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The Episode starts with Vividha recalling Atharv’s words. She thinks what’s seen does not exist, a big truth is hiding, I have to find out, but how. Vividha gets restless in sleep and gets up. She thinks I can’t wait, I have to find out what happened at farm house. She leaves. Ravish is sleeping. Vividha rushes out of the house and looks for taxi. She gets a taxi and sits. Atharv comes to her and asks where are you going alone. Vividha asks did you not sleep till now. He says take me along. She asks him to go and sleep. He says I m your friend, take me along. She says I am also your friend, go and sleep, I m going for imp work. He goes. She leaves in the taxi. Ravish wakes up and does not see Vividha in room. He looks for her. Vividha reach farmhouse and checks the swimming pool area. She says Atharv said someone pulled him, if I m Atharv, if anyone pulls me, I will fall in pool, but why did we not see anyone, how can this happen, there will be some clue to know who is doing this with Atharv. Ravish calls her out and looks for her at home. He calls her. Vividha checks well. She gets hurt and sees the rope lying there. She thinks its that rope by which someone pulled Atharv in swimming pool, it means Vipul did not push Atharv, this rope is transparent, who can do this planning to harm Atharv. Daddy ji comes there. Vividha turns and gets shocked seeing him.

Vividha says Dada ji, you…. I got scared for a minute, Vipul is innocent, he did not push Atharv. Daddy ji says Atharv was pulled. Vividha gets shocked. She asks how do you know this. He says because I have pulled Atharv. She asks you…He says yes. She says it means you…. He says yes, I have done all that in hospital, and made cupboard fall on Atharv, unfortunately, Suman came and saved him, it was me who have given car keys to Atharv. FB shows Daddy ji executing all his plans. He says it was me, who left current wire in sports race, and I have pulled Atharv’s foot and made him fall inside the water. Vividha gets shocked. Daddy ji says your findings got completed, I did all this planning. She cries and asks why did you do this, what did he do. Daddy ji says his birth is a crime, his staying at home and claiming rights is bigger crime, I will not let this injustice happen, I got to know about the will and i was unhappy. Vividha says Atharv is your grandson.

Daddy ji says he is illegitimate son of Ramakant, I don’t need him, Ravish is enough for me, I love Suman more than my daughter, I promised her to give her a good life, but I failed, as my son Ramakant loved Sujata, Suman and I thought Ravish will get his love, but Sujata and her son Atharv entered this house, what would Suman go through, when she saw Sujata and her son in front of her eyes, then Suman got to know you and Atharv are going to marry think of her emotions knowing you don’t love Ravish and love that mad guy, don’t you care for our feelings, is Ravish not a human.

Ravish says I don’t know where did Vividha go. Suman says where can she go. Ravish says we have to inform Daddy ji. Suman says no, he slept early tonight, we will find him. Sujata comes and asks for Atharv. Suman says it means Atharv and Vividha went together, this had to happen, why are we surprised. Ravish says Vividha would have told me if sh took Atharv along, she is not careless, did Atharv go anywhere, did anyone see Atharv going out. Chutki says I have seen him.

Vividha cries and says Dada ji, I did not do this intentionally. Daddy ji says I will not let this injustice happen, I tried to move away Atharv from my way but someone always saved him, you stood in front of him like a wall, when I saw you taking taxi and coming farmhouse, I decided to move you out of the way. FB shows Daddy ji seeing Vividha going to spy in farmhouse and finds it a good chance. FB ends. Daddy ji says if you could not become Suman’s bahu, this house does not need you, there is no difference between you and Atharv, come. He drags her. Vividha shouts and asks him to leave her.

Ravish asks Chutki when did she see Atharv. Chutki says I was at window, I have seen Vividha sitting in taxi. FB shows the taxi not starting soon. Atharv gets inside the dickey and waves bye to Chutki. The taxi leaves. FB ends. Sujata says Atharv got in taxi dickey, where did Vividha go. Chutki tells taxi details to Ravish. Ravish figures out the travel agency.

