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Vanraj continues brainwashing Baa saying he tried to manage his relationship with Anupama for 17 years by heart and was following his wedding till now; she and Bapuji understand each other well, but he and Anupama don’t and he was feeling suffocated in this relationship. He says whatever he did was wrong and his loneliness made him do that and the reason behind it is Anupama. On the other side, Anu tells Bapuji that he did wrong with her, but followed all other relationships faithfully, so he shouldn’t punish him for betraying only 1 relationship; her happiness is with the whole family; he supported his bahu while nobody in the world does, she is thankful to him and Baa for that, he should think of family also. Vanraj continues that Anuama didn’t try to upgrade herself and match his level was just busy taking care of the family and his parents, wasn’t there any duty towards him, he also followed his duties faithfully, he did a mistake that he found his happiness in Kavya and shared the pain he got from Anupama with Kavya, so he is not ashamed of his extramarital affair. Bapuji asks Anu to get him a cup of tea. Vanraj says he made a mistake, but didn’t Anupama make a mistake. Baa says whatever he says, they can’t deny the truth that Anuapma sacrificed her 25 years for this family; she works hard since 25 years, she can swing on swinger happily because of Anupama, he could progress in work because of Anupama’s support; he cannot justify his extramarital relationship for that; his age is of sharing his children’s wedding cards and not his personal cards; he should accept his mistake and mend his ways; he cannot separate from family for an outsider. 

Kavya panics remembering Anirudh’s words and thinks she cannot stay without Vanraj. Baa continues that he and Anupama are parents of 3 children and its their duty to take care of their children together. He asks what of after children settle down, will his children and sister give him same respect they used to before, Anupama ruined everything. Baa asks why is he blaming Anupama repeatedly. He says she is a woman and her tears are noticed by everyone, but not a man’s ordeal.

Anupama cry in kitchen thinking why is this happening, what did Baa Bapuji and her children do to anyone, she should be punished and not her family. She serves him tea and asks to drink carefully as its hot. Bapuji says when heart is burning, he doesn’t care about hot tea. Vanraj continues that this injustice is continuing since generations and always woman is sympathized and this is not right. Baa ask not to give her lecture like bahu; he goes out, meets clients, and spends time outside, but Bahu didn’t get out of the house since 25 years; he could use his freedom because of Anupama; if he had felt good if Anu had gone out like him, Baa would have cooked in the kitchen and Anu would have gone partying like Rakhi and become heroine like her friend; Anu always kept her family in front of her wishes; they didn’t let Anu study further, else when Anu can become a teacher after just studying a bit, can teach dance, and learn car driving in 1 day, she can even surpass Kavya and become more successful than Kavya; they were the hindrance; she just wants him to accept his mistake and break all his relationship with Kavya, he should kick her out off work and get her out of his life. She keeps his hand on her head and asks him to promise that he will break all his ties with Kavya. Kavya calls him just then. Baa notices that and asks will he obey his mother or not?

Anu returns to kitchen crying. Baa walks in and apologize to her then requests if she can forgive Vanraj for his sins, she cannot see her house shartter, Anu can hold the family together if she wants, she spoke to Vanraj and he is ready to leave Kavya. She reminisces Vanraj asking if he will get the respect like before, will Anupama agree. Baa asks what if she agrees. Vanraj says she should convince Anu and he is sure she will not. Baa continues that Vanraj will not break his mother’s promise and will mend his ways, only Anu can hold the family together, what will she do when she will be alone after children settle down. Anu reminisces Vanraj’s betrayal and says she can sacrifice for her, but cannot forgive Vanraj. Baa asks her to try at least for her remaining life. Anu reminisces Vanraj romancing Kavya on her own bed and says its a question of just a second and not whole life, she cannot forgive a man who betrayed his wife on their bed, she cannot forget that moment, so she cannot forgive him. Vanraj walks with his bag and says he told Baa that Anu will not agree as she is the owner of this house. Baa follows Vanraj and requests him not to go. Vanraj says everyone are disappointed in this house and don’t want to see his face, so he is leaving this house to stay with Kavya and after legal formalities he will marry Kavya. Anu stops him and asks if he is talking about divorce. He says yes. She reminisces his betrayal again and, apologizing to Baa and Bapuji for revealing what is in her heart, asks Vanraj to send divorce papers and she will sign them; says relationship is on paper for him, but for her its in heart and when she already divorced him by heart, signing on papers doesn’t matter.

