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Manu listing everything.

Babita and Ragini are sitting together. Babita says after checking 1200 design I finally decided this one. Ragini says final this one and I’ll print one to bring sample of this card. Masum and Hoshiyar come. Masum says to Babita do you know what happen and tells we were reading spy novel in cafe and we saw Manushi there and she made us pay her bill that too of two coffee of different flavour now you tell me mom. Masum says this is not a big deal, if someone is waiting then they drink 4-5 cups of coffee. Masum says to Babita, Hoshiyar is innocent he doesn’t know who is right or wrong, you tell me you run a big business so whoever new come you do a background check right so what about Manushi she will be coming in our family and what do we know about her. Meet Ahlawat hear and says you are absolutely correct, how to present anything in negative way should be learnt from you, I heard everything Hosiyar Jiju yold everything right but you, how can you present anything with such negativity. Raj come and asks what’s happening. Babita says look at them they have grown up but still act like kids fighting to eachother to wear same colour. Raj says this relation is so different always fighting with eachother and one day suddenly sister gets married and she leaves house, goes far. Meet Ahlawat says Raj, bua is not among us but I met her Kid Ansh. Raj asks how is he. Meet Ahlawat says he is good and he told me that he will come to my marriage. Raj says he is last sign if my sister but will his father allow him to come because when my sister was alive he didn’t allow her to meet us and break all relation. Meet Ahlawat says that I don’t know but if you want I can call him. Babita says to Ragini did you give cards for printing and leaves. Meet Ahlawat says to Masum stop creating unnecessary issues and leaves. Masum says whenever I’ll get strong evidence against your wife I’ll rais this topic again.

Manu after hearing in her room says to himself that her mom is worried about her other daughters helath and not worried about my status and will give me jewelry after mis matching the new one with old, but no need to worry, I don’t care because I already have a necklace set for me. Mini Manu shouts here down look at your diamond necklace says listen you are a rich kid for Kunal and if you will wear this necklace in front of him you will get exposed in two minutes that you are poor kid. Manu says but some day or other he will know that I’m not rich. Mini Manu says do drama in from of Kunal that your mom is not ready for marriage so you both will run to get married and till that time you have to take alll new and old jewelry so that everything looks normal to Kunal. Manu says this is good idea and once I get married there will be no going back and if he get to know I’m not rich girl then I’ll control him with my actions, from tomorrow I have to start my drama and if it hits the target I’m done for it.

Ahlawat family are getting ready for pooja.

Anubha grinding. Amma come and says do fast and everyone getting ready for pooja. Manu come down with new diamond necklace and says this will help me to get new jewellery. Anubha ties a thread around Manu’s hand.

Babita ties a thread around Meet Ahlawat’s hand and both families continue with there rituals.
Babita says to Ragini according to ritual first marriage card will go to Manu’s house. Ragini says ok this look beautiful. Isha says as if I know family member doesn’t go so bhaiyas friend Deep will go. Babita says you are right. Meet Ahlawat says why Deep, Deep can go but he has work to do so I’ll go because I have a meeting in Shahbadh so will go and give them, if you don’t want then no problem I’ll not go.

Amma asks Anubha to give him sweet. Anubha feed Manu sweet and give to Meet too and ask her to tell how’s it made. Amma grabs Anubha hand and says what are you doing she is fasting that too of without water didn’t you tell her. Meet says mom told me last night but it slipped out of my mind no worries I never had anything from morning so can continue. Anubha, Meet and Amma see diamond set. Manu hides it but Meet reveal it again.
Sunaina calls Meet Ahlawat and says we were sending you but you said I cannot go so its fine, we cannot force you. Meet Ahlawat says I can go don’t worry. Raj come and says ok then you may go, give them card and gift and can meet Manu too.
Anubha says to Manu this looks like real diamond necklace where did you get it from.

Anubha asks Manu where did the necklace come from, Manu says its imitation jewellery and not real, Meet looks at it and says looks so real, Manu says you are so innocent but I wish this was real but you know we are so poor, Anubha says it looks real, Manu says she doesn’t know anything so don’t focus on Meet, Ammaji says why wear fake jewellery wear some from your mother’s, Manu says Dadi, dont you remember how much Masoom taunt me last time, so I wore this after all I have to save our families reputation too, and my family is going to send me empty handed so they will taunt me so much, Meet says I am going to win the cricket match, so that my sister could have new jewellery, Manu says okay so latest jewellery, Manu then says no let it be, I will manage, Anubha says you are not doing well Meet, Meet says I am all good just need your blessings, Anubha says what about this fast. Manu says Meet, Mom is right take rest, I will adjust.

Meet Ahlawat whispers his father not to play around with Mom and tell truth, Raj says I went to get Matka Kulfi, Masoom says there is surely some story behind it. Raj says I always found excuses to meet your mother before wedding and then found Babita loves Kulfi and it always works, her anger melts quickly. Meet Ahlawat says Mom Dad you are my ideal couple how do you bring this love even after difference, Babita and Raj say trust, love, loyalty and faith. Meet Ahlawat thinks I promise Moon Shine to give you a this.

Ammaji says Meet will be fine and she wants to follow responsibility so let me see what she can do, Meet says I will do everything will fast for my sister and also win Cricket match and get her Jewellery, Anubha gives Meet her blessings.

