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At Ahil’s residence

as sanam is laying out food, nida tells her to not cook food from tomorrow. nida says that she likes continental food, and hence they should opt for professional chef, especially after her slip with tanveer’s soup today. Sanam says that she isnt at fault. nida asks if she is trying to say that she is to be blamed. Nida says that she is so arrogant that she cant even see that she is losing the job. she says that she would be the begum of this house and wants to start to take good descisions right now, and says that she wont let her go, and askls her to take over the cleaning. she tries tp insult sanam by asking her to take her dirty heels and clean and wash them up. she looks at ahil, who’s tensed himself. nida asks her to hurry up and not ait time. sanam again looks at ahil, but he defiantly says that his would be wife has ordered, who loves him dearly. Sanam gets furious and takes the heels and walks out. Ahil gets tensed at his own behaviour with sanam, after she leaves.

Outside, sanam says that everyone in this house isnt able to take care of anyone. Sanam vehemently talks to herself and says that she hates ahil and his boisterous nature from the bottom of her heart. Ahil eyes her from the window, and thinks that he loves sanam so much and so passionately from the bottom that he isnt able to bear it even. He thinks that he hates that he loves sanam so badly.

Tanveer is shocked when rehaan tells her that he wants to marry sanam. Rehaan says that he doesnt want to be a part of her dirty games anymore. she says that he isnt a servant but is rightfully the master, and that money would solve everything. Rehaan says that its impossible to stay without love. He says that he wanted to share his happiness with her, but she isnt leaving him with that option. tanveer gets frustrated. Rehaan says that he cant wait anymore to start his new life with sanam, and after ahil’s marriage he would ask sanam for their marriage and if she agrees to that before, then it would be good. He leaves while tanveer is tensed.

In her room, nida is gloating about her increased status and is dreaming on about her dreams coming true. In the garden, ahil thinks that he never thought that he would fall in love, and that destiny has decided its fate and whatever descision destiny takes for him, he agrees to that. Sanam, in her room, thinks that she thought that she would start a new life, and maybe the whol;e house considers nida the new master but she wont, and that she would just stay tonight, as she cant bear such insults everyday and that she would leave this job, and find another job, according to god’s will. Rehaan thinks that tomrorow is different, and he would get his rightful love with sanam, and then they would love together as destiny wants them to. tanveer thinks that only those who take risks of their life, fulfill their dreams and hence what she wants would happen.

While sanam is working the next morning, getting the house ready for marriage, rehaan eyes the ring thinking that he hoeps it fits sanam. He comes to her and she gives him a task. she laves, while he is shy.

In the hotel room.

While rahat gets dressed, haya comes out adjusting her saree, and he is mesmerised as he looks at her reflection in the mirror. He turns around and when she gets conscious, he takes his eyes away. she asks him if she looks okay and he compliments her. She shyly smiles. He smiles at her as she adjusts his tie.

At Ahil’s residence

Meanwhile, Dilshad enquires for the address, and arrives at the haveli, while tanveer stands with her back to her, oblivious as to who’s walking. Dilshad greets her. tanveer complies. Dilshad says that she came as soon as she could, after getting her call, and says that she is very happy. tanveer says that she knows. Dilshad says that she feels all her dreams are coming true. tanveer says that she wants sanam’s hand for her son. dilshad smiles. as tanveer turns around, dilshad is doubly shocked, as she finds that its tanveer and on top of that she is talking about ahil and not rehaan. tanveer tells her happily that she knows that she wants rehaan but she wants sanam for ahil and not sanam. Dilshad remembers the massacre that tanveer had caused, as she progresses towards her. tanveer tells her that she also wants that the marriage happens today. Dilshad is too shocked. tanveer tells dilshad that sanam would rule this house. tanveer takes her hand while she is horrified with anger. she asks dilshad if she agrees to this marriage. Dilshad is distraught and furious and enraged at seeing her. tanveer asks her not to think much. She asks about dilshad’s descision. 

At Ahil’s residence

Dilshad is furious at seeing tanveer, talking so frankly. she takes off her hands from tanveer’s. Tanveer asks that she didnt reply anything, and is shocked when she realises that dilshad has fallen on the ground, unconscious. She feels her pulse, and thinks that this old hag had to die right now, spoiling her plans of getting sanam to marry ahil, and if that doesnt happen, how would the property b in her name. she wonders what to do. tanveer wonders how to get another bride. She just passes past dilshad. she calls up someone to arrange for a girl, who would be ready to marry ahil, at any cost, in the next two hours, as she cant wait at all. tanveer thinks that she cant sit idle and she would have to find a giel, or else her efforts would go in vain. She starts to walk, when she realises that some guards are taking in that old woman. she gets to know that the pulse is there and that she is being taken to the hospital. she is happy to hear that, and thinks of an evil idea.

