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Vivaan gets her out of car and sees Meera enjoying rain. He gets romantic and pulls hr towards him. She shies. He gets intimate… Vivan realizes it is his imagination. Meera leans on his shoulder. He sits nervously smiling at her. Meera sees dilapadated house on the way and shouts at Vivan to stop car, there is someone in that house. Vivan asks if there is ghost there, laughs and says there is no one there. He continues that her mind is racing staying away from him, she has gone kamli/mad and thinks old house as haunted house, with him this haunted house will look like a cool villa. She sees him sweating and asks what happened to him now.
In jail, Sunny’s inmate taunts him how did he come here. Sunny yells he will not spare Vivan Kapoor. Man asks what did he he says, he is also in jail because of Vivan who is enjoying outside with his wife. Sunny says it is Meera. Man says Vivan is married to Paromita who loves her immensely. Sunny thinks he found a muse to harm Vivan.

Meera reaches home with Vivan and sees a man wearing overcoat and hat walking towards her room. She walks behind him and searches him. Man comes in front holding gun and shoots her. She gets afraid. Man removes can and reveals he is Amar. Amar greets her welcome home.. Meera then prays god for returning Vivan in her life. Vivan sees her praying and hopes his past does not haunt hi and Meera. Tujhme Rab Dikhta hai…song..plays in the background.

Dolly meets temple woman who does pooja on her red book and says there is no change from last time, jodis are made in heaven and revealed on earth, over time Meera’s problems will increase. Dolly prays Matarani to protect her daughter as she does not know what sin Vivan did that Meera will suffer, Matarani should protect both Vivan and Meera.

Vivan looking at Meera thinks he did some good deed in last life that he got Meera, but is afraid he may lose Meera after she knows truth. Meeera thanks god for getting things back on track. She turns and smiles at Vivan. Tea boils. Vivan runs and switches off gas. He then hugs her.. Sona Sona itna bhi kaise tu…plays in the background. Meera shies and asks what if someone comes. He says let them come, nobody can separate them now. He kisses her cheek while she shies more. They part ways seeing Amar walking in. Amar says Meera should not go near fire. Vivan says he will prepare breakfast then and reminds Amar that he tasted his food in Pind. Amar says fine and leaves. Meera asks Vivan to give knife. He gives her knife. She holds knife and imagines a girl sitting on chair and looking at her.

Meera holding knife imagines a girl being shot dead and panics. Vivan shakes her and says she is in her own house and calms her down. Dolly meets temple lady who asks her damad’s name. Dolly says Vivan. Temple lady asks to bring Vivan’s watch for her. Back at home, Vivan pampers Meera and makes her sleep.

Meera dreams of a man wearing hat, overcoat, etc., and walking to her room and shooting her. She wakes up panicked. Vivan rushes to her. She says she saw same hat and overcoat wearing man who shot her again. Vivan says usually they give shock therapy after eye surgery, it is normal, she need not worry. He then thinks he needs to hide hat and overcoat soon.

Dolly steals Vivan’s watch, apologize to god that she has to do this to save her daughter and damad. She reach temple and is shocked to see temple woman lying on the floor in a pool of blood stabbed by someone. Lady says he had come and stabbed her and says her guruma will come in 2 days, she can meet her and find out solution to save her daughter. A man enters temple silently.

Meera walks to Amar and asks where did he find that hat and overcoat. He says he borrowed it from Dhingra and they get those items in nearby market. Meera reach the market and asks shop owner if he sells this kind of hat and overcoat? Shop owner says yes, someone had bought this hat and returned it just sometime ago. Meera asks to give customer’s address and thinks she will find out who is the murderer who killed that girl in dream.

Dolly prays god to protect Meera and Vivan from any evil happenings. Meera travels in auto to find clue about hat and overcoat. Vivan calls her and asks where is she? She thinks he would get tensed unnecessarily, he lies that she is somewhere around and will reach home in 5 minutes and he should be available at home when she return. She reach outside house which she sees in her dreams and walks in thinking there is some link between hat and this house. She imagines girl Paromita (eye donor) meeting wishing happy birthday to her boyfriend and asking him to cut the birthday cake. He cuts cake. Bats attack Meera. Meera runs outside shouting and clashes with Vivan and panics that she saw that girl in this house. Vivan scolds her not to think too much and thinks he has to give her so much love that she forgets everything.

Bridal Material Premiere On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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