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Rahaat is seen on the road looking for Haya and as he is driving he is having thoughts of Haya. As he continues to have thoughts of Haya he suddenly stops the car because their is a accident ahead on the road which cause him to remember the time when his car ran into his previous lover. Rahaat then sees Haya further down the road and that there is a truck approaching where she is walking. Haya is walking right in the middle of the road and immediately Rahaat leaves his car and runs so fast jumping over the motorcycle that was in a accident. Rahaat finally in the nick of time gets to Haya and grabs on to her and pulls her aside. They are then seen hugging each other.

Ahil and Sanam are tying a string and don’t notice that they tied the string together on the same pole. Ahil and Sanam finally notices it and Ahil and Sanam have a stare down with each other (Junoon Moment). Sanam then proceeds to untie her string, but Ahil stops her and says that since they are already tied that you shouldn’t try to untie it as it will cause bad luck by doing so. Sanam then leaves it tied and goes away. Nida then comes and unties both their strings.

On the road

After saving haya, rahat sits along with her by the side of the road. As rahat bares out his heart, as to how he lost his wife, who was carrying their child, haya is emotional for him. He relates as to how he had been talking to her on the phone, being in the army himself, and not being there for his wife in her delicate situation, wherein an accident made him lose his world, his wife and their child, and blames it all on herself. haya is apalled and places her hand on his for comfort.

At the farmhouse

The dealer tries to pitch in his farmhouse, detailing as to how suitable its for ahil. Ahil talks to him about purchasing of land, while his eyes fixated on sanam playing with the kids, and a smile unknowingly creeps on his face, as he eyes sanam, happily playing with the tots and taking care of them. He starts imagining a sequence wherein he too plays with the kids, along with sanam. he is drawn back to reality as the person identifies sanam as his madam, and when he does he is himself shocked at this revelation. nida, hearing this, is shocked too.

As sanam is walking in the lobby later on, sanam is taunted by nida about her inability to understand english, and then she moves on to talk to sanam in hindi, about her plans to stay here tonight. sanam says that she has to go, as she has to meet Badi ammi. nida enquires about her family and asks her point blank about any crushes of her or any boyfriend. Sanam denies about it and says that she cant afford marriage. read full updates daily with pictures only at nida taunts her for trying to trap a rich and influential man. sanam is boggled. Nida reprimands her for being all coy and innocent in front of ahil. sanam asks her to think before speaking, as ahil only hates her, and she is only concerned for taking care of her family before marriage. Nida says that the easiest way out of this is marrying a rich person. sanam reprimands her for being a lowlife, and says that she wont resort to such low level, and that she fulfills her dreams herself, and not by others’ support. nida eyes her evilly. sanam leaves while nida watches her go. Nida thinks that even god cant help her now.

Ahil signs the deal for the farmhouse. Ahil asks rehaan about both the girls. rehaan tries sanam’s phone, but her phone gets hanged. sanam turns around to find nida, who distracts her saying that she got ahil’s phone, asking them to come out and suggests a shortcut way out of it. Sanam is tensed but follows along. She doesnt realise that the lucky taveez that was given to her at the mazaar, also falls off. Nida gets ahil’s phoen but doesnt pick it up. As they step down the stairs, nida makes an excuse that she left her phone in the library, and asks sanam to go, while she comes in sometime. sanam also tries to tag along with her. Nida asks sanam to go, as ahil must be tensed for her, and hence she should go there, while she goes to get her phone from the Library. As sanam walks, nida eyes her evilly.

Outside, Rehaan and ahil are tensed. rehaan goes inside to search for sanam. sanam finds herself in the laundry room, thinking that there’s no gate here. She finds that the phone isnt working yet too. Nida snekas in thinking that once she gets sanam unconscious and leave her for dying, she wont dare to return back to this place. as sanam is shocked to see the big washing machine, nida gets the idea to trap her in the washing machine, to teach her a lesson. she gives sanam a push and her mobile falls in the machine. she turns around but doesnt find anyone, when nida goes into hiding. sanam gets inisde to retreive her phone. nida comes out and locks the door of the machine. sanam is shocked, and desperately starts beating the machine, screaming for help for the door to be opened. nida escepaes from there, without sanam seeing her. The screen freezes on Sanam’s face, as as she finds the main door locked too.

At the farmhouse

sanam is shocked as she gets trapped inside the machine, and screams for help, while rehaan frantically searches for her outside. while ahil is trying nida’s phone, she even though behind him, cancels the call and comes right upto him. He asks about sanam. Nida says that she has gone to meet her badi ammi. Ahil is baffled. rehaan comes and says that sanam is nowhere to be found. Ahil is tensed, while nida tries hard to convince him that she has already left. she distracts him by pretending to have a headache and wants ahil to take her home. he asks her to sit in the car, but is still unconvinced. He drives off.

