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At Ahil’s residence

Tanveer hears a knock on her door, and hears rehaan’s voice. she beckons him in. he says that he is leaving and she shouldnt try to stop him, as all his life he spent like she wanted him to, and never cared for his happiness due to her. He says that he cant take it anymore, as she took the only thing that he ever wanted and betrayed him like an enemy too doesnt. he said that he is going very far away from her and her world. As he begins to leave, she replies tensedly saying that this marriage is just for 3 months, and after that sanam would be free just for her. He is shocked asking whats this and what does she mean. She says that its a contract marriage, and she got sanam to agree for this, despite knowing he loves her, because she didnt have any other option, and tells about her deal with sanam. she emphasises that sanam and ahil dont like each other, and that maybe they are a couple, but would be strangers. She tells him that 3 months would be gone very soon, and he wont even realise, after which she would be free forever for him. rehaan is tensed, while he asks her to understand her.

Ahil asks sanam is she realises that they are married now. sanam stands speechless. he tells her that they both are joined in arelation, for which both dont agree, but still she said yes, and asks on what basis. He emphasises that marriage means commitment, which they both cant give to each other, and that still they have to share each other’s destiny, fate, this room and even this bed. Sanam tensedly and hurt looks at him. he again asks why she said yes, or she didnt even think before doing this, or she didnt really see this facade of a marriage. He then starts insulting her saying, that this is her reality that she can do anything for money. she is shocked, as he reprimandsher, and retaliates that he too did this for money, and asks why did he agree for this marriage with a servant in front of everyone. he vehemently denies that he said yes, and is about to blurt that he loves her, but stops himself just in time. she asks whats it. He says that she wont understand. She says that she wont ever know in what conditions she married him, as he only thinks of himself, and he feels that he is always right, and that he doesnt care for others. He says that she always boasts about self respect, but she cant fool him with this, saying that he knows her true face, as she proved that money can buy the best of self respect. she eyes him, quietly. he asks why is she quiet. He says that she isnt right, and that her silence provces that she is guilty of what he accuses her of. She eyes him stoically, and he asks her to stop staring like this. Ahil tells sanam that destiny may have crossed their paths together but it definitely wont make them together ever, and that they cant share hearts. he says that they may share this room, but not this life. She asks him not to bother himself over it. she says that if fate has it, she would leave his life very soon. Ahil is surprised. He asks what are they doing here then, if they dont want to spend their lives together. He throws sanam out of the room with a jerk and slams the door shut on her face. She is in tears, dazed and shocked.

At the Shed

rahat comes to haya, who’s sleeping, and says that he doesnt know why he got her here, and maybe v=because she changed his life upside down and that he wants to start afresh and live his life once again, and his heart wants to start feeling emotions. he says that she gave new meaning to her life, and discarded the thought that he would ever be ablke to talk again with someone, and yet her silence made him talk with her. he gets emotional and tear drop falls on her hand waking her up, while he checks himself and stops, before she can understand whats he saying. She gets up and then says that she saw his lips moving, and asks him to continue what he said. he tries to change the topic, but she insists. He gets up, and says that he cant say what he was. Rahat turns his face away, so that haya cant lip read, and says that he cant say that he feels like living again with her, and how the mere thought of losing her scared him badly, and that and he has fallen deeply in love with her. haya is confused as to whats he saying, unable to lip read. He tells her, turning around that they shall leave in the morning. Whiule carssing her wound, he thinks that when they reach home, he would tell her everything, as to how much he loves her.

Later, in the night, haya asks if he slept, and when he replies in negative, he says that he is habituated to staying awake. She asks him if he knows the way back. He says that he knows the way ahead definitely now, meaning the immediate journey and their life together. As he is about to reach out his hand to haya, as she begins to walk out, he eyes the wedding ring, and is taken back to memories of his first wife, when she placed it on his finger. He takes it off, and keeps it on the haystack, and eyes haya as she turns areound to ask him if he’s okay. he replies in affirmation.

At Ahil’s residence

The next morning, there is visible tension at the dining table, at the sehri ritual during the ramzaan month. Azhar’s parents begin to gorge on the food, while commenting as to nida’s disappearance shattered their dreams. His mother asks her husband to move on, till they find a new way. sanam serves food to tanveer and then tensedly eyes ahil. She begins to serve him, but he says that it isnt needed as he would do so himself. tanveer requests ahil to let sanam do it, as they should be in the spirit of ramzaan, and forget all animosity. Tanveer mentions that its a very fortunate day today, as its the first day of sanam, as the bahu of this house. both rehaan and ahil eye sanam, with tensed looks. Sanam serves ahil and then rehaan too, who is disturbed to find her tensed too. ahil misconceives it as lost love’s case, and is tensed. rehaan steals the tears out of his eyes. 

