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At Rehaan’s office

Seher is shocked to see the luxurious residence, and rehaan identifies it as his office. she is shocked. He is surprised to see her ogling. She starts to make stories, while rehaan is as usual irritated with her rant. Meanwhile, seher is shocked to find rehaan stuffing the vault with notes, and immediately she starts dreaming in which she starts playing with all that money, strewn around, feeling victorious. Rehaan closes the vault and locks it back. Seher looks away.

At Ahil’s residence

Sanam is humming and working in the kitche, when tanveer comes in asking that she seems happy today, due to having qualified first round, but adding that they dont have any relation with each other, and blames it on detiny, that their shot in the dark went in the exact spot. tanveer continues to again taunt sanam, as she works in the kitchen saying that she and ahil are poles apart, and even though they may try all that they want, they can never be one. she tries to point out the differneces between royal ahil and ordinary herself. Sanam is tensed and hurt. tanveer says that she hopes that sanam remembers her promise, to just get the property, and asks her not to think, that in pretending to be the best couple, they actually fall for the other. saanam is tensed.

Precap: seher shakes hands with rehaan, and he is tensed reliving his memories with sanam. Meanwhile, sanam interestingly asks him to share how his childhood ws, and he remembers the beating he used to get from his father, and gets tensed. Sanam asks him to confess and share it with her, as its visible and obvious that something about his past bothers and haunts him. ahil remembers the horrid nightmare yet again. As she insists, Ahil says that its his past, and let it be like that and asks her not to be a part of his past. sanam is tensed.

At Ahil’s residence

Sanam is tensed at tanveer’s stinging words. latif comes in with nuts and senses the awkwardness. tanveer asks her to call razia, while latif says that razia went out yet again, without telling anyone. tanveer is tensed. latiof starts ranting about doing everything on her own. tanveer thinks that razia is absconding too much lately, and is determined to find out.

At Rehaan’s office

Rehaan is busy in work, while seher eyes the safe. rehaan asks if she is hungry as its time for lunch. seher says that she isnt hungry and asks him to instead tell her what he thought of her. he is surprised. She says that she would tell him what she has thought of herself, and declares that she would help him in his work. He says that he doesnt need any cleaning staff. she says that she has decided that she would be his secretary. he amusingly smirks, and says that she wont understand anything. seher makes him convinced that if she sets her heart on something, she gets to it. She again gets into a sob story, and eyeing the safe, she says that till she doesnt find rakesh, she has to do something. she starts saying that she is beautiful and doesnt want to be taken advantage of, hence wants to safely work here with him. rehaan is shocked at her outspokenness. She asks if he is convinced or should she talk more. Rehaan immediately agrees, and asks her to do it for a week, and then they shall think later. seher asks about her job profile. Rehaan asks her to do whatever she wants to, but just talk less. seher says that she doesnt like to talk much especially strangers after having ranted for long. she thanks him for giving her the dream job, as she has never seen the dream of doing a job. Rehaan asks her the name and she replies senehri, extending her hand for a handshake. seher shakes hands with rehaan, and he is tensed reliving his memories with sanam. He identifies himself as rehaan and asks her to report tomorrow. He leaves. She eyes the safe evilly.

Later, Rehaan is working late night, while seher is unable to keep her eyes off safe. When he turns around, she pretends to be studying a file. He excuses her for the night, while she asks where would she go. He says that she can stay here in the office only for a while, in the meanwhile, he would look for a place. she again starts dreaming about the money, and pretends that she would somehow manage, when in fact she is screaming with joy from the inside. rehaan leaves. seher is super excited, taunting rehaan that he is so innocent, that he doesnt realise that he wouldnt find either his secretary or his money in the morning.

At Faiz’s residence

haya is arranging her almirah, when the sweater that she had made for rahat falls on the ground. She eyes it emotionally, thinking about this pre-wedding gift of hers, that she had wanted to give to rahat. She breaks down into tears, reliving her memories of rahat. faiz comes and finds her gloomy like that, unable to see the sweater in her hand. He comes to her, while she is oblivious of his presence. He tries to console her, but he remembers her disinterestedness in him, and their fight, and leaves without saying a word. As he turns around, he is confronted by his aunt, who says that he can make everyone laugh, but cant do anything to make haya smile. faiz again says that haya needs space, as she is sad for dilshad, and he doesnt want to keep her tensed anymore. His aunt is unconvinced and starts reprimanding faiz for this. haya doesnt realise whats going on. His aunt reminds him that his walima shouldnt be delayed anymore, as she very well knows that their relation hasnt been consummated as they arent yet a husband and wife, and if they dont do it sooner, then conditions may even arise for divorce. faiz is tensed, as his aunt leaves. faiz thinks that they dont have any relation, then how is walima possible.

