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Vanraj continue confronting Kavya and says his son’s wedding happened in front of him and he just could watch from a distance without performing any ritual or blessing his son and DIL all because of her. He continue that when he used to visit home, she was insecure and when he is staying with her, even now she is insecure; he left his family for her and now should he sacrifice his life for her? Kavya shout this wouldn’t have happened if he would have taken her along for the wedding. He says if he would have taken her, she would have been jealous seeing him performing ritual with Anupama. She shout why he does anything which she cannot tolerate, he didn’t even support her there and here he is supporting Anupama. He says he is not taking anyone’s side and is just saying that she is wrong. She says he cannot tolerate when she is with Anirudh, but he is always with Anu in every function, be it pooja, family gathering or family photo; he loves her, but is always with Anupama; earlier she used to be his friend and had friendship right on him, but what about now? He says she is his girlfriend now and he cannot take her everywhere. She says he should treat her like a girlfriend and instead why he makes her feel like his mistress. Vanraj ask why does she feel like that? She says this is the truth and without divorcing his wife he is staying with her, so technically she is his mistress. He says even she is still married to Anirudh and what should he say then, he left his whole family for her. She shout oh shut up, she is tired of repeatedly hearing that he sacrificed his family for her. He ask didn’t he? She says she always returns home and performs all duties and when she insists for divorce, he changes the topic, so if he want to repeat same and brush off when she insists for her right, she doesn’t need this relationship, him, his love in charity, or his favor; he should return to his family where his heart is, if this is his love, she doesn’t need it; he should return to Anupama and beg her by rubbing his nose on her face, Anu will accept him then; she shout to just leave.

At home, Toshu and Kinjal take god’s blessings and then Anu’s. Anu bless them and ask to take Baa and Bapuji’s blessings. They both bless followed by Mamaji and hug youngsters. Anu apologize to them for whatever happened because of elders and ask to take Rakhi’s blessings. They walk to Rakhi, and Kinjal says she needs a straight answer from her. Rakhi ask Kinjal to trust her. Kinjal says she trusted her and thought she is happy with her marriage and wanted to perform it with rituals. Baa says when they didn’t listen happily, she started drama; why don’t she speak? Rakhi says she didn’t mean that. Toshu ask then why did she invite Kavya? Rakhi says because she wanted to patch up after whatever happened at the resort, she was feeling guilty, and she didn’t want her daughter’s in-laws’ relationship to be spoilt because of her. She invited Kavya for the wedding to make her happy and seek her forgiveness, but she didn’t know that Kavya would create a drama and spoil her daughter’s wedding; she was wrong and really doesn’t know what to say; she is really sorry. Baa ask when they had decided outsiders will not be invited, then why did she invite Kavya? Rakhi says they earlier you told me Kavya is part of the family. Anu says there is no use of these words and they should forget all this; good that Toshu and Kinjal’s wedding happened with proper rituals. Bapuji and Sanjay back her. Anu’s mother says she will leave now. Dolly says when something bad happened, good also happened and they should continue the celebration. Bapuji says let us have feast together. Everyone walk towards dining area. Rakhi think she thought wedding would be cancel, but Anupama changed everything; she will not let Anu be happy for winning the game this time.

Vanraj drop Kavya’s house keys saying he is leaving her house, throw her photo from his wallet and says he is removing her from his heart; he doesn’t need either Anupama or Kavya. He walk out of Kavya's house. Kavya realize her mistake and try to run behind him, but slip and falls down.

Rakhi walk towards her car. Anu walk to her and says she knows she is Kanhaji’s devotee and Kanhaji forgives 100 mistakes before punishing anyone. Rakhi says she is weak in counting. Anu says sometimes one mistake is equal to 100 mistakes and Rakhi did same today; she keep quiet because of her children’s happiness, but if she try to ruin their happiness, then. Rakhi ask what will she do then? Anu says she saw what she can do and if she repeats her mistake, a mother can forgive and punish both, if she repeats her mistake, then she will get a tight slap; she should attack her and not her family; she already told that she wants to win Rakhi and not win over her, but when its about her children, she can defeat her badly. She further inform her that Toshu and Kinjal are leaving for Udaipur as a gift from Dolly and Sanjay, so Rakhi should leave them in peace there; Rakhi should enter with sweet tongue next time even if she doesn’t bring sweets, else she will feed bitter words to Rakhi. Rakhi stand fuming wile Anu walk away.

Bapuji tells Anu’s mother that after bidayi a girl’s happiness is her in-laws’ responsibility, but he couldn’t fulfill his responsibility and is sorry for that. Baa says Anu is going out of the house often now a days and they thought she informed about this to her mother. Anu walk in. Mother says she taught her daughter to keep it safely whatever she get from her in-laws, Anu got only sorrows from her in-laws and she didn’t share it with even her mother; she didn’t share even happiness; her heart and house broke down, even then she kept quiet. She tells Baa Anu didn’t inform her whatever happened, though there is a difference of only 2 lanes between her maika and sasural, she heard it from neighbors; a daughter stays at home, but issues can’t; she pray to god that she doesn’t want any other mother to hear from outsiders that her daughter’s husband left her for another woman. She confront Baa that she always taunt her even for breaking a small thing, but didn’t when her daughter’s house break; a girl’s mother is always afraid to answer in daughter’s in-laws, but today she will question Baa is she gave this kind of sanskar to her son? Anu try to stop her, but she stop Anu and says she taught her daughter to tolerate her MIL’s taunts and scoldings and whatever happens at home, but she feel she taught her daughter wrong; she should have taught her daughter to both tolerate and fight for her rights; if she had done that, the slap which Kavya got should have fallen on Vanraj. Baa says they perform aarti on son-in-law. Mother asks if she would have done same instead of slapping if Sanjay would have done Vanraj’s mistake; a mother-in-law/MIL is a guardian of the house, Baa learnt to taunt from her MIL, but didn’t learn to follow a MIL’s duty. Anu request her to stop. Mother ask why should she, a mother keeps quiet for daughter’s happiness and relationship, why should she keep quiet when there is no relationship left; they say a mother writes daughter’s fate, but she wrote 25 years jail in her daughter’s life; her daughter would have been left unmarried instead of marrying Vanraj. She insists Anu to return home with her. Baa says but.. Mother says she is poor, but cannot see her daughter suffering. Anu says this is her house, children and family and she cannot go like this. Mother says this is not only her house, children or family; she handled them for 25 years, now let Vanraj do that. Bapuji and Baa request her to stop. Mother says when they couldn’t stop their son from doing wrong, then why are they stopping her from taking back her daughter? Anu says she came to this house in doli/palanquin and will go in arthi.

