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Aao Saheb tells Vivek that Damini can cancel the grant to our business and tells that now they have to cut their workers’ salary. Kalyani comes to talk to her. Vivek says we are busy and talking important thing. She asks why damini will cut the grant as she had only changed the mind, why she will feel bad if Kalyani refuses. Kalyani tries to speak. Godaveri comes there and tells that she will not marry Vikram, tells that her self respect is hurt. Pallavi tells that Vikram is a good and rich guy. Godaveri says you only think about money and goes. Kalyani says I will talk to Godaveri. She tells Aao Saheb that Avni needs blood and Aai is having the same O negative blood. Anupriya comes there and asks her to come. Kalyani says she agreed. Anupriya asks her to wear these bangles and agree for marriage if she wants her to donate the blood. Kalyani is shocked. Aao Saheb recalls and a fb is shown, Aao Saheb tells Anupriya that she is happy with this alliance and tells that Damini is ready to get her married to her son. She says who else will marry her. If Malhar traps her again or attempts to kill her. Anupriya says we will not let this happen. Aao Saheb says our destiny is bad and we are inauspicious and signs at Anupriya. She says did you forget what Pandit ji says? Anupriya asks about Godaveri. Aao Saheb says I will search someone for her, says it is my suggestion, decision is yours. Anupriya agrees. Aao Saheb tells that she will oppose her decision fakely, thinking Vivek and Pallavi’s sentiments. She asks her to stand by her decision. Fb ends.

Anupriya asks Kalyani to wear bangles and get ready to become Damini’s bahu. Aao Saheb asks Anupriya why you are forcing Kalyani, she is not ready for marriage. Anupriya think she has to be stubborn for Kalyani’s happiness. Pallavi tells that both mother and daughter had their eyes on this alliance. Kalyani says she don’t want to marry and is about to throw the bangles, but Anupriya holds her hand and asks her to tell the reason of her refusal. She says you don’t want to marry as you loves that married man. She says it is in your blood to love a married man, your mother had done the same. Kalyani says this is not the right time to discuss this and cries. Pawar calls Kalyani and tells that Doctor said that Avni’s BP is getting low and tells that until Malhar cuts the wood and gets money, it will be too late. Kalyani says she will come there. Anupriya asks Kalyani to wear the bangles. Kalyani refuses. Vivek asks Aao Saheb to say. Aao Saheb says I am shocked seeing Anupriya’s stubbornness. Anupriya asks Kalyani to see Malhar’s wife and child dying. Kalyani is shocked. Anupriya asks her to forward her hand. She then holds Kalyani’s hand and makes her wear bangles. Kalyani cries. Aao Saheb smiles and signs Anupriya. Kalyani cries more. Pallavi and Vivek gets upset. Anupriya looks at Kalyani crying.

Malhar cuts the wood logs in the timber stall to get money for Avni’s blood. Shinde asks him to drink atleast tea, says you are working since 4 hours. Malhar says I don’t have time to drink tea, I need my money for my wife. Aao Saheb comes there and tells that Kalyani is coming there with Anupriya. Malhar looks at Kalyani and Anupriya who are coming there. Kalyani gets shocked to see Malhar cutting the woods and tells Malhar that Pawar kaka went to call the doctor. She says Aai is ready to donate blood. Malhar says thank you madam, I don’t need your help. I can still take care of my wife. He cuts the wood and the wood piece falls on Kalyani, but Anupriya pushes her back and the wood hits on her forehead. Anupriya gets injury on her forehead. Malhar is shocked and asks Maai. He says sorry. Anupriya scolds Malhar for trying to hurt Kalyani. Kalyani says it was an accident and asks Anupriya to calm down. Aao Saheb says the way you are working hard for Avni, shows how much you love her. She says if you had love Kalyani even half of it then…She says Kalyani’s husband will love her and tells that her engagement is fixed with textile Minister Damini’ son Vikram. Malhar is shocked. Aao Saheb tells that she will call him as they need labor work for marriage. She tells that Kalyani’s first husband was very older than her and a father of a child. She says that marriage was not a marriage. Kalyani says we shall go to Avni. Aap Saheb asks Kalyani to give suspension letter to Malhar. Kalyani says I didn’t bring that. Anupriya says I have brought it. Aao Saheb recalls asking Anupriya to be strict with Kalyani and make her give suspension letter to Malhar, to get rid of him. fb end. Kalyani gives him suspension letter and says we shall go to Avni. Aao Saheb asks them to go and come back fast as they have to make arrangements for sakarpura/engagement.

kaka thank Kalyani for bringing Maayi at the right time, and tells that now Avni is out of danger after blood transfusion. Kalyani asks Pawar to bring fruits for Aai as weakness comes after donating blood. Pawar says he will bring. Kalyani gives him money forcibly. Malhar comes there, takes money from Pawar. Pawar goes. Malhar tells that he is not poor that he can’t feed fruits to the woman donating blood to his wife. Kalyani asks why this poor matter coming? Malhar tells that he has always 500-600 rs in pocket and asks her to keep her money with her. He congratulates her for her alliance. Kalyani asks what is your problem and grabs his collar. She says you have problem with my alliance, but you couldn’t wait before making another relation, got married soon after I left and second child is also going to come. She says you have a happy family and when I am trying to move on, you have a problem, questions his attitude. Malhar holds her and takes her to pillar. He says you was alive since 5 years and asks did you ever think about me, if I am alive or death or in what condition. Kalyani pushes him and reminds that he had shot her with his hands. She says you have no rights and says you didn’t tell me why did you shoot at me? She says you got habitual to hide the things. Malhar tells that he is not hiding the truth. Kalyani asks him to go and tell Avni, who is she? Malhar turns his face. Kalyani asks him to go and tell Avni about his past. She says she is not like him, but she will tell everything to her would be husband, that the person whom she loved from her heart, had shot at her heart. Malhar gets angry and feels helpless.

