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Kavya during breakfast tells Vanraj that she will speak to their boss Mr Dholakia regarding loan before company merger as he may sign documents and new boss may not. Vanraj ask why she needs loan. Kavya says to buy a new house for them and even he should arrange for some money. Anu leaves house for school. Rakhi warns her that today Kinjal supported Anu, but soon she will brainwash her so much that she will hate Anu. Anu says she is getting late and leave with Samar, leaving Rakhi fuming. Kavya argue with Vanraj that she didn’t think there would be argument between them for money, she is buying home for them and need his contribution. Vanraj says he already has many responsibilities; his parent’s health, children’s education, and now Kinjal. Kavya says Kinjal is rich enough. Vanraj says he cannot take dowry from Mrs. Dave to fund Kinjal’s education. She argues that when its Anu, he doesn’t have any problem spending, but when its her, he always has problem. He asks why is she dragging Anu in between now. She says Anu was always in between in lieu of parents or children; he spends money on them, but not a penny on her. He says he already told that he has responsibilities and cannot invest in property. She asks if he wants to ride on 2 boats forever. He asks her to first divorce Anirudh and then speak about it; gets up and leaves sayine he will wait in car.

Samar drops Anu outside school. Anu reminisces earlier incident where principal insults her and removes her from teacher’s job. Samar asks her to relax as she can easily convince principal when she can convince Rakhi aunty. Anu walks in saying whatever it ,she has to do it now. She enters school and nervously walks towards principal’s room when she unknowingly clashes with principal and apologizes. Principal angrily looks at her. At home, Baa looks at Rakhi’s sent salad for Kinjal and tells Kinjal that she now realized why Rakhi speaks so bitter, Kinjal shouldn’t eat such food and become another Rakhi Dave. Kinjal nods yes and walks away. Baa sprinkles salt on salad and munching it hopes Anu is not troubled at school. Back to school, Anu apologizes principal and asks if its hurting. Principal says it hurt for what Anu did last time; she helped Anu last time as she could relate herself to Anu; even her husband used to insult her, she had whole family’s responsibilities, even she didn’t know English then, she first became a teacher and grew slowly. She asks Anu if she deserves a second chance, she agreed this time as she cannot deny Devika’s request; if Anu can work full time from Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. leaving all her responsibilities home.

Toshu gets romantic with Kinjal and says everything will be alright soon, Baa will be normal with her. Kinjal says when mummy couldn’t convince her since 25 years, then how can she. Toshu says she mummy’s daughter and not bahu. Kinjal says when Baa doesn’t spare her mother, she is nothing. Toshu gets more romantic and hugs her. Baa passes by and closes eyes shyingly. They both embarrassed silently walk away. Baa thinks she has to control even Kinjal like she controls Anu.

Principal asks Anu if she was in her place, would she give another chance if someone makes a mistake. Anu says she wouldn’t have, but she would evaluate the person’s situation as people also change with situation; that time it was her wish, but now its her need; dreams can be incomplete, but not responsibilities; her husband insults her always and thinks she is fit for nothing; she gives GPS’ example which keeps on showing route without getting tired and says she has her in-laws’, her children, and her self-respect’s responsibilities and she cannot make any mistake even by mistake, she needs this job at any cost. After sometime, Anu walks out of school sadly. Samar asks what happened. Anu says its not their mistake that they don’t have to give another chance, let us find job somewhere else. Principal calls her and asks her to take job and go home, gives her ID card and says she wil not get entry without it. Anu takes it emotionally. Principal says one gets second chance with a warning, her joining date is from next semester in next month; she walks away saying all the best. Samar excitedly dances with Anu.

Vanraj is shocked to see Dholakia sending memo to Kavya instead of him and shouts at Kavya. Kavya asks how does she know. He asks to read it. She sits shocked reading memo. Vanraj insists to tell what is written. Kavya says he has to repay all the losses he made to the company since 3 months due to losing contracts or else he will lose his job. Vanraj fumes that Dholakia didn’t see earlier profits. Kavya asks him to relax as Dholakia didn’t restricate him yet. He says she wouldn’t bother as her job is safe as she is Dholakia’s favorite; thinks there Anu is moving ahead in life with small steps and life is pushing him behind here.

Anu happily informs Baa and Bapuji that she got a school teacher’s job and needs to join on 1st of next month. Bapuji happily blesses her while Baa doesn’t look happy. Mamaji jokes. Toshu congratulates Anu. Baa asks how long will this job stay and if she goes to school who will do household chores. Kinjal asks why is she discouraging mummy, they all should encourage her instead. Baa says she can break anything and who is Kinjal to ask, she doesn’t even know to cook. Kinjal says she learn slowly. Their argument starts. Anu stops them and says the way they handled the tough situations they went through recently, household chores are nothing. Toshu and Samar say they will help mummy. Bapuji says they should help each other. Mamaji jokes again. Baa says if something is left, she will scold Anu. Mamaji says its her birth right. Anu says Kinjal is very lucky for them, as soon as she came she got a job. Kinjal emotionally hugs her. Baa says tonight Rakhi is coming to discuss about wedding and if she raises her nagin head, she will crush it.