Precap: Vanraj drives car reminiscing Kavya’s words and meets with an accident. Anu senses it and asks Samar to call Vanraj. Samar informs her that Vanraj met with a car accident.

Anupama ask her mother why? Mother says she will not let her stay in this hell. Anu says this is her house and family. Mother says house and family is from husband and her husband left her. Anu says husband left her, but not the other family members; her Baa slapped her son when she saw Vanraj’s mistake and Bapuji kicked his son out and transferred his house to her name, they considered her their daughter; her husband betrayed her and not the other family members; real punishment is staying away from family and her husband is suffering and not her; her happiness is in this house and not in her mother’s, she will visit her mother for 1-2 days, but not forever. She lies on her mother’s lap and says sorry that her sasural’s 25 years overpowered her maika’s 18 years now. Mother pampers her crying. Anu wipe her tears. Mother says she cannot be happy in maika, but is she happy here? Anu says the wound is deep and she will feel pain forever, let it be; she is not the one who will cry sitting in a corner and is the one who can smile with small happiness; she is changing, she gets along well with her daughter in-law, learnt how to drive car and want to fly now, etc. She then jokes how did she get such much courage to shut Baa’s mouth, which Rakhi couln’t. Mother ask her to stay here, but share even small problems with her. Anu agrees and requests her to calm down now. Mother says she will never forgive Vanraj and says just like her sasural’s 25 years overpowered her maika’s 18 years, her anger overpowered her forgiveness.

Samar shows Kinjal and Toshu’s room and says usually girl’s are sent off after marriage, but he is sent off from this house. Kinjal says sorry for taking away his room. He jokes that she will feel sorry for herself when she stays with Toshu as he doesn’t switch off lights the whole night. She asks where will he stay now. He says the whole house is his, he will stay somewhere. She ask what he wants in shagun/nek. He ask her to just take care of their mother/Anu. He give them Dolly bua’s Udaipur honeymoon package gift and wish them happy honeymoon. Toshu ask him to go now. He walk away smiling.

Vanraj walk towards his car reminiscing his fight with Kavya, ignoring people around, and drive his car rashly. 

At home, Anu tells Samar that Toshu and Kinjal must have reached airport and hopes they don’t get in any trouble there and return happily. Samar says everything will be alright. Anu says everyday she wake up thinking everything will be fine, there won’t be any sorrows or problems, but sorrows always find their house address. Samar says mistake is not of sorrows, but the one who gives them sorrows and whenever he comes here, there will be drama. Anu says Vanraj himself is in pain. Samar says he doesn’t deserve happiness after what he did. 

Vanraj continues driving rashly reminiscing Kavya’s bitter words. 

In lawn, Baa is worry for Vanraj and tells Bapuji that he is stuck between 2 women. Bapuji says she is supporting a son because of whom they had to bend their head in front of samdhan ji. Baa says a mother’s heart doesn’t differentiate between good and bad and just loves her son immensely; hopes everything should be fine soon. Bapuji says till now nothing good happened at all. Baa blames Anu next. Bapuji stop her and says her son did a mistake instead and not even repenting for it; he wanted Kavya and got her; Kavya is venting out her frustration on Anu by coming here and he is not even repenting for it; he is superegoistic and still has not changed at all. Anu bring tea for them and hear their conversation.

Vanraj continue driving rashly and doesn’t pick Baa or Kavya’s calls. Anu get tensed seeing a toy car crawling around her and realzing Vanraj is in trouble and hope he drive carefully. Vanraj continues reminiscing Anu, his parents’, childern’s, and Kavya’s words and increases car speed. He suddenly sees a truck heading toward him in opposite direction and losing control of his car ram to a tree and it twirls and falls down far away, leaving Vanraj severely injured. Anu sense it and ask Samar to call his father. He does and a person around inform him that a man who owns the phone met with an accident. Samar stand shocked and inform Anu that Vanraj met with a car accident. Anu is shatter hearing that and asks Samar to take her to Vanraj. Family gathers and stand shocked hearing about Vanraj’s accident. Baa and Bapuji start crying. Anu assure them that nothing will happen to Vanraj and insist on Samar again to take her to Vanraj. Baa and Bapuji also insist to take them along. Sanjay says Vanraj may have been taken to hospital by now, so he will go and check first. Anu leave with Samar and Sanjay.


Anu with Samar and Sanjay reach Vanraj’s accident venue and hearing people discussing that its a major accident and Vanraj may not be alive as he falls down. Kavya says she will not go anywhere leaving Vanraj. Baa drags her away. Vanraj’s condition deteriorates and doctor rushes him to operation theater.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm

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