At Ahil’s residence

Tanveer at the dining table, informs sanam that there’s an iftar party in the evening and that the necessary arrangements should be made. sanam complies. she leaves the table. ahil is tensed to find rehaan disturbed and emotional. He tries to stop rehaan, but he hastily leaves citing that he is getting late. Ahil is tensed. tanveer gets latif and briefs her too about the party. ahil is tensed that tanveer is so excited tofr sanam’s first roza and that she has forgotten that its his birthday today. He is hurt and tensed. He leaves. tanveer gest up, and azhar’s parents try to impress her by asking what can they do for this party. tanveer indirectly taunts them saying that nida sent by them did enough. They are shockjed and instantly takje to apologising profusely kissing tanveer’s feet and begging for forgiveness, shifting the blame on eacn other. tanveer gives them one last chance and says that they wont be spared if this repeats the next time.

In his room, ahil is packing his things in a duffel bag, when tanveer comes in, saying that she forgot something in all this furore. ahjil gets happy that she finally remembered his birthday. But she disappoints him when she goes onto tell him that he needs to secure a marriage certificate in order to be able to claim his property asap. As she goes on a rant as to how important this is, ahil is tensed and sad. sanam knocks on the door, and tanveer is surprised that she is taking permission to enter her own room. sanam remembers being thrown out of the room last night and enters. ahil eyes sanam and they both get tensed. tanveer asks her to come when latif comes and informs her that sanam is extra straining herself for the iftar. tanveer asks her not to. Tanveer is informed by Latif, that sanam hasnt changed her attire even after having become the choti begum of the family. tanveer reprimands her and ahil too for this, that he didnt pay attention to such an important fact and sends latif to her room. Both ahil and sanam are tensed as they eye each other. she comes back with extravagant clothes and jewellery sets. tanveer says that sanam would have to change her attire now that her status has changed and asks her to acxcept all this. sanam is confused and says that she is okay and she doesnt need all this. tanveer insists that she has to take and wear such clothes only from now on. sanam compolies and leaves. latif leaves too for her disposal. Tanveer comes to ahil and says that the lawyer would have his eye on every move of him and sanam as a couple, and hence they shouldnt take any risk so as to hamper the property claims. She asks him to atleast pretend if not actually happy with sanam.

Later, when latif lays out the food, azhar’s parents are drawn to them like a magnet, but are shooed off by latif. ahil comes down. When sanam descends dressed in beautiful clothes all are shocked, while ahil is spellbound and is unable to take his eyes off her. azhar’s parents comment that she is a perfect example of rags turned to riches. Sanam is tensed. tanveer comes and says that they shouldnt talk about her at all like this ever again. they are tensed. tanveer is excited for sanam’s first iftaar after marriage. ahil and sanam are tensed, while Rehaan is distraught.

In the evening, they feed everyone at the evening iftaar, tanveer asks them to bless ahil and sanam, who are blessed by the people that they stay together always and their love blossoms, hearing which ahil and sanam are tensed, while rehaan is distraught. Sanam and ahil both accidentally get down to serve as a person wants something and their hands meet, along with their eyes. Finally they serve the people. Ahil and sanam are insisted to break their roza too. sanam and ahil are tensed. tanveer says that she wants him to feed sanam, so that she can breeak her first roza. they face each other tensedly. Finally ahil gives her food, and sanam awkwardly eats it, while rehaan is apalled. Then latif asks sanam to do the same to ahil. the awkward moment follows yet again. sanam finally feeds ahil, and he complies, while both are tensed. Rehaan is disturbed. Ahil turns around and sits beside tanveer. He tells her that he wants to go to the mosque. tanveer is surprised. ahil says that so much has changed in his life, he too would change a little. tanveer smiles.

Later, sanam eyes the pic of her parents, and says that she is missing them badly, now after having married, which is a dreamworld for every girl, but not her, and that today is the first roza after marriage and she cant celebrate this, as the best day in her life is a punishment to her. she gets emotional. she clutches at the photo, and enters and finds tanveer praying too. sanam places her parents’ photo on the nighttstand. Sanam and tanveer are both praying, sanam praying to give rest to her parents soul and to treat dilshad better and soon, and tanveer praying for forgiveness for her sins. 

