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Meera walks in and says she is blamed and tells family the whole story. On the other side, Vivan cry reminiscing Pammi dying in bomb blast and kidnapper telling he did not kill his mother, but Meeraa is responsible for Pammi’s death and she killed Pammi. He shouts he hates Meera and will punish her for her sins. Inspector Brar gives him Pammi’s ashes. Meera prays to babaji to show her a way and end her sorrows. Vivan enters and says he has solution for her sorrows, he will divorce her today itself and takes her to court. In court, their case is presented. Judge pronounces they have to stay together for 6 months before getting divorce. Vivan shouts he can't stay for 6 months with a woman because of whom his mother died, he needs divorce right now. Lawyer warns he cannot misbehave with judge. Vivan continues shouting. Judge warns him. He walks away. Meera apologize to judge and walks behind Vivan. Vivan walks into some factory where arc welding is going on. Meera asks why did he come here. Vivan starts shouting and yelling at Meeera and blaming her for his mother’s death and sister’s condition and he cannot stay with her even for 6 seconds. Meera says she cannot leave him alone in this condition for even a second and hug him. He push her, yells (sorry for not elaborating Vivan’s mindless blames). Meera falls on floor and sits in a corner. Welding spark falls on her hand. Vivan shout she deserves this and leaves.

Meera walks towards home reminiscing Vivan’s blames. At home, Dolly and family stand worried for Meera. Meera returns. They ask what happened in court, if divorce is finalized. Meera says no and she will not let it happen. Dolly thanks god. Meera prays god. Dolly sees her hand burnt and asks how did it happen. Vivan walks in and says if someone tries to burn other’s house, spark falls on themselves also.

Vivan tells Meera that he will immerse his mother’s ashes into river only when he ends his and Meera’s relationship. Meera applies Pammi’s ash on her forehead and says mummyji wanted their relationship continue, he can try his best to end relationship and she will try her best to save it. Vivan says within 6 months, he will force her so much that she will repent for her life. Meera says let us see. Kidnapper on the other side shouts his plan failed, Meera and Vivan are staying together even now. He burns dart and throws on dart board with Vivan and Meera’s photo.

Meera prays god and takes holy ash for Amaya. Amar stops her and asks where is she going. She says to apply holy ash on Amaya’s forehead. Amar asks even after so much happened. Dolly interferes and lets her go. Amar scolds her. Dolly says Vivan has seen so much and his behavior is obvious. Amar warns if something happens to Meera, he will show what a father can do. Meera walks into Amaya’s room and tries to apply holy ash. Vivan stops her, but ash falls on Amaya’s forehead. Meera walks out. Vivan angrily shuts door. Meera thinks she can understand Vivan’s condition and will be with him like a shadow. She sings Do Naina Ek Vivan and whole family hears it. Vivan opens door and pushes Meera. Meera falls from stairs and collapses.
Amar lifts Meera and makes her sleep on sofa. Meera wakes up. Amar asks why was she singing for Vivan, he pushed her from stairs. Meera says she herself slipped and fell. Amar says he understands everything and says now he will show what a father can do. After sometime, Meera prepares prasad in Pammi’s name and informs Biji and Dolly she is going to Gurdwara. Inspector walks in and says someone filed domestic violence case from this house. Amar says he complained and asks to arrest Vivan for torturing Meera. Meera stops him and asks Amar what is he doing. Amar says fulfilling duty of a father. Meera says she will fulfill wife’s duty and asks him to take back case. Amar gets adamant. Meera says Vivan is suffering a lot alread, they should not trouble him much. Vivan walks down.

Amar loudly calls Vivan to come down. Meera pleads not to make any drama. Amar asks inspector to arrest Vivan. Meeera stops them and says she will go against Amar and support her husband, girls have to leave at some point. Amar complains to Biji and Dolly. Meera says she cannot see her father in trouble, but he should not trouble Vivan as already he has faced a lot, he considers her as his mother’s murderer. Amar is shocked and asks how can Vivan think like that, did not he know she wanted to save his mother. Meera says she is trying to save her marriage and says inspector she is not filing complaint at all. Inspector leaves. Meera hugs Amar and apologizes him and says she ah as whole family with him, but Vivan is alone and if she go away, nobody will be there to control him. Amar says he was doing this. Meera says he knows Vivan is kind hearted, but he lost his mother, so he is just angry and has lost his common sense.
Vivan walks down and shouts they have called police to get him arrested and enjoy a lavish life on his wealth. Amar warns him to shut his mouth and stop his nonsense. Vivan’s yelling continues and warns them to vacatge his house. Biji collapses. Family gets concerned for her. Vivan apologizes Amar and says his enemity is with Meera and not them, they can stay here. Dolly says he is apologizing, so we should also apologize him. Amar apologizes him and whole family takes Biji to her room. Meera thanks Vivan. Vivan says he will trouble her face to trouble her as they are her weak nerve. He will make her 6 months a hell and time starts from today. Kidnapper watches CCTV footage and laughs seeing Vivan’s senseless hate.

Meera sits crying reminiscing Vivan’s words. Dolly walks to her and says what Vivan did was wrong, but she realized he is good at heart, she went and spoke to him and he behaved really well. Meera thinks he is trying to emotionally lure his family and then will give them shock. She rushes to Vivan’s room and sees him sitting on bed and fuming. She speaks to him. He walks out of house and leaves in his jeep. Meera runs behind him. Amar asks where is she going. She says behind Vivan. 

Bridal Material Premiere On Zee World On 9 April From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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