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Vanraj tells Anu that whatever happened at Toshu’s wedding is not right and he is very sorry for what Kavya did. Anu says she is not a bit sorry for whatever she did as it was about her son’s wedding, but if he met with an accident because of that, she is sorry for that. He says she didn’t like her coming here, so he will hire a full-time caretaker. She says Baa, Samar, and Pakhi are there are to take care of him. He asks even after what he did to her? She says their relationship ended completely and there is nothing left and he is just a son, father, brother, and father-in-law in this house and nothing else. She walks out of his room. Samar sees her and asks if something happened. She says his grandfather used to say devotion in temple, endless love in burial ground, and love in problem happen for a short time but never stay forever. He asks why is she telling this to him. She says she is reminding it to herself as in their country they are taught to forget husband’s biggest mistake, taught to think husband’s tears of pain as tears of repenting, taught to forgive husband after whatever he does; they are taught to think husband’s stubbornness as self-respect and wife’s self-respect as stubbornness; now everyone will tell her to forget her husband as her husband returned; this society doesn’t give a wife right on her pain, but she will take her right at any cost; she even informed his papa that she cannot be his husband from hereon. Samar praises her and says though she is old fashioned, her thinking is most modern. She asks him to go and feed his papa. He says he is not sorted like her. She says he is brave though and insists.

Samar takes khichdi to Vanraj and says once he finishes khichdi, he should have medicine; seeing his difficulty feeds him khichdi. Once finished, Vanraj asks him to type a leave application on his phone. Samar hesitantly agrees and writes leave application himself. Vanraj asks if he wrote leave application so soon. Samar says he is not a topper like Toshu bhai, but not a loser also. Vanraj asks him to do one more work. Samar agrees and reaches Kavya’s house. Kavya opens door and asks what is he doing here, if Vanraj is fine. Samar says Mr. Shah told her to dare not meet him again or else he will take restraining court orders. She gets tensed, but realizes she is imagining. He says he came to take Mr. Shah’s laptop. She gives him laptop with a note written on it for Vanraj to let her meet him once. Vanraj seeing that note angrily crimples it.

Pakhi forcefully takes Anu to living room saying papa is calling. Vanraj gathers whole family and says he wanted to give a surprise to them. Mamaji jokes and thanks him for his surprise birthday party. Baa says his birthday is after 4 months. Mamaji repeats his usual one-liner, I know manu remember che. Vanraj says he wants to celebrate new year as last year was very tough on him and he suffered scandals, humiliation, public insult, his children and parents were angry on him and went away; even they had to suffer because of him; so he wants them all to forget past year and welcome new year with a new hope. Baa says if he has to celebrate, he should have informed her to decorate the house. Pakhi says she decorated the house. Sanjay hopes people also change with new year, pointing at Vanraj. Dolly says year has changed and let us hope that situation will also change. Mamaji jokes and asks to start party. Pakhi insists Vanraj to sing a song. Vanraj sings Haste Haste Katjayen from Om Shanti Om movie..looking at Anu. Pakhi says this is old song, he should sing some new happening song. He signs Dekho Dekho Hai Raat Badi mastani and stucks. Mamaji jokes he has gone on him. He says he remembers. Pakhi plays the song and whole family mimic and dance well. Samar drags Anu and even she dances. Kavya thinks V didn’t call her, so she will wish him happy new year, but when he doesn’t erply thihnks he must have slept. After performance, family cuts cake and feed each other. Vanraj feeds everyone and walks towards Anu nervously, but she walks away. Kavya then calls landline, Sachi picks call, and Kavya in the background hears family partying. Sachi tells family that they will play a game in which they will write their wish in a chit and put it in a bowl. Samar writes that he gets both work and his love this year, Nandini writes that she makes a name via dancing, Bapuji writes to keep his daughter/Anu happy, Anu writes to handle both work and family well, Pakhi from Vanraj’s side writes just family.

Samar with Bapuji helps Vanraj rest on his bed and goes to bring water for him. Vanraj asks Bapuji to go and sleep as its late. Bapuji says its late, doesn’t matter for which reason, the problem is its really late; Pakhi is happy with his party. Vanraj asks what about him. Bapuji says he will be really happy when Vanraj will return to his house. Vanraj holds his hand and apologizes for the drama at Toshu’s wedding, that was the most sad moment of his life, he couldn’t attend his own son’s wedding ritual, he is made a joke. Bapuji people’s ego has me in them, but even in his sorrows he has only me in him, doesn’t he see anyone else than himself. Vanraj says truth is he is suffering the problems more than anyone else. Bapuji frees his hand and says its new year and Vanraj should try not to make more mistake, he is also sorry as he cannot forgive Vanraj as they forgive one who realize their mistake, but Vanraj is not realizing it at all, he may forgive Vanraj when he really realizes his mistake. Vanraj reminisces insulting Kavya repeatedly. Samar brings water and says he is in the room and he can wake up when he needs anything.

