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Anu passes by Vanraj’s room and seeing him fallen on floor rush to him worried and asking if he is fine, he would have called her if he needed anyone, calls Pakhi and Toshu. Toshu, Kinjal, Pakhi, and Baa rush in and help Vanraj rest on bed. Anu worriedly asks if he fell on his shoulder and asks Toshu to check his stitches. Toshu does. Baa says she will massage his hand. Vanraj says she shouldn’t as she is having neck pain. Toshu says he will. Baa asks Anu to massage Vanraj’s hand. Kinjal says she will call masseuse. Baa says she feels/mehsoos from inside. Toshu says masseuse means massager. Kinjal tells Baa that she cannot force mummy even after knowing everything. Baa yells that she is just asking for massage and if she is so worried, why she asks her MIL to bring coffee in the morning. Anu does Vanraj’s massage. Everyone walk away seeing that. Anu asks him how is he feeling and says it will pain in the beginning but will be fine later. He hopes it would be fine soon, pointing at their relationship. Anu sensing his meaning she says he can call her if he needs anything, anyways Samar would be around him. He says she scolded him for the first time and he felt good seeing her scolding him with right. He calls her repeatedly and then says nothing. She walk away.

Kinjal angrily return to her room. Toshu asks when mummy doesn’t have any problem, why she is having problem. Kinjal says mummy doesn’t say anything doesn’t mean she is not hurt, he will understand if he even feels mummy’s pain like she, Samar, and Bapuji. He continues arguing. She says Vanraj wants to roam around and enjoy with girlfriend and wants service from wife, he is a typical Indian male. He shouts what problem she has with papa? She says she cannot tolerate him at home. Pakhi barges in without knocking door. Kinjal says she should knock first and come in. Pakhi yells that she doesn’t need anyone’s permission to enter her brother’s room. Toshu says now he is married and she needs to change her behavior. Pakhi says she needs Kinjal’s red dress for college prom party. Kinjal asks her to give her 10 minutes till she freshens up, but Pakhi gets adamant and herself opening cupboard takes dresss. Toshu scolds her that she cannot take anyone’s stuff like that. She yells that he takes Samar’s stuff without his permission. He says he cannot understand her attitude, what problem she has? Pakhi says her problem is he and mummy always blabber Kinju baby. Anu walks in and scolds Sweety not to talk about Kinjal like this. Toshu complains that she entered room without knocking and is arguing now. Anu tells Pakhi that she can enter her parent’s room anytime, but cannot enter brother and SIL’s room without their permission and she shouldn’t touch Kinjal’s stuff without her permission. Pakhi shouts she always favors Kinjal and they both have problem with papa and want to kick papa out of the house. Toshu warn her to behave herself. Anu says its not like that. Pakhi says if they both try to kick papa out of the house, she will stop him via Baa and if papa goes to Kavya’s house, she will also go with papa and will never return. She throws dress and away. Kinjal asks Anu why Pakhi misunderstands things. Anu says there is a phase of age where stubbornness overpowers right or wrong. Toshu says even he and Samar were teenagers but never behaved like this, Pakhi is self-centered since the beginning and never shares her stuff. Anu says she has to share her brother and father now; everyone can see her stubborness and irritating behavior but not her fear; she has lost her father once and wants to hold all the relationship tightly; she feels like Kavya took away her papa, her bhabhi/SIL will take her brother away, if she realize her mistake and will change soon; so she apologize to Kinjal on Pakhi’s behalf. Kinjal says she doesn’t have to apologize to her and she is ready to share her stuff with Pakhi. Anu asks her to get ready and come down soon.

Kavya packs Vanraj’s clothes reminiscing Vanraj in the hospital telling he will return to his home and Anu assuring that she doesn’t need Vanraj and doesn’t mind if Kavya takes him away. She thinks even if Anu guarantees her, she cannot trust anyone and will take things her hands from hereon. She travels in cab continuing to reminisce Vanraj’s words.

