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Raj gets Meet tea and says here is Mathri, Meet says you carry Matri in your pockets, Raj says it gives different taste to tea and I am foodie so keep carrying something. Raj and Meet have tea and enjoy, Meet says lets finish quickly I have to leave, Raj says all work will be done enjoy your tea, Meet gulps her tea, and says I will rush now, Manager comes to Meet and calls her Madamji, Meet says how come so sweet, Manager says forget that we approve your loan, and money will be in your account, Meet says how come, Manager says you didn’t tell us you know Raj and he is ready to be your guarantor and so your 8 lakhs loan is approved, Meet says this is why you wanted me to stay, you are my angel uncle you saved my family. Meetis  in tears and says I was never emotional in front of anyone except my Papa, Raj says calm down I am like your Papa and bless her. Raj leaves to get his cash.

Meet Ahlawat walks in bank. Meet sees Meet says to herself only action was left in my life for today and now I saw him it will be done. Meet Ahlawat sees Meet says to himself why is she following me all the time. Meet says to herself it good he is here now I can say sorry to him for his car. Meet Ahlawat says to himself I think she is in bad mood today like earlier. Meet says to Meet Ahlawat am I police, you are running like thief after seeing me. Meet Ahlawat says I’m not a thief and you are not of my level. Meet says the way you are standing is on my level. Meet Ahlawat stands up says now I’m on my level and I lost my key I was looking for them. Meet says you just entered bank and you lost your key’s. Meet Ahlawat says yes because I lost my key when I came to bank in the morning but why should I tell you my schedule. Meet says I never asked you. Bank manager says to Meet here are the paperwork for your loan, we need signature on them. Meet says wait here I’ll be back.

Raj is holding heavy bag says I should call Meet Ahlawat its heavy and about to drop bag but Meet catches it. Raj says thanks to Meet and said I was about to call my son. Meet says let me help you. Raj says its heavy. Meet says no problem I can handle heavy weight, you can call your son. Raj calls Meet says meet me at the main door I’ll be there. Meet Ahlawat says ok I’ll be there. A woman hits Raj and drops tea on him. Raj on phone says why dad said oh god. Woman says sorry to him. Raj says its ok, no worries. Meet says you are so kind hearted I have idea we can go stick to each other no one will know your coat is ruined. Meet Ahlawat sees Meet with his dad think what is she doing with him and imagine as she is robbing him. Raj and Meet in parking and Raj thanks Meet . Meet says to Raj you remember our last meet, something was left behind that’s why we met again and I pary to god so that we can meet again. Raj says we will meet soon my son is getting married in shahabad and you are invited, give me your number. Raj says I’m saving your number as Kamaal Ladki. Meet says sure I’ll come in your son’s marriage and will dance too for now let me leave. Raj says come I’ll drop you.

Anubha is crying and praying she gets message on phone she says this might be Meet. Manu asks who messaged you? Anubha says its from bank. Manu says its same bank where our father has opened our FD and snatch phone. Manu read says this message is for our FD and fund will be transferred in 24 hrs, is this same message you were ignoring, still you don’t understand and I won’t let anyone play with my future, she grabs her bag and leaves.

Meet Ahlawat come out of bank running and shouts dad stop car. Raj get panicked and try to come out. Meet Ahlawat says don’t move I won’t let anything happen to you, she might be having knife or gun but we have armed guards. Raj says yes I can see but what are you talking about, can I come out. Meet Ahlawat says yes but be careful, and pulls him out and start looking for her and ask where is she who was trying to kidnap you? Raj says what are you saying and kidnap who told you and asks guard to go back, you calling that girl a thief who helped me get bag here and covered me to cover the tea stains and that girl is wonderful, Meet Ahlawat says how can you praise her, she is Shahbads don, Raj says are we talking about that same girl, because she also help me when my phone was stolen, and she helps everyone and very responsible and beautiful soul, who would take elder sisters wedding responsibility at this age, and never takes help from anyone, Meet Ahlawat says I got it, I must have met her twin, how can we have such different thought otherwise?

Inspector walks to Hooda house, Manu says I called him, I lodged a complaint against Meet, and told him everything, Amma says Anubha don’t try to save Meet. Meet walk in from behind, Inspector says Meet is home now, I guess all is fine, Anubha says yes,he leaves. Anubha hug Meet, and asks her if she is fine, did you eat anything, Meet says I am full after hearing what Manu said, all trust me but my own sister, Amma says why did you leave with the box, Meet says here is 8 lakh loan and I took box for that and Manu you are my sister, we grew together how did you think I ran away with money, Amma says enough why did you go with box, Manu says and FD, it was for me, and you will take my money, this is what responsibility you take, Anubha says enough you talked shit since morning, Meet says I broke my FD, and here is yours.

