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As his aunt gets to reprimanding haya for trying to ruin faiz’s life, while she clarifies that she went for tea on her saying. his aunt however turns to haya reprimanding her for turning this on her. haya asks faiz to believe her, and that his aunt is lying. but his aunt plays the cards right, saying that she again misunderstood, and asks faiz to remember that he loves her but she doesnt love him, and that if something happens to morrow to rahat and her due to haya, would he be able to forgive himself. faiz remembers haya’s indifference since they got married, and shoves her hand away, while haya tries to clarify that this is all wrong. faiz says that its all over, and then agrees with his aunt, saying that their marriage cant be a success, and tghat they have no mutual understanding as a couple, while his aunt is amused that things are going according to their plan. Faiz says that he doesnt want this relation to go from bad to worse now. faiz says that they should end this now, while haya asks whats he saying. faiz says that she shall never be a good wife, as she has many faults. Faiz tells haya that they shall have to end this relation, and gives her the traditional divorce, uttering the word three times. His aunt is elated, while haya is distraught and still continues to plead with him, while he tells her to get out. his aunt leaves in amusement. haya walks out in a daze, as her feet lands on the broken cup pieces, and leaving behind a bloody trail, while faiz stands angered and fuming, as haya collapses against the pillar outside. haya breaks into inconsolable tears, remembering faiz’s bitter words, as they pierce in her ears. When faiz comes out, he again finds her lying there. haya asks him to listen to her once, as she knows that he spoke in anger and asks for one last chance. she says that they shall write and talk, and tries to give how they shall be compatible. But his aunt comes in asking haya not top cry, as the divorce papers are ready whioch she got done rightaway. haya is distraught and continues to rant to faiz that she needs one chance, and asks if he even rea,lises what he is about to do. faiz hastily takes the papers and signs them, while haya desperately tries to stop him, but in vain. he hands the papers and pen to haya, and says that he has nothing else to give her, neither love, nor wait. He leaves. his aunt takes her to sign the papers asking her to leave after she has signed. His aunt starts reprimanding haya in her room, for even trying to ruin faiz’s life, whiloe she stands mute. haya is distraught, while his aunt orders her to sign the papers without any more drama. she begs his aunt for mercy, but she says that its in vain, as after faiz’s sign, this relation as it is, has gone down the drain. she asks haya to sign, without any more nuisance. haya resignedly takes the pen and paper and does the needful. His aunt stands amused.

At Rahaan’s office

Seher’s aquaintainces are shocked to see the luxuries in rehaan’s office. the lady goes to get tea for them. rehaan asks her not to bother. But the lady pretends to be very lovely, and caring, and goes to make tea insistently. The man refers to her as Rosy and rehaan is boggled, while seher is frustrated. He clarifies that it was her maiden name, before he changed it to savitri. They keep making blunders, and then rectifying it. rehaan says that he was searching for a person like him, trustworthy to handle the logistics and exports of their project. rehaan marvels at their love, while seher is tensed that they might let the cat out of the bag. rehaan looks back at seher, and in her mind, thanks her for giving him the first hand experience of family which he never had, and hopes that this never ends. seher thinks that she wasnt feeling bad till she was lying for herself, but with them also now, she feels bad to be lying to a person who hates lies.

Later, while the couple is gorging on food, seher stands tensed, while they discuss that its very easy to steal from innocent rehaan, and discuss whether theye should do it tonight, or after some days. Seeher says that they shall neither steal from rehaan nor would let them stay here. They ask whats wrong with her these days. Seher says that she doesnt do that work for which her conscience doesnt aloow, and it doesnt allow to steal from rehaan. the man asks what would she do if she doesnt steal, would he marry her, once he knows her truth. He tells her that its final that they shall steal from rehaan. seher again tries to convince them, but the man reprimands her for being impractical, and tells her that if she tries to back stab her, then they shall also turn against her, and they shall steal rehaan, with or without her. Seher is tensed. Rehaan and seher are bothj working in the office, where he starts to eye her overwhelmingly. she finds him staring and asks whats the matter. He makes excuse of getting her the Tax file, and also gives her the keys. She complies and leaves. Seher is searching around for the required file, when she comes face to face with the person. she gets tensed, as she tries to hide the keys. The man teasingly demands her the keys, while she says that it isnt in this bunch. The man refuses to believe her, asking her not to put wool over his eyes, who taught her this game. He again asks for the keys, but she resists. He asks her not to waste time, as if rehaan knows, both their games would stop. She silently begins to leave, but the man forcibly jerks her around and takes the key from her, and takes an imprint of it on the wax block, much to seher’s horror and shock. She takes back the keys saying that she would never let him do it. He smiles at her and leaves.

At Ahil’s residence

Tanveer tells Azhar’s parents to get the property papers to her straightaway, and noone should get them before herself, not even ahil. she reminds them not to make any mistakes or else be prepared to face the consequences. tanveer gets zeenat’s call, saying that sanam and ahil have won, and the main jury has decided too, and tells them about the next round, where the videographer shall come for their profile. tanveer’s mind gets an evil idea, and asks her to send him today only. She cancels the call, thinking that she got the oppurtunity at the right time. she thinks that this competition is the biggest problem and they came close due to this, and now this shall seperate them too. she starts laughing evilly. the screen freezes on her face.

