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In the drawing room, azhar’s parents eye the money as tanveer counts it to them, for paying off bills. she wards them off asking not to eye this. they leave. as razai eyes them hungrily, and tries to take one, tanveer stops her. razia says that she feels good to see her, as with time, she did achieve what she wanted, name, fame and wealth, and asks her to give one bundle as her pocket money. Just then, razia spots sanam, and happily welcomes her. tanveer asks if she came here for the income. sanam says that she wanted to ask something else. she comes to tanveer, who’s sitting with razia, and tells her what she saw, and asks her if she knew her parents, as she too is in the same picture with them. tanveer is speechless and tensed, while razia is amused to wait what tanveer answers. tanveer leis that she didnt know. sanam says that the pic says otherwise. tanveer angrily says that she doesnt know. sanam reinforces that she is in the same pic with them. tanveer says that she met lots of people, and got the pic clicked with so many people. sanam says that she just felt, as whenever she thinks that someone can tell about her parents, she gets eager. sanam tells her that she looks exactly like her mother. Tanveer is tensed.

At Munisa’s residence

As haya comes in faiz’s room, she finds him bare torso as he comes out of the bathroom. she rushes out and collides into rahat, who asks whats the matter. She points to faiz. rahat is amused, and asks him to go and get some clothes on, while haya is in splits of laughter, while faiz and rahat are meserised to see her laugh. Rahat asks why she came here. she shows him an envelope that had to be given to him. she leaves.

At the breakfast table, munisa pampers faiz, and asks about his studies, and says that its perfect. fazia asks rahat for a bike if he passes. rahat complies, and asks to go straightaway, expressing his love and emotion for him. Faiz asks him to continue with the dinner first. munisa says that they should let him pass first. faiz asks rahat that something is burning, and points to munisa. haya is amused.

At Ahil’s residence

Sanam begins to go but then turns around, to razia. Sanam asks razia that she too knows tanveer for a long time, and telling her parents’ name, she asks if she has ever met them. razia replies in a yes, shocking sanam and tanveer too. Razia then hesitatingly then says that she doesnt know if she would see and then remember something. tanveer is tensed, as sanam shows her the pic. razia eyes zoya and then sanam. razia relieves tanveer, when she says that she cant recall if she has ever met them, and asks sanam not to be bothered, as whenever she remembers something she would definitely tell her. Sanam takes the pic back, and thanks saying that she has very faded memories of them, since the road kill, as told by dilshad and hence requests her to tell her anything if she remembers. She leaves. Razia amusedly says that memories are imprinted on her mind. Tanveer throws her a bundle of notes, and asks her to never remember anything. razia tells her that if she continues to satisfy her like this, she wouldnt ever remember her own name. But razia says that a coincidence like this, of getting a lost paper in this house, with her parents’ pic isnt a good indication. 

Sanam tells Rehan that her parents are no more, but whenever someone talks about them, there is some hope finding something out about them. Rehan says he also doesn’t know anything about his father. She asks what about his mother? He thinks about Tanveer and doesn’t say anything. She says their both problems are same, maybe that is why they understand each other so well. This is so unfair that they don’t know anything about people because of whom they came to this place. She further says Badi Ammi told her that they were rich and used to live in Bhopal, but how suddenly they came poor and why she had to take her and Haya to Punjab. She wants to find reason behind it. She’s crying and Rehan wants to wipe her tears, but controls.

Other hand, Ahil’s friends bring him home and demand to take them to his wife. He tries to take them out, but in vain. He asks to sit there quietly and he will bring her.

Sanam continues crying. Rehna says he will try his best to find all he can about her parents. She thanks him and he finally wipes her tears. Ahil sees it and is not impressed. Sanam and Rehan see him and Rehan takes his hand back. Ahil’s friends come there and go to Sanam with Ahil. Ahil pulls Sanam, grabs her tightly, and introduces as his dear wife to his friends. His friends say hi, and Sanam replies with As-salamu alaykum. Ahil sends Rehan to arrange dinner. Ahil’s friends talk to Sanam in English. Ahil tells them her engilsh is weak, so talk in Hindi.

Later, Sanam is helping Rehan and Ahil can’t see it. He tells Rehan to leave now. Rehan says he will handle it, but Ahil sends him away saying his work is done. Ahil tells his friends to make sure they don’t eat their fingers because food is made by Sanam. His friends are impressed. Ahil says she used to be cook before this and had dhaba in village too. His friends are confused. They then play music for dance. Ahil pulls Sanam and dances furiously. She says she’s getting hurt. He asks her what happened when Rehan touched her? she didn’t any proble? is he allowed. She says so disgusting.. how he can even think like that and she’s not his real life that it should matter to him. They stop dancing and Sanam leaves. Ahil’s friends ask him to arrange beer, but Ahil tells them tomorrow. Sanam hears it and is happy that he at least listened to her in that matter.

