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Rahat goes to faiz, and tells that haya said yes, and faiz gets super excited and thanks rahat profusely. While faiz is all cheered up, rahat’s world just shattered. haya comes outside, and shyly smiles at rahat, while faiz eyes her longingly. faiz thanks haya for saying yes, and asks how does she want to do it. haya eyes rahat, and says that however rahat likes it. faiz agrees, and adds that they can have a simple marriage, with close and near and dear ones, with just some special invitees. He asks haya and rahat if its okay. rahat says whatever he likes. Faiz asks haya that they should get married early then. haya complies. rahat is apalled, while haya shyly smiles.

At Ahil’s residence and on the road

sanam wakes up and finds the candle blown off. Meanwhile, an old lady is shown to be walking on the road. In the middle of the night, while sanam is sleeping, on a desolate road somewhere, the same old lady gets hit by a car, which is actually seher, sanam’s long lost twin sister, and she falls on the ground. Creating the twin repurcussion in sanam, she too falls off ther bed, and wakes up with a startle, as she finds blood coming out of the corner of her head, at the same place that seher has actually got hurt. 

At Ahil’s residence and on the road

Meanwhile, an old lady is shown to be walking on the road. In the middle of the night, while sanam is sleeping, on a desolate road somewhere, the same old lady gets hit by a car, which is actually seher, sanam’s long lost twin sister, and she falls on the ground. Creating the twin repurcussion in sanam, she too falls off ther bed, and wakes up with a startle, as she finds blood coming out of the corner of her head, at the same place that seher has actually got hurt. the old lady starts throwing a tantrum that she is severely hurt, while the driver apologises for hitting her, and offers to give her a lift, to the nearby village. They both sit in the car. The old lady pulls a gun and asks her not to move, or even look back. The person is surprised. The lady clearly tells him that he should empty all the money, or else she would straightaway kill him. She gets out of the car’s back seat, and takes the briefcase from the front seat, and asks him to get lost, and as she reprimands him, for getting scared, she asks him to get lost. He drives off. The lady drops the gun and the briefcase on the floor, and then takes off the disguise of the old lady, and seher, the more daring of the two sisters, is revealed. She is happy to see money, some of which she happily waves off in the air. She thinks that now she wont have to work for another one month. Both the sisters are concerned about their wounds at the exact same place.

At Munisa’s residence

faiz excitedly rants to rahat, for picking a dress as a gift for haya. rahat remembers her in a black saree and tells him the same advise. faiz agrees, while rahat sleeps off. Faiz starts ranting about honeymoon locations then. rahat remembers haya wanting to go to Mecca and medina. faiz goes to ask haya herself. rahat makes him wait as its very late. Faiz says that he wont be able to sleep, till he knows the answer. Faiz leaves, while rahat is tensed.

Faiz finds that haya is asleep, and emotionally eyes her. He wakes her up, and she is concerned for dilshad. faiz says that she is okay and that he came to ask something. she is boggled to look at the time. he says that he and rahat were discussing about wedding, and decides the decor, and then the dress and everything, while rahat eyes her from the door opened. haya thinks that she didnt know rahat was so teasing, and sent faiz for discussing, while himself stealthily eyeing her. faiz asks how would be the day after tomorrow for marriage. haya shyly eyes rahat, while faiz eyes haya. He leaves, while haya agrees, and faiz is happy.

On the road

Sanam talks to tanveer, in the car, as the driver goes for a tyre change. tanveer asks how is she now, as she was pretty disturbed last night. sanam says that she is better now. tanveer thinks that she is taking her along, so that she cant busy herself with investigation. tanveer advises her that its very difficult for her to stay alon, and what happened recently, can lead her to bad thoughts, but she shouldnt let them overpower her. tanveer says that there’s one more thing that she wants to say which she might not like, but wants to say, that she shouldnt dig the past about her parents and let it be. tanveer says that where she is leading, there isnt anything, and the wounds always hurt when scraped be it old or new. Sanam agrees and says that she thinks that tanveer is right in thinking that she should leave her past behind, and look ahead, but still feels that if she just looks behind, she might just get someone her own. just then, as fate would have it, seher pulls up in another taxi, and tensedly eyes sanam from her back side, as she wakes up in the car, due to the jerk that the taxi gives her, while getting stuck in the jam. seher looks around boggled, while tanveer tells sanam that she shouldnt bother herself as it would just lead to heartache and pain. As seher gets out, her face is covered by the hair that flow due to the gushing winds, and even though sanam sees her, she isnt able to recognise her. sanam turns to tanveer and she asks sanam to not bother and go and find out whats taking so long. sanam copmplies, and then gets busy talking to latif. Shere gets down, and the driver says that he just stopped here, as she didnt tell him where to go. Seher starts ranting about how she should just keep changing the place. She pays off the driver. Seher goes and talks to tanveer, while she gets stuck, and is waiting impatiently in the car, and tanveer misconstrues it as sanam, by identifying the voice. But when it isnt sanam, she is baffled. Seher asks her what is this place and tanveer tensedly replies that she is in bhopal. seher says that she feels she would just like this city and has a connection to it. When sanam returns and tells tanveer that it would just be two minutes, tanveer notices the uncanny resemblance in the voice and tells it to sanam, and points that the other girl just went. sanam looks ahead and finds seher going, and views her from thre back, unable to see her face. She asks tanveer who was it. tanveer says that she didnt know, but for once she felt that it was her, and again points that it must have been a stranger, and she started thinking that she was known to her. sanam eyes seher.

