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Vivaan show the video on Sulky’s mobile….Silky watching all this ,runs back to her room to pack up and leave…When Sweety enquires,she tells her that her mobile is now with Meera and she will kill her if she does n’t tanswer her queries,,,As she packs up,Sweety stops her and explains the next master plan…

Meera is about to explain her position but Vivaan ,in no mood to listen ,says that Silky has taken these photos to show him and make him understand her true intentions…He tells Meera that he was wrong in assuming that she was doing all this to make him realise his faults and change him into a good human being and a better husband but the truth is she moved on…and the way she is taking the sides of Sunny and not contradicting what he alleges, proves that she has indeed moved on….

Looking at Sunny,Vivaan says that he is his guest now ,the reason why he is keeping quiet…but if he crosses his limits ,he does n!t know what he will do…Meera tries to explain but looking absolutely exhausted , Vivaan stops her to say that he doesn’t know anymore what she does and what she thinks and what is going on….he takes out the mobile from his pocket ,keeps it in Meera’s hand and walks away leaving Meera miserable….

Meera apologizes Sunny and says Vivan should not have hit him. He says it is okay, she should sort out issues with Vivan and not make it complicated. Meera hears it as punjabi word kamli/mad and says she is not. He says he means to sort out issues. Meera says she understood now. Meera walks into Vivan’s room and sees Silky trying to get lure Vivan in lieu of applying medicine to him. she scolds Silky and says she saw what she is up to, dare not to take advantage of situation as Vivan is inebriated now. Silky asks what wrong she is doing, she is not manipulative like Meera. Sweety walks in, acts as scolding Silky and takes her away.

Amar’s friend walks in and informs family that they are going to gurdwara as Sunny’s pareants had taken oath/mannat that Sunny will attend

gurdwara after his engagement. Biji gets excited that whole family is going to gurdwara. Meera informs Dolly that she needs to talk to Vivan. Dolly says she needs time for packing. Amar’s friend says they will go after 30 minutes. Once family gets ready, Meera signals Sunny what to do now. He signals her to faint. She does same. Family gets concerned. She wakes up and says she will stay here and rest, family can go to gurdwara. Whole family leaves, leaving Sunny and Meera to spend some time together.
Meera walks into Vivan’s room and sees him inebriated, holding liquor bottle and gulping liquor. She asks him to stop. He asks why should he. Their argument starts. He asks how can she go near Sunny, if she really loves Sunny now. She asks him to stop, else she will also drink. He does not stop. She snatches bottle and drinks liquor. Their argument continues. Meera also gets inebriated and says she loves Vivan more than before. Vivan gets romantic and intimate with her. Ang lagade re…song..plays in the background. They consummate. In the morning, Meera wakes up and tries to leave. Vivan in sleep asks her not to leave him. Meera says she will never and kissing his forehead leaves.

Vivan wakes up after sometime calling Meera and is shocked to see Silky sleeping next to him. He hurriedly wears his shirt and ask what is she doing here. She says he got intimated with her even after her warning and consummated with her forcefully. He is shocked and says she is lying. She runs down crying. Whole family enters and ask what happened to her. Silky runs into room. Family knocks door and asks what happened to her, open door. Silky shouts Vivan. Meera walks to Vivan’s room and asks what happened. He says Silky told he spent night with her and consummated with her. Meera says Silky is lying. He asks how can she be so sure. Meera says because she spent night with him. Amar yells at Vivan to get out of his house, he should be sent to jail. Bittu

Meera walks into Vivaan’s room. VivaAn says Sulky said she spent the night with him and he consummated with her under the influence of alcohol. Meera says Sulky is lying as she spent the night with Vivaan. Vivaan is shocked and says Sulky is plainly lying and says he can expose Sulky’s lie in front of Amar, but Meera will be insulted. Meera asks Vivaan to do as she says and tells her plan.