Vanraj calls Anu and informs that doctor had called and preponed tomorrow’s appointment to today evening. Anu says she will ask Toshu or Samar to accompany him. He thanks her and says he knows they are all facing problems because of him, Baa is serving him forgetting her neck pain, Bapuji is stressed, Pakhi cannot focus on her studies, Samar cannot go out of the house, and there is a lot of work burden on Anu; he sometimes feels he shouldn’t have come here, but he wanted to as he feels peace and thinks he will get well soon here; he feel angry on himself thinking he is a burden on them. Anu says he is not a burden but guest; may be this house is not his, but this family is still his and one remembers family when they are hurt. Varaj says he wants to get well soon, face new boss, earn a lot and help children in their studies and settle them in life, there is a lot more to do. She says everything will be fine soon, Bapuji’s stress, family problems, and even with Kavya. He looks at her. She says she is serving breakfast, if he needs anything. He thinks yes, but don’t know what.

Vanraj join family for breakfast and asks Toshu about his exams and his future job plans. He says exams are going well and he got an offer from Dave Coaching Center. Kinjal says we won’t take it, they decided to face campus interview and after getting job experience they will prepare for further studies. Anu asks to take papa’s opinion before taking any decision. Baa yells that bahu and her bahu will work and she will work in the kitchen. Bapuji says when she has studied so much, she will work obviously. Anu says she and Kinjal will handle home. Mamaji jokes. Bapuji says Jhilmil is there to do household chores. Kinjal says she will hire a cook. Baa yells how will they bear expenses, don’t know when Vanraj’s salary will come. Bapuji says Toshu and both bahus will also work and support family. He asks Vanraj if he is going for doctor’s checkup in the evening? Vanraj says yes. Baa asks how will he go as his car is under repair? Toshu says they will hire a cab. Kinjal says there is no need for that as she called a car from papa’s house for her and Vanraj will feel comfortable in SUV. Vanraj says he is fine with a cab. Baa yells that Kinjal’s mother will yell her whole life. Kinjal says her father also stays in that house who is really good, and whats with this my home, this is also her house. Baa says this is her sasural. Kinjal says daughter in-law is expected to consider her sasural as hers, even sasural should consider it as theirs, bahu accepts sasural, but sasural doesn’t accept bahu. Anu try to stop her. Baa yells that her lecture started, both saas and bahu should start coaching classes like Kinjal’s mother and name it kabhi saas kabhi saheli. Kinjal asks why she overreacts on everything. Vanraj says enough, he has decided to go by walk than using Rakhi’s car or else she will show her favor whole life. Kinjal says car belongs to her father also. Anu asks if coaching classes belong to only her mother or parents both? Kinjal says both. Anu asks then why didn’t she accept her father’s offer, she would realized that help if highlighted becomes favor and dignified man cannot accept favor; Vanraj’s way of explanation is wrong, but he is not wrong. Baa says bahu is right. Vanraj gets up and try to walk. Anu holds him. Baa asks where is he going. Vanraj says he cannot tolerate argument in the morning. Anu asks him to have food and medicine. He asks to send it to his room. Toshu try to get up. Baa asks him to sit and let Bahu take Vanraj in. Kavya gets out of cab and stands fuming seeing that. Nandini sees Kavya and shouts what the hell maasi. Family hearing her realizes Kavya has come.

Shah fam aily walks to main door seeing Kavya standing outside house. Nandini asks Kavya why did she come and to stop this nonsense and come home with her. Baa yells at Kavya. Vanraj tells Kavya that he already last night told her that he needs some time, even then she came here with her bags. Kavya picks her bags and walks into Nandini’s house smirking, leaving everyone fuming. She walks out again holding coffee mug. Shah family walks back inside home. Vanraj angrily looking at Kavya from window calls her and asks what is this. She says its love, he doesn’t let her near him and she doesn’t want to go away from him, so her love brought him here. He says its madness and not love. She says he used to consider this madness as love before. He says neither of them will be breathe easily if she becomes CCTV like this. She says at least by being near him, she can breathe easy. He says this is crazy. She says love is crazy.

Anu looks at Kavya via kitchen. Kinjal walks to her and says even she didn’t support her, Baa doesn’t understand her and even if she doesn’t understand her now, asks if she thinks she speaks wrong. Anu says she didn’t speak wrong, but the way she spoke was wrong; she should remember how to speak with elders; in English, they refer everyone as you, but they refer elders with respect and that makes the difference. Kinjal reminisces misbehaving with Vanraj.