The next morning, Anu visits home temple and sees a watch kept there. Samar and Bapuji says its their gift for her to visit her new job on time. Anu happily thanks her and says she never bought or wore watch before. Bapuji says one who wants to walk with time needs watch, but house’s Laxmi moves 2 steps ahead of time, so she doesn’t need a watch. Samar says its just for her to reach work on time, she need not worry about Vanraj as they will take care of him and Nandini will take her online dance classes. Anu tells Bapuji that he cannot hide sugar and cream roll, but is trying to hide his worry for his daughter. Bapuji says Vanraj is a fool, but is a son. Anu asks him not to worry, relationship is not like before, but she will take care of Vanraj like before. Baouji says they all will take care of her and shows Samar, Mamaji and Pakhi peeling vegetables and Jhilmil preparing tea. Anu insists them to go out and let her work, but they stop her and say when she is doing so much for the house, can’t they do a bit for her. Anu smiles.

During breakfast, Baa says Sanjay and Dolly went to office early. Samar says Toshu had called and said his new year went well. Mamaji jokes that even their new year would have gone well if Baa wouldn’t have been with them. Baa asks where is bahu. Jhilmil says getting ready for school. Baa yells that people celebrate new year with family, but bahu is adamant to go out. Bapuji jokes that she should also go out so that they can celebrate new year properly. Vanraj walks in and greets everyone good morning. Baa asks if he slept well. Vanraj nods yes. Jhilmil wishes him happy new year, and he replies back. Pakhi hopes papa spends whole year at home. Anu walks in ready for school and tells Baa that she has finished all the work and Jhilmil will do the rest; Samar will take care of Vanraj’s medicines, soup, and tea. Baa yells that she wants to go out and enjoy. Vanraj says let her go as he will manage with Samar. Samar goes to get bike out. Anu touches Bapuji and Baa’s feet and take their blessings. Pakhi wishes her all the best followed by Vanraj. Anu reminisces Vanraj wishing all the best before with Kavya and leaves home replying thank you.

Kavya hears Vanraj’s recorded happy new year message and thinks what happened to V, they celebrated new year together since 8 years; Anupama is serving V with quality food and trying to grab him back, before Anu does that, she needs to do something. Anu reach school greeting Jai Sri Krishna to watchman and others. While returning home, she buys fruits from fruit vendor outside school thinking Vanraj always brought fruit for whole family, she needs to buy fruits for Bapuji and Vanraj now. Bapuji sees Baa angrily waiting for Anu and asks her to calm down. Baa yells she is late on the first day itself. Anu returns, and Baa yells that she came late on the first day itself. Anu says she stopped to take fruits. Baa yells what about her son. Toshu and Kinjal return home from their honeymoon and wish everyone happy new year. Pakhi hug them both. Toshu sees Vanraj’s condition and worriedly asks what happened to him. Vanraj says he met with a small accident. Baa says the whole car crumpled and by god’s grace, he escaped death. She yells at Kinjal if she left sanskars in Udaipur. Kinjal touch Vanraj’s feet and asks if he is fine? Vanraj says yes. She asks he should go to his house then. Baa yells this is her son’s house. Kinjal says this is her mummy’s house; if he had thought so, he wouldn’t have left home; if he had thought them as dear ones, he wouldn’t have let the drama happen during wedding; in fact she is shocked that he is staying here even after so much happened. Baa yells that maa didn’t give her sanskars and even some conscience and shame. Kinjal asks what about his shame, his girlfriend created such a drama even in his presence, mummy had to perform all the rituals and in fact he held Kavya’s hand and left home; he didn’t participate in their happiness or sorrows, but when he fell in trouble, he came back shamelessly; sorry to say she didn’t see such a selfish person in her life. Pakhi warns her to mind her language. Kinjal warn her not to dare not interfere between elders. Anu requests her to calm down. Kinjal says she cannot after seeing what is happening with her. Toshu asks if she can’t see papa is in pain. Kinjal asks can’t he see mummy’s pain; she doesn’t know about him, but she can see her mummy’s pain, mummy must be remembering his betrayal repeatedly when he comes in front of her and trying to forget it unsuccessfully, she can’t see mummy like this. Baa yells to close her eyes then. Kinjal says like she has closed her eyes and cannot see anyone except her son. Baa yells at Anu that Kinjal is misbehaving with her, so Anu should slap her. Anu asks what is she saying. Kinjal tells Toshu that if that person/Vanraj stays here, she will not stay here. Anu asks her to calm down and relax, they can speak later. Kinjal says she doesn’t know how Anu gets so much courage to tolerate Vanraj. Baa yells Anu that her bahu is misbehaving and she is silently listening without slapping her, if she is making her bahu speak her mind. Kinjal says she is saying this and if Vanraj stays here she will not stay; tells Anu that a man always does mistakes and woman compromise. Anu requests to listen to her once. Kinjal says she will listen to her, but will not follow as she cannot forgive a person who troubled her mother so much. Baa yells if she is England’s queen not to forgive anyone. Toshu asks her to not stretch the issue. Kinjal says even she doens’t want to; tells Anu that what Anu cannot, she will do it even if Anu doesn’t agree, so she is going from here. She walks towards her room while everyone watch in shocked.


Kavya enters Vanraj’s house to meet him, but Baa stops her. Anu tells Kinjal that whether they feel good or bad, truth is Vanraj having relationship with Kavya, so she will enter this home if Vanraj is hurt. Kinjal says she is kind hearted, but it gets weak sometimes; even if she didn’t speak, her anger spoke everything. Anu think why this relationship doesn’t leave her even after it ended.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm

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