Meet in cricket match, which is being live telecasted. Meet’s team is short of one number and she also feels dizzy, her friends give her water, Meet deny and says we have to focus on team, Meet hears announcement last tournament man of the match is here, Meet Ahlawat and he is surrounded by his fans. Meet runs to Meet Ahlawat and says I will ask him for help and says hello look behind I have participated in the match and need a player, please help us, I request you. Meet Ahlawat turns around, both surprised seeing eachother, Meet says you are man of the match, name and passion both same. Meet Ahlawat says I gave you the idea, Meet says I need your help, Meet Ahlawat says I have to go meet my fiance. Organiser ask Meet and team to assemble or they will be disqualified.

Manu gets call from Kunal, Manu picks call and starts acting says Dadi don’t cut my Kunal’s call I cant live without him, and disconnect the call. Kunal says I gifted her diamond set but see still she has new nonsense. Manu send voice note, that Kunal please wait for sometime and then I will soon say Kunal come let’s run away.

Meet and team walk in the ground, other team makes fun of them and says she is a girl and we are going to be made fun of for playing match, Meet says accept that you are scared of playing with me. Other team captain says get ready to loose. Meet Ahlawat comes from behind, Meet turns around and smiles seeing him wearing her teams jersey. Meet Ahlawat is about to leave, Meet says I need this money for my sisters wedding, and so please help and you can meet your fiance later, Meet Ahlawat agree.
Meet Ahlawat says to other team captain, lets play and then decide who wins. Other team captain wins toss and choose batting.

Match begin, Meet team get first wicket, Meet Ahlawat bowling gets another wicket. Meet’s bowling, Captain plays well in her over, Meet Ahlawat gives her an idea, to spin the ball. Meet agrees and she gets a wicket. Other teams captain gets angry on getting bowled by Meet. Meet starts feeling dizzy, her friends ask her is she fine, Meet Ahlawat sees her. Meet Ahlawat is about to grab the bowl sees Meet about to faint and goes catches her. Meet gets up and says why did you come to me and let its bea 4, Meet Ahlawat says are you mad to do this, you haven’t had water, Meet says this is very important for me, Meet Ahlawat says you asked me for help, I am not here to listen to your nonsense. Meet says to Meet Ahlawat lets focus on winning, Meet Ahlawat says it was better if I would go see Moonshine and not here. Meet and Meet Ahlawat gets on field to bat. Girls cheer for Meet Ahlawat, Meet Ahlawat says I love you too to his fans, Meet says focus on game, Meet Ahlawat says are you jealous, Meet says lets play. Game begin Meet Ahlawat and Meet bat together. Bowler hits Meet Ahlawat head, Meet rush to him and asks if he is alright, Meet Ahlawat says he is fine and gets on field, he sees other teams captain about to do something to Meet to break their partnership.

Meet Ahlawat and Meet start batting again, Other teams captain thinks of hurting Meet to break their partnership, Meet Ahlawat sees captain about to hit her, rush to her and saves her and falls down, Meet asks him if he is fine and yells at the captain, Meet Ahlawat says don’t worry today we together win this trophy, Meet says your hand is injured and ties hanky on his hand and gets in argument with the captain, Meet Ahlawat says they will disqualify you if you hit him, and your anger channelize it in defeating him, Meet says to captain today you will learn about my fathers teaching that defeat with dignity is better than winning by cheating. Umpire asks Meet Ahlawat to take rest, because his left hand is injured, Meet Ahlawat says to Meet that she can handle it and goes back to pavilion.

Manu waiting for Meet Ahlawat and cribs about it, Anubha says stop cribbing you give him a call. Anubha gets worried about Meet and says she hasn’t eaten anything and also had fever, Manu says don’t worry relax I know she will be fine.

Meet Ahlawat in his car thinks of Meet’s struggle and prays for her. Meet starts batting, Meet still on ground but team is down with 9 wickets and its last ball and 3 runs. Meet prays and takes stance. 

Manu gets angry on Meet Ahlawat on not coming to pick her. Anubha calms her down and says he must be busy. Manu thinks he is going to make me his life partner and I am not his priority, and gets call by Kunal and says look at him he always gives me time even after being so rich so I have made my decision about who I will marry and that lucky guy is not Meet Ahlawat.

Meet hit the ball and run, she faints on her 3rd run, she remembers about Manu crying and Amajis challenge, Meet says just 3 run I have to. Other team has miss fielding, Meet picks herself and completes the run, umpire announces Meet’s team as the winner. Meet smiles.

Meet Ahlawat visits Manu, Amaji welcomes him in, Anubha gets him water. Meet Ahlawat Apologise for delay, Meet Ahlawat says lets go select ring, Manu says I can’t come.

Raj is chief guest of match, Meet is happy to see him, Raj hands her 2 lakh cheque and trophy and congratulate her and says this time it's Player of the match and gives cheque to Meet. Raj says I have one more cheque specially for Meet she played so well.

Anubha ask Manu whats wrong, Manu says I am feeling dizzy and has headache and I like Meet Ahlawat choice, Amaji says she has headache, give him size and he will get it. Manu says I will get size right away. Manu goes to her room and says let me give Meets ring size to Meet Ahlawat because I don’t want to marry him and also Meet’s kundali matches his.

Meet deny to accept cheque, and says you have done so much for me, I cant accept this money, your blessings and winning cheque is enough for me. Raj says God Bless you and I feel so happy meeting you, you always prove me wrong, and impress me so much, Raj sees Meet pale and asks if she is fine. Meet says yes I am. Raj ask you are so small how do you manage that, Meet says it's for my family so I always think I can do more, Raj says may God bless you.

Meet In Love Air On Zeeworld From Mondays To Sundays

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