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In a Shed

haya is brought in his arms, by rahat in a barn. He places her on the hay and asks her to get up. but she lies unconscious. He lights a lantern, and then comes with it to haya. He finds that she is cold, and desperately calls haya to ask her to wake up. He frantically rubs her hands to get her warm and then takes off his coat to keep her warm and sung, as he drapes it around her. He keeps asking her to wake up, but in vain. To give her more warmth, he takes her in his arms to give her body warmth as he lies tensed and awake, concerned for haya.

At Hospital

Sanam and tanveer wait impatiently as the operation continues. It finally gets over. The doctor comes and says that the operation is successful and that she would have to be kept in observation for some days after which she can be taken home. the doctor leaves after sanam thanks him. she enters the ward and is distraught to see dilshad, bedridden and unconscious. She remembers her time with dilshad and gets emotional. she takes her hand and starts crying. tanveer comes and places a hand on her shoulder. Sanam thanks profusely for having saved dilshad’s life. tanveer says that she cant let her family member be grieved like this. sanam says that she wont ever be able to repay back the debt. tanveer says to sanam that she can give her an option, to repay back the debt of the favour that she did to her, in this life itself. Sanam desperately asks whats the way out, as she would do anything, for someone who saved dilshad’s life. Tanveer asks her to think as she may ask anything. sanam swears on dilshgad that her wish would be sanam’s command as she cant ever do anything that would repay back the debt that tanveer has on her.tanveer tells her to marry her son, and she is shocked, but she is apalled when she mentions that she wants sanam to marry ahil. sanam is shocked.

Sanam walks distraughtedly in the lobby unable to think of where life has placed her at crossroads, as she remembers tanveer’s demand. she is unaware of her surrounds as she isnt able to believe that this is happening to her. She asks god what kind of an examination thisis, and decides to call haya, but doesnt get through. she thinsk maybe haya isnt back yet from the function. She remembers her promise to tanveer and resignedly sits on the sofa not knowing what to do. Sanam finds tanveer coming to her, and is tensed. tanveer asks if she has thought enough, as she knows that this is very difficult for her, and any other girl, to agree to marriage at such short notice. She says that she knows that she doesnt get along with ahil at all. tanveer says that she is helpless, as she cant let ahil marry nida and spoil his life. she says that she is doing all this to save her house, and she doesnt have any other option and that its only sanam who can save their house from being destroyed. sanam is overwhelmed. sanam tells tanveer that marriages are meant for life. tanveer says that what if this marriage isnt for life and is just for some time. sanam is surprised. She says that she is asking sanam for just 3 months for her life, as in that time, ahil would inherit all the property and she can divorce ahil after 3 months, if she feels so. sanam is shocked. tanveer says that this marriage isnt for life, just for 3 months and reminds sanam of her promise. she asks sanam if she can give 3 months of her life. Sanam is distraught, as she remembers ahil’s initial tortures and taunts to her. sanam finally tells tanveer that she apologizes profusely but she doesnt think that this can happen. tanveer is shocked.

At Ahil’s residence

Asma searches around for latif and azhar finds him for her. she asks about the box of sweets, and latif points at them, where azhar’s parents are greedily eating them away. they are tensed and shocked to find tanveer and instantly rush upto her to say how they have done all the prep, and how nida is getting ready. Tanveer is tensed to hear this.

while nida is getting ready and she finds tanveer standing at the gate, she asks her friends to leave. Nida taunts tanveer asking her how does she look, and how she doesnt stand a chancxe against her now, as she wont find another bride who would agree at such short notice and be a pwn in her play. tanveer asks if she actually feels like she can rule her, and tells her that she is a very new player at this game. she says that she hasnt lost from anyone, and knows very well to keep enemies in their limits. she tells nida that she is here as she has permitted her. nida asks her to remember that this would be her first defeat if she leaves. Tanveer is frustrated. Azhar’s mother comes in saying that the priest and the lawyer have come, who want the entire marriage to happen, before they hand over the property papers. The priest is taken care of by azhar’s father, when ahil descends down, along with azhar, remembering his past moments with sanam, and visily lost and tensed. the priest asks him what happened and asks him to sit down at his seat. the priest calls for the bride. She is brought down by nazia and shazia. ahil is super tensed and frustrated.