Ahil’s residence

Sanam gets down beside tanveer to pray. tanveer apologises to the lord, remembering the massacre that she caused. Asad and zoya’s pic, placed on the bed stand, is thrown in the air due to the gush of wind through the window, and falls on tanveer’s hands held up to pray, and cuts the sides of her finger. she lets out a sharp pain as blood gushes out, and sanam instantly comes to see her, and is shocked and baffled to find that an old pic of her parents, could have had such sharp edges that it managed to cut tanveer’s hand. tanveer says that o0ld memories hurt the most and applauds her for getting this pic here, and that soon she shall know the importance of meds. sanam insits to bandage, but tanveer says that she would manage herself before going to the dargah.

Tanveer and Latif are moving out, when latif goes to look around for the driver. A peer baba comes asking for alms. she welcomes him inside. he tensedly approaches her, while she takes money out of the bag. he says that he doesnt need money. she asks what does he need. he says that he wants her betrayals, traps and conspiracies. she gets tensed. He says that the lord wont easily forgive what she has done, as she remembers her massacre. he says that the lord shall not forgivbe till, she leaves her bad tricks and prays for forgiveness. Tanveer is tensed to hear the peer baba, who says that her time has come, and that the lord has finally decided to punish her for her deeds and that he shall see that justice is meted out to her. she is tensed. she starts hollering for security and the driver, but he says that noone shall come. She sits in the car, while he rants and leaves. she thinks that its must have been some mad man, as she has completely buried the memories of the past and that her past will never ever spring back to life.

At Munisa’s and Ahil’s residence

Haya is tensed not finding dilshad in the house. She rush out to talk to rahat about it. haya thinks maybe dilshad doesnt know it yet, that they have returned. Rahat calms her dopwn saying that she would come soon. but she is still tyensed. he finds a letter, which he gets tensed after reading. Haya finds that its written, that we are going to distribute sweets for eid at the badi masjid. She thanks him. She shyly smiles and moves away, while he eyes her romantically.

Later, when haya comes out tensed, she finds that the room is romantically set and rahat comes and beckons her to take his hand and come along. She comply and walks with her hand in his. he takes her to a seating area, and eyes her romantically,. while she is baffled. He asks her to sit down and then sits in front of her. haya is tensed for dilshad but he calms her down, and says that he wants to say something to him. She asks if thats what he was saying in the shed. he complies and says that he couldnt say it then, but feels that now its time. before he can say anything, sanam calls and when she gets to know that they have returned, and hyaya is tensed for Dilshad, she tells him about dilshad. haya is terribly tensed. rahat hears this and cancels the call. Haya eyes him questioningly.

Ahil enters his room, to find a birthday cake with a candle lit kept on the table. He is surprisingly pleased to see it. He reprimands himself for even thinking that tanveer could forget it. he goes to see her. she is however tensed to remember what happened with her in the afternoon. Ahil comes and thanks her for remembering his birthday adding that he felt since she didnt say anything, she must have forgotten. Tanveer feigns innocence and says that she doesnt know what he’s talking about. Ahil asks her to remember when did he get married and why? but she doesnt remember. Tanveer tells Ahil that she is going out somewhere very important and would be back soon. After she leaves, without wishing him, Ahil wonders if tanveer didnt keep the birthday cake then who did? He eyes sanam and wonders whether she was behind this. Sanam understands this and is about to walk out, when Ahil repeatedly asks her if she got the cake for him. She comply. he asks why and she says that its because its his birthday today. he is happy that she remembered. she says since it was ramzaan, she thought, and he interrupts her asking what was the motive behind her doing this. she asks whats the matter. he says that she never does anything without motive, and asks what does she want? She says he is right, and that without any motive why would she remember but she does have a reason, and thats everything revolves around his marriage and his birthday, and blames it for her helpless condition in this loveless marriage, and hence she has no option but to remember this ill fated day, when he benefitted crores. He says if he benefitted, then she too wasnt in loss. she says that a person whose life revolves around money, cant think beyond that. She asks him, to think whatever he wants to, as changing him is impossible, and she isnt intended to. she asks him to throw away the cake as she isnt bothered. she storms out of the room, while he is tensed. he eyes her.

Ahil comes and eyes the cake in a rage and is about to throw it off, when he stops. He starts eyeing the cake, and is taken back to the time when his birthday was disregarded and unremembered by everyone, but had faith on tanveet atleast. He thinks of all the people, for the first time, only one person remembered his birthday. He thinks that his existence is only due to all the strangers in his life, especially that his own mother along with everyone else too forgot about his birthday. he puts the cake down and alights it. He blow the candle off and starts singing the birthday song to himself, sad and disturbed. 

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8pm

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