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Amma walks to Meet and says firstly you dress like man and now this, how much will you give us trouble, Anubha says there must be strong reason, she doesn’t do anything on purpose. Amma says tell me what happened. Meet thinks I can’t tell them they had troubled Manu, Anubha says tell me truth Meet, Amma says must be her old friends and on argument she must have started fighting and which girl behaves like her, enough of this, she will spoil Manu and her proposal too, Amma picks broom first hits her friends and ask them to leave and then pushes Meet out, Meet says why can’t I stay, I have to see the guy too, Amma says because of you, we already were gonna loose this proposal so get out, Anubha says she is Manu’s sister don’t do this, she has right to stay here too, Amma says you are a bad vibe, nothing good can happen in your presence get out and closes the door. Meet says Dadi don’t do this, please let me in, I have right to meet the boys family, I won’t say a word let me in, Anubha says this is not done and opens door, Amma says listen to me, we should keep things that spoil peace, and I am head here, and till evening I am throwing you out of this house, Anubha says let her stay she will help me too, Amma says all will br managed, Meet leave, Meet doesn’t leave, Amma pulls her in and says I will leave then, Meet says stay Dadi I will leave, and Mummy call me if you need me. Meet in tears leave the house.

Meet Ahlawat’s family ready to leave, Isha says stop blushing Meet, Raj says there is business issue and so me and Ram have to leave, Babita says no one is going, postpone all this, we are going together, is work important or this day, Meet says Mom understand, I will go to factory and manage, Masum says there is no problem everyday, I mean you guys manage business and we will go handle the meeting, Mom dont worry I will be with you, Babita says okay go Meet come back on time, unlike your father who was late in his own marriage. Meet says don’t worry Mom I will be back on time, Ahlawat ladies leave for Manu’s house. Masum thinks this is easy for me now.

Meet is doing social service work, her friends say what are you doing, Meet says may be my good work help Manu didi and I am close to house, so may be I get a chance to meet the boys family, Anubha throws a paper at Meet and says I need sweets from shop, Meet says mummy is trying to bring sweetness in this proposal with help of me and leaves.

Meet Ahlawat family reach Manu’s house. Masum taunts there is no space here, Amma thinks Masum’s husband is the boy and asks where is your father, he says he died long back, Amma in shock and says he came yesterday, Babita says he is our son in law, Amma laughs and says I thought something else, Isha says now I get it, theu thought Hoshiyar Jiju is the guy, Amma asks where is he then, Babita says important factory work so he had to leave, Anubha says Raj and his younger brother, Masum says already we are uncomfortable, and more people means no space and comfort, but your house is small, Anubha says our heart is big and won’t miss anything. Masum says anyways where is Manushi and we are here for past 10 min, please get us water, only mineral water, Amma says I will go check on Manu and leaves, Anubha goes to get water.

Babita says its so hot here, Masum says we will have high profile guests and these people will be the hot topic of your every kitty Party if you say yes.
Babita gets call from Raj and she shares that these people are poor, Raj says we have money, we just want a daughter in law, and we want someone who is cultured, after so long Meet said yes to a girl, don’t make a issue, Babita says but we have a class, and some standard, and if there will be any issues in wedding, Raj says okay you have your checks and so you handle it on your own because I have some more work. Masum says Mom we also have to see if they are gold diggers and also check if they match our social status, so think twice.

Meet and friends on their way home with sweets and walking, woried about wheather they will make it in time. Meet Ahlawat in his car makes Isha call says I will be there in 15. Meet sees Meet Ahlawat’s car and says this guy has made me late many times, now he will save me.
Meet’s friends and the vegetable vendor create a fake distraction trying to argue, Meet Ahlawat recognises Meet’s friends gets down and checks his car tyres first, and thinks tyres are intact then why this drama, mean time her friends leave, Meet Ahlawat gets in his car and he smells sweets in his car but ignores, Meet hiding in his car.

Meet Ahlawat in his car smells sweets, Meet hiding in his car, Meet Ahlawat says I am going to meet her so may be I smell sweetness, Meet Ahlawat drops his phone behind and tries to pick it, Meet hides and slowly puts phone in his hand, Meet Ahlawat touched someones finger but thinks its all in his mind.

Manushi meets Meet Ahlawat family, Manu looks at Babita, Masum and everyone Jewellery and thinks this family looks so rich, Amma says Manu take blessings, Manu takes blessings, Babita says we liked you and you looks so cultured come sit with us, Masum signs Babita, Babita says we liked your daughter Anubha, we have Shagun for her. Babita says we want to give these gold jewellery, diamond and silk sarees as Shagun, Masum thinks they will accept for sure and they all will learn these are gold diggers, Manu happy to see her Shagun.

