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Aao Saheb asks Kalyani, why did you save Malhar and says you couldn’t bear his insult. She says he will get only insult in this house. Kalyani tells her that if she doesn’t see that Malhar is broken fully. Aao Saheb tells that she wants to see Malhar Rane on her feet rubbing his nose and yearning for a grain infront of her. Kalyani shouts asking her to stop it. Anupriya shouts Kalyani and asks how dare you to shout at Aao Saheb. Kalyani says Aao Saheb’s BP will increase if she gets angry. Anupriya says Aao Saheb’s family is with her, and you are not part of her family. She says I had accepted you few years back, but I don’t regard our relations, it is over. She says your position is bigger, but you are not suitable to be my daughter. Kalyani is shocked. Anupriya says it will be better for you to leave from here. Kalyani is shocked and looks on.

Anupriya tell Kalyani that she must be higher than her in status, but she doesn’t deserve to be her daughter. She asks her to leave from there. Kalyani is shocked. Anupriya asks her not to show her face again. Kalyani says what did you say that I don’t deserve to be your daughter and asks since when you are using this language, as the Anupriya…whom I know don’t talk like this. She ask who asked you to say this. Anupriya stammers and tells that she takes her own decision. Aao Saheb ask Kalyani to leave Anupriya alone. Kalyani says how to leave her alone and tells that she is her mother. Anupriya says this is the truth. Kalyani says why did you jump in the well to save this pen. She says I will tell you the truth and says you had jumped in the well to get the pen as you love me so much, more than I love you. She tells that you had jumped in to save this pen as you didn’t want the gift given by your daughter, her last memory to lose. She says I…your daughter had given it to you and you had risked your life to save it. She ask her to tell what is the truth and ask her to tell looking in her eyes, that she is lying. Anupriya cry. Kalyani asks her to say that she is not suitable to become her daughter. Anupriya run from there and closes the door. Kalyani run behind her and ask her to open the door. She ask her to tell her, why she is angry with her and asks do you have any problem with me. I am very worried about you. Anupriya cry. A flashback is shown, Aao Saheb tells Anupriya that she has visited Bhatt Saheb and he told her that in your kundali, there is a big dosh and you will be the one to destroy your own kids, no kid can be fine in your shelter. She says when you had taken care of Kalyani, she left and your own daughter left you. She says if God made you inauspicious then there must be some divine reasons behind it. She asks her not to tell anyone else people will ask me why did I let you stay here. Anupriya tells that she is the murderer of both her daughters. Fb ends. Kalyani asks her to open the door. Anupriya cry and thinks please Kalyani go from here. A sad song plays… She write Kalyani’s name and think she is such an inauspicious mother who couldn’t hug her daughter. She think hate me so much Kalyani that don’t see my face again. She think I will not let my inauspicious reflection fall on you. She lie down on the floor and asks Kalyani to go from there. Kalyani ask if she is angry with her as she didn’t come to meet her since 5 years. She says I had come, but you was not in the house. She takes the stick and asks her to beat her with it. She asks her not to give her such treatment, beat her but don’t suffocate her with her silence. Aao Saheb ask Swara to take Kalyani away from there. Swara takes Kalyani from room and calls her Vahini. Kalyani ask her not to feel bad, but call her Kalyani, but not Vahini. She ask her why Aai is not speaking to her and tells that if she is not happy. Swara tells that Maayi got mad when Malhar shot you and asked him to bring her daughter back. Sarthak asks Malhar, what had happened to him. Pallavi tells that he is a murderer, first he killed Nal and then Kalyani. Aao Saheb asks him to leave from there. Sarthak asks do you think that Malhar is happy losing his son and love. Anupriya asks what did you get by killing my daughter? She curses him not to be happy in life and couldn’t get sleep in life. She says your life will be very worse than death. She hold her head and faints. Sarthak holds her. Aao Saheb tells Malhar that she will make sure to make Anupriya’s curse come true. She makes Malhar leave. Swara tells Kalyani that Maayi has a very big changes and asks her to give her sometime. Kalyani tell that she will convince her Aai. Aao Saheb tells Anupriya that she knows how she felt to stay away from Kalyani, but if something happens to her. Anupriya tells that she will not let anything happen to Kalyani and calls herself inauspicious. Aao Saheb says although it is the truth, but don’t call yourself inauspicious, you are my daughter. Anupriya says first Kalyani left me and then my own daughter. Aao Saheb asks her to fulfill her duty and says what you can do for Kalyani’s life. She says this world is very cruel. She acts to pacify Anupriya and makes a cunning face.

