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Baa tells Bapuji that Anupama is good, but not good for Vanraj as they are not equal. Bapuji says even they are not equal, he is well educated and from big city, but she is illiterate and from small city; he used to go out and work while she used to stay at home, what if he also had done same mistake like Vanraj. She says even then. He says just because he is their son, it doesn’t mean he can make mistake; what if Anupama had done same mistake. She says Vanraj accepted his mistake. Bapuji says if he murders someone and accepts mistake, will police spare him; Vanraj would have stopped all this when Anu caught him red handed, but even then he continued without repenting. Baa says she can understand, but how to make a mother understand. Bapuji says Anu is suffering and she shouldn’t increase her pain. Baa says her piece of heart has left her, how to convince her heart. Anu hearing their conversation while ironing clothes stands frozen and cloth burns. Bapuji smells something burning and alerts Anu. Anu says everything is burning, heart is burning, house is burning because of her. Bapuji says when fire catches house, goods burn, but when relationship burn, happiness burn, even their happiness is burning, but she didn’t set fire on it, so she shouldn’t blame herself.

Kavya asks Vanraj if he is hungry, should she order food. He says he is not hungry. She offers him coffee and says she knows he likes tea, but she cannot prepare good tea. She says he came to her in anger, will he return home when his anger clears. Vanraj reminisces Bapuji, Baa, and children’s anger with him. He says he left house in anger, but he came to her as he loves her; sometimes people take wrong decisions in anger, but when he takes any decision, its final.

Anu notices Toshu keeping his engagement ring in home temple. Toshu says his alliance with Kinjal is canceled, so he kept it in the temple and she can sell it off; papa made mistake, mummy and grandparents punished papa, but his alliance is canceled because of his parents without his mistake. Anu says this ring belongs to Kinjal and will always be. He says its impossible. He says he told even when Rakhi denied his engagement Kinjal, but it happened; he should return Kinjal’s ring when he meets her next. Baa walks in and shouts how dare she is. Baa notices Kinjal at door and shouts how dare she to return her, her mother insulted them and broke alliance, then why did she come here. Anu requests her to calm down. Kinjal apologizes on her mother’s behalf. Baa continues that her mother purposefully preplanned everything and insulted her daughter’s in-laws, she dared to insult her, etc. Kinjal asks what is her mistake in this, she can insult her but not break alliance. Baa continues yelling at her and shuts door on her face. Anu pleads not to shut door on anyone’s face as she knows how it feels. She opens door and sees Kinjal already gone. Toshu runs searching for Kinjal. Baa yells that mother insulted them and their son is mad behind daughter. Anu says mother broke alliance because of father’s mistake and they are breaking daughter’s heart because of mother’s mistake, what is the difference between them and Rakhi now. Baa yells she doesn’t want to hear her lecture and walks away. Samar says he knows how it feels when heart breaks, reminiscing proposing to Nandini and she not replying and walk away. He hopes Tohsu and Kinjal’s alliance doesn’t break. Anu says it will not.

Vanraj exercises reminiscing Baa slapping him, Bapuji pulling off his nameplate and kicking him out of the house after transferring property in Anupama’s name, Anu asking him to send divorce papers. He does crunches and subconsciously asks Anu to hold his legs, then realizes she is not there and asks Kavya to help. Kavya is busy working on laptop says just 5 minutes. He says its okay. Kavya says she doesn’t know how many protein shake scoops he takes, so if he can prepare it himself. After sometime, Vanraj gets ready for office with Kavya. Kavya says she used to dream that their mornings should be together. Vanraj says even evenings. She gets client’s call and walks away. He search for his tie and pulls out clothes from cupboard searching for it. He calls Kavya and asks where is his tie. She asks why did he mess so much just for a tie. He says his tie is missing, shoe is not polished yet. She asks him to relax, she will search for it, but he should do his chores himself and don’t throw his wet towel on the bed as she doesn’t like it. He says he is not habituated to do all this, then says he will learn. She says one should do their chores themselves, gets client’s call asking to clear the mess. He search or tie and socks and remembers Anu, get angry thinking why is he thinking of her so much.