Azhar’s mother is impatient for the marriage. latif comes and taunts her about the gift. she glaots that she has got a thick gold chain for sanam. she barely escapes latif’s trap. Azhar’s mother asks for permission to start the rituals and she complies. the priest begins. Latif notices the trolley moving, and all are tensed. tanveer seems scared too. the priest begins with the rituals while tanveer excuses herself for sometime. she moves over to the table that is moving. The priest refers to the bride as Sanam, Daughter of Asad ahmad Khan, and asks her if she agrees to this marriage. hearing this name, all the ladies are shocked. Azhar’s mother point it out to him that its nida and not sanam. Azahra’s mother lifts the veil to find sanam underneath it, while tanveer has trapped nida with her mouth trapped. She is shocked, as she finds sanam who is equally tensed. She remembers her deal with tanveer, to which she finally agreed and even signed the nikahnama, and how she had done it. The priest asks sanam if she accepts the marriage and she says yes, much to everyone’s horror, as she remembers tanveer’s favour to her in saving her badi ammi’s life. Azhar’s mother tries to protest, but the priest shuts her up. she tries her husband’s number, but he doesnt pick up. rehaan finds the ladies happy and tells to asad that nida said yes to marriage. tanveer evilly asks nida if she is enjoying the marriage. Tanveer remembers how she she had hurt nida, when she was draped in the veil, and she had fallen unconscious. the ladies come and congratulate tanveer that the bride has said yes. Tanveer is happy and hopes that ahil says yes too.

As the priest professes and asks ahil about his yes to marrying sanam, he and rehaan are equally shocked qhile rehaan is shattered. all other men too are astounded. He looks from the priest to the bride, in bewilderment. the priest asks him again, saying that if he doesnt respond then it would be taken as his negative response. He repeats the question. tanveer waits with bated breaths, but she isnt able to hear sanam’s father’s name. rehaan goes and asks whats happeneing, and tanveer asks him to stay calm, as she is doing this for the best of the family. Ahil remembers sanam’s moments with him and rehaan excited at proposing her. Tanveer comes to him and asks him to say yes. Ahil,a sks about nida nd is told that she went away and said that he would tell him everything later on. tanveer says that whatever she would do is for his best and asks if he trusts her, and say yes for her sake. He says that he does, and tanveer asks him to do exactly what she says then. Ahil is super tensed. tanveer is distarught.

At Ahil’s residence

Rehaan is distraught as tanveer assures ahil to say yes. nida struggles to get free but in vain. All others are confused and baffled as to whats going on. When the priest asks ahil for the final time, he finally says yes three times, much to an apalled rehaan’s horror, who has tears streaming down his cheeks and tanveer’s pleasure. nida is shocked. Sanam is distarught too and ahil is too tensed. the priest congratulates everyone, while nida is struggling hard to get free. sanam is stunned into silence. Ahil and sanam get up, and lift their veils, to see each other for the first look after their marriage, through the curtain that separates them. both are shocked and dazed. Asma and others are tensed. rehaan leaves from there, while tanveer smiles. ahil remembers his past moments with sanam, and then gets tensed when he remembers her proximity with rehaan. sanam too remembers her fights and ahil’s torture and is disturbed. azahra’s parents are boggled too. Ahil takes off his sehra and again eyes her, as she looks at him tersely. He leaves from there.Azahra’s parents meet and wonder whats happening now, as they had thought of living a lavish life, but now all is in vain. they wonder where nida is. Rehaan finds sanam dressed as a bride, with lowered eyes and crying face, and remembers his moments with her. tanveer approaches sanam, as rehaan eyes the ring that he had bought for sanam. He throws it on the floor, and it goes rolling in ahil’s feet who is surprised to see it. he picks it up and faces rehaan with it, guilty of what he just did, by murdering his love for sanam, by accepting her in matrimony. they both eye sanam, who’s visibly tensed. He places the ring on the table, and then looks at rehaan, with teary eyes and leaves without saying anything. Shazia comments where ahil is going. tanveer hollers at him, but he doesnt respond. all are tensed. tanveer tells the lawyer that ahil is always concerned with work, who however is unconvinced finding that ahil isnt happy with marriage. tanveer leaves citing that she would get ahil down with him.

