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Anu tell Toshu and Kinjal that there is no use of marriage as they both don’t seem happy. She signal Baa and Bapuji. Baa ask what happened? Anu says usual husband and wife fight. Samar says he didn’t know that bhai and bhabhi fought. Bapuji says wedding pictures won’t come out good with swollen faces. Baa asks nagin/Rakhi to take back her daughter as she doesn’t need this kind of bahu. Vanraj, Dolly, and Devika also support them sensing Anu’s gesture. Anu says already they already married and these rituals just don’t mean if they don’t reconcile and apologize to each other. Toshu and Kinjal say they don’t need to cancel the wedding and apologize to each other. Toshu also says sorry to Kinja. Anu says there would be fight between husband and wife, but they should patch up and move on. Bapuji ask everyone to look aside. Baa ask nagin/Rakhi  not to stare, but look aside. Rakhi obey with frowning face. Toshu and Kinjal apologize to each other saying they shouldn’t have fought and hug each other. Anu cough and everyone taunt. Toshu and Kinjal smile. Rakhi think so what if fighting stop, still there is a lot to watch. Kinjal and Toshu exchange garlands. Rakhi think people burn crackers in marriage, but she will blast a bomb in this marriage. 

Kavya nervously sips water in her house.

Panditji ask groom’s parents to come and sit with groom and bride. Anu reminisce telling Vanraj that she is with the children and not him. She and Vanraj sit down and perform the ritual. Shehnayi…song.. plays in the background. Rakhi get a call and says okay. Panditji asks bride’s mother to perform gathbandhan. Rakhi tie gathbandhan loosely and stand aside smirking. Anu senses that and signals Kinjal. Kinjal tighten gathandhan. Rakhi think they are flying high, but soon there will be fire which will be stronger than havan kund fire. Pandit ask groom’s paernts to hold a betel leaf in their hand. They both do hesitantly. Panditji prays for new bride and groom’s prosper life. Anu look at Vanraj. Panditji ask bride and groom to put flowers in havan and ask groom’s parents to support their hands. Anu and Vanraj do same. Kavya enters and supports Vanraj’s hand. Everyone get shocked to see her while Rakhi smirk and reminisces meeting Kavya and telling her that she is coming from Toshu and Kinjal’s sangeet ceremony and Kavya was not present for this function. She says she knows Vanraj hate her, but when he is going away from even Kavya, what is the point. She shows Anu and Vanraj’s intimate picture and says Vanraj doesn’t want to take Kavya home for function purposefully, and if he wanted, he would have convinced family easily. Kavya shouts that Vanraj didn’t take her because of Rakhi. Rakhi provoke her that Vanraj doesn’t want to accept their illicit relationship, so he didn’t take her while Anirudh loves her and hence doesn’t want to leave her. Kavya shouts in frustration. Rakhi says her relationship is illicit, but she didn’t commit any sin and it shouldn’t be hidden, etc. Out of flashback, Vanraj drag Kavya out of mantap and ask why did she come here. She says its her boyfriend’s son’s marriage. Anu says this is her son’s marriage and Kavya was invited last time for engagement, but this time why did she come uninvited? Kavya says she came on her friend Rakhi’s invitation, reminiscing Rakhi inviting her, and says she cannot deny a friend’s invitation. Kinjal ask Rakhi why did she call Kavya? Rakhi says Kavya is her business head’s friend’s wife as she has not divorced Anirudh yet, so invitation is obvious. Anu tells Vanraj that Kavya ruined their wedding and she tolerated it, but she will not tolerate Kavya ruining her children’s wedding; though anyone would have invited Kavya, she is Vanraj’s guest and he should tell her to go from here. Devika confront Rakhi that she didn’t do right and she will return her drama with interest. Rakhi says we will see it, let us see this drama for the time being. Anu tell Vanraj that they are not husband and wife but parents in this wedding and why should they let a grahan/eclipse ruin their children’s wedding? Kavya shouts Anu is a grahan on Vanraj and her relationship and when he is staying with her, Anu cannot tolerate it. Devika address her as home breaker warns her to stop her drama and get out. Anu tells Devika that she doesn’t need anyone’s help in her fight. Kavya says she already lost her fight and Vanraj, that is why she wants him back. Anu says she doesn’t mean that. Kavya yells that she speaks something, shows one something, and does something. Anu says everyone is not like Kavya to do that. Vanraj ask Kavya not to create a scene in his son’s wedding. Kavya shouts if he had to go back to them, why did he come to her? Vanraj shouts enough. Vanraj shouts he will not let her ruin his son’s wedding. Kavya shouts he speaks Anu’s language when he enters this house. Anu plead with Kavya not to ruin her son’s wedding. Bapuji says bahu is right and ask Vanraj to stop this drama. Baa says he is a father and should end this drama. Kinjal ask Rakhi to end this drama as she started it. Rakhi says she just gave one extra wedding card, why should she bother if Kinjal’s father inlaw’s girlfriend comes and creates drama. Toshu ask Kavya to leave their house. Bapuji angrily shouts at Vanraj that he used to think that world’s most ill fated father is the one who is childless, but now he think he is the most ill fated father who has a son like him; how many times will he insult him; he should ask Kavya to leave or get out with Kavya. Baa says she thought Rakhi Dave is the most shameless woman in the world, but Kavya is more shameless than her. Vanraj ask Kavya to please leave. Kavya says she will not go alone and will take him along. He shout he will not go anywhere. She says people say right that its difficult for a woman to create new relationships and difficult for man to break old ones; Anu was his daily life earlier and she was his weekend and now she is his weekend and Anu is his daily life. Anu warn her to stop their filthy language and get away from her son’s wedding. Kavya says she will not go without taking her right. Anu says she should take her right from Vanraj and get out. Vanraj ask Kavya again to stop the drama and leave. Kavya says she came for him and he is asking her to leave, warn him that if he loses his job, he has to come to her. Rakhi smirk thinking about that. Baa shout why will her son lose his job, Kavya will instead. Vanraj hold her hand and drags, but she frees her hand and ask Anu if she will spare Vanraj or not; she used to feel pity for Anu but now she feel Anu is a woman who is unfit for her husband, seeing her drama she is unfit for anyone. Nandini shouts enough maasi. Devika says Kavya interfered between husband and wife and when she didn’t get unmarried young boy, she eyed on a married man and now she is blaming Anu. Kavya yell that Anu is so weak that she needs her friend’s support to fight; she acts as helpless and garners support from everyone. Samar warns her to stop it or else he will not keep quiet, he is silent because of his mother’s sanskars. Kavya yells earlier friend and now son, Anu should call even her in-laws. Vanraj shouts again stop. Anu warn her to stop. Kavya says she repeatedly calls Vanraj and still needs his support for everything, she is wearing Vanraj’s mangalsutra even after breaking up with him, she call him repeatedly in lieu of children’s education, expenses, etc.; she will not go from here until she gets her right today, let the wedding function spoil. Baa ask what right? Kavya says Vanraj’s named mangalsutra is her right and she will snatch it from Anu. Anu reminisce Vanraj’s betrayal. Baa asks someone to stop this chudail/Kavya. Kavya extend her hand to snatch Anu’s mangalsutra. Anu hold her hand and says she already told her that she doesn’t need anyone’s support to fight her battle and mangalsutra doesn’t matter to her when there is no relationship left, but that doesn’t mean that anyone can come and snatch it from her neck; mangalsutra thread is tied with love and blessings, love is gone, but elder’s blessings are still on; if someone try to touch it, she will break their hands; Kavya can see when a masala grinding hands take their stand, what they can do. She drag Kavya and push her out of the house. Kavya shouts what the hell. Anu warn her to get out of here, else a mother will make her forget her English. She ask Vanraj to take sweets for Kavya when he goes to her house. Kavya shouts she will not go anywhere, Anu can do whatever she wants. Anu gives her a tight slap. Vanraj rush to Kavya and shouts at Anu how dare she is. Anu asks how dare Kavya to try to ruin her son’s happiness; if Vanraj try to create a drama with Kavya and if he is hurt with a slap on his girlfriend, he can leave with her and anyways he is already out of the house. Vanraj says he is Paritosh’s father and has right to sit in his wedding rituals. Kavya insists Vanraj not to go in as Anu slapped her. Anu repeatedly asks if he will come in or not. Kavya says if Vanraj goes in, he will see her dead face. Baa says then he should come in. Anu says she is asking one last time if he will come in or not. Vanraj stands silently. Anu walks away saying his silence answered her question and return to mandap asks panditji to continue the rituals as she will perform her son’s wedding rituals alone. She starts rituals while Vanraj stand outside door with Kavya and watch it. Panditji calls Baa and Bapuji for kanyadan and then asks bride and groom to start pheras. They both do same. Vanraj stands silently feeling sad while Kavya try to drag him away in vain. Toshu puts mangalsutra in Kinjal’s neck and apply sindhoor on her hairline. Panditji says this wedding is complete with complete rituals. Vanraj blesses Toshu and walk away.