At Ahil’s residence

sanam comes in the room, to find ahil looking at something on his phone and smiling. sanam is overjoyed and asks whats he doing smiling so much looking at the phone. Ahil tells that Zakia sent their couple pics. she gets excited and says that even she wanted to see them. As sanam comes and sits by his side, cheerfully, with one arm around his shoulder, ahil eyes her overwhelmingly. She is suddenyl aware of their proximity, but ahil makes her comfortable. she gets out of her shyness, and takes the camera along with him, in their hand and watch their couple pics together, while ahil romantically savours their proximity. An awkward romantic eyelock follows. As sanam watches the pics and smiles herself, ahil is unable to take his eyes off her and her smiling face, as she looks at the pics excitedly. she comments on the beautiful pic, and selects one, as the best, asking him which one he liked best. She finds him staring at her. she asks him whats he looking at. He says that he isnt able to believe that they actually won. She too says that she thought it unbelievable too, but dilshad always tells that if one wants something desperately, they definitely achieve it. Ahil agrees. Tanveer overhears sanam’s excitement at winning, and that she realised that she would have been disappointed at losing. Ahil too supports. sanam and ahil start chatting about how she doesnt like to see anyone gloomy about a loss. ahil turns to her, and starts asking about more of her lieks. sanam is confused, while tanveer is frustrated, as she leaves. ahil says that its just preparation for their next rounds of competition. sanam says that she likes trivial things, like raindrops falling on the face, Dilshad oiling her head in the winters, talking to Haya, and riding a bicycle in the lanes of punjab. she continues to rant, while he is unable to take his eyes off her. she says that she likes everything about her childhood, as her childhood even if small was complete totally, and she loves the feeling of reliving it as memories.

Meanwhile, Sanam interestingly asks him to share how his childhood ws, and he remembers the beating he used to get from his father, and gets tensed. He says that he doesnt want to talk about it. She insists that she wants to know, adding that she is with him, and she wants to know. Ahil is adamant that he doesnt want to share. Sanam asks him to confess and share it with her, as its visible and obvious that something about his past bothers and haunts him, and which he doesnt want to talk about with anyone. ahil remembers the horrid nightmare yet again. As she insists, Ahil says that its his past, and let it be like that and asks her not to be a part of his past, and asks to be left alone. He leaves. sanam is tensed. 

At Ahil’s residence

Tanveer is tensed thinking god knows how ahil and sanam fell for each other, and befpre this becomes dangerous for her, she would have to get the property transferred in her name, so that she can get back rehaan nearer to her. just then, the phone rings, and she gets to know when a person speaks from the other end and says that the ambulance which was carrying dilshad had the accident but dilshad escaped and is now absconding. she is super frustrated and asks them to search all around, and get dilshad dead or alive. Tanveer is super irritated, and says that she would see to it that she dies and she wont let dilshad get away. razia watches her anger from a distance and gets amused. later, tanveer gets a call, saying that they tried everything but couldnt find dilshad, and then tanveer asks them to get a full proof information. razia is amused at tanveer’s plight. tanveer thinks that if word got here that she got this plan for dilshad, it would spoil everything. She senses someone’s presence in the room, on her bed, and insistently asks who’s there. Finally razia says that its her.

Meanwhile, in the night, ahil is unable to sleep, remembering his rude reply to sanam on her questions regarding his childhood. He too tries to sleep, but is restless as the same nightmares haunt him, of finally having killed his own father. he wakes up restless and highly nervous. he tries to sleep again but in vain. His incoherent ranting in his sleep about the murder, wakes up sanam, who gets tensed and asks if he is alright. he continues to scream, and then clutches at sanam and hugs her tightly, while she comforts him that he doesnt need to be scared as she is right here, and noone else is, and hence he doesnt need to be scared. she puts him back to sleep. She remembers the past similar encounters, and wonders whats this thats disturbing ahil so badly, and maybe he witnessed a murder and thats what bothers him, and till she doesnt find out, he wont be able to sleep peacefully. She wonders how to find out.