While ahil is tensed in his room, tanveer tells him that what he is doing isnt right, and that the lawyer is judging his every move, and wouldnt give the property to him, if he doubts anything suspicious. ahil thinks that she cares about the property and the house, but not him, and hence got him married to sanam. she asks what else could she do, as nida disappeared at the last minute and hence she had to arrange for a girl to get married to him. he is shocked at his marriage being an adjustment. He asks how could she think of sanam. She says that she didnt have any other choice and that he shoudlnt take it so seriously. she says that he may have married her, but he doesnt need to be with her forever. Ahil explains to her the meaning of this institution and due to her, he had to promise this to sanam and he never betrays his promise and he would have to go through it with sanam. She however trivialises it and says that his marriage with sanam is just a compromise. Ahil is shocked and turns around. Ahil asks how and why did sanam agree to marry him. tanveer lies that every maid sees the dream of going from rags to riches, and particularly when that girl took money to get married to him. ahil is shocked and hurt too to hear this. He starts thinking wrong and gets the wrong impression of sanam, by tanveer’s statements. He leaves from there, but tanveer stops him asking what happened and where is he going. He says that he knew always but today believesa that money is everything in this world, and trust, faith and love dont stand at all in front of it. He says that people who run after money dont think how many people they hurt in the way. tanveer smiles evilly. As he goes out, she thinks that he may think whatever he wants, but what she wanted has happened and that in the next 3 months, she would have everything that she needs.

At the Shed

While Rahat is asleep and haya is resting, the terrorists enter stealthily. rahat is aware of someone’s presence and instantly gets alert. as he comes out, he finds himself face to face with one of them, and just as he pulls the trigger, he moves causing haya to face the bullet. he screams in horror and wakes up to realise that it was a dream and haya is sleeping safe. He gets tensed and looks around, just to be extra sure, after the horrible nightmare. he then comes back to haya and finds her asleep, snug in the comfort of his coat.

At Ahil’s residence

Sanam enters ahil’s room, and walks around in a daze, as she remembers her marraige with ahil, how she was compromised into this marriage due to dilshad’s condition, and tanveer’s deal with her. she stands in front of the mirror shocked, as she tries to touch her own reflection, unabvle to see herself as a bride. Rehaan, in the shower is shocked and distraught, in a rage, remembering ahil’s acceptance for sanam in marriage. Outside, ahil too remembers the marriage and is tensed and frustrated, specially after knwoing the sanam’s true colours. Rehaan thinks that destiny plays weirdly, as he had seen such dreams with sanam and they shattered within a second with this strong wind of ahil’s marriage. he thinks that he hasnt only distanced himself from sanam, but also love, and his own mother is responsible for it. ahil thinks that he never believed in love, marriage and faith, and god played a joke on him, by binding him into marriage and with the girl that he once loved. he thinks that he still cant believe that she married for money. sanmam thinks that she doesnt know what lies for her in this marriage, but knows that love isnt there for sure. She thinks that she cant believe that she is marriued to a man who doesnt believe in love at all. Ahil says that he would show sanam that money isnt everything in this world. he thinks that he would hate her with such venom, that she would forget all about love and its meaning, as he would change the love in his heart for sanam into hatred. he starts breaking things in a rage. the screen freezes on their tensed, troubled and enraged faces.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8pm

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