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Kalyani comes there and sees Malhar holding Pawar’s collar. She asks him to not to befriend someone who doesn’t value his friendship. Pawar goes. Malhar tells Kalyani that he doesn’t need her help and asks her to give his suspension letter while going, as he knows that she has signed on it. Kalyani thinks how to give this letter to you and thinks if he loses the job then how he will take care of his family. She refuses to give him suspension letter. She asks him to control his ego and says if you had known to control your ego then our Moksh would have been with us. They get emotional. Kalyani says don’t spoil your child’s future for your ego and tells that she came here to help Avni. She says you don’t have the right to stop me from helping her.

Kalyani tell Malhar that she has come here to help Avni with her wish and says you have no right to stop me from helping her. She tells that she knows how it feels to lose the child and tells that she will not let Avni go through the same pain. She says I know whose blood is O negative, it is Aai’s blood group. I will bring her. Malhar says your Aai will never donate blood to my wife. Pallavi calls a Minister and calls her Damini Tai. She says we had met for Vikram’s graduation party, says even though you are textiles Minister and asks her to come to meet them. Damini says she is in Aurangabad for the meeting and tells that she thought to meet them to make their friend turn into a relation. She asks how are you? Pallavi says few days are left and tells that she wants to see Godaveri married. Anupriya cleans the floor with the broom. Damini asks why Anupriya ji is cleaning the floor and asks if Servant didn’t come today. Pallavi says she is not Anupriya, but the Servant and tells that Aao Saheb will not let her bahus do the work. Damini praises Aao Saheb and says I agree. She says I will come to your house in half an hour. Pallavi gets happy and tells that she will tell Aao Saheb that she is coming to fix the sakarpura. She ends the call and calls Aao Saheb. Anupriya asks if the alliance is fixed. Pallavi says it will be fixed, if you don’t sweep the broom. She asks her to clean the floor properly.

Kalyani tells Malhar that she knows her Aai very well and she will keep her enmity aside and will come here to help Avni. She says my Aai is a good human and she will definitely come. I will bring her. She goes.

Anupriya practices to talk to Damini and make her introduce to Kalyani, her daughter and new DM. She comes to room and sees Godaveri cleaning her shoes with her saree. She tells her that she had only one good saree. Godaveri says I thought this is Pocha cloth and asks her to wash it. She says you shall stay in kitchen, as you look good in it. She says you will not come infront of guests. Aao Saheb comes there and asks Anupriya to go to kitchen. She asks her to make something and asks her not to come outside, jokes. Vivek comes there and tells that Kalyani has not suspended Malhar. Aao Saheb says this world is cruel. She says right now we have to think about Damini. Anupriya goes. Aao Saheb tells Vivek that Kalyani will not get Anupriya’s love easily and tells that Anupriya will convince Kalyani. She says Malhar will be ruined at Kalyani’s hands. She spits Pan on Kalyani’s trolley and looks on evilly.

Anupriya tells Swara that whenever Damini comes home, she used to meet her. She says she had said that I am inspiration for the women. Swara says you shall meet her then and asks her to take the snacks. Anupriya says ok and takes the tray. Pallavi comes there and stops Anupriya, tells that she will not come out as auspicious thing is going out there. She asks Anupriya to wash the utensils in the sink.

Damini comes to Aao Saheb’s house and gifts something to her. Aao Saheb asks her to sit. Damini fixes Godaveri and her son’s marriage and says their Sakarpura is after 2 days, tells that as she has become a lawyer, she might need her service soon. Aao Saheb praises that Godaveri has become a lawyer and her other grand daughter returned from death and became DM. Damini asks where is she? Kalyani comes there calling Anupriya. Aao Saheb introduces Damini to Kalyani and tells that when Corona pandemic came 5 years back, Damini ji helped in our textile business. Kalyani tells Damini that it is real nice to meet her, you really inspire us. Damini says I get inspiration from you, it is not easy to reach this position. Kalyani says I would have sit here, but I have some work with Aai. She goes to kitchen and thinks to take Anupriya to Avni within an hour. She tells Anupriya that Avni is unwell and she fainted. She asks Anupriya to help Avni and give her blood as her blood is same as hers. Aao Saheb signs Anupriya not to go. Anupriya says I can’t come with you, I asked you to suspend Malhar, but you didn’t suspend him, then why are you hoping to get help from me. She says alliance is getting fixed here, I will not come there. Kalyani says I have promised Malhar ji. Anupriya says you didn’t ask me before promising him.