Babita in her Kitty talks about Manushri, Dimple try to mock her, Babita says I have a beautiful daughter in law, even diamond is understatement for her and no one would have this pretty girl and may be Dimple has problem because her daughter in law is short and tom boy and yes you got juice factory in dowry, so all good, and why you look so Dimp, but don’t worry and yes don’t forget to attend the meeting, Dimple says remember pride even Ravan had and was broken, Babita says I do have pride, do come see my pretty daughter in law in Muh dikhai and if I fail to impress, I will dance on cheap songs and old sarees, and If I win Dimple will dance.

Meet angry is leaving, Manu says I saw crime shows and so I thought, and so I doubted you, and I promise I will stop watching them, I am sorry my sweet little sister, I know I was wrong and I am ready to Punish and fast for 2 days, Meet says enough, you are going to be bride, its okay and hug her.

Manu says to Meet I realized my fault and as punishment I’ll not eat anything for 2 days and won’t apply makeup too. Meet consoles her and hug her. Amma says Anubha now everything is fine please make tea for me. Manu says to herself now you have to arrange 5 lakhs for me after that I’ll decide who I will marry and that will be decided on there gifts.

Meet Ahlawat remember what Manu was talking to him while on phone, says to his friend I’m worried about gift. Friend says to Meet Ahlawat girls like simplicity and Manu will not be impressed by costly gift, you can take a teddy for her and prapose to her with a rose. Isha says and Manu will say yes. Meet Ahlawat says its so simple, this would be ok if we are seeing eachother from year but this is my first date and I only have 14 days I have to think of something big. Duggu grabs Meet Ahlawat’s leg and says you should message her legs like my dad do to Mom. Masum and Hoshiyar come. Masum says to Duggu go and do your homework and says to Meet don’t do anything or else she will dance on your head. Chachi come and says to Meet Ahlawat send a rose petals in heart shape with a message will you marry me? Ram come and says this is too filmy. Raj and Babita come. Babita says don’t overthink give her diamonds they are best friends of girl. Raj says to Babita what are you saying when did I flex diamond for you, I just gave you handwritten love letter and says to Meet Ahlawat she loved it so much we still have that love letter. Babita says its 2021 and who would like to have love letter in this era. Raj says its love and says to Meet first proposal should be from your heart. Sunaina says to Meet Ahlawat after listing to everyone you must be confused what to do old school or new school.

Meet in market doing calculation of funds for marriage says I’m short of 3 lakhs. Meet friends come and says what if we reduce expenditure of marriage rather than spending more like instead of 3 sweets we can keep 1 ice cream. Meet says according to me marriage should be done in the temple with little bit of things but this is about Manu’s future, Ahlawat family said they dont need dowry but they want that there guest should be attended well. Friend says if it come to respect then here is our piggy bank this is mine and other one is of Lakhan having 1500 and 1200 respectively. Meet says you said that’s enough for me and you will be present in the marriage to support me. Friend says are you thinking to parcel us in dowry, 1 crore each. Lakhan says we all are laughing then who is crying. A girl is crying near them. Meet says this is Preeti of our colony why is she crying and the three goes to her ask what happen why are you crying?

Manu messaged Meet dying to meet you. Meet Ahlawat in jewelry shop gets message from Manu he sees and reply. Manu send same message to Kunal. Meet Ahlawat looking for diamonds for Manu. Kunal get message and says I don’t have money to buy slippers how will I get matching jewelry set for her and look in jewelry store. Security guard come and says to Kunal what are you looking at. Kunal says be in your limit, you know this is my friend's shop and I was looking for him. Security guard says sorry, but you were looking at necklace. Kunal says I was going to buy that necklace for my girl but now you changed my mind. Security guard says sorry but you can’t buy that. Security guard says you cannot buy it that’s already sold. Kunal sees Meet Ahlawat buying that necklace. Meet Ahlawat call Rishi says I’m going with mom’s idea and about my wife’s choice I’ll go with my mother’s idea. Kunal says Meet Ahlawat is getting married and gifting costly necklace, gets message from Manu. Meet Ahlawat go and Kunal says all happiness are with him this could be mine.