Tanveer is standing lost. Razia comes and tells her to check poolside. She has added so much hatred in Ahil. She asks about her real son and why so much love to ahil? She makes fun saying whose child it was as Tanveer had affair with many guys. Tanveer finally breaks her silence when Razia says inappropriate about her real son. She tells her to control her tongue else she will take away whatever days she has left to live. Razia laughs and praises Tanveer for handling everything so nicely, marrying a rich man despite being blind and making Ahil so much on her side that he’s ready to give all her property to her. She further says she has hid so many secrets and never know when which wall give out a secret. Just then Sanam bumps into a wall and photo frame falls down. She sees a hole and looks into it. She wonders how she knew that there’s a door.

At Ahil’s residence

While sanam is shocked to see the gate behind the paperwall, she is jolted as rehaan puts a hand on her shoulder. She turns around and shows him the room, saying that she always felt a connection to his house, and also got struck several times, thinking that there was a door behind it, and it turned out there actually was.

As they inspect around the room, zoya’s lucky taveez sticks by the stone in sanam’s dupatta, and she doesnt realise. they find that the room is burnt down, with faded memories of zoya all around, in his ipad, tablet, in the food, beverages cans. they both are shocked. Rehaan says that it must be an old store room. But sanam reinforces that it must have been an old room, somebody’s that got burned down long back. they hear tanveer’s voice hollering them to come out, and are scared. they rush out.

At Munisa’s residence

A faiz and rahat eye haya, as she serves diner, they are surprised to see shoaib, while haya is tensed. Shoaib comes in a leering manner, while rahat is in a rage. But due to faiz’s overenthusiasm, rahat quitenes down and they sit for a family dinner, while shoaib still hs eyes for haya. After the dinner, as he progresses to go to his room for sleep, rahat asks munisa whats going on, and is shocked when she tells him that this house is hers, and shoaib would stay here only, as she has used her power of attorney, that he had given to her. rahat is shocked, Faiz is baffled, while haya stands tensed. Munisa and rahat enter into a verbal spat, as munisa takes her revenge on rahat throwing shoaib out of the house, and that too for haya, bad mouthing her. rahat says that he would have done the same for any other girl, but munisa defends her husband saying that haya is like that. rahat shuts her up, but she doesnt. Haya is distraught, while faiz is confused. Shoaib is amused. Munisa says that she had known that day only, that she would have shoaib back in the house. shoaib says that it doesnt matter who the house belongs to, but who stays. He insults him and says that he can stay in one corner if he so likes, and is used to. he says that he wasnt scared of rahat, but was waiting for the right chance at the right time, as he waited to have the house to himself, and everything in this house too, eyeing haya leeringly. rahat is unable to control his anger and tells him to stay in his limits, grabbing his collar. Shoaib takes his hand down and asks him to control his anger, as now he would begin reciprocating, by throwing him in the jail for being violent. Munisa sneers of rahat’s concern for haya. rahat asks her to shut up, as he now breaks all these bonds, and whatever be the case, he would feel like he donated her all this, and asks her to never dare to open her bad mouth again. shoaib takes munisa aside saying that she wants to sleep. they leave, while haya and rahat are distraught. Faiz stands confused.

At Ahil’s residence

Tanveer reprimands them for snooping around and asks what are they looking for. rehaan takes the entire blame on him for being inquisitive, saying that he got sanam to go with him. She is boggled. sanam says that it looks like someone stayed in that room, and tanveer is reminded of zoya’s room, and says that its an old room and they dont need to go. sanam says that if she permits could she see it nicely. But tanveer refuses and says that it was old room, and that the walls are weak and can collapse anytime, and hence would get latif to redo it tomorrow. She asks them both to leave, and they resignedly comply. razia takes the credit for alerting tanveer in time, or else her secret would have been exposed to Sanam. Tanveer smiles.

As ahil is tensed watching sanam and rehaan with each other and bidding each other goodnight, he gets jealous. In the room, ahil discreetly places a taunt on her being with rehaan, without bothering about his wifely duties. Sanam tries to explain, but he clearly tells that he isnt interested. the screen freezes on Sanam’s tensed face.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8pm

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