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The Episode starts with Suman saying I just have right on Sindoor, mangalsutra and Ramakant’s pic, you have rights on rest of the things, you, your son and bahu can stay any way you like. Sujata says Vividha is still your bahu. Suman asks are you taunting me, everyone knows Vividha loves Atharv. Sujata says no, Atharv is her past, and Ravish is her present. Suman says Atharv is her present and future too, she will always love Atharv. Sujata says the Atharv she loved is finished, Ravish loves Vividha, she will always be your bahu. Suman says question is not that Ravish loves Vividha, question is does Vividha love Ravish, i know what one sided love does to life. Sujata says I will talk to Vividha.

Suman turns and sees Ravish, Vividha and entire family. Ravish stops Suman and keeps Ramakant’s pic back. Suman stops him and signs no. She says let me go. Ravish says you are not going anywhere. Suman says I can’t stay. Dadi Bua says Ravish can request you, I can order you, no one is going anywhere. Vividha and everyone ask Suman to stay back. Suman cries. Ravish nods to her.
Atharv plays with toy car. A man comes and says you gave complaint of car not working well. Atharv asks did my complaint go so soon. Ravish says he has come for my car. He goes with the man. Suman tells Daddy ji what Sujata said. She says you may feel Sujata said right, but I don’t think so. He says sorry, I failed in my eyes, then your and your dad’s sight, I proudly asked for your hand for my son, being sure to give you much happiness in this house. She says its not your mistake, it was written in my fate.

Vipul says our fate is bad, we did not get anything, just 10% share, that man guy got 30%, if he was not here, he would have got much share. Bhoomi consoles him. Kalindi says we will not get anything if we ask, but we can snatch anything. Suman says I don’t have any hope till Atharv stays in front of Vividha, Ravish and Vividha’s relation will be just on papers. Daddy ji agrees.

The man checks car and says there is brakes problem and oil leak, I will get some items. He goes. Atharv asks Ravish to repair his car also. Ravish says i will get new one for you tomorrow. Atharv says I m smart and big boy, I will drive this car. Ravish says no, you can’t drive. Ravish gets a call and goes. Ravish keeps keys on the side table. Atharv says captain has big car, I have such small car, I will tell Vividha and Sujata to give me big car. Someone throws car keys to him. Atharv says this are keys of big car, I will also drive, I will learn this myself. He opens the car door. He sits and think how to start car. Vividha calls him out. He starts the car. She hears the sound. He thinks how to drive. She gets shocked seeing Atharv driving and shouts to stop him. She shouts to Ravish. She runs after Atharv and hides a rickshaw to follow Atharv.

Atharv drives the car and enjoys. She follows him. The car brakes fail. Auto driver tells Vividha that car’s brakes are not working. Vividha gets ahead of the car. She makes the man place the wooden sticks in the way to break down car’s speed. Atharv drives there. She shouts Atharv.

Ravish tries calling Vividha. She gets Atharv home. Ravish asks how is Atharv. She asks how can you give car keys to Atharv, he does not know driving, you know his mental state, if anything happened to him. He says I did not give keys. She asks then who gave it. Suman asks her not to talk in high tone, why will Ravish lie, he did not give keys. Vividha says how did Atharv get keys. Atharv says Ravish did not give me keys, someone has thrown keys to me, keys flew in air and came. Kalindi says now he has stolen keys and making stories. Atharv says I m not making stories. Suman asks Vividha to think ten times before shouting on Ravish, why did you talk in high tone. Ravish says its fine, take rest now. Atharv says I did not take keys. Sujata takes him.

Its night, Vividha goes to Ravish and apologizes. She says I m feeling guilty, I know you love Atharv a lot. Ravish asks her not to apologize. She feels bad and clarifies. He says we can’t afford that Atharv gets hurt, I will be alert. She asks how can we be alert all the time, how is this possible, I feel someone is trying to harm Atharv. He gets shocked. Suman, Kalindi and Vipul are shown.

Vividha says I feel someone is trying to harm Atharv, there is danger around him. Ravish says I assure nothing will happen to Atharv. Sujata says Ravish is right, I can also sense danger on Atharv, but I believe Ravish, we have to take care of Suman, she is much worried by whatever happened. Suman says news is good, but see on what time did it come. Daddy ji asks why did she lose hope. Suman says what’s hope now, nothing is like before, everything changed. Dadi Bua comes and asks for locker keys to keep jewelry. Suman gives her keys.

