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Nandini comes to teach yoga. Anu and Mamaji greet her good morning teacher. She replies and says lets start yoga class. Vanraj sees Anu’s sport shoes in sari and comments. Bapuji says sari depicts sanskar and shoes depicts raftar/speed, his daughter is carrying them both. Vanraj comments to walk carefully, else she may stumble and fall down. Samar comments one who falls on earth will wake up, but one who falls in eyes will not. Bapuji says he is right, one who falls will try to move ahead. Anu says falling down is not bad, not trying to get up is bad. She leaves with Samar, Bapuji, and Nandini leaving Vanraj fuming. She walks on road with them happily. Badal pe naav hai…sonng..plays in the background. Nandini teaches them yoga while Samar looks at her. Anu performs yoga and also helps Bapuji. Bapuji says its enough for today. Samar takes Bapuji to get him tender coconut. Nandini asks Anu if she is feeling tired. Anu says not at all. Nandini nature is refreshing and says let us meditate now. She gives her headset and asks her to close her eyes and feel her innerself. Anu imagines Vanraj’s betrayal and romance with Kavya and gets panic attack. Nandini consoles her and says her inner problems triggered out, she should really get out of her problems and not feel pain even if she faces it again. Anu says she will become strong and make her weakness as her strength. Samar and Bapuji return with tender coconut. Anu asks time and returns home where she sees Vanraj leaving for a trip. She comments that at least he will celebrate someone’s birthday without hurting their feelin, they thought her as fool and she thought Kavya as dear one and she never forgets dear one’s birthday. Vanraj walks away murmuring he doesn’t have to see this inauspicious woman’s face for 2 days.

Rakhi with Kinjal visits house. Anu greets them in. Baa taunts that she thought Rakhi forgot diwali, at least she remembers happy new year. Kinjal greets happy new year and says papa apologized for not visiting yesterday during diwali. Baa says its okay and taunts Rakhi that if she has learnt so much English, she should learn to even say sorry. Rakhi sits fuming and asks where is Vanraj. Baa says he has gone on a business trip. Rakhi comments she missed the opportunity, she means to wish Vanraj; she must say he is a hard working man who runs 2 families. Everyone look at her confused. She says she means his family and Anu’s mother’s family. Baa says both families are one. Anu says good she came, they wanted to discuss about Kinjal and Toshu’s wedding. Rakhi says why so hurry, let them complete their exams. Baa says they are not fixing muhurat tomorrow morning. Rakhi says let her know them more first. Baa says she is sitting in front of her, she can know her right now. Rakhi says her friend’s daughter got married recently and her saas was found to be characterless. Baa says then she should check Rakhi’s character also. Rakhi gets angry. Anu requests them both to calm down. Rakhi says she feels pity for the wives whose husbands have an affair and go on vacations in lieu of business trip. Anu says when one is not in partner’s heart, it doesn’t mean if they stay near or far. Rakhi says she is going on a vacation and came to inform about it. Baa says she came to spoil their new year instead. Rakhi leaves.

Rakhi checks into a hotel in Vadodara where Vanraj and Kavya enter as honeymoon couple. She murmurs that she thought she is in Vadodara, but its seems to be Hyderabad. Manager calls Kavya as Mrs. Kavya Vanraj Shah and informs her that her honeymoon suite is not yet, so they both can go on a hotel sight seeing till their room is ready. They both go on sight seeing to hotel’s garden. Rakhi thinks these 2 love birds are enjoying here and she got a good reason to break Toshu and Kinjal’s wedding, she will destroy Vanraj and his family now. Kavya and Vanraj get romantic on hotel garden. She gifts him casual shirts and asks to be casual and not her boss here. Their romance continues. On the other side, Anu walks into Vanraj’s room and remembers his betrayal. She picks her clothes and walks out and thinks parents teach girls to make someone’s home as hers, but her house is taken away, they don’t teach what they should do then.

Anu picks landline hearing bell. Vanraj speaks and says Baa’s phone is off, so she should inform him that he reached Hyderabad. She asks him to call Baa every 3 hours. He says he is not her father’s servant. She warn him not to drag her dead father in between and says she is illiterate, but knows that mobile tele caller in Hyderabad will not speak in Gujrati. Vanraj stand fuming. 

Rakhi inform her resort owner friend about Vanraj and Kavya’s being colleagues and not honeymoon couple and their illegal affair and seeks for her help. 

Anu prepares pickle. Samar gets excited seeing pickle and asks if she doesn’t feel bad seeing papa’s affair. She says she doesn’t and feels pain instead. He says they are hiding it from family and what if family finds out about it. She says they need to protect it as much as they can. 

Vanraj and Kavya’s romance continues. He tells her that he saw Rakhi, then show her news paper advertisement of her. Kavya says he gave her a shock. Rakhi hold news paper thanks god that they didn’t see her. They both start taking selfies, and she clicks their romantic pics.

Anu teaches dance online to students at Nandini’s house. Nandini praises her and says she wants to be her daughter. Samar gets tensed hearing that and thinks anything but daughter. Anu says she is her daughter and always welcome to her house. Kinjal rush in and informs Anu that Baa is calling her after Rakhi sent her some pics. Anu rushes home. Baa shows Rakhi’s selfies and says why did she send them to her, she has apologized for morning’s mishebavior and has booked rooms for them in resort, maybe she wants to show venue for Toshu and Kinjal’s wedding functions. Family gets excited hearing that. Anu agrees to go and thinks if its Rakhi’s evil plan or she is thinking too much. Nandini tells Kinjal that she will not come as its family event. Kinjal insists. Samar feels dishearted hearing that. Mamaji suggests him Nandini is a self-made girl and he should convince her by asking to pay her own bills. Samar does same and Bapuji says he will also contribute if Nandini falls short of money. Nandini agrees. Baa calls Dolly and her family also and asks Anu to inform Vanraj. Anu messages Vanraj that they are going, just then gets busy guiding in Toshu’s packing. They all book a tempo traveler. Baa surprises family by wearing Punjabi suit. Family insists Anu to wear Punjabi suit. Bapuji says his daughter will wear jeans. Anu shy.

Vanraj and Kavya’s romance continues. Resort owner informs Rakhi that Vanraj has booked a special surprise cake and champagne for his girlfriend’s birthday tomorrow at sharp 12.


Vanraj calls Anu and scolds that he went out for a day and she went out on vacation. She says she came with family. He ask resort’s name. She says Vado, Rakhi clashes and mobile falls down. Vanraj sing a romantic song for Kavya in their room and hearing a family partying with loud music in another room calls their room and sits shocked hearing Anu’s voice.

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  1. Can't wait to watch today's and tomorrow's own. Thanks for the update