Anu asks Vanraj to send her the divorce papers to sign and says anyways their relationship burnt away when she caught him with Kavya on her own bed, now there is no use of carrying ashes. She continue that she used to pray to god that she need him as her husband for 7 lives, but now one life is a burden for her. He says fine, he will send divorce papers. She reminisces their marriage and says she is angry for whatever wrong he did and thankful for his good deeds, respecting his family, tolerating her for 25 years, sorry for the problems he faced because of her; her mother taught that when when relationship break, they should continue talking, but when they stop talking, they should walk together, but both have ended, so there is no meaning of this relationship; she prays for his happiness wherever he stays and greets Jai Sri Krishna. Each family member reminisce their love for Vanraj. Anu shows him door. Baa cry seeing that.

Pakhi cry hugging him. Anu cry seeing that. Vanraj consoles Pakhi saying she knows how much he loves her. Pakhi pleads not to leave them. Vanraj says he cannot stay here, but she can come along if she wants. Anu stands shocked hearing that. Vanraj says he is alone now as nobody understands or supports him, will she support him, they and bestie will stay together happily as he knows she likes smart and intelligent people. He says he will not separate her from her mother and brothers, she can come here whenever she wants. Samar says Sweety will not go anywhere and looks at Baa, who nods yes. Vanraj asks Pakhi to listen to her heart. Anu thinks why he is forcing Sweety to stay with either parent and prays god to keep Sweety happy wherever she stays. Pakhi says she cannot understand anything and hug Toshu.

Vanraj picks his bags and greeting Baa and Bapuji says he will not touch their feet as he knows they will not bless him. He asks Mamaji to take care of Baa and Bapuji and greets Jai Sri Krishna. Baa asks him to think again as one doesn’t leave dear ones for outsiders. Vanraj says even she disowned him for an outsider Anu, he is going now. Anu cry profusely hearing that. Vanraj reminisces spending quality time with family. He pick car keys and walks towards door when Bapuji says he will repent. He says he will not fulfill this wish and says he is going. Baa says he should says he will return. He says one who want to return would say that and walks outside door. He looks at kitchen and tells Anu that Bapuji gave her house, but there is difference between running the house and handling it, he will see how she will run the house without him. Baa tries to go behind him, but Bapuji stops her. He walks to gate, opens it angrily, and opening car door angrily looks at Anu and drives car away. Anu wipes her tears and prepares tea, milk, juice for family.

Kavya opens door hearing door bell and gets happy seeing Vanraj with his bag and hugging him says she is so happy that he came. Anu takes breakfast for Pakhi. Pakhi says she would have convinced papa and wouldn’t have let him go, there were problems between them since years, then why did she let him go even after her telling that she needs both parents. She walks away. Anu thinks she doesn’t repent as a wife, but as a mother she is sorry to hurt her daughter. In lawn, Baa sits crying. Bapuji offers her hot pack and says he knows her tears not of knee pain but of pain in the heart. Baa says maybe they are responsible for Vanraj’s condition. Bapuji says what Vanraj did was wrong. Baa says Bahu is good, but not good for Vanraj. Anu while ironing clothes hears that.


Samar tells Anu that he will do call center job to support family She asks him to let her handle house and he should pursue his dreams. Kavya asks Vanraj if he will return home after his anger calms down. Baa tells Anu that Vanraj will return when his anger calms down. Vanraj returns in with bags. Vanraj tells Pakhi that he cannot explain issues between him and Anu, she can accompany him and they can live happily with Bestie Kavya. Pakhi agrees. Vanraj then holding Pakhi’s hand tells Baa that he is going.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm

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