Samar tells Anu that he wants to do a call center job to support family. She asks to just think about fulfilling his dream and leave house issues to her. She sees Baa looking out via binocular hoping Vanraj will return, she walks to her and asks if she should prepare masala khichdi as she likes it. Baa says even Vanraj likes it, emotionally asks if she felt same when Toshu had left home, she feel like choking. Anu says being a mother she became a reason for another mother’s pain, hopes she knows how to lessen her pain. Baa says Vanraj will return for sure as he cannot stay away from them even for 2 days. Just then, Anu hears Vanraj’s car honk. Vanraj stops his car and walks in with his bag.

Vanraj returns home with his bag and calls Baa. Baa gets happy seeing him. Anu stands silently while Baa walks to him, and he touches Baa’s feet. Baa reminisces slapping him. He asks if he can come in. Baa looking at Anu nods yes. He smirks thinking wife can get son out of mother’s house and not heart. Outside, Nandini gets her cycle repaired while Samar passes by on his bike and stops. Cycle mechanic thinks they broke up and are not talking to each other, so he prays god to continue their love story. Samar starts bike. Nandini calls him and asks if they can speak. He says in the evening. She says at his house. Mechanic gets happy and prays god again to continue their love story. Vanraj enters home. Bapuji asks if he got back into his senses just in one night. Vanraj says his bag is empty and he came to take some important documents. Bapuji says he lost everything. Vanraj comments gaining and losing is part of life, when he has lost, he will gain also soon. He touches Bapuji’s feet, but Bapuji backs off. Baa requests him, and he goes and sits on sofa. Vanraj angrily looks at Anu. Baa asks him sit. Vanraj says he needs to pick his items. Bapuji says why don’t he pick and go. Baa makes him sit. He offers her money for home expenses. She looks at Anu. Anu says they don’t need it. Bapuji says Anu is right. Vanraj says he used to run the house till now. Anu says from hereon she will. Bapuji says even he is still alive, old but not waste. Vanraj thinks Anu took his parents and children away from him, he will snatch her children from him soon. Pakhi in room is unable to concentrate on studies, and Toshu scolds her to concentrate. Anu walks in and informs that their papa has come and they can go and meet. Pakhi runs down happily to Vanraj followed by Toshu and Samar. Vanraj offers Toshu his advanced course form and fees cheque. Toshu looks at Anu. Vanraj says he shouldn’t show his anger on studies. Toshu accepts. Vanraj thinks soon he will take away all children and will leave Anu alone to cry. He says he will pack his belongings now and asks Pakhi to help. Anu thinks he wants to take away Pakhi from her to vent out his anger on her.

Kavya returns home with groceries and thinks Vanraj was right, she needs to do his chores and by the time he returns after client meeting, she will prepare something for him.

Anu goes to kitchen to prepare food. Baa walks in and says she is still angry on Vanraj, but a mother cannot see her son hungry, Vanraj must be hungry since last night, can she prepare something for him. Anu says khichdi, papad, dahi, achar. Baa says yes. Baa gets happy and walks away. Pakhi helps Vanraj pack his bag. Vanraj says her anger is valid, but he cannot stay away from her, so she should accompany him and they both can live happily with Bestie/Kavya. Pakhi stands thinking. Anu prepares meals and brings them on dining table. Baa says she sent Bapuji with Mamaji or else he wouldn’t have let Vanraj have food with his taunts. She writhes in pain. Anu asks her to sit. Vanraj walks to her with bag and says he will leave now She insists him to have food and go. He sits on chair. Baa tries to get up to serve him, but again writhes in pain. Anu asks her to sit while she serves him food. Vanraj smirks and thinks Anu knows to prepare many achars/pickles, he will shred her pride and turn it into achar. Anu picks plate when Samar stops her and serves food, leaving Vanraj fuming. Vanraj enjoys food while Baa looks at him emotionally. Kavya calls him and asks if his meeting is finished. He says yes. Baa from behind asks him to have more khichdi. Kavya gets suspicious and walks near Vanraj’s house, stands fuming seeing him having food, and thinks she rightly heard Baa’s voice and he lied to her again.


Vanraj challenges Anu that she broke his house, he will break her pride and snatch everything from her. Anu says relationships are followed and won and if he tries to snatch, he will lose the remaining relationships. He returns to Kavya where she says he hates Anu as she smells masalas, he is smelling masala now and if this continues, even their relationship will be like his and Anu’s. Pakhi tells Anu that she knows Anu doesn’t have money, so she asked Vanraj to transfer fees money in Anu’s account. Baa yells one should the pride which they can afford. Vanraj smirks thinking he broke Anu’s pride. Kavya notices bank SMS in his mobile.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm

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