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Kalyani think about Malhar. Malhar is still keeping the diyas. Kalyani thinks I can’t see you like this Malhar ji. Aao Saheb asks Kalyani and Vikram to get up. Vikram gets up. Anupriya makes Kalyani get up. Malhr still keeping the diyas and looks at Kalyani. Kalyani looks at him Anupriya gives rings to Vikram and Kalyani. They take the ring. Kalyani is still staring at Malhar and gets emotional. She makes Vikram wear the ring. Everyone claps. Damini asks Vikram to make her wear ring now. Vikram makes Kalyani wear ring. Malhar looks shocked and hurt. Kalyani is also hurt. Everyone claps. Malhar turns his face in pain.

Aao Saheb asks Swara to give aarti plate to Anupriya and asks the latter to do their aarti with big diya. Malhar gives the big diya to Anupriya. Aao Saheb asks Anupriya to do their aarti. Malhar is upset and goes from there. Anupriya tries to light the match sticks. Pallavi thinks dhamaka will happen. Malhar goes to the storeroom angrily and kicks on the things there. He finds empty nail polish remover. Aao Saheb asks Swara to bring another match stick. Malhar finds the smell similar and thinks it is coming from Maayi and Kalyani. He thinks their lives are in danger and runs. Swara brings the match stick and gives to Anupriya. Anupriya lights the match sticks and looks at Kalyani, who is holding the diya plate. She lights the diya. Just then Malhar comes to balcony and calls Kalyani, tells that acid tone is on you both, move away from fire. Kalyani gets shocked and pushes Anupriya and throws the diya far. The fire catches the decoration fast and Kalyani is surrounded by the fire. The fire balls falls on Kalyani from the false ceiling. Kalyani shouts asking her Aai to save her. Anupriya cries and says Kalyani. Malhar shouts Kalyani. Anupriya asks Aao Saheb to let her go, but Aao Saheb holds her hand and stops her. Kalyani faints. Malhar comes downstairs and tries to jump in the fire. He takes blanket and sets off the fire, then jumps inside and puts blanket on her. Damini and Vikram look shocked. Malhar lifts Kalyani.

Malhar cover up Kalyani with the blanket and says someone take out the car. Later Aao Saheb calls Vivek. Vivek tells that Kalyani is taken for operation. Aao Saheb asks him to call the best doctor and spend any amount of money. She asks him to tell the doctor that Kalyani is the DM of this city. She gets Damini’s call and tells her that Kalyani is taken for operation. She ends the call. Pallavi thinks if Kalyani dies then I have to go to jail. Aao Saheb hears her and says what do you think that I will not know that you had mixed nail polish remover in Anupriya’s bath water. She threatens to cut her fingers using beetal cutter. Pallavi tells that she wanted to take revenge from Anupriya, but not Kalyani. She tells that she will not do this mistake again and asks her to leave her. Aao Saheb leaves her and says how did you think that you will take a big decision without my knowledge. She says I will show your value to me and calls Godaveri asking her to bring Pallavi’s purse. Godaveri brings her purse. Aao saheb takes Pallavi’s credit cards and cuts it with beetal cutter. She says you will know your value, when you beg infront of me. She takes out her necklace, bangles and earrings from Pallavi. She says neither you have money nor jewellery, asks her to mix nail polish remover in the water and set herself on fire. She says this world is bad.

