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Sulky informs Laali that Meera knows that she was not with Vivaan last night, then why she is quiet? Laali says leave it to her, she will not let Meera plan anything. Once she leaves, Meera walks in and asks what happened that night. Sulky acts. Meera points knife at her and warn to tell truth. Sulky holds her hand and makes a slight cut on her neck, runs out and pleads Amar to save her from Meera, Meera want s to kill her. Amar sees Meera in Sulky’s room and shouts what is she doing there.

Sulky runs and hug Amar and pleads him to save her as Meera wants to kill her and warned her not to go near Vivaan. Amar gets angry. Laali starts her drama and gathers Sunny’s parents. Amar asks her to stop. Laaali asks why should she keep quiet when Meera is doing wrong. Amar shouts why she threatened Sulky. Meera says Silky is lying, she was not with Vivaan that night. Amar shouts what difference does it make, why she wants to save Vivaan. Sulky starts drama that Vivaan showed his right as husband and now backing off from marrying her, even her sister Meera is threatening her. Vivan warns to shut up and stop her acting, she was not with him that day and he will never marry her. Amar shouts who was he with him then. Vivan looks at Meera and says Sulky itself. Amar holds Vivan’s collaar and shouts he spoilt Meera’s life and will not let him spoil Silky’s life now, he has to marry Silky at any cost. Laali acts and says her brother fulfilled his duty, she is not worried about Silky now. Silky also acts and thanks Amar and says she wants to clear her misunderstanding Meera. Amar says sisters should not have misunderstanding and asks Meera to accompany Silky.

Silky takes Meera to a room and says she is not same Silky now, last time she snatched Vivan from her, this time, she will not let her snatch Vivan back. She says she knew who spent the night with Vivan that day and if she informs that, Meera will be insulted and Amar will get more angry on Meera, she will get more closer to Vivan then.. Meera says excellent, Silky is a very good actor and always won against her, even got Soni Kudi Academy admission first and even all the boys selected her and not me. Silky gets very happy. Meera then taunts Silky cannot win with her lies and will fall flat on her face, she had worn Vivan’s name’s kaleerein and will always wear them. Silky gets angry.

Vivan standing on terrace looks at stars sadly. Meera walks to him and consoles. He sits and she leans her head on his shoulder. Mai to Tera ho chuka hun….song..plays in the background. Meera returns to her room and cries. Dolly walks in and says she knows Meera was with Vivan that night. Meera gets tensed. Dolly suggests her to inform truth to Amar before it is too late. Meera hugs her and cries she does not know what to do.

Sweety gets Silky read for engagement and says she braids hair better than parlor ladies and touches neck cut. Silky says she will not spare Meera for her mistake. Sweety suggests her to get plastic surgery done, shorten her nose and uplift her chin and cheek bones. Silky yells to get new Silky itself. Laali asks not to pester Silky and says Meera should be punished, but how will they get rid of her, she is very strong willed and finds way somehow.

Vivan walks into Meera’s room. She hugs him tightly and cries. He asks her to let him go. Sunny walks in. They both part ways. Sunny says Silky played her game yesterday, they should be more careful now, Vivan should get engaged to Silky to get sometime to plan. Meera suggests same. They both walk out. Dolly walks in and consoles Meera. Sunny’s mother walks in with shagun dress and says Meeera and Vivan will be united tonight. Once she leaves, Meera says she will not wear it. She walks out and sees Laali showing bracelet with VS written on it and tells Vivan VS means Vivan and Silky, she will gift him during engagement tonight. Once she leaves, Meera asks Vivan to remnove as she cannot see anyone else with him, she is his wife and will always be, let us go and inform truth to papaji, he gave oath and will have to take it back.

Amar excitedly checks engagement arrangements. His friend asks him to relax. AAmar asks him to sit and asks Dolly to bring tea. Sunny passes by and Amar’s cut finger and applies baandage on it and asks to get tetanus injection. Meera walks down and tells Amar she cannot get engaged.

Meera walks to Amar and calls him. He turns. His friend Satinder gets severe chest pain and collapses. Doctor checks him and says she needs to check his heart, asks nurse to perform his ECG, and asks family not to give any tension to him. Laali yells there is more drama in this house, hopes engagement does not get canceled. Amar consoles Satinder’s wife and says he will go and make engagement arrangements. Meera consoles Sunny and says she gets tensed when something happens to her father, she can understand his condition.

