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At the Hotel room

Seher is still unable to believe that she actually saw her exact lookalike, but doesnt really consider it very seriously. she eyes her idol of ganesha, and says that she felt that she knows this person who she saw at the hospital. Seher has tears in her eyes, and is surprised again as sanam is tearfully praying to the lord. Seher questions why does she get senti all of a sudden, and feels for someone who she hasnt met yet, and doesnt even know, but feels who needs her, and wants her to come near to that person.

In the hospital

As sanam runs apalled to Rehaan, and asks him about ahil, he relieves her by saying that ahil is out of danger. She says that she got very scared. rehaan says that she prayed with much devotion. Sanam says that she never saw tanveer with such tension, as she is the mother to ahil after all, but rehaan is disturbed remembering the real truth. tanveer is very happy to think that ahil is safe, as had he died, her efforts would have gone in vain.

In his ward, ahil gets impatient and wants to be discharged, asking where’s rehaan. tanveer asks him to rest as its needed. Sanam comes in and asks if he is okay and if its paining a lot. Ahil misunderstands again between rehaan and sanam coming together. he gets frustrated and jerks her hand away and tries to get up groggily, shocking sanam. sanam asks where is he trying to go. he gets up somehow and begins to leave with tanveer’s insistence. sanam follows as they both come out. The doctor comes and asks him to rest which is much needed. ahil says that he feels restless here, and wants to leave as he feels suffocated here. the doctor agrees, and ahil thanks him. As ahil is being discharged, and taken by tanveer, with sanam in tow, the doctor tells ahil that his condition was very critical, but maybe the medicines were way less effective in curing him, that someone’s desperate prayers. Sanam stands tensed, while ahil turns around and looks at her. But he then asks about dilshad. sanam says that she is out of danger too. hil asks her to be taken care of, and call if anything is needed. ahil begins to go, and tanveer says that she thinks that she should stay back, and sanam go with him. But ahil says that she can stay, while tanveer herself comes with ahil. He doesnt comply to tanveer’s demands, and she gets frustrated. he takes tanveer by her hand and walks out, as sanam stands dazed.

At Faiz’s residence

Faiz asks haya to relax, as he knows that this isnt the ideal time for their wedding night, and he just wanted her to have dinner together, pointing out to the dinner spread that he has laid out in one corner of the room. haya is shocked and in a daze. she sits and faiz sits beside him too, but she is unable to take her mind off rahat’s memories. faiz finds her upset and drwas her attention back again, asking whats she thinking. She gets up hastily and rushes from there, but is shocked, when she finds that has has caught her hand. he surprisingly asks what happened. she frees her hand with a jerk, and runs away while he stands shocked.

In her room, haya cries profusely, remembering rahat’s departure. she hears the room knock, and pretends to be sleep. faiz finds her lying on her back, and sits by her side, caressing her on the head, while she bears with much discomfort, but not moving still. He draws the blanket over her, and then says that he loves her. As she finds him gone, she again starts crying.

At the Restaurant

The next morning, while rehaan discusses business with a client, seher comes disguised as a good natured girl, dressed in traditional attire, as she eyes her next victim, the top business couple of Bhopal, who are issueless, and hence keep donating charity. she tries to get into a sob sympathetic story, in loud tones, talking on the phoen, pretending to be terribly distraught, and finds that its actually affecting the couple. She starts threatening to commit suicide, and the couple gets the notice. But just then, rehaan’s meeting gets over and he gets up. Rehaan finds seher, at a restaurant, in a diferent attire, and demeanour, and confusing her to be sanam, he is surprised. he is tensed. seher is tensed too to look to Rehaan. He refers to her as Sanam.

At Ahil’s residence

sanam comes in and finds that ahil is having trouble wearing his shirt, while one of his hand is wounded. She tries to help, but he continues to jerk her off. he hollers for tanveer and latif, and sanam retorts if he is a child. Despite him thwarting her off, she gives that one extra support, and it gets over his arm. Ahil refuses to take sanam’s help, while wearing the shirt, and even refuses to acknowledge her help, when she does. She is amused to see him like that. she amusingly waits for him to try and fail at buttoning his shirt all by himself. finally she orders him to stand still, and let her do it, and she is stunned into silence. Finding that he is unable to button up his shirt, he does so for him, while he romantically eyes her overwhelmingly. An awkward romantic glance follows. Finally she begins to leave, but then stops, nervous and then finally turns around, and finds that her dupatta is stuck in his shirt, while she was thinking that he had held her back. he eyes her teasingly, as she is embarassed. then he remembers seeing her with rehaan at the hospital, and takes it off with a jerk, and lets it off. He leaves hastily, while she is surprised.

At the Restaurant

Seher is frustrated to find her attentiopn being diverted by the victim, business couple, when rehaan steps in finding him confusing her to be sanam. She plays along, and finding that her victims are beginning to leave, assuring her that everything would work out, shge rushes after them, while rehaan is confused. Seher runs to find her victim gone. rehaan runs out looking for her, and she ducks just is time, to get rid of him. rehaan wonders where she went. He gets in the same car behind which she is hiding. He drives off, and she thinks that he was an equally good victim looking at the car that he rides. She eyes wallet kept in another car and deftly steals it. But she hears something, and is shocked to find out who’s talking and doesnt find anyone as she turns around. She gets an almighty voiuce, beckoning her not to steal and render someone helpless. He gets her into an emotional descision, and puts the wallet back, frustrated at herself for doing so.

