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Meera enter inside the house, she imagine the girl Paromita (eye donor) meeting wishing happy birthday to her boyfriend and asking him to cut the birthday cake. He cut the cake. Bat attack Meera. Meera run outside shouting and clashes with Vivan and panics that she saw that girl in this house. Vivaan scold her not to think too much and think he has to give her so much love that she forgets everything. Vivaan and Meera return home. Dolly ask them to have dinner. She says she will have bath and then will have dinner and goes into her room. She shout loudly after sometime. Vivan run in and ask what happened? She shows lizard. Vivan laugh that she is afraid of lizard. She says she can face tiger, but not lizard. He taunt her. She shy. He sees shower running and pins her to shower. She shy. Their romance start and they get intimate. A romantic song plays in the background. 

The next morning, Vivaan wake up and think Meera is imagining his past, he should stop her somehow. Meera return to dilapidated house and imagines Paromita expressing her love to her boyfriend and insist to marry her. Boyfriend says he does not love her and cannot marry her. Paromita ask whom he loves then. He says he cannot tell her and leaves. She falls down crying. Chandelier falls towards her. Meera shout noo…

Meera after breakfast inform Dolly that she is going to market and leave house. Vivaan sees her and says he is going same way and will drop her in the market. Their eyes lock and romance starts. A romantic song plays in the background. Vivan drops her in the market. She get down and says she will go from there. She goes to doctor’s house and describe whatever she is seeing these days asks reason for these hallucinations, a man like Vivan trying to kill a girl, girl confessing her love for man, etc. Doctor says new eyes will take time to adapt to the different brain and she may imagine things. She does not get convinced. Doctor’s wife ask her to relax as Vivan loves her a lot and she can trust him. Meera walks towards door when she sees Vivan coming. Vivan thinks what is she doing here and asks her? She says she came for doctor’s checkup and ask why did he come here? He says he has some work with doctor. She says she will wait for him and they can return home together. He nervously says he has some work on the way and will come late, she can go home. Meera walk home thinking Vivan always used to find chance to spend time with her, something is wrong. She returns home, but realizes she forgot her purse at doctor’s house and head back. Vivan threatens doctor and his wife not to tell about his past to Meera. They suggest not to hide anything from Meera as she trusts him a lot. He warn to do as he says, else they know what he can do to them. They get afraid. Meera walks in and is shocked to hear Vivan’s truth. She says she hate him and never thought he would betray her. He nervously says he loves her and hid his past for her sake. Meera shakes him and he realizes he was just imagining it. She pick her purse and leave with him. Vivan drives car. Meera imagines Paromita/Vivan’s ex running behind Vivan asking him not to leave her alone and a truck crushing her down. She shout no.. Vivan stops her and asks what happened to her? She says nothing. They head back home.

Dolly meets senior temple lady who tell her that Vivan is hiding things and is a threat to Meera’s life, he will go to any extent to safeguard his secret and even may harm Meera. The ascetic, Guru Mata, instructs Dolly to bring Meera to her, along with an item that belonged to the eye donor. Dolly get worried for Meera and returns home..

 At dinner, Beeji drops strong hint about Vivaan and Meera having a baby.  Dolly tells Meera about Guru Mata’s prophecies and pleads with her to visit the ascetic. Later at night, Vivaan, who overheard Dolly and Meera’s conversation, steals the donor’s box of possessions. A photo in the box brings back memories of him and the woman from Meera’s visions. Vivaan hastily bury the box.


During pooja, Vivan and Paromita’s photo falls in front of Meera. Meera confronts Vivan to explain his relationship with Paromita. Meera goes to Paromita’s room to find out clue and opens secret locker, look shocked seeing someone there.

Bridal Material Premiere On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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