On Zee World On 9 April From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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