At Faiz’s residence

Faiz is excited to see his aunt along with her daughter. She starts reprimanding him for marrying secretly. faiz apologises for her not being at his wedding. she starts reprimanding him for marrying so hastily that he couldnt wait for her relatives. haya comes out and is tensed. His aunt notices the tension between them, and that haya came out from a different room, and is determined to find out.

While Haya lays out the table, his aunt, accidentally drops the cup, and starts calling haya to clear it up, but when she doesnt respond, the aunt is shocked. His aunt complains about it with faiz. he tells her that haya is deaf and dumb. his aunt is shocked to find that she is deaf and dumb, and then goes on to ask faiz, if there was such a dearth of girls, that he had to marry a deaf and dumb one.

At Ahil’s residence

As ahil sits working, sipping coffee, sanam comes in saying that he should eat instead of coffee. he asks her not to think that she can tell him what to do, as he is the master of his own will, and he wont listen to her orders. she says that he too has forgotten that he needs meds, and needs food for that. he says that he is working and wont eat right now. But she stops him. He asks her to leave. sanam tries to get him to eat, while ahil continues to say that he doesnt want to, and asks whats her problem, that she is insisting and asks who is she to him after all. she is shocked. In his fit, he accidentally topples the plate of food, and is shocked, as sanam is scared too. She asks whats wrong with him, and he asks the same question, and she frustratedly says that if he doesnt take meds, he wont recover, and how he had a close shave at life, and asks him to hate her as much as he want, but dont hate himself, and that due to her he is in such a state, and hence she wants him to get better soon, and orders him that he cant have his way all the time. she tells him sternly that she is going to get another plate of food, and she would see to it, that he eats even if forcefully. She leaves, while ahil is stunned to see such fervour.

Sanam comes back with another plate of food, while ahil turns his head away, saying that the way she talked to him, noone has ever dared to. sanam is unfazed and it irritates him all the more. He asks her to look at him, and remember that noone behaves the way she does. she starts feeding him, and asks whats she trying to prove, as she wont be able to feed him forcefull. She lays out two spoon fulls, and coaxes him to eat with her eyes, but he doesnt comply and thrown them off. But sanam is unfazed and continues to give him one spoonful after another. As ahil is about to say something and throw it again, sanam stops him by placing her hand over his mouth, silencing him, and an awkward romantic gaze follows. He finally starts complying, and she feeds him. he gets a call, and begins to attend to it, while she smiles to herself, at her latest interaction with him.

At the Hotel room and ahil’s residence

Sanam is shocked to find the locket missing from her parents’ picture, which actually is with Seher, who surprisingly looks at it. She gets a call, and the locket falls down revealing her childhood picture along with Sanam’s, before she can look at it, it again snaps back, and she is conscious about it, unable to see the two pic inside.

While Rehaan is in the study, tanveer comes saying that she wants to say something very urgent. She tells that the lawyer has gotten all the property papers ready. She doesnt realise that ahil is listening to all this. Tanveer is about yto speak more, when rehaan notices ahil coming, and warns tanveer that ahil has come and that they should talk about this with ahil. She is shocked but composes herself, and reprimands ahil for resting, as he has to get well soon, as the entire property work is still pending and that the papers are all ready, and the lawyer would come anyday to get the signatures, and that once that happens, the property shall go to its rightful owner and then everyone’s life shall mean something for existence. she places a reassuring hand on rehaan’s hand. He excuses himself and leaves. Ahil and Tanveer stand tensed.

In the study, Ahil remembers sanam’s latest display of affection and care. He doses off. when he wakes up after a while, he begins to go to his room.

Sanam is searching for that pendant. Rehaan tells her that she had worn that pendant in the afternoon. sanam refuses saying that she never wore that pendant. She is confused, while rehaan says that he had seen her when she was very tensed. He asks if all’s okay with her and ahil. She says that all is fine. Sanam says that she was right as ahil isnt mean by the heart and till u dont know a person, he shouldnt be judged, and hence ahil is very innocent, irrespective of his hard outer exterior. she smiles and says that all is fine, and thanks him for his concrn as a friend. He is distraught. Then they get to finding it together, as she climbs up and falls, just in time for rehaan to catch her. ahil catches them in this compromising position and is furious. He doesnt alarm either rehaan or sanam. rehaan leaves. Ahil goes after him.

At Faiz’s residence

Faiz’s aunt and her daughter continue to bicker against haya, influenced by munisa’s hatred against munisa. The aunt is determined to have haya divorced from faiz. Her daughter asks how would that happen when faiz loves her so much. The aunt says that their marriage hasnt been consummated yet, and that is condition enough for divorce, and plans to catch them red handed tonight, when faiz and haya sleep in separate rooms. After haya finishes her work in the kitchen, the two ladies observe her stealthily. As she goes in her room, the aunt is sure of her doubts. they are shocked to see this, and the aunt says that she wont leave haya today. As she enters haya’s room, she finds her on the bed, and is about to reprimand haya, when she finds a bare torso faiz jump on haya on the bed, trying to be intimate with her, while his aunt is shocked, and closes the door, leaving hastily.

After she leaves, haya pushes Faiz off the bed. She is disgusted while haya clarifies that he heard his aunt talking about their relation and hence he didnt want her to get the wrong idea, and he believes that there arent any. Haya is distraught while he tries to continue asking her if she is troubled, for anything other than dilshad, and asks her to disclose it to him, as he’s her husband, as he has a nagging fear that she is avoiding him, and asks if he did any mistake, and asks her to speak up. she nods her head in denial, and he is relieved, as he adds that he wants to give her happiness in life, and always keeps smiling. he leaves, while she stands tensed, as she remembers her moments with rahat.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8pm

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