In the kitchen, sanam absentmindedly breaks the ketchup bottle, and is shocked. She feels very restless and is boggled at that. she hopes that dilshad and haya are fine. she thinks that she always thinks of them, when far from them. she calls dilshad, but it doesnt get picked up, as dilshad lies unconscious, and the phone rings next to her. Sanam desperately calls again and again, and when she finally gets through, she vents out her frustration, and then she hears a strange voice telling her about dilshad’s ill health, due to some trauma. sanam is shocked and distraught.

Inside, as rehaan looks at the preps, he asks about sanam from latif. latif tells him that she justsaw her going outside. She bores him wih her beauty talks, while rehaan thinks that sanam never tires, and smiles at that. Ahil asks him that now he has started talking to himself. rehaan is surprised to see him. ahil says that his blush and smile tell that his story has gone a long way. Rehaan says that he was about to talk frankly with him. ahil tensedly asks whats it. rehaan hesitates and then shows ahil the ring, seeing which he is shocked. rehaan says that its a fortunate day when ahil is getting married, and there’s no better day than this for him to propose sanam. ahil remembers his past intimate moments with sanam, and turns away in order to hide the grief. He then remembers sanam’s proximity with rehaan and resignedly gives in. rehaan asks him how’s the ring. Ahil walks away without saying a word. Rehaan stops him to ask if he wont wish. ahil congratulates him, while he hugs ahil. After that, ahil leaves.

Meanwhile, ahil is shocked to know that nida bought her wedding dress from the bollywood designers, costing 20 lakhs. Nida gloats about her marriage while ahil is tensed. Nida continues to rant about their togetherness, while ahil is increasingly getting frustrated. nida leaves to try on the jewellery, while ahil is super tensed and least interested.

At Function venue

Rahat coming down the stairs, causes an instant furore and stir amongst the crowd, who are shocked to see him after such a long abstinence. Rahat eyes them steely, while haya comes from behind, and supports him, by holding his hand and asking him to come down. rahat happily comes down while instanslt he is thronged by guests who come to receive him. He greets them all. they all thank him for coming here. rahat reports to his boss again. the officer expresses his happiness and surprise at him being here and asks the reason. rahat eyes haya and introduces her to the officer, who also thanks her for doing this for them, and making their batallion and the party complete. Other people take rahat to enjoy. the officer hands over haya’s charge to another lady. As the ladies mingle and ask her to speak, haya expresses that she cant speak or hear. they start smirking, and haya feels bad. she turns around to look at rahat. But he is busy with his guests. rahat is busyt talking to the officver, who talks about an insurgent terrorist groups. rahat says that he wont be able to help him. he says that he should try for old times’ sake as someone else too has faith on him, hinting at haya.

Rahat says that they are just together but not for each other. the officer asks if they cant be what they are trying to think about them and asks him to give another chance to life, so that he can do justice to zaiba, who wantyed him to have a happy and new life. The officer leaves while rahat eyes haya. one of the boys asks haya for dancing, but the ladies taunt him that its in vain, as she’s deaf and dumb and hence obviously cant dance. Haya is embarassed having been able to lip read what they are saying. rahat eyes them and gets tensed and furious.

At Hospital

sanam distraughtedly rushes dilshad to the ICU. The doctor insists her not to come inside, and asks her to be patient, as dilshad is in a delicate condition as she might have faced some trauma. He asks her to pray that she gets well soon, and slams the door on her. she bursts into tears outside the operation theatre. The doctor comes out asking for some specialist to come straightaway, on the phone. sanam asks what happened. The doctor says that due to her age, dilshad’s case is very complicated. He says that they have called for a specialist to handle her case to be able to save her. he asks her to finalise the formalities, and submit the deposit and others fees. sanam asks how much cost would it incur. the doctor gives an estimate of 20lakhs. She ios shocked and shaken to the core. sanam tells the doctor that she doesnt have that kind of money and demands for sometime so that she can arrange the money, but urges the doctor tyo save dilshad at any cost. She is surprised when she hears tanveer’s voice saying that it wont be needed. tanveer comes with a bag of money and smile on her face. sanam eyes her disbelievingly. tanveer comes to her and tells the doctor that there’s tenlakhs and they would gte the rest of the money later on. she asks sanam not to be tensed, as the money isnt dearer than dilshad’s life. sanam says that she wont ever be able to repay the debt of this favour. tanveer hugs her and comforts her, while she cries. tanveer says that nothing would happen to badi ammi. Tanveer overhears one of the wardboys stating the time to another, that its six in the evening. tanveer is shocked that its already six and thinks that in the next two hours, she would have to get sanam to agree for marriage in the next two hours. 

