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Meet IN Love: Babitha insult Meet infront of Anubha

As reported earlier it’s shown Meet Ahlawat sensed Bowler is going to do something against Meet than he ran towards Meet and stops the ball before it touched Meet face but he got injured which made him to quit the match. Meet assured him that she will handle it than he left to Manushi place. Meet won the match. Everyone praised Meet performance and her team members celebrated the win by lifting her. Meet Ahlawat reaches to Manushi place and he apologied to them for coming late than he asked Manushi to accompany him to choose ring but she avoided him saying she was suffering with headache than Dadi asked him to buy ring with old ring size. Manushi gave him Meet ring size. Meet surprised when she saw Raj was chief guest and he presented them 2 lakh winning prize and player of the match 1 lakh cheque to Meet than he offered her another cheque for her performance but Meet denied to take it. Meet gave them gift his Mom sent to Manushi sister but Dadi lied to him saying Manushi don’t have any sister. Team members celebrated Meet victory in the street and Babitha scolded them for halting traffic and she questioned the brought up of Meet which created argument between them.

In the upcoming episode viewers gonna witness that At shopping mall Masoom will shout at Meet for spoiling her dress and than Anubha says Meet is not at fault. Babitha will question Anubha why she is taking side of unknown girl and she insults Meet infront of Anubha than Masoom ask her why is she taking the girl side. Anubha about to reveal Meet is her daughter. 
What’s Anubha answer to their questions? Can Babitha accepts the alliance if she finds Meet is Manushi sister? 

All these questions will be answered in the upcoming episodes.

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