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Kinjal walks towards door warning that she will not stay in the house if Vanraj stays there. Baa yells at her as usual. Just when she is about to step out of house, Anu stops her and says they cannot set off fire with fire, Vanraj made a mistake and even she is trying to make one, one cannot be happy leaving their home. She continues that they can erase love and relationship from hear, but should not erase relationships; whatever Vanraj has done to her, she will not do wrong to him, especially in his bad condition. She holds Kinjal’s hands and says relationships are like key bunch and like if one key fails, they will not throw away the whole bunch away; why should they snatch rights of other relationships just for one relationship; she is intelligent and well educated and should take decisions after thinking well. Kinjal calms down and says she will prepare tea for them all. Vanraj apologizes and says a father protects children’s happiness, but he is ruining children’s happiness, he apologizes again.

Rakhi enters saying whoever ruins the happiness, she will be blamed. She pampers Kinjal and seeing Vanraj comments laut ke buddhu ghar ko aaaye, this is shocking, asks how did this miracle happen, then says its side effect of Kavya’s drama during wedding. Kinjal try to stop her, but Rakhi continues and asks if he is apologizing for that? Baa says she had dreamt with open eyes during wedding where she was playing sitar/slap on someone’s cheeks. Rakhi asks whom. She says who else than her. Mamaji jokes not to play sitar on Rakhi’s cheeks, else he will feel bad. Baa scolds him to stop. Bapuji says Rakhi is Anu’s samdhan. Baa says let her behave like samdhan and bring fruits for Samdhi, instead she is showing nagin dance and because of her, Vanraj is in this condition. Rakhi asks how. Baa says if she had not brought maida ki katori/maida bowl Kavya here and created drama, Vanraj wouldn’t have met with accident. Rakhi says in that logic, she should be blamed as she gave birth a colorful mood/casanova son. Baa asks Mamaji to bring a broom. Rakhi says her son played casanova and she wants to beat her instead, she is a typical Indian mom who sees everyone’s mistake except her son. Baa shouts to bring her broom. Rakhi asks if this drama suits her. Anu asks them both to stop fighting as kids learn from elders and they are teaching their children how to fight. Kinjal asks Rakhi why did she come here? Rakhi says she came to check on Vanraj as her daughter never informs her anything and she gets news from others. Baa says others means Kavya or her husband’s friend; once she gets broom, she will beat her and even her new friend if she comes in front of her. Rakhi argues with Kinjal next. Kavya enters. Anu remembers all the drama she made during Toshu and Kinjal’s wedding. Rakhi says what a fabulous timing, she was just remembering her. Kavya shouts just shut up. Anu warns Kavya that if she has come to meet Vanraj, she will let her in or if she has come to create a drama again, she will not. Kavya says if she knew a drama creator/Rakhi is already present here, she wouldn’t have come here. Rakhi shouts to mind her language. Kavya shouts she should mind her language as she provoked her and called her during Toshu and Kinjal’s wedding to create drama, because of which Vanraj met with an accident. Anu warns Kavya to stop her drama as she doesn’t want to repeat that day’s act and then warns Rakhi to be in her limits or she will not spare even her, ask if they both want to create drama even now. Vanraj asks Kavya why did she come here? She says she was worried for him and was missing him and walk towards him. Baa stop her and says if there is a degree in shamelessness, she would have come first. Rakhi think one gets more entertainment than TV in this house. Kavya requests Vanraj to explain to Baa. Baa says he returned home after escaping from her. Kavya tells Vanraj that they need to talk as the new CEO is creating problems in the office and they all don’t know that his job… Vanraj shout fine and asks her to come to his room. Kinjal warns Kavya that she will not let Kavya enter the room as they want to discuss office issue. Baa praises her and asks Anu to learn from her bahu as her bahu knows what is wrong and right. Anu says they are going to talk and room or living room doesn’t matter as they are not in room alone for the first time. Everyone feel embarrassed hearing that while Rakhi smirk. Anu asks Kinjal to accompany her to prepare tea and asks Kavya to go with Vanraj. Rakhi stops Kavya and asks to remove her slippers outside as Baa doesn’t like it. Kavya leaves her slippers out and walks behind Vanraj. Rakhi taunts Baa that her family is very modern as nobody tolerates son’s girlfriend entering home when bahu is already present.