Vividha says Dada ji, you are eldest in family and should protect everyone, what are you doing. He says I m doing the same. Daddy ji beats the driver and gets inside the taxi. Vividha shouts for help. Atharv opens the dickey door. Daddy ji drives and dickey door gets shut by the jerk. He beats Vividha and she faints. Ravish asks taxi agency to track the taxi location and tell him. Daddy ji throws the GPS device out. Ravish asks what, where did taxi go, call me if you get any info. He tells everyone that Vividha went to farm house. Suman asks why will she go there at this time. Ravish says we have to reach there, there is no time to think. Sujata asks shall I come along. Atharv knocks the dickey.

Daddy ji says if you can’t become Suman’s bahu, you don’t have right to live. He drags her. She asks him to leave her. Its morning, Daddy ji gets Vividha to some place. Ravish, Suman and Sujata reach farmhouse and find the taxi driver unconscious. Ravish wakes him up and asks about Vividha. Driver says I was waiting for her and slept here, someone pushed me out and took the car.

Daddy ji holds Vividha’s neck and says you have just hurt Ravish and Suman, I have come to remove that thorn hurting my family. She says please leave me, what will you get by killing me. He says I will get peace, I want freedom from you and that mad guy, your dead body will not be found after I sink you in waters, once I kill you, I will kill that man guy also. She says no.
He pushes her in the waters. Atharv comes out of the car dickey and asks does anyone drive so badly, I m not liking this, I got hurt. He sees the car vacant and calls out Vividha. He likes the place and sits on the car. Vividha sinks and comes out of the river struggling for life. Atharv calls Vividha and asks are you playing hide and seek, I will find you. Vividha comes out and asks Daddy ji not to do this. Daddy ji says enemy should not be left and given chance to run, to get peace, enemy should be finished, I did this work for country, today I m doing this for family, its war and everything is fair, our family will get free after your death. He dips her head in water and sinks her. She shouts no. She recalls Atharv’s words.

Atharv calls her out and looks for her. Vividha recalls Atharv and her moments. Atharv is playing around and looks for her. Vividha recalls Atharv’s encouraging words. She shouts Atharv. Atharv hears her and stops. Atharv runs to find her. Daddy ji sinks her head in water again and again. Atharv comes near the lake and sees Daddy ji sinking Vividha. He gets shocked.

Atharv runs to save Vividha. He pulls Daddy ji away and gets inside the water. He lifts Vividha and gets her out. Daddy ji gets shocked seeing Atharv. Atharv asks Vividha to get up. She coughs. Daddy ji recalls Suman and Ravish, and gets angry. Atharv says I will call Captain saab, he will beat Dada ji. Daddy ji pulls his hair and slaps Atharv. He beats Atharv and recalls Suman’s words and pain. Vividha sees this and worries. Jaana na dil se door…..plays………….

Daddy ji beats him a lot. Vividha tries to get up. She runs to them and stops Daddy ji. Daddy ji pushes her away. Atharv sees Vividha’s hand bleeding and gets shocked. He turns to normal and stops Daddy ji by holding his hand. Atharv’s old moments are shown. Atharv beats Daddy ji.

Vividha asks Atharv not to beat Dada ji. Atharv goes to Vividha and holds her. O re piya…..plays………. He cries and holds her face. Vividha cries and hugs him. Daddy ji hits on his head with a big stone. Atharv holds his head. Vividha gets shocked as Daddy ji gets hitting on his head again and again. She shouts Atharv. Atharv turns to Daddy ji. His vision blurs. Daddy ji walks to him. Vividha cries. Atharv holds her hand. Daddy ji kicks him down. Old moments are seen when Kailash dragged Vividha away. Atharv falls down in the river. The blood spreads in the water. Vividha shouts Atharv. Atharv sinks. Daddy ji smiles. Vividha slaps Daddy ji and asks why did you do this, what did Atharv do, go and find him. Daddy ji gets angry and slaps her multiple times. Ravish comes there and holds Daddy ji’s hand.

Daddy ji and Vividha get shocked seeing him. Ravish, Suman and Sujata see Daddy ji’s criminal side. Vividha says Daddy ji has sent Atharv in water, he will be around, he has hit Atharv’s head with stone, on same place where he has the wound, find Atharv please. She shouts Atharv. Sujata says Vividha don’t worry you know Atharv knows swimming, he will come out. Vividha and Sujata shout to Atharv. Ravish jumps in the waters and looks for Atharv. Ravish comes out of waters. Vividha asks for Atharv. Ravish signs no. They all get shocked.

Never Say Goodbye Air On Star Life From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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