Amar takes care of wedding arrangements. Dolly serves him breakfast. Vivan passes by. Dolly asks him to have breakfast. He says he is not hungry. Amar says he should have breakfast as he needs to have energy to serve guests and himself feeds Vivan, then gets phone call and leaves.
Sunny reminisces giving medicine to Satinder and getting him chest pain. He drops water on Satinder’s face. His wife pleads not to do this, he already gave medicine and made him ill. Sunny reveals he has kidnapped their real son and has come here in disguise as Sunny. Wife asks what he needs. Sunny warns if they cry and shout, their son’s fingers will be cut in America, so they should keep queit and keep smiling. Satinder smiles forcefully. Sunny walks out thinking he came here to take revenge from Vivaan.

Dolly pray to god that he knows Vivan and Meera’s love is true, then why is  he examining them, Meera cannot break her husband or father’s heart, god should get her daughter of of this problem.

Vivan shows rakhi to comatosed Amaya and pleads her to wake up as today is rakshabandhan. Amaya starts breathing heavily. Vivan calls nurse. Nurse says her BP must be high and needs injection, asks him to go out. Vivan walks to living room. Meera says Satinder uncle’s health is stable now, he should speak to papaji now. Amar walks in and asks what is happening here. Sunny interferes and says his papa/Satinder told engagement should happen tomorrow itself. Amar says if Satinder wants, engagement will happen tomorrow itself. Sunny smirks behind, but then apologizes Meera and Vivan and says he tried his best, but could not postpone engagement. Once they leave, he whistles happily.

Sunny then walks to Satinder and filling liquor in a glass forces him to drink. Satinder says he does not drink. Sunny reminds his son is in his grip. Satinder drinks and coughs. Meera walks in. Sunny sees her and pressing Satinder’s tightly asks not to get adamant, he will postpone engagement. Satinder says he is fine now, engagement should happen tomorrow. Sunny says he will then. Meera gives herbal tea to Satinder and thanks god that someone is there who wants to reunite her and Vivan. Sunny thinks he will not let them reunite.

Amaya opens eyes. Vivan gets happy and makes her sit. Dolly thanks god. Amaya asks Vivan if he is fine. Vivan says yes. Doctor asks them to let Aamay rest and asks Vivan to come out. She tells Amaya’s condition is stable now, but she should not be given any tension.

Engagement ceremony starts. Amar calls Meera on stage. Meera walks and stands next to Sunny. Sab kuch badal gaya….song…plays in the background. Amar then calls Vivan. Vivan goes and stands next to Silky reminiscing marrying Meera and their happier times. Amar asks to exchange rings. Biji also insists. Laali forcefully gives engagement ring to Vivan and asks him to fix it in Silky’s finger. Meeraa with shivering hands fixes ring in Sunny’s finger and Vivan in Silky’s finger. Everyone clap. Decorative bulb breaks and glass hits Meera’s ring finger injuring it. Ring falls down from Sunny’s hand. Amar picks and gives it to Sunny and asks him to fix it in Meera’s finger. Sunny does. Everyone clap. Amar hugs Satingder happily. Satinder says he will he alright if marriage happens early. Amar says wedding will happen day after tomorrow, it is his final decision. Meera and Vivan get tensed hearing that.

Meera walks tensely and slips and is about to hit a nail on wall when Vivan holds her and asks what is she doing. She cries that she cannot live without him, they have to tell truth to papaji. She continues crying and Vivan tries to consoles her. Amar sees Satinder and his wife speaking hiding and thinks what they are speaking. Sunny sees Satinder trying to call someones, snatches phone and punishes him, warns if he wants to lose his son. Amar shouts and calls Meera. Vivan asks her to go…

Meera walks to Amar. Amar says he was searching her since long, where was she. She says to her god. He says he did not search her in temple. Meera says she wants to talk him to him something important. He says let him finish function arrangement, then they can talk peacefully. On the other side, Sunny warns Satinder and his wife if they try to act oversmart again, he will slit their son’s throat. Vivan walks in and asks what happened. Sunny says they lost his younger brother (showing pic in locket) a few years ago, but his parents cry remembering him even now. Satinder says he is a father and gets emotional. Sunny tightly holds his hand and says he has to control himself and says he will get food for him and mummy. Vivan consoles them and walks away, then sees their sad face and thinks something is wrong, he needs to find out.

Sulky insists Laali to let her eat sweet. Laali snatches plate. Sweety enters with mansion papers and asks get Vivan’s sign on them. Meera walks in and asks to note down whatever they want, Vivan will give everything to them. Silky taunts her that she told she cannot get Vivan in this life, but she got engaged to Vivan. Meera says whatever Silky tries she cannot as Vivan is already hers and will not marry Silky. Vivan walks speaking over phone and finds locket on floor and asks how can they leave it like this.

Bridal Material Premiere On Zee World On 9 April From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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