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Vivan walks in says he may be London born, but a Punjabi by birth, he is ready for any challenge Amar throws. Amar yells he will run away within a day. Nurses bring Amaya on stretcher. Sweety says this village does not have proper medical facilities, why did he bring Amaya here. Vivan says he cannot leave Amaya alone. Biji says he did good, take Amaya in.

Amar shows small sheep shed to Vivan and says he will stay here and clean cow dung, even make dung cakes, prepare tea for them, etc.. Vivan sasy he is ready for any challenge. After sometime, Vivan gets his coffee machine and switches it on. Machine burns. Amar yellls it is not city, now he will prepare tea on mud stove and serve whole family twice. Vivan agrees. Amar challenges Vivan will leave within 2 days. Vivan says let us see…

Vivan sleeps outside house between mosquitoes. Prince throws water on sleeping Vivan and wakes him up. Vivan tells Meera that he is doing it for their future, let her father throw much bigger challenges, he is not afraid of mosquitoes bite him.

Vivan sleeps outside the house and is pestered by mosquitoes. Meera get sad seeing his condition. Vivan yells these mosquitoes are ghee fed to bite him, even fan is not working in his village. Meera walk to him and fans him with manual fan. Vivan asks when did she come, he is fine, he is trying to sleeping draping blanket. Meera cry she heard about mosquito comment and says he never used to sleep on hard bed and pillow and is sleeping on stone like bed today. Vivan says he is trying to save their marriage. Meera says their marriage is already broken. Vivan says he is doing for the love they had once for each other and tell her oldie father. She says papaji. He says tell papaji to send more mosquitoes, he is not afraid. Meera asks if he is fine. She says and asks her to go and rest. She leaves.

Vivan spends whole night reminiscing the time he spent with Meera, from the day he met, their nok jhok, their wedding, love, him doubting her, trying to kill her, she saving him, etc.. Mora Piya Mohse…song..plays in the background. Meera always reminisces same and falls asleep. Vivan also falls asleep early morning.
Vivan spends whole night reminiscing the time he spent with Meera, from the day he met, their nok jhok, their wedding, love, him doubting her, trying to kill her, she saving him, etc.. Mora Piya Mohse…song..plays in the background. Meera always reminisces same and falls asleep. Vivan also falls asleep early morning.

The next morning, Prince throws water on Vivan and wakes him up. Vivan asks what kind of misbehavior is this. Prince says papa ordered him, he is already 3 hours late and should prepare breakfast for whole family. Vivan asks him.. Prince says yes, else he will call papa. Vivan agrees. Vivan then goes to kitchen yawning. Amar walks in and asks if he did not sleep well. He says no pap..Mr. Dhringa, he slept really well on soft bed and old fan. Amar orders him to prepare gobhi parantha with butter in 10 minutes, else today will be his job’s last day. Vijay agrees and panics. Amar meets his old friend and informs he has returned back to Pind forever. Friend says let us go to coffee shop nearby for breakfast. Amar says he will order food at home. Friend’s daughter says jiju is panicking in kitchen and is stuffing whole gobhi in 1 paranthaa. Biji laughs that one should work that suits them. Vivan gets tired and sleeps while working. Meeraa walks in and starts preparing paranthas. Vivan wakes up and gets romantic. A romantic song plays in the background. Meera realizes it is her imagination. She sees Amar coming and hides. Vivan starts preparing paranthas looking at internet reciepe. Amar asks to bring paranthas then. Vivan yells. Meera says papapa ji.

Family enjoys breakfast and praise Vivan. Sweety also praises that they should also get internet here, Vivan prepared very tasty paranthas. Vivan says she is right, they should make a lot of changes in this house, let us start with internet. Dolly asks Amar how are paranthas, he loves them. Amar calls Vivan and gifts him 100 rs tips. Vivan says it is shagun and not tip. Biji says he is right. Vivan hugs Amar and thanks him. Amar fumes. Vivan tells Meera let anyone not consider her as his wife, she is his wife by heart. Amar angrily leaves.