Dadi Bua opens locker and asks did you take jewelry Suman, its not here. Suman gets shocked. Ravish asks did Maa sleep. Sujata says no, she is with your Dada ji, some imp letter came. Ravish asks which letter. Atharv says I m

feeling sleeping. Sujata says I will come along. He asks her to send Vividha. Vividha sees Ravish and says no, its late, Sujata will make you sleep. Atharv insists. Ravish asks Vividha to go and make Atharv sleep, he does not know what’s happening around. Vividha goes with Atharv. Sujata finds Ravish sad.
Suman says I did not take jewelry. Dadi Bua says the special sets and earrings are not inside, which Ramakant’s mother worn on her marriage. She goes. Vividha says Sujata is cleaning kitchen, if she comes and sees you did not sleep, she will feel bad. Atharv asks her to sing lullaby. She says not today. He says I don’t like everyone fighting, sing lullaby for me, I will sleep. Vividha sings O saathi re……. Atharv asks Vividha, why don’t you smile. She gets shocked seeing him talking like normal. She says Atharv…. He talks like kid and says why don’t you laugh. He tickles her and asks her to laugh. Suman comes there. They stop seeing her.

Suman says I thought to ask you, did you think about event, but … Vividha says what event. Suman says of course, how will you know about Ravish’s life, Ravish is your husband and you don’t know anything about him. Ravish and Sujata come there. Suman sees them.

Ravish asks what happened Maa. Suman says I came to talk to my bahu about the big event in your life, but she does not know it. Ravish asks which event. Suman says Ravish is given gallantry medal to fight against terrorism. Atharv says wow, I also fought, will I also get it. Vividha says Ravish did not tell me anything. Suman says you would have known it if you took interest. Ravish says award s just announced, we still have time. Suman says its big thing, we have to organize dinners, meets and sports day also. Atharv says I will also take part in sports day. Ravish says sure, there is a session tomorrow, will you come along, the entire family should come along. Suman goes. Atharv gets glad.

Its morning, Ravish takes Atharv to practice session. Entire family look on. People congratulate Daddy ji and Suman. Ravish calls Atharv and other officers. He says he is my brother Atharv. The officers are glad meeting Atharv. Ravish says Atharv wants to practice with us, I hope you don’t have any problem. Officer says we have seen his talent in fights, we will see his talent on fields too. Atharv asks what fight. Ravish is called and asks officers to take care of Atharv, he did not recovered yet.

Sujata asks Vividha about medical store. Vividha says its there, we will go and come. Two officers stare at Atharv and says Ravish got award, when we did more dangerous missions, is our work just to serve Atharv. They go to Atharv. Atharv says I m very strong. The men ask Atharv to come with them. They ask Atharv to throw this heavy wheel there. Atharv says I m very strong uncle, but this is very heavy. Atharv could not throw and tries again.

Suman and Daddy ji look on. The men say we will play some other game, come, this is easy. They hit Atharv with the ball. Atharv gets hit on his head. He says I m fine. They hit him on his head many times. Vividha and Sujata come back. Sujata feels hot and thinks to have lemon water. Vividha sees Atharv practicing. The men ask Atharv to jump.

Atharv falls down. Sujata worries. Vividha says no, Atharv will manage. She asks Atharv to try again. She goes to Atharv and says you know all this, come on try. Atharv asks can I do this like soldiers. She says yes, do it. Atharv falls down and says I can’t. Ravish comes back. Vividha asks Atharv to close eyes and focus. Ravish says its difficult exercise, he can get hurt. Vividha says wait Ravish. Atharv closes eyes and holds the metal rod to exercise.

Atharv opens eyes and lifts himself from the ground. He does somersaults. Ravish and everyone get surprised. Atharv says I did it. Vividha and Ravish clap for him. Atharv says I will show more. Sujata smiles. Atharv exercises more. The two officers get jealous of him.

Ravish says very good, you can do anything. He asks Vividha did Atharv do this before. Vividha says yes and smiles.

Never Say Goodbye Air On Star Life From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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