At Rehaan’s office

Seher try to break open in the safe excitedly, but in vain and thinks that she would get it open anyhow. Just then the lights go off, and scary sounds of someone’s footsteps scare her in the dark. But she doesnt let herself be scared, saying that she cant let fear get in her way. Just then, the sound of shattering glass bothers her all the more. Things start moving, and falling around, and a silhouette comes behind the shadows, and she gets super scared. she screams who’s there, but doesnt get any response, while the shadow continues to progress towards her. Then she finds a lantern, and with it, comes a watchman, who she fears to be a ghost. But the watchman clarifies seher’s confusion, and she gets angry at him for having scared her like this. she asks him why wasnt he responding. he says that he has a problem hearing. She tells him to atleast scream their tagline, jaagte raho. He says that he was sent by rehaan, to check on her, and seher gets to know that he is staying in the outhouse. she decides to go and talk to him.

In his room, rehaan remembers tanveer’s trying to send him away, and gets emotional. He thinks that he had thought that she would stop him till the last minute, but now he is fedup of tanveer’s pretense and lies, and trapments, and that he wont consider her as a mother from now on. Just then, the door is knocked, and rehaan boggled wonders who’s there at this time. He opens the house and seher comes in ranting about how he left her in that haunted house. Seher tells rehaan that she wont go to sleep in that godforsaken, haunted office, and forcibly gets on his bed, saying that she would sleep here only, come what may. rehaan standing on the side of the bed, is shocked and frustrated.

At Faiz’s residence

Haya, cries sleeping on her bed, thinking that she never lamented that she was deaf and dumb, but today she does, as she could have heard faiz’s name then. She says that faiz maybe her destiny, but never her love. Faiz wonders whether his aunt is right is thinking this marriage was a mistake. He thinks that he loves her, and he hasnt made a mistake, and that he would prove this to his aunt. He gets up remembering his aunt’s instructions about the walima. He comes and stands by haya’s bed. as she turns around, she gets tensed and wakes up with a startle. he asks her to relax. faiz tells haya that his aunt has kept their walima for the day after tomorrow. haya is shocked. He asks her whats wrong. faiz says that its been so long since their marriage, and she still hasnt given him the permission to get close and physically intimate with her. haya is super tensed. he asks if she doesnt love him, and asks what happened after marriage, that she has made herself so distant all the time since their marriage. He says that this marriage wasnt forced on her, and she completely agreed to this marriage. haya sits speechless and stunned into silence. he begs her to speak up her problem, as he cant live like this, nor can he bear to see her live like this. He says that maybe she isnt ready and wants more time, but assures her, that had this been in his hands, he wouldnt have bothered about walima, but for his aunt they would have to do it, as he doesnt want to be taunted that this marriage was a mistake. He says that they arent a couple physically, but they can say so together to his aunt. haya denies saying that she cant lie. He says that they dont want to lie, but one day they shall have to consummate their marriage, and just like their hearts are one, they can believe keeping the lord as their witness that they can think that their bodies have become one too. haya is tensed.

At Ahil’s residence

Tanveer is tensed to know that its razia, and asks whats she doing here, and then demands to know where she goes everyday, without telling everyone. razia starts pretending to be very sobbing, saying that her paternal sister, lost her voice and got paralysis. razia begs getting down on tanveer’s feet, saying that she wants her to stay here, and that she would just lie in one corner and never bother anyone, and doesnt let go of tanveer’s feet and her rant, till finally tanveer gives in irritatedly, oblivious of razia’s amusement, at having gotten her way and wanting what she got. razia profusely thanks tanveer that she wont ever forget this favour of hers. she begins to go, but turns around to smirk at tanveer’s tension, and then hesitatingly asks that she wanted to know if she is tensed about something. tanveer asks her to meddle in her own business. razia agrees and leaves.


Tanveer tells on the phone that she doesn't want to listen to anything, saying that till the time her dead body isnt found, dilshad would be alive for her. just then, Razia comes in with the lady, who she had claimed to be her paternal sister. it turns out to be Dilshad, but Tanveer is oblivious of that. Dilshad is shocked and angered to see Tanveer.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8pm

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