Anupriya comes out of the hospital and thinks of Doctor’s words that Kalyani is critical and next 24 hours are critical. Malhar is waiting outside and asks Anupriya to tell what doctor said. He says I came out as I didn’t want to argue with Vivek. Anupriya recalls Aao Saheb’s words that Malhar will try to kill Kalyani. She takes the digger/hoe and says I know that you are near Kalyani as you wanted to kill her. She says I don’t know why you want to kill her. She handsover the digger/hoe to Malhar and tells that once you used to think me as your mother, asks him to kill her and leave Kalyani. She cries and folds her hands. She says leave my daughter, kill me, I will not say anything. She asks him to hold the hoe/digger and kill her. Swara comes there and asks what are you doing? She says whatever happened 5 years ago, I can’t forgive him, but he has saved her infront of everyone. She says Kalyani is saved today because of him and asks her not to accuse Dada. Anupriya asks her to ask Malhar to go and not to come near Kalyani. Malhar says but…Swara asks Malhar to go and makes Anupriya sit. She then asks Anupriya about the water with what she has taken bath and tells that it was not Gulab jal, but nail polish remover in that water. Anupriya is shocked.

She comes home. Pallavi asks how is Kalyani? Anupriya says you hate me so much…pours nail polish remover on herself and asks Pallavi to kill her. Pallavi says no…Anupriya asks her if she doesn’t feel ashamed to do this and tells that if anything happens to Kalyani then she will not leave her. She raises her hand to slap her, but stops. She tells that her daughter saved her and got burnt. Aao Saheb comes there and asks Anupriya to calm down. She tells that Pallavi got punished for her sin.

Anupriya says she will go to hospital. Aao Saheb asks her not to go to hospital as she is inauspicious, but do what Doctor had said. Anupriya says she can do anything for Kalyani. Aao Saheb asks Anupriya if she can walk barefeet under the hot sun. Anupriya removes her slippers and asks her to tell what Guru ji said. Aao Saheb tells that they are leaving this house and is going back to their old Vada. She tells that Guru ji said that this house vastu is not good for Kalyani. He also said that if Anupriya goes to the old house barefeet holdng Ganesh ji’s idol then only Kalyani can be saved, and you have to pray for Kalyani all the way. Anupriya says I will do this. Aao Saheb says the distance is long and it will take 3 hours for you to reach there, and you shall not stop anywhere. Anupriya says she will do. Vivek calls them and tells that Kalyani’s body is mostly burnt and she is critical. Anupriya says she will do and will not let anything happen to Kalyani.

Malhar takes the kite in which he asked Moksh to pray for his Aai and asks him to request Bappa to make her fine. He tells that he was upset with Kalyani, but now he can’t be angry with her seeing her condition. He says why Bappa made us meet after 5 years, if he has to do this. He flies the kite and it gets stuck. Pawar comes there and tells that Doctor told that Kalyani is critical and can’t be said. He asks him to go home as Vivek Deshmukh will not like him here. Malhar tells that he can’t go home until he sees Kalyani fine. He says I will see who stops me. He goes inside and gets pained seeing Kalyani’s burns and injuries.

In the morning, Anupriya walks on the road to go to her old Vada, holding Bappa’s idol and prays for Kalyani’s live. Her feet get injured and bleeds. Malhar is sitting outside. Pawar comes there and tells that Kalyani Madam got consciousness. Malhar says this is good news, why you are tensed.

Anupriya reach home. Aao Saheb comes there in car with Pallavi and Godaveri and tells that Kalyani has gained consciousness. Anupriya gets thankful and is about to get inside the house, but Aao Saheb stops her and reminds that she is inauspicious. Anupriya says I have forgotten. Aao Saheb, Pallavi and Godaveri enter Vada. Aao Saheb asks Pallavi not to bring water. She asks Anupriya to bring water for Bappa’s Abhishek. Anupriya takes the pot. Just then Godaveri shouts Kalyani tai…Anupriya turns bandages on Kalyani’s face and drops the pot shockingly.

