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The episode starts with a small girl is shown tying Rakhi to her brother. A woman is calling her daughter taking name as “Mannu” while her mother in law ie. Mannu’s grandmother brings her slowly outside her room who was getting ready to go out for a party. Mannu’s mother is stopping her for her brother to arrive for tying Rakhi due to Raksha Bandhan’s occasion.

Mannu’s neighbour friends are speaking with Mannu’s sister named “Meet” on phone to come soon who is riding her bike. Meet’s grandmother keeps cursing about Meet to her mother while Meet’s mother keeps calming her explaining that Meet never makes feel of a son missing in this house that’s why she ties Rakhi from Mannu & who also looks after this house with her own efforts.

Meet is riding fast for her commitment of delivering a parcel to her company’s client but that lady client requests her for helping to join the item which is child’s pram & she helps her accordingly while the lady client goes inside to bring something for her but Meet sees child crying & she picks her for pampering & calming the child which is praised by the lady client.

A girl falls down hanging on a rod in a construction site while a young boy runs quickly, who is actually assistant manager of the site, to save her & the child’s father who is a labour on that site praises his manager & he advises him to always keep eye on child whenever he brings on the site due to his helplessness towards his wife’s unavailability who is hospitalized.

The Manager’s friend tells him he knows he won’t listen to him but asks him why he took such a risk while he reminds him about his father’s example of helping needy people due to whom such qualities might have come into him but he reminds him about Raksha Bandhan for which his sister also must be waiting hence they immediately leave but on the way they dash with Meet who is also riding fast & the boy taking out the keys of her two wheeler asks her to plead him but she also instead takes out the wire of his car’s starter which doesn’t start hence both of them give up after lot of argument & leave from there warning each other.

Meet’s grandmother is about to get hit with the main door because of a slight push from Mannu but Meet saves her grandmother. Mannu ties Rakhi to Meet who gifts all of them golden rings while her mother becomes emotional remembering about her husband ie. Meet’s father who had promised them he’ll’ bring golden rings for them next time is the last celebration when he gave them silver rings hence she praises Meet who fulfilled promise of her father for them & hearing this Meet’s grandmother also becomes emotional.

Mannu is about to leave for her party but Meet convinces her to let’s enjoy within family & they reach at a restaurant but Mannu is clicking her selfies feeling impressed with the decoration outside the hotel while Meet is insisting her to come inside the hotel but Mannu tells her to click her photos & while clicking Mannu slowly reaches in between the road & Meet is trying to alert her but a truck is coming on her hence Meet jumps to save her. They both fall aside while Meet’s grandmother comes running feeling concerned about Mannu & blaming Meet for all this incidence but Meet’s mother is trying to calm grandmother then too she reminds her about Meet’s curse due to whom her brother was also killed before coming in this world & hearing this Meet feels depressed emotionally.

Meet’s mother watch her husband’s photo who is actually no more with them is expressing her feelings to her mother in law about Meet’s behaviour which is to be applauded instead cursing her now & then because it’s she who is taking care of their house looking after day to day needs like a son who has to do this so she also has some feelings about loss of her brother before birth & she isn’t responsible for that hence to stop cursing her.

Meet arrives who hears all this while her mother wonders what she’ll feel but she tries bringing some calm atmosphere hence tells her mother she has brought Chinese food parcel hence to let’s eat while her grandmother again makes Meet realize about her gender which some day she has to face the truth of while Meet keeps joking with her.

The young boy Meet who had dashed girl Meet reaches his family’s name Ahlawat’s house but finds a key chain fallen in his car hence wonders asking his friend about it & he reminds him of the same girl whom he had confronted earlier & he tells him to not to remind him again & again of that girl who has insulted him.

Meet is cleaning her bike while her neighbour friends are joking & making fun with her but she remembers about the keychain fallen watching a nut in her bike & also thinks of taking revenge with him.

Young boy Meet enters his house but finds the entire family is waiting for him while his mother shows him the time delayed because of him due to Raksha Bandhan & he kisses his mother saying he’ll get ready & come soon. All his sister’s are tying Rakhi on his hands while he gives various gifts to them but when his sister in law is about to tie then his elder sister intervenes to stop her due to her curse on their family because of whom her elder brother left them hence the whole atmosphere is disturbed but the Meet handles the situation.

Girl Meet is performing prayers of Mata while her mother praises her behaviour towards God as well as family & Meet helps her in her work also after prayers.

Boy Meet’s mother is expressing her depression to her husband about the loss faced of her elder son Tej who has left their house due to which his wife is blamed but her husband is trying to explain her it’s not his wife’s mistake in this & she says it’s also mistake from her due to her blind faith on his son’s love to her without checking birth Kundli resulting he leaving but this time will not happen with her another son for whom she’ll follow all rules before marrying him & her husband feels happy about it hence they decide to talk with their son. The father is trying to talk with his young son Meet about his marriage while all are surrounded but his son jokes with him to divert the attention on his marriage.

Mannu is in hurry talking on phone promising & leaving for her commitment while her grandmother & mother is trying to stop her due to arrival of some guests to see her but she without listening to it tells them to take help from their able daughter Meet & leaves. Meet’s grandmother again abuses Meet while Meet helps her mother with repairing mixer. Meet’s grandmother is cursing her she won’t be able to become a perfect woman for anybody in her life while Meet’s mother is again explaining her mother in law to control her anger on Meet reminding how she can feel about her curse always.

Meet is slowly moving inside the house reminding about her promise to her father that she’ll become an able girl in her life for her family.

Meet’s mother is explain her mother in law about Meet’s capability to handle this house’s needs which a son would also couldn’t had done hence to stop cursing Meet & says that one day you’ll also see Meet will get a very good Proposal for her marriage.

Meet Ahlawat finishes his bath & is getting ready standing in front of mirror but sees Meet who is repairing his room’s A.C. hence he gets bugged on her asking how come she is here & in both of their arguments they fall on each other. She shows him the hammer while he twists her hand but his mother comes asking him what he is upto & he says to see how this girl is behaving but his mother asks him from which angle he sees girl in him while he leaves hand & finds he was day dreaming of Meet in a mechanic & the mechanic warns his mother that he’ll complain about her son & leaves.

Meet realizes his mistake of day dreaming & leaves immediately from there while his mother is holding Mannushi ie. Mannu’s photo to show him but in vain hence she hangs it near his mirror assuming he’ll see when he returns.

Mannu is on date with her boyfriend sitting in a restaurant while her sister Meet arrives there to pick a parcel for delivery & Mannu after watching Meet tries to hide herself because of short dress worn & lied of college visit to her mother. Mannu’s boyfriend is panicking asking Mannu what is she upto but she is bluffing him of losing diamond & quickly tries running from there but Meet comes from behind & watches her in mirror reflection of her bike hence catches her & takes her away.

Season Premiere On Meet In Love Air On Star Life From Mondays To Sundays At 7pm

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