At Ahil’s residence

As Tanveer is tensed in her room, sanam enters angrily, and tanveer is shocked. sanam starts reprimanding tanveer, that she knows her true face now, which dilshad exposed to her, and that she now knows that she killed her parents mercilessly, in this very house. Sanam grabs her by the throat, and says that she wont let her live todsay, and would kill her right here and now. Tanveer gasps for breath, as sanam strongly strangulates her. With a startle, tanveer finally wakes up from her dream, horrified at what she saw. she thinks that before dilshad oppens her mouth, she has to act, as she has paid a lot of sacrifices to reach here, but she wont let it be ruined, at any cost, in destiny’s hands.

At Hotel room

Seher grows up to have same eating habits like zoya, as she eyes her next victim’s pic. finally she goes to the window, and eyes the sheikh, her next victim, handing bundles of notes to his 3 wives, and they adorning heavy jewellery, and thinks that these arent really suiting them, and thinks that sunehri, herself, would look much better. She thinks that Sheikh is going tomorrow to Begum tanveer’s house, and that he would be a pauper by the time his meeting is over.

At Rahat’s residence

Rahat emotionally and tearfully goes down the memory lane, of his memories with haya. He thinks that life always plays a cruel joke with him, those he loves, detatch themselves, and those he like, always get distant. he thinks that he had promised his little brother that he wouldnt deny him anything, and today he had to give away his life, meaning haya.

Sanam is shocked, to hear from haya, the next morning, that haya plans to get married tomorrow. rahat asks if she has a problem they can postpone. haya says that she too agrees, as she wanted dilshad to be there. faiz tells her that if dilshad gets to know that the wedding was delayed due to her, she would be upset. haya resignedly agrees. faiz says that he can do it today itself, if need be. He says that sudden things have their own charms, just like sanam’s. tanveer comes in saying that its absolutely right. She then asks about dilshad. rahat tells that she isnt conscious yet, relieving yet. sanam asks haya if she is happy and willing to get married. haya eyes rahat, and then says yes. rahat is apalled, while faiz is excited. sanam says that she was tensed, only due to the haste of marriage preps. Faiz says that its all their duty, and they shall manage, and they dont want it to be grand, just close relatives. faiz asks ahil and tanveer if they shall come. sanam is tensed. Ahil says that they definitely shall attend the marriage. tanveer too excitedly gives her consent to be there. all are happy. tanveer thinks that finally she got what she had wanted, so that she can put dilshad to rest finally, and she shall do so, by becoming a guest in her house, and then she shall leave forever, so that dilshad doesnt have to be a guest anymore.

In the kitchen, sanam asks haya if this marriage is out of helplessness. She asks haya not to be afraid and hide anything, and get time to know each other better. Sanam says that if they need time, she can talk to rahat. Haya says that she knows that living with someone is strange, and she may not be mature, but her heart says that god has sent him for her, and he wont ever make her sad. sanam hugs and says that faiz shall keep her very happy. haya thinks that rahat shall keep her very happy. Each is oblivious of the other person’s wish.

Downstairs, tanveer takes leave to attend to the sheikh’s meeting and make preps. ahil stays behind. He tries to give a sweet to rahat but he denies. faiz tries to forcibly feed him, while rahat tries to deny. Seeing their brotherly love, sanam and haya are very happy. haya says that faiz is like a son to him. sanam says that she would be very happy in this house. she finds ahil mingling with them, and is happy.

At Ahil’s residence

Ahil is very urgent on the phone, about everything being right for the sheikh meeting, so that the deal can be finalised. sanam thanks ahil for his gesture, and consent to come for haya’s marriage, as she never thought that he would, as he doesnt like such stuff, being in celebrations and amidst crowd. Ahil says that he’s her husband, and its his duty, hence he is doing, just for the world to see, as they would have to set an example for everyone. He gets busy in his work. sanam eyes the dresses and asks why he got so many. Ahil tells her about the sheikh’s meeting, and their deal, hence she should have nice clothes. She says that for dinner, one dress is sufficient, then why so many. ahil is silenced, but then makes an excuse, saying that he also shopped for haya’s marriage and hastily excuses himself. She smiles as he moves out. he comes back and finds her smiling, and she gets tensed. he leaves, while she starts smiling again. Sanam gets ready and thinks that only he cant be a good husband, she too would be a good wife, and would make such a delicious meal, that the sheikh would love it.

Razia and latif are working in the kitchen, where latif is reprimanding razia to work faster. a fight ensues, and sanam comes in to break them. Sanam sees their animosity and asks them to leave, as she would make herself. latif and razia leave. sanam gets to making food.

As the Sheikh gets down the car with his wives, seher, lustily eyes the jewellery, and money that the wives are loaded with, and thinks that this time she is in for a bigger plan. As seher, aka sunehri enters tanveer’s mansion, disguised as one of sheikh’s wife, underneath the burqa, she starts looking at the bigger picture, thinking that she was after the petty sheikh, whereas the real treasure hunt is in this house. oblivious to all this, sanam is gleefully preparing dessert, not knowing that her own sister would be tasting it.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8pm

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