Kavya unpacks her bag. Nandini walks to her. Kavya if she has come to lecture her, then she shouldn’t. Nandini says she has come to remind her of her mistakes, one she made a mistake by interfering between Vanraj and Kavya and second by coming in this locality which would be hell for her, so all the best. Kavya says staying near V is heaven for her. Bapuji sees Baa tensed and asks reason. Baa says she is feeling nervous, she thought when son returned, everything will be alright and Anu will forgive him, but with maide ki katori/Kavya’s presence, Anu will not forgive Vanraj, so they have to shoo away Kavya from the locality.

Vanraj with Toshu and Anu gets ready for doctor’s visit and waits for cab outside home. Toshu informs that cab stopped outside locality. Kavya enters with cab and asks Vanraj to come in and bring Toshu along. Vanraj says his cab is coming. Anu asks him to go with Kavya. He gets into cab. Kavya taunts that people serve out of pity only for a few days, but those who love will take care forever and she loves Vanraj and will take care of him always. Family stands fuming and walk in while Toshu gets into cab and they drive away. Kinjal noticing Anu asks if Vanraj can visit Kavya when she is here; Vanraj easily came here and went with his girlfriend again, this will continue until Anu stops it; she knows that she is doing this as Vanraj is not well and she doesn’t want to keep him away from his family and children; its her goodness, but people misunderstand it and think she is doing all this as she is still dependent on her husband, they are misunderstanding her goodness. Anu asks what does she think. Kinjal says she knows that her mummy is most strongest in the world or else she would have left her husband for her self-respect, wouldn’t have slapped Kavya, wouldn’t have taken care of whole family; she doesn’t understand when she is so strong, why she is still stuck in this relationship. Anu says she ended it long ago, but threads of relationships are so entangled that they cannot be freed easily. Kinjal says she should break this thread or else she cannot move ahead, it will pull her back 2 steps if she tries to take 1 step ahead, so she should break it and move ahead. Anu thinks Kinjal is right and she has to berak this thread to move ahead.

Doctor checks Vanraj that he is recovering speedily. Vanraj thanks him and says its because of his family. Doctor asks to visit next week again. Vanraj tells Toshu that he will walk without support soon and will compete with him. Toshu says he likes being defeated by him. He and Kavya at once say let us go home, Kavya says when he is recovering well why he wants to be a burden on others. At home, Baa scolds Anu that she should have gone with Vanraj for doctor’s visit as Kavya will take Vanraj home and they will have to wait to see Vanraj’s face again. Bapuji says Vanraj is not a kid that Kavya will drag him along, he will go wherever he likes to. Kinjal says good if he goes. Baa yells that she will support her MIL and misbehaving repeatedly, warns Anu to explain her bahu to stop misbehaving with her, shouts if she is hearing or not. Anu says she is explaining her since 25 years and should explain her son also; she is asking her why she let Vanraj go and didn’t ask him why did he go; its his relationship, his wish, his wish, then why should she reply. Baa shouts because she is Vanraj’s wife. Anu says she was, but not now; her relationship, her patience, and her answers have ended and she doesn’t have answers for where, why, and when he goes; she lived as Vanraj’s shadow for 25 years and now wants to live like a human; she roamed behind him for 25 years and now wants to move ahead and will not back off. She then apologizes Baa. Baa yells that she shut her mouth with her befitting reply as she is not a DIL and doesn’t consider her as MIL. Anu says she considers her as mother, even she likes someone should understand her, so she spoke her mind out. Baa yells that she spoke her mind out, now her bahu will be more courageous and will misbehave with her. Anu says her MIL and DIL are both good. Toshu returns home. Mamaji asks where is his nephew. Baa yells that maide ki katori Kavya took him away, nobody listens to her. Vanraj walks in without support. Bapuji asks where is his plaster. Vanraj says doctor told he can walk without support. Pakhi happily hugs him and Baa pampers him. Kavya thinks though V didn’t come to her, he will have come back to her.


Kavya tells Vanraj that she afraid seeing Anu behaving so well. He asks what kind of ear. She says that he may fall in Anu’s love, which didn’t happen in 25 years. Anu shows light colored kurtas to Vanraj for makar sankranti and says Baa and Kavya told he likes light colored kurtas. He selects yellow saying his taste has changed. Baa suggests Anu that sometimes they leave the thread while flying kite, so they should run and hold it back instead of letting others hold it, similarly with relationships. Kavya notices them and thinks she is here this time.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm

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