Avni looks at the kite and Moksh written on it. She finds Kalyani’s earring there and wears it. She takes the selfies and posts her picture on the social networking site. Durga Prasad barks seeing her wearing Kalyani’s earrings. Malhar comes there and pacify Durga Prasad. He find Avni wearing Kalyani’s earring and get shocked. He recall finding one earring fallen on the ground after Kalyani fell from the cliff.

Swara comes to Anupriya and asks her to break her fast with kheer. She says I know you can’t be happy with Kalyani’s return then why you are keeping her away from you. Pallavi comes there and tells that she wants to eat Kheer since night, tells that don’t know how many days are left, want to take sweetness while leaving. Anupriya gives her kheer to Pallavi. Pallavi tastes it. Swara tells that she had made Kheer for Maayi to break her fast. Pallavi says now that she has eaten it and asks Anupriya to eat salt to break her fast. Kalyani comes and hears it. She tells that she will make Kheer for Aai. Anupriya says no, she will eat salt and puts so much salt in her mouth. Kalyani asks her to spit it and asks who eats so much salt. Anupriya asks her to be guest and not to become a family member. Kalyani says you will know that your guest is mad and puts much salt in her mouth. Swara rush to Kalyani. Anupriya thinks why you are doing this Kalyani?

Kalyani ask Anupriya what will she remember about the mad guest and puts much salt in her mouth. Anupriya turns her face. Kalyani tells that she will not let her go far from here. Aao Saheb comes there and asks them to spit the salt, else they will get sores in their mouth. She asks them to spit the salt. Kalyani refuses. Aao Saheb gives promise to Anupriya and asks her to spit the salt. Swara makes Anupriya spit the salt. Aao Saheb asks Kalyani to spit the salt. Kalyani spits the salt too. Anupriya thinks why are you doing this, your Aai is inauspicious. She asks Aao Saheb to tell her not to show her face to her again. Kalyani is shocked and thinks Aai said this.

Durga Prasad bark seeing Avni wearing Kalyani’s earring. Malhar comes there and calm down Durga Prasad. He gets hyper seeing Avni wearing Kalyani’s earring and asks if she doesn’t understand when he had told her before, not to touch his things. Avni says sorry and tells that she thought he had brought this for her. She asks if this is of your first wife. Malhar eats the tablets. Avni says I don’t know anything other than Moksh. Malhar says I have nothing in my life other than Moksh. Avni tell her baby that his baba get angry, but cares for them too. Malhar goes out and cries thinking about Kalyani, looking at the earrings. Song plays….maine sirf tujhko hi chaha hai…

Kalyani tell Aao Saheb that Aai has the right to throw her out, but she has the right to know the reason for her anger. Aao Saheb tells that she will decide who will stay here and ask her to bring her stuff here, says you will stay here. Kalyani asks really and asks about Anupriya. Aao Saheb says I will handle her. Kalyani hug her. Aao Saheb think you are alive so have to return here, says you are my gift to Malhar to ruin him. Godaveri comes to Kalyani’s house and look at her stuff. She says it is made in Paris. Kalyani think if Aai is in problem and gets Darshan’s call. She tells that she will talk to the MLA and don’t go to anyone’s house for lunch. Godaveri tell that she will tell her friends that her sister have become Magistrate. Kalyani asks her to be let’s be quick. Godaveri tells that she has become a lawyer. Kalyani says she knows and asks about Anupriya’s education. Godaveri tells that she had left living after your death. She gets Swara’s call and tells her that she is with Kalyani. She calls her Swara Aai. Kalyani asks why did you call her Swara Aai. Godaveri tells that the circumstances were such that Papa had to marry Swara. Kalyani falls down in shock and asks why did Vivek Chacha marry Swara? Godaveri lies to her that her mother Pallavi is unwell and she doesn’t have much time left. Kalyani is shocked and takes out her anger. She says so much have changed in these 5 years. Godaveri asks the Servant to keep Kalyani’s stuff in the official car. Kalyani thinks what Malhar might be going through.