Godaveri shouts seeing Kalyani’s bandaged face. Anupriya turns and sees her, gets shocked and drops the pot on the floor. Aao Saheb says Parmeshwara…She asks Vivek, what happened to Kalyani and her face? Vivek says Doctor tried, but they couldn’t save Kalyani’s face. Pallavi thinks Aao Saheb will not leave her now. Swara says Kalyani’s face is burnt. Aao Saheb says that she will get her treated by the good doctor and asks Kalyani not to worry. She looks angrily at Pallavi. Anupriya goes from there and thinks why did you make me inauspicious that I am afraid to hug my daughter. She says I am tired of crying on my destiny and asks Bappa, why do you punish the ones whom I love a lot. She says I had convinced Kalyani for marriage so that she goes away from me, but you have burnt her face. She takes the knife and tells that she will make lines on her hand and will write her own destiny. Kalyani comes there and asks her to stop, and asks her to make lines on her hand so that she gets her Aai’s love. Anupriya throws the knife and asks why did you jump in the fire to save me. Kalyani says even if would have done the same if you was on my place and asks why are you expecting me not to do this. Kalyani asks Godaveri to help her change her clothes.

Godaveri holds her hand and she feels pain. Anupriya scolds Godaveri and asks her to bring Kalyani’s clothes. She asks her to understand someone’s pain and tells that she will change her clothes. Kalyani says you have scolded Godaveri for me. Anupriya says you are Aao Saheb’s blood and that’s why she is doing this. While Anupriya bandages her hand, Kalyani records the video. Anupriya asks what are you doing? Kalyani says she is doing this as her love is very costly. She tells that we have spent many moments in this room and asks if she misses those moments…Song plays…Maa…Anupriya says she don’t remember anything and don’t want to remember. Godaveri brings Kalyani’s clothes. Anupriya asks Godaveri to help Kalyani change her clothes carefully. Kalyani goes to change her clothes with Godaveri. Anupriya checks Kalyani’s phone and sees the video.

Pallavi tells Aao Saheb that she don’t want to go to jail and asks her save her. Aao Saheb asks her to be quiet and tells that she has a solution. She brings gum, puts in her mouth and asks her to keep her mouth shut. She tells that Anupriya will not tell anything to Kalyani, as she don’t want her to get involve in family affairs.

Pawar tries to stop Malhar and asks what Avni will think that her friend is your first wife. Malhar tells that he will meet Kalyani anyhow. Vivek tells Aao Saheb that Kalyani was asking me in hospital, who had mixed nail polish remover in Maayi’s water. Pallavi panics. Aao Saheb asks shall I tell Kalyani and tells that don’t put this gum out. She tells that Damini is coming to see Kalyani today, and hopes they don’t lose their alliance. Malhar comes inside, reminisces Kalyani and Moksh. He sees Anupriya hugging the mobile. Anupriya thinks it is her world and she wants to keep it with her.

Kalyani talks to Moksh and tells that even today she can hear him and says you used to cry at 8 am, so that Malhar ji wakes up and gets up. Malhar comes there. Kalyani sees him. Malhar helps her drink water. Juda hoke bhi song plays…..He takes out the pedestal fan from the box and keeps it near her. He says when you I had bought it, you had said that both this fan and me are old of Baba Adam’s era. He says now it is coming in use and tells that the accident was small and everything will be fine. He says we will get you treated in a big hospital and you will become fine after the operation. Kalyani says I have to be fine as I will meet my Billu some day and don’t want my Billu to get afraid seeing my face. She asks do you remember and gets up from the bed. She says when we used to stay in this room, our Billu used to cry a lot, you couldn’t keep him quiet and Billu used to be quiet coming in my lap. She says you used to ask what is in my face that he becomes quiet. Malhar comes near Kalyani. Anupriya comes there and gets shocked. She asks Malhar what are you doing here? She says your wife is waiting for you and asks him to go. She asks Kalyani to come with her as Damini and Vikram came to see her. Damini asks Aao Saheb where is Kalyani and tells that she wants to see her. Anupriya brings Kalyani there. Vikram and Damini get shocked seeing Kalyani’s state. Aao Saheb asks Kalyani to come. Vikram asks Damini not to force him for marriage and tells that her face is completely burnt, I can’t marry Kalyani. Kalyani looks on.

My Heart Knows Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm 

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