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Vivan says they will not let her go till she is married. Tulika think she is here to kill Vivan. Gurumaa warns family not to trust stranger so easily, but as usual they reject her suggestion.

Meera takes Tulika to beauty parlor and says she is from SKA and need makeover. Tulika says she will agree for haircut only if Meera also does her hair cut. Meera agrees and sits for hair cut. Tulika does black magic on Meera’s hair and gets them all fixed to her hair. Meera walks away to washroom after haircut. A bride enters parlor. Tulika fumes seeing bride and thinks her sister could not died in bridal dress, she will not let anyone become bride. She turns into witch/dayan with long hair and strangulates bride with her hair. Parlor staff runs away seeing dayan. Tulika is about to kill lady when Meera returns. Tulika pulls bride aside and stands normally. Meera is shocked to see her long hair and asks how did her hair grow so long. Tulika shows hair and says they are normal. Meera says maybe it is her imagination.

Vivan gets romantic with Meera and holds her from behind. Meera’s, possessed by Tulika’s evil magic, eyes turn red and she attacks Vivan, strangulating his neck. Biji plays bhajan. Meera shouts in pain and runs back. She then becomes normal and asks Vivan why he is sitting there and seeing his neck mark asks what happened to him. He says nothing. Vivan describes his ordeal to his friend and says Meera was acting very weird as if possessed by someone.

Prince insists his mother to let him marry Tulika. Dolly says Tulika has reverse feet, she will not let him marry her. Prince insists. Meera with Vivan walks down, Vivan says Prince and Tulika don’t match at all. Prince says if his Vivan and Meera’s alliance can happen, anyone’s alliance can happen, he should not interfere. Guru maa enters. Prince yells she is the reason for all this mess up. Guru maa tells Meera that she knows what happened to her recently, so she brought another holy lemon for her. She tells her list of do’s and dont’s to follow, like while walking on secluded street not to look behind even if someone calls and if evil comes around, it will cough up blood. Tulika watch via her hair in the kitchen and thinks Guru maa’s ideas are old, she cannot win over her.

Gurumaaa sees dayan’s hair, picks it and leaves home thinking to destroy dayan. She walks on street when Tulika flying in air throws lemons in front of her, then descending down in front of her, picks lemon, and changes it colors, warns Gurumaa not to interfere in her way, else she will repent. Guru maa does not budge. Meera with Dollly rides scooter towards same road and scooter stops. Meera try hard to restart bike in vain. Gurumaa starts walking. Tulika extends her hair and pulls Guruma via her neck. Gurumaa falls down, turns and sees Meera around. She shows trishul. Tulikaa gets afraid and falls down. Gurumaa throws trishula on the road and tell Tulika that she cannot harm Meera now. Tulika stands fuming.

Gurumaa attack dayan Tulika with trishul and walk toward Meera and Dolly when Tulika extend v  her dayani hair and pulls her up on tree. Meera with Dolly passes on her bike. Tulika gets guuru maa down and says now nobody can save her and her disciple Meera and traps Gurumaaa into an invisible bottle. She says Gurumaa can see everyone, but nobody can see her. She walks away while Guru prays devimaa to help her.

Tulika then returns home and cries in front of Meera’s family that some old man tried to molest her. Prince says how dare he is, he will go and punish old man. Vivan asks him to stay with Tulika while he goes and check. Once he leaves, Meera takes Tulika to her room. Vivan drives car when he get doctor’s call who says he wants to discuss about Meera’s case as he is going out of town tomorrow. Vivan reaches and sees doctor checking a man. Doc shows Tulika’s pic and says this man whenever sees this pic says she is Dayan and chudail and will harm him. Vivan thinks if Tulika is really Dayan, then she will harm Meera. He rushes towards home.
At home, Meera tells Tulika that she has to meet Vivan right now. Tulika says she will accompany her. Meera drives bike with Tulika as pillion. Tulika thinks she will finish Meera today taking her to jungle and tonight is big amavasya. They reach wrong way. Tulika says she knows a shortcut which passes via jungle, they can reach Vivan soon. Meera agrees and walks with her. Tulika hides. Meera starts searching Tulika. Tulika flies on tree and drawing a black magical circle waits for Meera to enter it. Meera walks towards circle calling Tulika and is about to enter when she hears Vivan’s voice and stops. She then thinks it is her imagination and gets into circle. Fire erupts around circle and she starts getting engrasped into ground. Tulika stands laughing.

Vivan rush home and asks Prince about Meera. Prince informs Meera went with Tulika to meet him. Vivan rush searching for Meera. Gurumaa pray to devimaa to help her get out of Tulika’s trap. Vivan sees Guruma’s trishul on road and picks it. Gurumaa knocks bottle, Vivan hears mild sound, but leaves in his car again. Tulika thinks nobody can save Meera now. Vivan reaches jungle searching for Meera.


Meera gets engrasped in earth while Tulika laughs. Vivan reaches there searching Meera. Tulika inflicts an injury into Tusilently and mixes her blood in Meera and thinks now Meera and Vivan will see what she will do.

Bridal Material Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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