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Dolly shows stitched dress to Meera and ask to tell if she likes them. Amar walk in. Dolly try to leave. Meera asks to end their fight. Dolly says they have ended their relationship already. Amar tells Meera that she used to hate milk in childhood, but he used to console and feed her milk, now she has strong bones and is a kabbadi player because of that, parents always think children’s betterment, so she should accept his decisions. Meera nod yes. Amar says he wants to get her remarried. Meera stand shock. Dolly confront him and asks if he has gone mad, she will not let him spoil her daughter’s life. Amar shouts Vivan has spoilt his daughter’s wife, he will get Meera away from Vivan at any cost. Meera says she will not marry and run away.

Vivaan sits in his room reminiscing his and Meera’s happier days, their marriage, etc. He thinks he can convince Meera with Bhangra dance and watch videos. Sulky walk in. Vivaan thinks its Meera and asks if she came, then sees Sulky and asks what is she doing here? Sulky after a bit of emotional dialogues informs him that Amar is getting Meera remarried. Vivaan is shocked and says he will not let this happen.

Vivan walks to Amar and warns him that he can do whatever he wants to him, but dare not to think of getting Meera remarried, Meera is angry on him now, that does not mean she does not love him. Amar’s shouting starts, Vivaan continues confronting him and leaves. Yaa rabba…song…plays in the background.

Vivan is busy cutting grass when Laali’s aide calls him and inform if he wants to know who stole idol, he should meet him with 2 lakhs. Vivaan leaves. Sulky smirk standing behind. Vivan meets aide and giving him money asks who stole the idol. Aide says Vivaan himself stole idol and easily blamed Amar. Vivan warn to stop lying and tell him the truth. Meera and Amar reach there. Aide run away. Meera run behind him and catch him. Amar asks who sent him to steal the idol. Aide says Vivaan.

Amar slap Laali’s puppet and asks to tell who sent him to steal idol. Puppet says Vivan hired him and even gave him gun to shoot and escape if he is caught. He throws gun and runs. Vivaan runs behind him, but Amar stops him and asks Meera if she will trust Vivaan even now. Vivaan asks to trust him, she is in the same situation where he was and trusted stranger than Meera wrongly. Amar yells to choose between him and Vivaan, picks gun and warns Meera to choose now and counts. Meera and Dolly plead to drop gun. Laali, Sweety, and Sulky hold each other’s hands excitedly. Vivan pleads Amar to drop the gun. Amar warns to stay away and shouts he will not let Vivaan win and counts 1, 2, 3.. Meera pleads to stop, she will do whatever he says. He asks to take his oath. Meera takes oath that she will marry whoever he says. Vivaan is shatters and walk away.

Laali with Sweety takes Sulky aside and asks her to go and console Vivan and get into his heart. Sulky leaves. Laali tells Sweety let us go and do their duty and provoke Amar to get Meera married soon.

Vivan walks on the street and sees a father slapping a girl for insisting to study further. He slap the man and warns if they all villagers think daughters as their personal property and think them as slaves. Villagers see him slapping man, catch and frisk him for calling them all mad. A boy identify him as Meera’s servant, runs and informs her that the man who was working here is fighting with villagers. Villagers are about to trash Vivaan when Meera enters and stops them and asks Vivaan to come with her. Vivaan ask why should he, all villagers are mad and force their decision on their daughters like her father forced her to agree to remarry, this man is forcing his daughter to stop studies. Meera drag Vivan from there. Vivan continues shouting her father forced her to take oath to marry someone else and she agreed easily with his emotional blackmail, he is not her servant and is The Vivan Kapoor, he will do what he likes now and will see how she will marry someone else. Meera says because of one-sided rules and decisions in anger, they are facing this situation. She continues that girls would have agreed to stop studies and her father would have let her study seeing her cry, this is how father-daughter relationship is, he will not understand. Vivan says whatever it is, he will do whatever he likes.

Amar’s friend consoles him not to worry, he will help him solve his problems. Amar asks to find a boy for Meera. Laali and Sweety join them and say Pind people are orthodox and who will marry Meera. Friend says he has a boy in mind, but his wife died in an accident and it is his second marriage. Dolly hears that and confronts Amar if he will marry his daughter to anyone without thinking. Amar shouts he did not ask for her permission, Meera herself has agreed for remarriage. Dolly says it is because he forced her with his oath. Amar calls Meera and asks if she will marry a boy he selects or not. She says she will whoever he selects.

Vivan goes to country arrack shop and orders whiskey. Owner says it is country liquor shop, he may not digest desi liquor. Vivan says when he can digest so much insult, he can digest even desi liquor and asks to bring 1 bottle. Owner brings 1 bottle. Vivan drinks and loses control. Owner says it is not easy for him. Vivan orders 1 more bottle. Sulky walks in and asks why is he punishing himself. Vivan says his mistake is to love a stubborn man’s daughter, he will punish himself now. Sulky thinks his punishment is her gain… Meera is seen crying in her room. A sad song plays in the background.

Meera cry in her room. Dolly walk in and consoles her. Biji walks in next. Dolly consoles her to fight her situation. Meera says what should she do, her husband and father are on logger heads, she is helpless. Biji says women are most powerful emotionally and can change any situation. Meera says she will fight her situation now and says Dolly god makes jodis in heaven and her Kaleerein is of Vivan’s name. Dolly ask what she wants to say. Meera says both Vivan and Amar are fighting for her happiness, now she will make them realize they have to be on same side if they want to see her happy. Dolly and Biji say they are on her side.

Vivan continues drinking country liquor and tells Silky why Meera agreed to marry someone else. Silky says she already replied 4 times. He says he will go and tell Amar that he is Vivan Kapoor and will not let him get Meera married to someone else. Silky guide her.

Meera is looking at Vivan and Amar’s photos think both are fighting and she will make them realize that relationships won’t break just with words. Inebriated Vivan walks in and call Amar. Meera try to stop Amar, but Vivan continues he wants to have a man to man talk with him. Amar says he made a mistake earlier and will not make mistake again. Meera says boy’s family is coming to see her, they have to make a lot of arrangements. Amar stops and asks Meera to explain to Vivaan. Vivan shouts he loves Meera immensely, how can Amar get Meera married to someone else. Meera throws water on him. Camera focuses on each family’s shocked face. Vivaan ask what is she doing? She says bring him back to his senses, go and sleep as boy’s family is coming to see her. She says he has to make all the arrangements tomorrow and asks Biji to give dishes list and ask him to prepare all the dishes himself. Vivaan reads list and tears it angrily. Once everyone leaves, Sulky asks Vivan to go and sleep. Vivaan asks how can Meera talk to him so rudely and agree to meet boy. Sulky provokes him that Meera does not love him anymore. Vivaan says he will not let this marriage happen and asks if Sulky is his friend, she should help him. Sulky says yes, she will do anything for him. He says thank you milky, he can trust only her now. He sees Amar smirking on him.

Bridal Material Premiere On Zee World On 9 April From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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