Vanraj returns to Kavya’s house with her. Kavya shouts why is he showing anger here instead of slapping Anu. Vanraj angrily break water glass and asks if he should have created drama there. She says he is supporting Anu as always since 25 years even after Anu slapped her. Vanraj says all the problems are because of her, Rakhi’s plan was successful because of her foolishness, there was drama because of her, she was slapped because of herself, they are fighting like cats and dogs because of her, her son’s most important day ruined because of her; why did she come there hearing Rakhi, did she forget what Rakhi did at the resort? Kavya says Rakhi’s ways was wrong, but if she had not done that, Vanraj’s indecisiveness wouldn’t have ended and he would have stayed in both houses; it was Rakhi who brought out truth and let him take a stand. He ask if she attended Toshu’s wedding to create a scandal and force Anu to divorce him. She shout yes, she is tired of living a secret life and he cannot take any decision until he is forced. He shouts its not true. She says then why didn’t he give their relationship a name and legal status, why he doesn’t want to divorce Anu; they need to break old relationships to build new one; she will accompany him wherever he goes and in whichever function he attends; Rakhi helped her a lot, invited her to Toshu and Kinjal’s wedding; gave her respect and didn’t ask her to hide her relationship. He says she knows what Toshu means to him, what his happiness and wedding means to him, they were all happiness and Kavya ruined it, she even snatched his fatherly right from him.


Kavya shouts she doesn’t need him or his love, he should return to Anu and fall on her feet. Anu’s mother confronts Baa that her daughter would have been better unmarried instead of marrying Vanraj and ask Anu to come along. Vanraj throw away Kavya’s picture from his wallet and says he is removing her from his heart, he doesn’t need Anupama or Kavya from hereon. Vanraj drives car reminiscing Kavya’s words and meets with an accident. Anu senses it and ask Samar to call Vanraj. Samar informs her that Vanraj met with a car accident.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm

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  1. Can't wait for sunday episode where Anu will give Kavya better hot slap. Nonsense shameless woman