Pallavi gets angry on Anupriya and tears her photo with Kalyani. She says Anupriya has ruined her daughter’s life for Kalyani’s life. Vivek says I don’t understand why Damini changed her mind. Pallavi says she had showed the politics and asks how did Aao Saheb agreed. Vivek says Aao Saheb just wanted to send a girl to Damini’s house and doesn’t care if she is Kalyani or Godaveri. Godaveri comes there and tells that she is not interested in this marriage. Pallavi asks her to hear carefully and tells that Vikram will marry you only.

Malhar brings Avni home. Pawar calls him. Malhar tells that he has brought Avni home, she is still weak, but will be fine soon. Door bell rings, Malhar goes to open the door. Pallavi calls Damini from Swara’s phone with her voice changed and tells that Kalyani is not a good girl, she has to abort her child once and tells that she can’t be pregnant again. She tells that this is Kalyani’s third marriage as she had married Rachit also. Damini asks who is she? Godaveri comes and ends the call. She says why did you call Damini? Pallavi tells that she has called her from Swara’s phone. Swara comes there and finds Damini’s call on her mobile. Malhar opens the door and finds Aao Saheb. Aao Saheb shows the sweets box and tells that Kalyani’s marriage is fixed in a big house and tells that she is celebrating for his suspension also. She throws laddoo on him and tells that she will follow him like a reflection and will take revenge from him. She says eat the laddoos, it is free. She says the blood which my daughter gave for your wife is not free and asks him to pay the cost of the blood. She throws the laddoo on him. He catches and smashes it. He says he can bear the insult, but can’t bear her favor. He asks her to tell what he shall do.

Anupriya comes home. Kalyani comes behind her and says you would have told me before leaving. Anupriya says why to tell you, who are you to be? Kalyani asks her to tell until when this thing will go on, and says I am agreeing to your every sayings. Anupriya says you want to say that you agreed to my sayings and says that you agreed to marry to save Malhar’s wife, it was your decision. She says do you want to know why you saved Avni, risking your life. She says even today you can’t see Malhar in pain and living in the past. She makes her see her face in the mirror. Kalyani turns away. Anupriya says now you will try to break the alliance and get Aao Saheb insulted. Kalyani says when did I say this? Anupriya says if you do this then you will prove that you are Madhuri’s daughter. She says if you take out this bangles, then you will fall down in my eyes, and our relations will break right now, at this moment. Kalyani says atleast you have accepted that we have some relation even now. Anupriya holds her head and feels weak. Kalyani asks her to have something. Anupriya says I am not hungry.

Godaveri tells Aao Saheb that she was not upset with her as she agreed for Kalyani and Vikram’s marriage. Aao Saheb gets happy and gives her money to buy a new mobile. Godaveri gets happy. Aao Saheb tells her that Kalyani will ask her about her fight with Malhar, she shall never know that there was no parking board there. Godaveri asks why Kalyani agreed to marry Vikram, if she agreed to save Malhar’s wife. Aao Saheb gets thinking.

Kalyani tells Anupriya to take out ring from the pot and tells that don’t know how did you get Rane family qualities and asks her not to forget that they are Deshmukh family and knows to handle Rane’s. She asks her to get her ring out and says you have already wasted my 55 seconds. Anupriya keeps her hand inside the pot. Kalyani keeps Anupriya’s other hand inside the pot. Anupriya asks her to take out her hands. Kalyani says let your hands be there, do you have any work now? She asks her to have food with her hand. Anupriya tries to take out her hands. Kalyani says your hands will not come out, if you are done then stand at one place. Anupriya says you are forcing me. Kalyani says yes and asks what did you make today? She serves the food in the plate and asks her to open the mouth to scold her. Anupriya opens her mouth. Kalyani feeds food in her mouth.

Kalyani feed food to Anupriya like a mother feeding her child. She asks if she wants another roti. Anupriya looks at her angrily. Kalyani makes her drink water and wipes her mouth with tissue. She then takes out her hands from the pot easily and waves her bye…She says tell me if you find my ring…Anupriya looks on. In the night, Kalyani talks to the police officer and asks him to send all the files to her house. Anupriya asks her to get married to Vikram and says you will be happy with him. She asks until when you will yearn for that man’s love. Kalyani tells that she had loved, her love was not forever wala, it is her badluck. Anupriya is shocked. Kalyani tells Anupriya that she wants to give her assurity that she will not do like Madhuri. She says I have seen you going from that pain and that’s why I will never think of breaking Malhar ji’s house, never. She says I have accepted that Malhar ji has moved on in life, but don’t hope from me that I will love someone in life, as she has just loved Malhar ji and will always love him. She says don’t have this hope from me. She says where she will not love, why she shall marry? Anupriya asks if she wants to stay alone. Kalyani says you will be with me always. Aao Saheb hears them and says Kalyani has to marry, I can’t upset Damini and have to keep her happy for my business. She says you have to marry. She says this world is cruel.

My Heart Knows Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm

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