Precap: Tanveer continues to irritate sanam by giving her blank calls. Meanwhile, Azhar’s parents are about to mix something , which is in a similar yellow packet, that razia had the truth serum in. Sensing someone coming in, they keep the pakcet on the sill, and cuk underneath it to avoid being seen. razia also keeps her pakcet on the sill, and then goes to the frideg to take the juice to mix the serum in so that dilshad speaks up finally. In the meantime, azhar’s parents take a pakcet, and mistakenly take the other packet that razia had got. razia takes hosanna, azhar’s mother’s packet, and leaves. In faiz’s house, his aunt throws haya out of the house, and she swirls outisde with a jerk. haya is shocked as she lands in Rahat’s arms, who is distraught too..

At Ahil’s residence

A huge feast is prepared by Sanam, happily in the kitchen, she thinks that it would help ahil get rid if the anger. Just then, azhar’s parents come saying to sanam that she has a call on the landline. she thinks that it must be dilshad’s, and rushes hastily. Azhar’s parents think that now they can finish the task given to them by tanveer. They start trying out food to determine which one of them is for sanam. Tanveer continues to irritate sanam by giving her blank calls. Meanwhile, Azhar’s parents are about to mix something , which is in a similar yellow packet, that razia had the truth serum in. Sensing someone coming in, they keep the pakcet on the sill, and duck underneath it to avoid being seen. razia also keeps her pakcet on the sill, and then goes to the frideg to take the juice to mix the serum in so that dilshad speaks up finally. In the meantime, azhar’s parents take a pakcet, and mistakenly take the other packet that razia had got. razia takes hosanna, azhar’s mother’s packet, and wondering how it gotopened, pours it in the juice anyways, and leaves. Azhar’s parents meanwhile pour the other packet in sanam’s food. Sanam leaves for the kitchen wondering how dilshad must be. she comes in the kitchen, just in time, when she finds the bowl that is tampered and keeps it in the bowl, and places it in the oven, hoping ahil likes it. tanveer is amused, thinking that this may very well be the last dinner that ahil and sanam have together.

As sanam takes the food, tanveer confirms whether azhar’s parents mixed the serum if sanam’s food. they explian how they identified and then mixed the powder, and tanveer is shocked to know, that they have actually mixed the powder in ahil’s favourite apple pie, that sanam must have lovingly made for him. Tanveer is tensed that if ahil has that dish, then things would go comepletely reverse. sanam is about to enter when ahil stops her at the doorway. she is surprised to find him wearing bright red, while he says that he wore it becuase its her favourite Colour. Sanam is boggled. Ahil tells sanam that he has planned a surprise and sanam amusingly asks what. He asks her to close her eyes, and turn around. she complies. He then takes her inside the room, and keeping the food tray aside, he asks her to open the eyes. as she does, she is surprised and overwhelmed to see the effort that ahil has taken to give the room a complete romantic ambience. Ahil eyes her to see her reaction. She asks whats all this, and if he did all that. He complies. she asks if he isnt sick. He says that he did so that the room compliments the food. She says that it isnt expected from him. she makes him sit down and asks whats she made thats hidden under the cloche. On the count of three, he opens it to reveal his favourite apple pie. He says that he wanted her to make something that she likes, so that he could also taste it and like it. Before she leaves to make something like that, he gifts her a dress gift wrapped, saying that its in red, and he wants to see her in that. she is surprised, and accepts, saying that she would just be back wearing this. As sanam passes in the corridor, tanveer asks them to look up on ahil to see if he hasnt eaten the pie yet.

At Faiz’s residence

Finally haya signs the paper, and his aunt asks her to get lost now. when she is shocked, his aunt starts cursing and reprimanding her, and taking her by the hand, his aunt throws haya out of the house, and she swirls outisde with a jerk. haya is shocked as she lands in Rahat’s arms, who is distraught too. His aunt sees rahat and is scared of his reaction. he takes haya’s dupatta and draping it around her, takes her by the hand and inside the house, past his aunt, without saying a word.

At Rahaan’s office

Seher’s supposed parents try and be concerned for Rehaan, thanking him profusely for what they did for their daughter, Seher. Savitri, aka Rose invites him for dinner, and Rehaan is more than happy to do so. Seher is tensed and says that they cant go for dinner today, as she isnt in the mood, and not even hungry. Her supposed mother says that she knows that seher is concerned for them taking him to a cheap place. rehaan speaks for himself and saunehri too that they shall definitely go to wherever they take them. Seher is tensed. Rosy and her husband insistently send Senehri and rehaan separately in their own car, promising that they shall follow. As seher and rehaan leave, seher is tensed, as she eyes her supposed parents, smilingly waving at her.

At Ahil’s residence

Azhar’s parents find that he is about to take a bite, when azhar’s parents irritate him with all their rants. Azhar’s parents try hard to stop ahil from eating the pie, but he fights for his life for that pie, and then finally takes it, while Azhar’s parents are shocked. Ahil confirms them that they shall never get it, and throws them a wad of notes which they get busy counting and then shocked to find that ahil has eaten the pie. They wonder what to do now, but then wave it off, thinking that tanveer wont be able to find this out.


Both the couples, Rehaan and Seher and Ahil and Sanam, behaving completely inebriated and drunk, enjoy and revel each other’s company, as they engage in a romantic, sensual number, in which both the couples get naughty with each other, and particularly seeing Ahil and Sanam, Tanveer is frustrated, while Azhar’s parents are amused. Ahil rushedly comes to sanam and asks her where’s she going, as she finds her taking care of her things. he apologises profusely for his behaviour and assures her that it wont ever happen again. He asks her if she would forgive him. She says that she cant. He is tensed and asks why cant she do that, and begs her again to reconsider. She stoically says that she has a condition. He is tensed.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8pm

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