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Meera follows goons and hears them discussing they lost 10 crores worth drugs today and now have to cash in on NRI. She calls Vivan, but his phone is not reachable. She calls Amar and asks if Vivan is at home. Amar says no. Meera thinks where to find Vivan now. Someone touches her shoulder, she tensely turns and relaxes seeing inspector Brar. Brar asks what is she doing.

At home, Amar informs family that Meera went with inspector Brar to help Vivan and tells them whole story. Dolly reminisces Vivan’s misbehavior and thinks they misunderstood him, he was acting to save his family. Sweety asks where is Nimmo. Prince says he searched whole house and she is not at home. Nimmo’s boyfriend Balli ties her and shouts if he cannot get drug box, he will grab money from Nimmo’s sister and jijaji. Nimmo says they were going on a date. He slaps her and she falls down.

Inspector Brar with his team and Meera follows jooded jacket wearing kidnapper. He throws stick on kidnapper, kidnapper falls down down. They surround kidnapper. Vivan reaches there with money bag and asks Brar if kindapper informed him about Pammi and Amaya. Kindapper turns and he is just puppet and boss easily escaped ordering him to get money from Vivan. Meera trash kidnapper to tell where Pammi and Amaya are. Kidnapper calls Vivan and laughs that he easily escaped, now Vivan has 30 minutes to save his family. Brar arrests puppets and sends him away with constables. Vivan says kidnapper is somewhere around, they should find him.

Vivan with Meera and Brar’s team searches for kidnapper. Meera sees temple and pray to god to help them find Amaya and mummyji. They move ahead. Kidhapper calls Vivan and warns Vivan to find him in 30 minutes. Meera hears temple bell and informs them. Kidnapper prays in temple and leaves. Meera sees godown and says this is the only building here and they should search there. They enter godown and search. Vivan says there is nothing here, he will not waste time here. Meera insists that Amaya and mummyji must be here and searches further. She finds Amaya shouts, enters room and is shocked to see Amaya hanging under boiling acid. She pulls rope and calls Vivan. Vivan rushes there and they both rescue Amaya. Amaya collapses due to poison. They hear kidnapper’s voice on speaker and says Meera has sixth sense and found his clue easily, he himself gave clue, Amaya is poisoned and Vivan should either search for his mother in 10 minutes or save Amaya. Brar with Meera takes Amaya to hospital. Vivan runs out and search for Pammi on street.

Vivan search for Pammi on street. Kidnapper calls him and informs that Pammi is in a maruti van, he can save her in 10 minutes if he can. He sees van in front of him and runs towards it shouting mom. His feet get trapped in a barbed wire. He tries to freee himself, removes his shoes and gets out if. He then walks on broken glass and reach van.

Meera’s phone happily celebrate thinking things got back on track and Meera-Vivan have united. Amar says Meera and Vivan should have saved Pammi and Amaya by now. Meera calls Amar and informs whole incident and says Amaya is poisoned and she has rushed Amaya to hospital. Whole family rushes towards hospital. In hospital, Amaya is in ICU and Meera stands out worried. She hears kidnapper’s voice on TV who says she saved Amaya, let him show her a drama now. He shows Vivan tied to a chair and kidnapper pointing gun on him and warning Meera to reach where she left Vivan in 10 min. Meera runs out out hospital. Inspector Brar sees her and follows her. Vivan removes mask and reveals he is kidnapper’s puppet who wore Vivan’s mask. Family reaches hospital and sees Amaya in ICU. Doctor informs Amaya went into coma.
Vivan reaches van and tries to breaks window with hammer, but fails. Pammi inside van signals to go away. Vivan brings another tool and opens door and shouts he will save her at any cost and goes to bring something else. Meera reaches there and sees Vivan searching something and Pammi in Van. She opens door and tries to free Pammi. Pammi says van has bomb go away. Meera panics more and tries to free her hurriedly. Bomb blasts. Brar pulls Meera on time. Van bursts into pieces. Vivan shouts mom…Reporters surround and cover story. Meera shouts in anger.

Kidnapper calls her number. She shouts to come in front. He says she could not save her saas, now give phone to Vivan. She gives phone to Vivan. Vivan shouts at kidnapper. Kidnapper brainwashes him that all his problems are because of Meera and reminds all the incidents where Meera reached and Vivan’s problems increased. Meera hugs and consoles Vivan. Vivan pushes her away and shouts he is the biggest problem in his life, his mom trusted her so much, but she was problem his mom and sister. He says when he dropped mom to airport, he insisted him to marry Meera in a proper way, now he will do reverse pheras with her. He holds Meera’s hand and forcefully does reverse pheras around van fire and says he will get divorce from her legally and get rid of her forever. He walks to Amaya’s hospital room and cries that her condition and mom died because of Meera.

Vivan blames Meera for all his problems and challenges her that he will divorce her finally tomorrow and get rid of her. Meera stands shattered. Vivan walks to Amaya’s hospital and cry for not stopping her and mummy/Pammi, all because of Meera, now he will punish Meera for her sins and get rid of her tomorrow in court finally.

At home, Dolly cry that Meera try to do good always, but is always blamed. Sweety says it is Meera’s mistake this time, she should have let Vivan pay kidnapper and free his mom and sister. Amar says Meera did not know such a big disaster would happen, Vivan has lost his mother and cannot think with his brain, now someone will be blamed. Meera walks in and says she is blamed and tells family the whole story. On the other side, Vivan cry reminiscing Pammi dying in bomb blast and kidnapper telling he did not kill his mother, but Meeraa is responsible for Pammi’s death and she killed Pammi. He shouts he hates Meera and will punish her for her sins. Inspector Brar gives him Pammi’s ashes.

Bridal Material Premiere On Zee World On 9 April From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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