Family knocks Sulky’s door and plead to open it. Sulky acts as trying to hang herself to ceiling to commit suicide. Bittoo chacha breaks open door and rescues her. Laali asks what happened? Sulky says how can she tell that when she went to Vivaan’s room last night, he spoilt her dignity. Laali and Sweety act. Sulky says she tried to call Meera and her phone fell down and camera got activated and recorded whole act. She shows video where only she is seen pleading to Vivan to spare her, not Vivaan in video. Vivaan says she is lying and planned all this. Amar starts his drama and holds Vivaan’s collar. His friend stops him and says they can talk calmly.
Sweety praises Sulky and Laali’s acting. Laali says this time she trapped Vivaan well. Sweety reminds her promise to gift haveli. Laali says she is dreaming of buying Buckingham palace with Vivaan’s money, this haveli is nothing. She calls police and complains.

Meera informs Sunny that she was with Vivaan last night and not Sulky, Sulky is lying to trap Vivan and Laali had tried already once and failed miserably. Amar decides to help them. In living room, Amar holds Vivaan’s collar and shouts as usual. His friend stops him and says they can talk calmly. Police enters. Laali starts her drama and insists Vivaan to marry Sulky. Amar says let him go to jail. Laali says Sulky’s life is spoilt, this is the only way. Vivaan looks at Meera thinking he is following her plan and agrees. Sulky asks inspector to note it down and not let Vivaan back off.

Meera informs Vivan that Sunny is helping them. Sunny says Meera called him here to make Vivaan realize his mistake, now they all should plan and get rid of Sulky’s lies.

Amar calls pandit to fix Meera and Sunny’s wedding muhurath. Pandit says it is after 10 days or after 3 months. Amar says 3 months will be too late, is there any muhurath in between. Pandit suggests to get engagement tomorrow and marrriage after 7 days. Amar agrees. Laali asks to find Vivan and Silky’s muhurath also. Pandit says they can get engaged and married in same muhurath. Laali happily says it is double celebration then.

Vivaan goes to comatosed Amaya’s room with rakhi and emotionally asks her to get up and tie him rakhi. Meera walks in and consoles him. Sunny walks in and informs they have fixed engagement tomorrow and wedding after 7 days, so Vivan should get engaged tomorrow to get a week’s time to get rid of Sulky. Meera’s suggest to him to accept and see what she does now.

Sulky informs Laali that Meera knows that she was not with Vivaan last night, then why she is quiet? Laali says leave it to her, she will not let Meera plan anything. Once she leaves, Meera walks in and asks what happened that night. Sulky acts. Meera points knife at her and warn to tell truth. Sulky holds her hand and makes a slight cut on her neck, runs out and pleads Amar to save her from Meera, Meera want s to kill her. Amar sees Meera in Sulky’s room and shouts what is she doing there.

Sulky runs and hug Amar and pleads him to save her as Meera wants to kill her and warned her not to go near Vivaan. Amar gets angry. Laali starts her drama and gathers Sunny’s parents. Amar asks her to stop. Laaali asks why should she keep quiet when Meera is doing wrong. Amar shouts why she threatened Sulky. Meera says Silky is lying, she was not with Vivaan that night. Amar shouts what difference does it make, why she wants to save Vivaan. Sulky starts drama that Vivaan showed his right as husband and now backing off from marrying her, even her sister Meera is threatening her. Vivan warns to shut up and stop her acting, she was not with him that day and he will never marry her. Amar shouts who was he with him then. Vivan looks at Meera and says Sulky itself. Amar holds Vivan’s collaar and shouts he spoilt Meera’s life and will not let him spoil Silky’s life now, he has to marry Silky at any cost. Laali acts and says her brother fulfilled his duty, she is not worried about Silky now. Silky also acts and thanks Amar and says she wants to clear her misunderstanding Meera. Amar says sisters should not have misunderstanding and asks Meera to accompany Silky.

Bridal Material Premiere On Zee World On 9 April From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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