Meet goes to Singh house for delivery. Man come out and greet him as man. Meet greet that man as girl. Man says you are girl. Meet says I have your parcel lets not waste time. Man says ok give me parcel. Meet says I have three free parcel for you slaps him 2 time and start recording. Man says you slapped me on name of parcel I’ll not leave you. Meet says I’m recording you, stay away or you will be viral, Preeti send me and stay away from her or else you will get more parcel like this. Meet calls Preeti says move on you will get more nice guy then him.

Meet Ahlawat driving sees someone cycle on road stops his car and says how people leave there things like this. He gets out of car to look, Kunal come from back, puncture his tyre and steals necklace. Meet sees him and shout thief, try to chase him with car but sees his tyre puncture so start chasing him. Kunal pushes him back and run away with bike. Meet Ahlawat run after him and sees Meet. Meet Ahlawat says he is thief chase him he stole my necklace. Meet says did you check his number plate. Meet Ahlawat says no and ask her to shift back I’ll drive. Meet says I won’t let anyone drive my bike now you decide what you want more time you take necklace will go out your reach. Meet Ahlawat sit and says go fast. Meet says don’t worry I’ll catch him grab something. Meet start chasing Kunal and calls Ram Lakhan and tells them a black bike is coming from highway side towards temple keep track of it. Lakhan call a vendor and tell them to look after a black bike. Ram tells Meet we have activated our network we will let you know. Meet Ahlawat says to Meet what will happen with this call are you police. Meet gets direction from her network and sees Kunal running away. Meet Ahlawat should there he is. Kunal pushes Tau on street, Meet asks Ram Lakhan to take him to nearby dispencery and Kunal run away
Meet says to Meer Ahlawat there was no number plate on bike. Meet Ahlawat says now I have to file a report and then still I have to pay them. Meet says to Meet Ahlawat you stand outside I’ll go in and talk to them
They both outside police station. Inspector says to Meet no need to worry I have told traffic department about the thief and bike they will check on CCTV and give us update on that. Meet says thanks to inspector. Inspector asks Meet how’s everyone at home and if you need anything let ke know, now I have to leave. Meet Ahlawat look stunned. Meet asks him what you were saying. Meet Ahlawat says I was saying that my tyre are puncture. Meet says I already handled that something else. Meet Ahlawat praise her and says you have good local connection and till the time my car is being repaired can we go for coffee. Meet says if you say thankyou so your ego might hurt. Meet Ahlawat says I’m sorry and thankyou for everything you did for me. Meet says I don’t want coffee I would love to have tea come follow me I’ll take to a tea stall. Meet Ahlawat gets shocked and goes with her. They both having tea, Meet asks what happen what are you looking at have you never had tea like this. Meet Ahlawat says no, never had tea like this. Meet says oh don’t worry if you liked it yoi can order again if not then consider this as your first time experience. Meet drinks tea and says I’m a coffee person but I loved this tea. Meet says I know many people are like you who judge on the basis of cover. Meet Ahlawat says there is other thing like cover and story both are beautiful of book like beauty and brain can be seen and I can show you that. Meet says ok then show me then.
Kunal with Manu says you asked me for necklace set so here it is. Manu sees necklace and gets happy. Meet and Meet Ahlawat come to cafe where Kunal and Manu are already present.

Meet drops Meet Ahlawat in cafe. Manu in that cafe with Kunal, Kunal says you are getting beautiful day by day, Manu says why did you call me, Kunal says I committed my baby and so I got you matching set, and hands her the stolen Necklace from Meet Ahlawat, Manu thinks oh my god its so expensive, I hope my heart doesn’t fail. Kunal asks whats wrong did you not like it, should I return, Manu says why will you, I liked ot, its just that the style is missing, so like on knees propose me, Kunal says offcourse baby. Kunal on knees proposes Manu, Kunal says say yes quickly all are watching, Manu blushing.

Meet Ahlawat offer Meet seat, Meet says sit down its fine, and sits by herself, Meet Ahlawat says my office couple is here, I don’t want them to sit with a girl, Meet says you are such a coward, Meet Ahlawat sits and says why do you keep calling me that, Meet says forget that, your girl must get so upset when you dont give her that necklace, Meet Ahlawat says all my savings was used for that and I dont like asking my parents for money, Meet says good to see you like this, see girls and diamond are best friends is always said, but that’s not true, and don’t think how a girl like me is giving you suggestions but I am expert so hear my tips.

Meet In Love Air On Zeeworld From Mondays To Sundays

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