Anu prepares tea with Kinjal. Vanraj enters room with Kavya and reminisces her fighting with him. Kavya closes door when Samar passes by and watches it. Vanraj bends his head in embarassment and Samar walks away fuming. Kinjal asks why didn’t she stop Kavya? Anu says if situation will change if she stops Kavya, why everyone are blaming her; Vanraj loves Kavya, so Kavya will obviously come to meet him; Kavya entered her house 8 years ago itself. Kinjal asks if its easy to see all this. Anu says when relationship burns, its intolerable, but when one sees its ashes, they get habituated to seeing it; she doesn’t need some pitying on her, but peace in her house. 

Kavya asks Vanraj why he asked peon to bring files and Samar to bring his laptop instead of her, he is not even picking his phone and they didn’t celebrate new year’s eve, their 1 fight cannot break their 8-year-old relationship, she is really sorry for what she said to him and she really loves him. She hugs him, but he doesn’t react. She asks him to speak at least or else she will stop breathing. Vanraj says he doesn’t have anything to say, so she should go from here. She says its not an anger of 1 day, what is the issue. Vanraj says when they used to meet in the evening, they used to enjoy, but when they started staying together, they didn’t spend a single night without fighting, he cannot fight from hereon and doesn’t have strength to fight. Kavya says their fight was with the world and Anupama and they won it. She plead with him to return home or else she will shatter and give her a last chance, they came together after a lot of difficulties and she will take good care of him. Kinjal tells Anu that her anger spoke about her pain. Anu thinks why this relationship is not leaving her even after breaking up?

Rakhi taunts that Kavya and Vanraj/Samdhiji didn’t come out yet, seems they are chatting about something very important. Anu says she will get a neck sprain if she peeps in so much and if she is too eager, she should go and check in or else have pakoras silently. Rakhi says she doesn’t have pakoras and when there is so much drama outside, there is no need to peep inside. Vanraj tells Kavya that he is unable to think properly this time and needs time and rest and most importantly peace, he will think and inform her once he get well. She ask what does he mean? He says he means whether he wants to return to her or not. Back in living room, Baa yells that Rakhi’s husband cannot tolerate her, don’t know what she eats that she spills so much venom. Rakhi pampers Kinjal. Kinjal asks her to leave her alone. Rakhi says she cannot leave her daughter in this house in this situation; she says when Anu doesn’t have any problem with her sautan Kavya, Baa doesn’t have any problem, what problem she has; everyone are selfish here; Kavya was thrown out of the house the other day and today she is welcomed as its a question of Vanraj’s job. Kinjal says whatever happened that day was because of Rakhi, she invite Kavya home that day and let her create drama, that day there was a reason to kick Kavya out of the home, but today Kavya came to chat. Rakhi asks how can she be so innocent, if she really doesn’t understand things or she purposefully doesn’t want to; she is blindfolded by her MIL Anu’s love and cannot see what she sees. Kinjal says she sees what actually doesn’t exist. Rakhi says its her stupidity speaking, she should grow up and see that Vanraj will not go out of this house as wife will serve him and girlfriend will bring flowers and he will enjoy with both gharwali and baharwali. Kinjal asks how can she talk so cheap? Rakhi asks if she cannot see her FIL’s cheapness. Kinjal says she has problem with mummy/Anu’s decision, but Anu understands world better, so she trusts her decision. Rakhi asks if Anu forgives her husband, will Kinjal also forgive him? Kinjal says mummy will never do that and she is serving Vanraj as a mother and DIL/bahu and not as a wife. Rakhi says time and situation changes and she will realize one day that her mom is right and she is wrong and that day she will listen and obey her.

Kavya reminisces she and Vanraj expressing their love in the same room and says Anupama saw them together in this place and they came together and she feels that they are separating in this place today; its so easy for a man; he left his family earlier and today leaving her; even she should leave protecting her remaining self-respect; she should have gone if it was 8 years ago as she wasn’t loving him, but today she loves him and thinks of only him; she doesn’t want to be right but wants to be his; he left home for his love, but she left her pride for him, now there is neither pride or self-respect left, but only love; now she realized how Anu used to feel; even if he reject her, her love will force her to return to him; she is going, but will wait for him forever. She walks out of the room while Vanraj sits silently. Rakhi stops her and ask her to have pakoras and go as Anu prepared it with so much love. Kavya leaves, while Rakhi smirks. Baa says good Kayva left herself, else she would have held her ear and kicked her away. Rakhi taunts that looks like lovers fight, Vanraj is a habitual fighter.

