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Vivan sees lipstick mark on Sunny’s cheek and scolds Meera how can she kiss Sunny. Meera ask him to look at lipstick shade carefully, it is different than her shade. He asks to come to his room in some time and leaves. He then decorates bed with I am sorry with flowers and eagerly waits for her. She walks in, but reminiscing Sunny’s warning to spend night with her, else he will blast bomb and kill Vivan. She walk to Sunny’s room. Sunny says she came 10 min early and if he can check her. She allow. He checks and smiles. She acts. He asks her to dance if she does not want him to blast bomb. She dances sensuously around Sunny on Honton pe bas tera naam hai…song and thinks of getting remote from him somehow.

Meera continues dancing around Sunny when Vivan walks in. Sunny changes track and asks why she is dancing around him, he is her devar. Vivan asks her to come with him. She stands. Her pallu gets stuck in Sunny’s watch. Sunny smirks. Meera tells Vivan she will not come. Vivan angrily leaves. Meera closes door. Vivan hopes there is nothing more than he is seeing, Meera cannot betray him. Meera hopes Vivan understands her. Sunny lustfully looks at Meera.

Vivan angrily walks towards his room breaking vases on the way. Meera pray to god to forgive her for hiding the truth from Vivan. Sunny taunts what a husband she has, he left his wife with another man and even closed door, thinks now Vivan will know what second hand means. Vivan angrily continues walking.

Sunny takes out Meera’s torn sari piece from his watch and says good her husband herself let her in this room and even locked door, if she is ready to spend night in his arm now. She picks trishul and walks towards him angrily. He taunts if she is participating in fancy dress competition. She attacks him with trishul. He is shocked and asks if she has gone mad. She continues attacking him. He falls down. She runs away. He thinks where did this mad woman go and finds her bangles on the floor. Meera enters Sunny’s room, finds bomb remote and breaks it into pieces. She then runs to Vivan’s room. Sunny search her on road.

Meeera reaches Vivan’s room and sees I am sorry with flowers on the bed. She gets happy and search for him in the whole house. Vivan is on the terrace venting out his anger on punching bag. Meera asks servants if they saw Vivan? Someone says he is on the terrace. She walks to him and seeing him punching bag with bare hands stops him and asks what is he doing? He says he loves her a lot and trusted her so much, then how can she spend night with Sunny and betray him. She asks to ask his heart if she can betray him, she is always loyal to him. Sunny reaches there and pulls cable under Vivan’s feet. Vivan falls, but Meera holds his hand and saves him, asks if he is fine. He says yes and continues confronting her. Meera sees Sunny speaking to someone wearing hooded jacket and runs from there to check.

Vivan angrily walk to his room and spoils flowers on the bed shouting how can Meera betray him? Meera on the other side follows hooded jacket man and thinks he wants to trouble Vivan, she will teach him a lesson.

Meera peeps via door and sees Sunny talking to someone. Vivan waits for Meera on sofa and falls asleep. Sunny tells his aide not now, esle Meera will doubt. He then sees Meera and thinks Meera herself is getting into his trap. Meera runs to Vivan’s room and sees him sound asleep on sofa. A romantic song plays in the background. Meera thinks she is doing all this to get rid of a big problem.

The next morning, Meera prepares breakfast for Vivan. Vivan walks in. She asks him to forget what happened and have a healthy breakfast and feeds him parantha and lassi. He feeds her back. Jyun aata hai…song..plays in the background. They feed each other. Sunny enters and says hello bhabhi. Meera gets out of her imagination and realizes she was dreaming. Sunny walks to her and asks if she was preparing breakfast for bhaiya, why don’t she prepare breakfast for him also and forces her. Vivan walks towards tichen. Sunny sees that and changes tone and she did not tell why she came to his room last night and walks out smirking. Vivan walks in and angrily holds knife in his hand. His hand bleeds. Meera thinks not to misunderstand her. He angrily throws knife and leaves. Meera thinks whatever it happens, she will apply vivan’s named sindhoor. She applies Vivan’s blood on her forehead. Sunny watches standing near window.

Bridal Material Premiere On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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