In the car, ahil desperately thinks how can sanam do this. Meanwhile sanam’s screams shake ahil instinctively and he brings the car to a halt. ahil wonders if sanam is in the building. nida is tensed. she asks him to not bother as sanam herself said that she is leaving to meet her relative. Rehaan and ahil spot the dealer who signed the deal. They decide to ask him about sanam. Rehaan goes to talk, while nida asks ahil why is he so tensed for a servant. rehaan is told clearly by the dealer that sanam didnt leave as he was in the haveli the whole time. Ahil is tensed to hear this. The dealer sacres them with the thought that she might still be there, and that it gets very dark in the night, and hence it would be very dangerous for her in the night. ahil is extremely upset. he gets in the car and drives off. He tells rehaan to get nida home, while he goes to look for sanam in the farmhouse. Nida is ffrustrated while rehaan is tensed.

As the machine starts filling up with water, sanam is scared and starts screaming for help. meanwhile, ahil arrives in the farmhouse and starts running madly through the stairs, screaming for sanam. he wondrs where she went, while blissfully unaware that he is standing right beneath where the taveez fell off from sanam’s hand. the gush of the wind makes it fall on his shoulders and as he sees it, he is shocked as he remembers seeing it on sanam’s hand. he makes a mad dash for the stairs that lead to the laundry room, all the while crying out her name. He finds her muffled screams coming from a distance, and as he breaks through the locked door, he is shocked to find sanam inside the machine. sanam screams out for ahil, and he too reciprocates. Ahil is distraught as sanam falls unconscious. he rushes to the machine, while she starts floating away. He tries hard to open the door manually, but in vain. He tries to get the main switch off, but gets a shock. Finally he gets the plug off, and then opens the machine and carries her out in his arms. sanam lies limp and unconscious in his arms, while he carries concerned for her, screaming for her to open her eyes. he places her on the dry stand, and asks her to wake uup, and tries to do so, by warming her up, with body heat and wiping off the water off her face. she finally regains consciousness, and is shocked to see him, shivering in cold. She tries to get up, while seeing her shivering, he takes off the entire sheet lying to dry and drapes it around her, lovingly, inevitably causing a new found intimacy between the two, as they both eye each other romantically. She covers herself to save herself from the cold. She says that she is feeling very cold, and its good that he came. ahil reprimnads her for being so foolish, while she is shocked. he asks her what was she doing inside. she asks why does he always think she is stupid. he asks how she landed there. she says that she was given a push, and narrates everything that happened to her. He doesnt believe it. She says that she isnt concocting stories. He says that she is trying to make this farmhouse spooky. She again gets into a verbal arguement with him.

At Munisa’s residence

A tensed Dilshad is relieved when haya comes back with rahat. munisa is surprised. haya implies whhy and where she went. dilshad says that she should have asked munisa to try her number. Before haya can spill the truth, munisa comes in with an excuse that she did try her number but didnt get through. haya is sure that munisa must be concocting lies. But rahat is unable to control himself, and reprimands munisa for having been at home for one single day and tells about haya’s impending accident. dilshad is shocked. munisa is hurt that her brother stands against her, and says that she cant be blamed for haya’s deficiency. rahat shuts her up. She leaves angrily. dilshad thanks him for saving haya, and asks him not to talk like this to munisa ever again. rahat says that it isnt needed, as when he saved someone’s life, he learnt to live life himself. Haya eyes him emotionally as he leaves for his room.

At the farmhouse

Ahil says that she always talks stupid. She says that he feels so, since he hates her. He is shocked, and says that if thats the reason he came back for her, then its true. she defiantly tells him who asked him to come and save her, and that he shouldnt have bothered as at the most she would have died, and it wouldnt have meant a thing to him. ahil hears tensedly. sanam continues that she is an orphan servant, and nothing more, and there’s no deficit of such people, and anyone could have replaced her, and it doesnt matter whether she exists or doesnt. Ahil says that he wants to know as much as she wants to, as to what does she mean to him, and who is she and how is she related to him. As he goes onto rant his longsnubbed emotions, sanam watches him shocked and tensed. He says that he doesnt know why she makes such a differnece to him when she isnt around. He says that as much as he tries hard to get rid of him, she weaves in closer in his life. he says that he wants to know why he feels what he feels and what does he see when she looks in his eyes. The screen freezes on Sanam’s shocked face.

Sanam saysa there is no lack of servants in this world and that if she wasn’t here then someone else would have taken my spot. Ahil then immediately turns around and grabs on to Sanam and says how do you know that you not being here makes no difference for me and that you aren’t a servant for me. Ahil ask you want to know what I am for you, but in fact Ahil asks Sanam that what are you in my life? He goes on to say that everyday when he looks into her eye he doesn’t understand anything. He ask Sanam why? Ahil tells Sanam that you are an idiot and goes on to say that he loves her, but immediately stops as soon as he sees the ring on his finger. Ahil remembers that he is engaged to Nida.

Ahil push Sanam away and walks out. Sanam follows Ahil all the way outside and tell him to at least listen to her. Sanam says that she can take care of herself and that she can also go home on her own. Ahil then drives away. Sanam then says that first he saves her like an hero and then leaves her alone in this place. Sanam cries a little but then Rehaan places his hand on her. Sanam thanks God for sending Rehaan. Sanam says she was scared and tells Rehaan what happened.