Kalyani says you can’t be my Aai and says how can you say this. Anupriya says I am changed now. Kalyani says Avni is pregnant. Anupriya says my blood is burning since you came, and if I give my blood to Avni then what will be left in my body. Kalyani looks shocked. Anupriya thinks how to leave someone to die, but I can’t go against Aao Saheb. She comes out of kitchen. Damini says she wanted to meet her. Anupriya asks about Vikram. Damini says my both sons are graduate now, now my son will become a husband. Anupriya says I will just come. Damini notices Anupriya’s saree and recalls seeing her in the same saree. She asks Pallavi, why she said that Servant is sweeping the floor. Kalyani asks what did you say? Pallavi says bai has the same saree. Anupriya says she had given her. Kalyani thinks Aai shall not leave her goodness.

Malhar is talking on phone and tells that he is off duty and will do the work. Pawar asks what are you saying, you will do this work. Malhar asks what to do, I didn’t get my salary, I got the blood with so much problem and yesterday only I gave 3 thousand to the orphanage. Pawar says Anupriya will come to give blood. Malhar says Anupriya hates me so much and she will not come here. He throws his show.

Damini asks Kalyani to tell how she got saved and became DM. She asks her to tell. Kalyani says she got saved because of her Maa’s blessings. Pallavi thinks if she is talking about Madhuri. Kalyani tells that her Maa doesn’t want her to call her Aai, tells that she has written something for her last night. Damini asks her to tell. Kalyani says if you say then I will tell you about my mother. Anupriya thinks Kalyani might be missing Madhuri as I kept her away from me. Kalyani says my mother is stupid as whenever she sees others’ tears then she risks her life and relieves their pain. She says my Maa is weak at counting, as when I asked for one roti, she gives me two. She says she knows me well than me, I might hide my pain from her, but she comes to know seeing my heart. She says my Maa stays awake and makes me sleep, she crY and makes me laugh. She applies ointment on my injury and tells that that’s how she is called as Maa…Anupriya looks on.

Kalyani get poetic about her mother and tells everyone. Damini says I hope I could have seen your mother. Kalyani says you can’t meet her, but I will show you her picture to you. Pallavi smirks and goes to kitchen, tells Anupriya that Kalyani is praising Madhuri just as you kept her away from her. She says so many years you have wasted on her. Anupriya look on. Kalyani brings the photo frame and says I will show you my mother’s face. Damini asks her to show fast and tells that she is very eager to see the picture, says I am sure that your mother is beautiful like you. Pallavi says everyone doesn’t have happiness to have children, it is good that mother and daughter’s game is over. Kalyani turns the photo frame and everyone is shocked to see that it is mirror and Anupriya’s face is shown in it, as she just comes there. Aao Saheb and Pallavi get upset. Kalyani says she is my mother whom I fondly call Aai. She hold her hand and says she is my Aai, whatever I am today is because of her blessings. Damini says so you wrote this poem about Anupriya and says I was thinking you are talking about Madhuri. She says you said that your mother is amazing. Kalyani says my mother is super amazing. Damini says shall I tell you something if you don’t feel bad and tells that she had come here to fix Vikram and Godaveri’s alliance, but after meeting Kalyani and hearing her words, I like her and wants to fix her alliance with Vikram. She makes Kalyani wear her bangles and tells that if you don’t have any objections then can I make Kalyani as my bahu. Aao Saheb, Pallavi, Godaveri and Kalyani are shocked. Kalyani says this can’t happen and tells that she don’t want to marry and don’t want this bangles. Damini says may be this is God’s will to make us meet, God wants you to become my bahu. She says I don’t know to hide my thoughts. Pallavi says we thought that you have come here for Godaveri. Damini asks Godaveri not to feel bad and tells that she will search a nice guy for her. Kalyani asks what do you know about me? Damini says she knows that you was previously married and tells that you are Madhuri and Atul’s daughter. Kalyani says I don’t want to do this marriage and tries to remove the bangles. Damini asks Anupriya to accept her request and approve this alliance. She then asks Aao saheb to accept her request. Aao Saheb tells Kalyani that she knows Damini since many years and if Kalyani gets married in her house then she will be very happy. Kalyani asks what are you sayings? She asks her to think about Godaveri’s feelings. She tells that she can’t become of anyone’s bahu as she is just of Malhar ji…She then realizes what she said and tells that she can’t marry someone else. She asks Anupriya to remove the bangles from her hand. Damini asks her to think and decide, and tells Aao Saheb that she will wait for the good news from her. Kalyani shouts and says I will not marry.