Malhar bring Kalyani’s stuff to Aao Saheb’s house. Aao Saheb insults Malhar and tells that first ACP, constable and now labourer. She says what will your wife say? Malhar is about to go. Aao Saheb says let my grand daughter come and check her stuff, if anything is missing then where she will search for you in basti. Malhar get angry and ask her to call her grand daughter. He tells that he earns sufficient for his family and if that day comes when he has to steal then he will commit suicide. Aao Saheb says when that day will come. Kalyani comes there with Godaveri. Aao Saheb tells her that Malhar was getting angry with her. Malhar asks her to check her stuff. Kalyani thinks why did you bring my stuff and got insulted. She asks why did you bring my stuff? He says it is my duty. She asks him to ask her before touching her stuff. Aao Saheb says he is your personal servant, government is giving him salary for this. Kalyani calls Raghav and scolds him for asking an officer to take her stuff. She ends the call and asks Malhar to go. She thinks don’t let this situation come again, I am not very strong. Swara looks at Malhar. Malhar says don’t be sympathetic towards me, I got your reply. He recalls getting her hairs with the letter. He says it is upto you to decide with whom you want to be with.

Kalyani comes there and asks Swara why she did this? Swara says that this house lost their grand son because of her brother and that’s why she is doing this. Everyone sits to have food. Kalyani asks about Anupriya. Godaveri says she will not have food with us. Aao Saheb says Anupriya is Annapurna and eats after feeding us, in the last. Anupriya bring the food. Aao Saheb asks if she didn’t make anything of Kalyani’s choice. Anupriya says she doesn’t know the preference of strangers. Aao Saheb ask her to make shrikand for Kalyani. Pallavi taunt her and ask if she knows how to make Shrikand. Vivek says if she is an earning member that she gets rid of kitchen work. Kalyani hears them and tells that this is the problem of their country as half of men think like him. She says they didn’t think that they become earning member because of the woman who handles the house. She tells that work is done, even if it is done in the kitchen. Anupriya says she don’t want outsiders to take stand for her. Kalyani says where is Aai’s room? I want to shift to her room.

Kalyani sit on the bed and thinking mattress is very soft, Aai must be feeling back pain. She recall Anupriya asking her to sleep in her room when she came to their house for the first time. Aao Saheb asks Anupriya to sleep with kalyani in the guest room. Anupriya asks her to tell Kalyani that she sleeps in the kitchen. Aao Saheb ask her not to tell her this and tells that when Vivek and Pallavi asked you not to sleep in any room as you are inauspicious then I took your side, but you insisted to sleep here. She says if you tell her this then Kalyani will leave me, how will I live without my grand daughter. She asks her to go there and stay in guest room. Anupriya comes to the guest room. Kalyani says it is your room only, if this is a college that you will ask may I come in Madam. She asks her to laugh if she feels like. Anupriya comes inside and keeps Shrikand for Kalyani. Kalyani thanks her and tastes it. She says it is amazing, your behavior is changed, but food is always perfect. She says atleast you didn’t forget how to cook food. She goes to Anupriya and holds her pallu to wipe her mouth. Maa song plays…Kalyani says you are hiding something from me. Anupriya turns her face and asks why I will hide anything, if you are important for me. Kalyani says you are hiding something and I have caught you, I found out that you have stolen my stuff. Anupriya says I didn’t steal anything, she ask her if she didn’t feel shame to accuse your Aai. Kalyani says you called yourself as my Aai. She get happy and says you had only said that kids can forget their mother, but a mother can’t forget her children. She says you can’t say anything against your family then you will go against nature. She get happy. Anupriya wipes her face with Pallu. Kalyani says you are still stolen something and says you have stolen my Billu’s stuff and asks her to tell if she didn’t steal it. She looks at Moksh’s stuff and gets emotional. Anupriya gets teary eyes seeing Kalyani crying. A sad song plays….Kalyani asks do you think that our Billu is alive. She says he is alive, as Ganapati Bappa kept me alive. She says nothing had happened to him, and tells that she is alive and this is the proof that he is alive. Anupriya thinks she can neither hug her nor wipe her tears, thinks she is inauspicious and can’t let her reflection fell on her. She recalls Aao Saheb’s words and pretends to sleep. Kalyani try to talk to her and finds her asleep. She finds heels cracked and apply ointment. Anupriya gets up and tells that she doesn’t want her to touch her feet. Kalyani asks her to decide if she wants her to apply cream to her now or after doing a drama. She shouts Aao Saheb.

My Heart Knows Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm 

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