At the Function

rahat extends his hand for haya to dance, seeing her tensed. she says that she wont be able to hear the music. But he asks her to feel it. Rahat and haya dance beautifully to a slow romantic dance number. all clap surprisingly. Meanwhile, one of the terrorists disguised as a waietr asks the others to take their position as its time. haya and rahat eye each other romantically, while the ladies take her away. the terrorists take their position. sezing their chance, an infiltration begins, and the terrorists come in direct combat with the amry personnels while rahat starts giving directions. rahat looks around for haya, but is stooped by a terrorist. Later on, the terrorist groups attack the party and capture rahat’s boss. rahat tactfully tackles them and rescues the officer. the officer leaves to look outside, asking rahat to keep track of the inside. But when he finds haya hurt and unconscious, he loses his sense of awareness, and goes to attend to haya. The terrorists take advantage of this and capture him, while he stands helplessly, two guns pointed at him from two ends. they ask him to get up. He stealthily tries to take the pistol and fires the light. the entire room gets dark and rahat seizes this chance to rescue haya as he carries her out in his arms.

In a Shed

haya is brought in his arms, by rahat in a barn. He places her on the hay and asks her to get up. but she lies unconscious. He lights a lantern, and then comes with it to haya. He finds that she is cold, and desperately calls haya to ask her to wake up. He frantically rubs her hands to get her warm and then takes off his coat to keep her warm and sung, as he drapes it around her. He keeps asking her to wake up, but in vain. To give her more warmth, he takes her in his arms to give her body warmth as he lies tensed and awake, concerned for haya.

At Hospital

Sanam and tanveer wait impatiently as the operation continues. It finally gets over. The doctor comes and says that the operation is successful and that she would have to be kept in observation for some days after which she can be taken home. the doctor leaves after sanam thanks him. she enters the ward and is distraught to see dilshad, bedridden and unconscious. She remembers her time with dilshad and gets emotional. she takes her hand and starts crying. tanveer comes and places a hand on her shoulder. Sanam thanks profusely for having saved dilshad’s life. tanveer says that she cant let her family member be grieved like this. sanam says that she wont ever be able to repay back the debt. tanveer says to sanam that she can give her an option, to repay back the debt of the favour that she did to her, in this life itself. Sanam desperately asks whats the way out, as she would do anything, for someone who saved dilshad’s life. Tanveer asks her to think as she may ask anything. sanam swears on dilshgad that her wish would be sanam’s command as she cant ever do anything that would repay back the debt that tanveer has on her.tanveer tells her to marry her son, and she is shocked, but she is apalled when she mentions that she wants sanam to marry ahil. sanam is shocked.

Sanam walks distraughtedly in the lobby unable to think of where life has placed her at crossroads, as she remembers tanveer’s demand. she is unaware of her surrounds as she isnt able to believe that this is happening to her. She asks god what kind of an examination thisis, and decides to call haya, but doesnt get through. she thinsk maybe haya isnt back yet from the function. She remembers her promise to tanveer and resignedly sits on the sofa not knowing what to do. Sanam finds tanveer coming to her, and is tensed. tanveer asks if she has thought enough, as she knows that this is very difficult for her, and any other girl, to agree to marriage at such short notice. She says that she knows that she doesnt get along with ahil at all. tanveer says that she is helpless, as she cant let ahil marry nida and spoil his life. she says that she is doing all this to save her house, and she doesnt have any other option and that its only sanam who can save their house from being destroyed. sanam is overwhelmed. sanam tells tanveer that marriages are meant for life. tanveer says that what if this marriage isnt for life and is just for some time. sanam is surprised. She says that she is asking sanam for just 3 months for her life, as in that time, ahil would inherit all the property and she can divorce ahil after 3 months, if she feels so. sanam is shocked. tanveer says that this marriage isnt for life, just for 3 months and reminds sanam of her promise. she asks sanam if she can give 3 months of her life. Sanam is distraught, as she remembers ahil’s initial tortures and taunts to her. sanam finally tells tanveer that she apologises profusely but she doesnt think that this can happen. tanveer is shocked.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8pm

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