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Vivaan shouts he loves Meera mmensely, how can Amar get Meera married to someone else. Meera throws water on him. Camera focuses on each family’s shocked face. Vivaan ask what is she doing? She says bring him back to his senses, go and sleep as boy’s family is coming to see her. She says he has to make all the arrangements tomorrow and asks Biji to give dishes list and ask him to prepare all the dishes himself. Vivaan reads list and tears it angrily. Once everyone leaves, Sulky asks Vivan to go and sleep. Vivaan asks how can Meera talk to him so rudely and agree to meet boy. Sulky provokes him that Meera does not love him anymore. Vivaan says he will not let this marriage happen and asks if Sulky is his friend, she should help him. Sulky says yes, she will do anything for him. He says thank you milky, he can trust only her now. He sees Amar smirking on him. 

Sulky walks to Laali and Sweety humming song and says Vivaan called her friend, friend means love. Laali says that is really good, now she has to put fullstop to Meera and Vivan’s relationship.

In the morning, Biji return from morning walk and sees Vivaan enjoying tea sitting on rocking chair. Prince asks if he did not prepare breakfast yet. Vivaan says why should he, whoever wants breakfast should cook themselves. Prince requests. Vivaan gives him biscuit. Amar comes and yells if he did not prepare snacks yet, boy’s family would be coming anytime. Vivaan asks why should he prepare snacks for his sautan. Meera walks in and asks to ignore as she ordered snacks already from outside. Amar asks why she is taking so much effort, he will take care of the rest of arrangements.

Biji goes to temple. Amar follows her and says he is in dilemma and don’t know whether he is doing right. Biji asks to listen to his heart and leave it on god. She thinks whatever he tries, finally what god wants will happen.

Amar gives an envelope with boy’s photo to Meera and says this boy is a simple man and does not fly high like Vivaan, she will be happy with him. Dolly confronts Amar, but Amar as usual yells at Dolly and shuts her mouth and asks Meera to trust him. Once he leaves, Meera says to Dolly that she will marry whoever papa has selected and will not see boy’s face. Dolly says it is envelope of her destroyal and try to explain to her, but Meera does not budge.

Vivaan asks Amar if he will get Meera remarried really? Amar says it's non of his business. Vivaan says he is taking his life’s decision also with Meera’s life’s decision. Amar says if he did not think before insulting Meera and throwing divorce notice on her, he has lost his right to speak all his. Vivaan try to speak, but Amar as usual rudely yells and leaves. Vivaan then goes to Meera and says her family has gone mad to think of getting her remarried. He continue trying to explain to her, but she says she has lost her thinking power and will do whatever papaji decides. Vivaan helplessly leave with failed attempt to convince her. She cry once he leaves. A sad song plays in the background.

The next morning, Amar on the phone speaks to his friend and says he does not need any shortage in arrangements and asks Prince if he met caterer. Prince says yes, caterer asked menu by evening. Vivaan walk in and says congratulations, my wife is getting married to a different man, he is very happy. Meera and family are shocked. Amar asks what new drama is this? Vivaan says in fact he will find a suitable boy if he wants for Meera and this alliance to break. He says Amar’s selected boy is NRI and would like city wedding and not village one, so Amar should get meera married in Hoshiarpur. Amar shouts what rubbish? Meera says what started in Hoshiarpur should end there, let us end this drama in Hoshiarpur itself.

Amar walks to Meera and asks if she has gone mad, why did she agree to Vivan’s terms? Meera says Vivaan is right, let us end the drama in Hoshiarpur itself. Amar yells but agrees. Dolly confronts Meera and asks what is she up to. Meera says she grew up in Hoshiarpur, played kabbadi there, married Vivaan there, married became wise there, so that city means a lot for her and she will remarry in Hoshiarpur itself. Laali hears their conversation hiding.

Sulky cry in front of Sweety that Vviaan will definitely break Meera’a wedding in Hoshiarpur and will reunite with her, she will not get Vivaan at all. Sweety consoles her. Laali walks in and says she came to know Meera’s plan and will fail it, then she will get Sulky married to Vivan. They all 3 rejoice… Drama continues..

Amar and his family return to Kapoor Mansion to arrange for Meera’s remarriage…On their arrival they see the house already beautifully decorated and Vivaan’s manager looking after everything… Amar try to object saying that they don’t require anyone’s help as they have been residents of the mansion for many years…In the meantime, Amar’s friend arrive along with his NRI son and introduces him as Sunny to the family..When introduced to Meera, he try to shake hands with her, but Meera greets him in Indian fashion saying ‘Namaste’ Amar invites the groom and his father inside the impressive mansion.

As they go in, Vivaan comes down the stairs, dressed in his formals and clapping… Amar and Meera get tensed. Vivaan goes to Sunny and welcomes him to Kapoor Mansion…When enquired about his relationship with Meera he says he is Mr Vivaan Kapoor and he is Meera’s husband….Looking at Sunny’s confusion's face, Vivaan quickly adds that he need not worry as very shortly he is going to be Meera’s ex. Vivaan congratulates him and tells him that he is indeed a lucky guy as he can not get a better wife than Meera because she can make him smile even in the hardest of times…Looking at Meera, Vivaan explains that she values relations so much that she can do anything for her father…Sunny looks at Vivaan enquiringly and questions if Meera is so good, why is he breaking up with her? Vivaan laughs and reply that time plays a very important role in everyone’s life and his timing was bad. Moreover he is not a good husband for Meera, though Meera is the best for him…and if he wants confirmation, he can ask Meera’s father. Turning to Amar, Vivaan ask him sarcastically if he is right. He advises Sunny to impress his future father in law from now itself as he won’t get a second chance. Amar gets tensed at Vivaan’s taunts. Sweety interferes and takes Sunny inside to his room to have tea and chat with Meera. Vivaan suppresses his anger and leave the room.

Inside the room, Sweety, following Laali‘s instructions, bad mouths about Vivaan and how he had married Meera by force and threat to her family. When Sunny wonder why they didn’t approach the police, she sheds crocodile tears and explains they couldn’t fight Vivaan as he a very wealthy man as she begs him to help Meera by marrying her, Sunny promises that he would certainly marry Meera. Sweety, feeling elated leaves the room saying that she will send Meera with tea.

Outside Vivaan catch Prince devouring snacks and taunts him that though he is Meera’s brother, he is not doing anything for her sister… he should go and tell his father that Meera doesn’t like to remarry. Prince reply that he can never understand their love story which is sometimes on and many times off. Vivaan bet that Meera will never accept to marry Sunny as she loves him. Just then Vivaan sees Meera passing that way with tea tray and notice her hands shaking. He tells Prince that if a girl like Meera’s hands shake, that means she doesn’t like what she is forced to do. Just then Amar comes there and seeing his father, Prince flees… Amar tells Vivaan that his daughter is not pretending to accept his proposal to marry his friend’s son. He challenges Vivaan that Meera will certainly fulfill her promise. Vivaan smile and leaves.

Bridal Material Premiere On Zee World On 9 April From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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