Laali walks in with her daughter Pinky. Biji get tensed, but act and ask what is she doing here. Laali says she came to village for some work and heard they are here, so she came here. Pinky says looks like everyone are tensed seeing them. Amar says nothing like that. Laali sees Vivan and signalling Pinky to lure him start conversation with Vivan. She continues her dirty game and try to insult Meera, but Vivan take Meera’s side.

Amar informs Laali that he hired a new servants and prepares best paranthas, she should taste them and go. Laali ask where is the servant. Amar points at Vivan. Laali is shocked. Amar yells at Vivan to prepare paranthas for Laali with extra butter as per Laali’s taste. Laali get an evil idea and taking Pinky out says she will create rift between Vivan and Meera that they will separate for sure. Pinky asks how will they benefit from it? Laali says Vivan’s wife’s place will be empty and Pinky can occupy it and become billionaire’s wife. Pinky says she is a genius. Laali says wait and watch how she will tear their relationship apart. They see Meera and Vivan walking away. Laali ask Pinky to go and spy on them. Vivan takes Meera aside and says nobody can see them here. Meera asks what he wants to say? He says you are welcome. She asks what? He says she would thank him as her family liked paranthas, so he is saying you are welcome beforehand. He says if she had not prepared the paranthas, khadus would have kicked him out. Meera says papaji and ask what had happened to his common sense when he wanted to divorce her. Pinky clicks their picture and thinks they are not yet disconnected, her mother has to work hard to separate them. Meera continues scolding Vivan and leave. Vivan holds her earring and smile.

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Prince and Nimmo inform Amar that they are going to see fields and leave. Amar’s friend enters and tells him that village has given temple renovation task to him, so he is worried about golden idol’s safety, so if Amar can keep it in his house for 2 days. Laali hears their conversation. Pinky comes and takes her aside. Biji says it is an honor to serve god. Pinky shows Vivan and Meera’s pics to Laali. Laali says forget these pics, god’s golden idol is coming to this house, they will steal it and blame Vivan. Amar will kick him out Vivan, then Pinky can console Vivan and marry him. Pinky says it is god’s idol. Laali says god himself is helping us.

Amar’s friend brings god’s idol. Amar says his servant is very lazy, he had to be woken up forcefully in the morning. Vivan says he loves working here and papa, he means Mr. Dhingra treats him like his son. Amar asks him to guard room whole night and if something happens he will be responsible. Friend asks if servant is trustable. Vivan says papa/Mr. Dhingra will get angry if he hears servant, he considers me like a son. Amar angrily takes his friend away.

Vivan gets busy in the kitchen. Laali and Pinky walk into room and search for idol and sees trunk locked, discuss key is with Vivan, they should get it somehow. Vivan serves food to Meera’s family. Prince asks Amar to break roti. Amar yells if Meera eats this roti, she will leave Vivan right away. Vivan says he is trying hard to leave, why dont he understand. Amar says he does not want to understand, it is his house and he will not tolerate Vivan’s nonsense here, Vivan can leave in the morning. Vivan angrily walks to his room. Laali sends Pinky behind him. Vivan drops trunk key on floor unknowingly and fumes that he is trying hard, but Amar does not want to recognize his effort at all. He imagines Meera in TV. Pinky walks in and tries to lure Vivan. Vivan asks why did she come here. She silently picks key and tells Vivan she came to apologize him. Vivan says Meera is 1000 times better than her, he loves Meera. She brushes her hand on his hand. Meera sees that and gets jealous.

Amar tells Dolly that wherever he sees, he sees Meera’s face and like any other father, he wants to see her daughter happily in her sasural like a child, but Vivan ruined his daughter’s life. Dolly asks him to accept Meera and Vivan’s relationship. Amar shouts he does not want to discuss about it and asks her to go and sleep. She leaves. He sees Vivan going outside and thinks Vivan is running away and forgot all his love drama in 1 day. He thinks he won and happily goes and sleep. Dolly asks what happened. Amar says he will get peaceful sleep now.

Meera reminisces Amar insulting Vivan sadly. She peeps from window and sees Vivan going outside and stops him. Their confrontations start. Vivan says he is not bothered about her father’s tests and will do anything for her. She asks him to return back. He says he is kabbadi player’s husband and will not accept defeat so easily.

Bridal Material Premiere On Zee World On 9 April From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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