Meet Ahlawat applies breaks, Meet falls over him, Meet smiles at him, Meet Ahlawat starts laughing and says wear this Hatori fall from and pushes her on the side seat, and says what are you doing here, Meet asks whats wrong, Meet Ahlawat says now I know why your friends were creating drama, you want to kidnap, Meet says who will pay me for you, anyways drop me at next chowk, Meet Ahlawat says get out, Meet says you are reason my bike is in garage, now drop me and don’t stare at me and now quickly drop me, Meet Ahlawat says its my final exam so get out, Meet says I am not getting down, I will be quiet and your work will be done 100%, now drop me. Meet Ahlawat thinks he shouldn’t argue and just drop her and get rid of her. Meet says don’t waste time let’s go. Meet Ahlawat starts car.

Anubha says sorry, we just want a son and not all this, all this is so pretty what will we do with all this, Masum says aunty don’t feel uncomfortable, its Mom’s gift, like giving her respect she will be happy. Amma says respect can’t be compared with gold, we just want a good family, Babita says I agree.

Meet Ahlawat drops Meet, Meet before leaving lookd at Meet Ahlawat and says he was helpful and gives him sweet and says have a sweet you will have your work done, Isha calls Meet, Meet says I’m on my way. Meet gives him box of sweet and says if your work is done eat this and thank me, Meet Ahlawat says you give me someone else’s parcel, Meet says good luck leave.

Masum takes a round in Meets family and turns on water tap to finish their water. Babita says to Manu, Meet is around he will be back soon, Manu’s family get confused, Amma whispers look they know about Meet, Amma hears door bell and goes to check thinking its Meet and doesn’t open door and says go away.
Meet calls Anubha in kitchen, Anubha confused says you are here then who is at door and goes to check. Amma sees Meet Ahlawat and asks who are you, Meet Ahlawat says I am Meet, Babita says he is our son, Amma welcomes him in and apologise.

Manu looks at Meet Ahlawat and says I already had one Meet to ruin my life and now one more. Manu walks down to Meet Ahlawat, he can’t get eyes of her and thinks she will be my perfect match. Amma says Manu he is Meet, show him our house and you two spend sometime. Babita says Meet go, Manu goes with Meet Ahlawat.

Meet with friends and says I am having so much thought, how Manu Didi must be dressed, her friends says enough you have so many questions.

Manu looks at Meet Ahlawat his watch, phone and is impressed and thinks he has so many branded things on him, Meet Ahlawat says you are very pretty, prettier than the other day, Manu asks when did we meet, Meet says at Robin Paji’s party. Meet slowly sneaks through window to see how the boy looks.
Manu remember Kunal introducing her as his girlfriend in Robin’s party and says to Meet Ahlawat, I guess there is some confusion it wasn’t me, might be someone else, Meet Ahlawat says no confusion by the way you sing so good, I mean you should be singer. Manu says yes it was me, thanks for the compliment, Meet Ahlawat says I would like to hear you again.

Manu sees Meet sneaking in window and says I didn’t sing, and closes door and says I mean I know more about you, tell me more about you, Meet Ahlawat says K studied in London and higher education here because I missed my family and I drive Santro because its my father’s car and win like he is, and want to be boss of my company and love cricket, I am a fan of cricket. Manu thinks he has such middle class choice couldn’t he say golf or polo. Meet Ahlawat says I want to see cricket in Lord stadium, Manu thinks he doesn’t spend on himself what he will do on me. Meet Ahlawat asks did she like him. Manu gets call from Kunal.

Meet opens window door and sees there is no one.

Manu and Meet Ahlawat get down to everyone, Manu says yes to Meet Ahlawat. Everyone very happy. Meet Ahlawat says thank you to Manu. Manu says Yes for the marriage. Everyone happy and start clapping. Amma says thank god. Meet Ahlawat says thank you to Manu. Amma says come you both sit here and Anubha distribute sweet to everyone. Meet Ahlawat looking at seeet remember Meets word that his work will be done today and he eat sweet. Amma says to everyone now they have selected eachother so lets talk about further functions. Masum says to Babita, you should not do good things with dirty hands. Babita asks Manu where is washbasin. Manu says come I’ll show you. Babita says no need for the trouble I’ll go. Anubha takes Amma aside and tell her that she checked in kitchen few minutes back and it looks like tank is empty. Meet hear them talk. Amma says go and look at the guest now. Meet goes upstairs and check that tank is empty so she hands one end of pipe to friends and other end in tank and ask her friend to attach it to neighbour tap. Babita puts on n tap, Meet start filling the tank. Anubha says Babita this won’t happen again please forgive us for this time, Anubha sees tap start running. Anubha and Masum shocked. Babita washes her hand and asks why are you apologizing for small house and tap, the truth is your house is very airy and we don’t have small heart’s. Babita says lest take discussing ahead, we loved your family and simplicity we are impressed by your behaviour and have one request. Amma says you give order don’t request. Babita says just make sure there are no stones are unturned when it comes to greetings guest. Amma and Anubha says we will be do our best. Babita says I’ll inform about dates after discussing with our pandit and one more thing you denied gifts I got for Manu but accept this one it’s for my daughter Manushri and you can’t deny. Ragini hands Babita bangle and she puts it on Manu’s hand. Manu thinks wow this must be so expensive. Amma prays to God and thanks for taking care of everything.

Meet In Love Air On Zeeworld From Mondays To Sundays

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