Samar goes to meet Nandini and nick names her Nandu, asks isn’t it cute. Nandini says its very cute. Nandini says sometimes small happiness matters a lot. He says just like nicking a friend. He informs her that mummy got a school teacher’s job. She says Anu aunty is really amazing, its not easy to get up after falling, especially after being betrayed in love. He says that reason is coming home tonight to discuss about Toshu and Kinjal’s wedding. She asks if Vanraj uncle is coming home. He says he doesn’t know mummy will manage both work and house. She suggests him to take up responsibilities, do his room’s cleaning and clothes’ ironing himself, etc. He smilingly nods yes.

Kinjal cleans vegetables. Anu asks her to go and study. Kinjal says she already did and will help her now. Kinjal teaches her and when she doesn’t do it properly pampers her and asks her to let it be. Pakhi noticing that feels jealous and thinks mummy’s total attention is on bhabhi now, but papa loves her a lot. She walks to Anu and informs her that when papa will come home tonight, she will go with him. Anu says she can go, but should return by evening as Kavya’s house has only 1 room. Pakhi says she will get adjusted there, will ask papa to take leave tomorrow and they will enjoy a lot, she will go and pack her bags. Anu hopes Kavya doesn’t feel uncomfortable with Pakhi’s entry in her small flat.

At Vanraj’s office, boss Dholakia briefs staff about new CEO Vishal Sharma who will be joining them and asks Kavya to attend Vishal’s queries and make him feel comfortable in the office. Kavya says sure sir. Vanraj drops water in jealousy. Vishal enters, and everyone greet him. Vishal says they don’t know him well, but he knows them all well, so instead of wasting time let us start. Vanraj introduces himself and says he is employee of the firm since 30 years and got many contracts projects with his hard work, but since 3 months business is dull and he is being threatened to lose job, hence he feels that is unreasonable. Vishal says he is right, but he is saying this as he is old and tired, a young employee instead would have tried his best to improve himself; tells Mr Dholakia that there is no value for past performance and they should keep proving themselves; let us see if Vanraj can continue his magic even after 30 years, he has 1 month to prove himself and if he can’t he should inform him now itself as time is money.

Anu over phone chats with Devika that she needs to manage the differences between needs and expenses, she needs to perform Toshu and Kinjal’s wedding within her budget. Kinjal hears her conversation and thinks she needs to talk to Toshu about their wedding. Anu sees Baa noting down something since morning and asks what is she doing. Baa says nothing and asks her to get some ginger tea. Bapuji stops Anu and says if her MIL is silent, it means flood is on the way, and if she is smiling, it means storm is on the way. In the evening, Vanraj returns to Kavya’s home. Kavya asks him to inform his family that he cannot spend on Toshu’s wedding as he has only 1 month of job notice left, what if he loses his job. Vanraj angrily asks so what, he worked in this industry since 30 years and has gained a lot of fame, so he will get in another company easily. She walks away frustrated. He thinks all the women associated to his life are problematic to him, here Kavya and there Anupama and Rakhi.

At Shah house, family eagerly waits for Rakhi. Kinjal messages her to come soon. Rakhi with Pramod enters and apologizes for coming late as she had to attend her business clients from London. Baa taunts as if queen of London visited with a business proposal. Anu greets her and Pramod. She comments good to see someone waiting for her, pointing at Vanraj. Bapuji asks Anu to sit with them as her presence is also important. Anu agrees. Vanraj fumes reminiscing Anu working like a maid earlier and standing aside. Rakhi says to be frank she wouldn’t have agreed for this wedding if Toshu and Kinjal had not eloped. Baa comments. Rakhi says she wants to perform wedding lavishly and needs to prepare a shopping list. Baa gives her long list of shopping and says she already prepared it. Rakhi says its in Gujrati. Baa says is a black mark on Gujratis and should get it read by some literate person. Rakhi shouts alone she wants to take care of wedding expenses as she knows they cannot afford it. Baa asks if she thinks they are very poor. Anu comments that they are family and should work together. Rakhi thinks they will not let them insult her, so she needs to think something else.


Rakhi shouts that Shahs slapped her with a Gujrati list, she will take a revenge at any cost. Bapuji reads a news that Dave Coaching Classes’ owners Rakhi and Pramod Dave are handing over their business to their son-in-law Toshu. Toshu says they are giving him responsibilities as they feel he is competent enough to handle their business. Vanraj thinks when Rakhi couldn’t trap Kinjal, she is trapping Toshu now. Vanraj tells Anu that he heard from Baa that she doesn’t like him coming here, he hopes she doesn’t create any drama. Anu says he tells that she is not of his level, then how can she do what he does. Rakhi smirks holding Toshu’s appointment lettter. Anu dances on Prem Ratan Dhan Payo song.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm

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