Anu receives Devika’s toy home gift from courier boy. Kavya clashes with her, and house falls down and breaks into pieces. She apologize to Anu saying house broke. Anu says its not Kavya’s mistake as house breaks from inside and not from outside, boat breaks from inside and not by storm, so there is no use of blaming outsider. Kavya asks if she will fix it. Anu says there will be cracks left if she fixes it now, she doesn’t want to fix anything now, whatever Kavya’s is will be hers. Kavya asks if Vanraj will return to her. Anu says its between Kavya and Vanraj, but she will never return to Vanraj; Vanraj will continue his relationship with his children and parents, but she doesn’t have any relationship or right and doesn’t need it. Kavya stop her. Anu says if she wants to apologize, she shouldn’t as the pain and injury they both gave will never vanish; they say when earlier written story cannot be erased, they should start writing a new story and even she  is trying to do that and there is no place for Kavya or Vanraj in it, so Kavya should leave the fear that she will snatch Vanraj back; she has moved ahead and will not look back.

After sometime, Pakhi takes banana shake for Vanraj and cheers him up saying she will do all his chores like he used to do for her, he was her genie before and now she will be his genie. Vanraj says he didn’t know that his girl has grown up. She jokes that if Baa hears that, she will taunt that she was already married in her age. Vanraj laugh and asks if she is not angry with him? She says she can never be angry with him. Anu passes by and smiles seeing them laughing. Pakhi asks him to say some dialogue. Vanraj says he is so handsome that if he makes a mistake, people look at his face and not mistake. Pakhi requests one more. He says when he sings a song, he doesn’t stop until people’s ears start bleeding and fall down. Baa also stops seeing them laughing. Vanraj looks at Anu and stops. Baa tells Anu that Vanraj didn’t say by mouth, but doesn’t look like he will return to Kavya. Anu walk away. Baa yells that she shouldn’t make faces on her husband, stiffness on 2000 rs note looks good and not on face. Anu returns to her room and try to sleep reminiscing Vanraj saying he wants to return home, Baa’s words that Vanraj doesn’t want to return to Kavya, Vanraj apologizing to her, Kavya and his affair, and rest of the incidents. Pyar Hai Ya Saza Ay Mere Dil… plays in the background. Vanraj also doesn’t sleep reminiscing recent events. Kavya imagines Vanraj returning to her. Anu cry holding her family picture.

The next morning, Anu takes tea for Baa and others. Baa says Bapuji has gone to temple with Samar and Mamaji. Anu says she is worried about Bapuji. Baa says she is worried about prasad halwa getting cold. She then sees Anu carrying coffee for Kinjal and asks why she is spoiling MILs’ name. Anu says she is also carrying coffee for Toshu. Baa says there is a difference between son and DIL. Anu says there is no difference, but they create it; Kinjal will slowly learn rules and regularities soon. Baa yells if there is MIL union, they will cancel Anu’s license, how will the world run with such a simple MIL? Anu walks into Vanraj’s room and keeps tea for him. He wakes up and looks at her. She says tea and walks away asking Sweety to wake up. Vanraj enjoys tea and reminisces Kavya serving him coffee. Anu call Toshu and Kinjal. Kinjal opens door. Anu says she just woke up, but is looking so beautiful. Kinjal says sorry, she had set alarm, but couldn’t wake up. Anu ask her to sleep for some more time if she wants to. Kinjal says she doesn’t want to. Toshu call her. She walks in taking their coffee. Anu smiles reminiscing Toshu asking her coffee before and now Kinjal.


Anu sees Vanraj falling and writhing in pain and helping him says earlier it will pain, but will be fine slowly. Vanraj hopes everything will be fine slowly. Vanraj with Anu waits for cab. Kavya brings cab and says she will take him for doctor’s appointment. Vanraj says he is waiting for his cab. Anu asks him to go with Kavya. Kavya taunts that one who pities will help for sometime, but one who loves will support whole life and she loves Vanraj.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm

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