Haya is cleaning the house while the doorbell rings. Munisa answers the door and there is a army officer who came to invite Rahaat to a event. Munisa takes the invitation and says she will give it to him. The army officer then asks to meet Rahaat, but Munisa says you can’t as he isn’t here right now. Haya wonders why Munisa lied. The army officer leaves and then Munisa crumbles up the invitation and throws it in the trash. Haya goes to pick it up from the trash and Munisa looks on. Munisa then tells her that you think you know Rahaat better than me. He will never go to any function. Munisa then takes the invitation again from Haya and crumbles it and throws it in the trash can.

Ahil is driving around the city at night and is questioning the fact that he is engaged to Nida, but why can’t he accept this fact. Ahil finally pulls over and then questions himself. If he is going to marry Nida then why doesn’t he have any feelings in his heart for her. He closes his eyes and has flashback of Sanam playing in the playground at the farmhouse with the kids.

Rehaan and Sanam are sitting on the stairs at farmhouse. Rehaan says good thing Ahil reached you on time otherwise what would have happened. Sanam tells Rehaan that she is okay and to stop worrying. Rehaan doesn’t believe this and Sanam hugs Rehaan to assure him that she is alright. Ahil from far away looks at Sanam and Rehaan hugging. He is shocked to see this.

Nida is in her room. Azhar’s parents come in to her room and talk to Nida to assure her that they are on her side. They tell Nida that be careful of Tanveer as she is very clever and has her eyes all over the house. Azhar’s father then sneezes which scares Nida and causes her nail polish to drop on her feet. She gets angry and goes in to the restroom to clean up. Tanveer then knocks on the door. Azhar’s father then hides behind the sofa and Azhar’s mother stands straight while she looks worried. Tanveer then goes on to talking saying that I know that you are upset that Ahil sent you home alone and that he shouldn’t have sent you home like that. After the Nikhaa don’t worry everything will be alright. Tanveer then asks Nida not to be angry at her but to talk to her at least and extends her arm out. Nida comes out of the restroom and says “Ami”. Nida tells Tanveer that no one else was here. Tanveer then tells Nida that do not wait up for Ahil to eat dinner as she doesn’t know when he would return. Tanveer then leaves.

Haya is in Rahaat’s room putting his army uniform on his bed. Rahaat then walks in and ask Haya what is she doing with his uniform. Haya then hands him the invitation. Rahaat reads it and then throws it back on to his bed and tells Haya that he cannot go as the army was something of his past life and that it cannot be part of his current life. Haya refuses to believe that and then tells Rahaat that he is an excellent officer. Rahaat then tells Haya that his previous lover was taking her last breaths and was calling out his name and he couldn’t save her at all. Rahaat then tells that it is the duty of an army officer to save people and that if he couldn’t save his own wife how can he be part of the army.

Sanam and Rehaan finish hugging as Ahil is looking at them. Rehaan finally turnaround and sees Ahil waiting. Sanam looks at Ahil and has a shocked look on her face. Ahil crunches his knuckles together into a fist without letting others know.

Haya is inside her room tying up a yarn. She notices a paper that was slid under her door. She picks it up and it says “the function only allows couple. Will you be my partner”. Haya then opens her door and sees Rahaat standing on the other side of the hall by his room. Haya then talks to herself that she will definitely go with him.

Latif is offering Nida some breakfast, but Nida is refusing to eat anything. Latif tells Nida that Tanveer has instructed him to feed Nida something. Nida says that will Tanveer decide everything what I have to do now? Nida says that Tanveer’s words may be important to you guys, but not for her as she is to be this house’s daughter-in-law and she will do what she wants to do. Tanveer hears this and is shocked. Tanveer tell Nida not to worry as her Nikhaa is tomorrow. Nida replies back to Tanveer that she has a reason to worry that her husband to be has left her alone and hasn’t come back for the night. She has no idea where he is, what he is doing, or whom he is with. Nida then goes on saying that you don’t have any good news for me and even insults Tanveer saying that even if something happens you wouldn’t be able to see anything that is happening. Tanveer then gets a little angry but controls her temper. Azhar comes to tell Tanveer that Ahil has arrived. Ahil walks in to the house with a very sad and depressing look and right after that comes Rehaan and Sanam.

Tanveer asks Ahil where was he all day and Nida then interrupts Tanveer to hug Ahil which shocks Sanam a little and makes Tanveer angry. Nida tells Ahil that she had to come home using public transportation. Rehaan tells everyone that if Ahil hadn’t come back to look for Sanam then she wouldn’t be hear. Rehaan explains that she was stuck in the washing machine and couldn’t get out. Tanveer is shocked and asks how did this happen. Asma asks Sanam how she is? Nida then tells Asma that not to worry that these kind of things happen to servants. Nida then tells Sanam to get back to work. Sanam then replies back that for all the remaining function she will put all her hearts work in to it. Sanam then walks away and bumps her arms on to Ahil. It makes Ahil look at her even more.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8pm

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