Malhar is cutting the wood in the timber yard. Pawar asks him not to do this work and says Kalyani will bring Anupriya ji here. Malhar says she will not bring Anupriya here. Kalyani tries to talk to Pallavi. Pallavi blames her and tells that she doesn’t want to talk to her. Vivek comes there and tells that Godaveri has locked her room. Kalyani says I will talk to her. Pallavi stops her and tells that you have told that poem to impress her and trap Minister’s son. Swara says this is not the truth. Vivek asks how do you know, Pallavi is right. Kalyani says she don’t want to marry anyone and removes bangles with difficulty. Bangles fall on Aao Saheb’s feet. Vivek asks Aao Saheb if she didn’t think about Godaveri once. Aao Saheb asks him to talk in low tone and tells that Damini ji’s car might be still outside. Kalyani asks Anupriya to open her mouth. Aao Saheb tells that Anupriya knows that she takes the right decision. Kalyani asks why did you agree? Aao Saheb says if she had not agreed then Damini wouldn’t have gone from here. She says I knew that she will leave her decision on her and asks her to refuse for the marriage in 2-3 days. Kalyani thanks Aao Saheb with a hug. Aao Saheb says in this Kalyug, only the twisted path works. Kalyani asks Pallavi if she is happy now. Pallavi calms down.

Anupriya comes to kitchen and thinks how to help Avni. She searches Shankar Dada’s number and thinks even his blood group was O negative. She searches his number in the diary. Kalyani comes there and tells that how did Damini think that I will marry her son. She says thank God, Aao Saheb is supporting me. Pawar calls Kalyani and tells that Avni’s condition is bad. Kalyani says I am coming there. She asks Anupriya to give blood to Avni as her life is in danger. Anupriya says I don’t want to give my blood to the murderer’s wife.

Kalyani try to make Anupriya understand and tells that Avni needs blood and you can only give her blood. Anupriya asks don’t you understand at once, I don’t want to give blood to a murderer’s wife. Kalyani says what is Avni’s mistake in this. Anupriya says I can’t give my blood and can’t help you. Kalyani says even I am stubborn and asks her to come. Anupriya drops the frying pan on floor. Kalyani says I will talk to Aao Saheb and says you can’t ignore her words. Pallavi comes there and threatens Anupriya, asking her not to break her daughter’s alliance for getting her divorced daughter married. Aao Saheb tells Vivek that Damini can cancel the grant to our business and tells that now they have to cut their workers’ salary. Kalyani comes to talk to her. Vivek says we are busy and talking important thing. She asks why damini will cut the grant as she had only changed the mind, why she will feel bad if Kalyani refuses. Kalyani tries to speak. Godaveri comes there and tells that she will not marry Vikram, tells that her self respect is hurt. Pallavi tells that Vikram is a good and rich guy. Godaveri says you only think about money and goes. Kalyani says I will talk to Godaveri. She tells Aao Saheb that Avni needs blood and Aai is having the same O negative blood. Anupriya comes there and asks her to come. Kalyani says she agreed. Anupriya asks her to wear these bangles and agree for marriage if she wants her to donate the blood. Kalyani is shocked. Aao Saheb recalls and a fb is shown, Aao Saheb tells Anupriya that she is happy with this alliance and tells that Damini is ready to get her married to her son. She says who else will marry her. If Malhar traps her again or attempts to kill her. Anupriya says we will not let this happen. Aao Saheb says our destiny is bad and we are inauspicious and signs at Anupriya. She says did you forget what Pandit ji says? Anupriya asks about Godaveri. Aao Saheb says I will search someone for her, says it is my suggestion, decision is yours. Anupriya agrees. Aao Saheb tells that she will oppose her decision fakely, thinking Vivek and Pallavi’s sentiments. She asks her to stand by her decision. Fb ends.

My Heart Knows Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm 

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