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At Ahil’s residence

Ahil watches mesmerized as sanam comes in dressed in a red saree that ahil had seleceted for her, as he is unable to take his eyes off her smiling face. She comes and notices that he had already eaten the apple pie, and asks why did he eat as he shouldnt have, cuz she made something else for him. He behaves inebriated and in a daze, as he comes to her, and holds her while she is shocked. ahil makes her sit down, and then gets to feeding her, saying that he wants to share things with her. She asks if he is feeling okay, as he is behaving strangely. He says that he is absolutely fine. They feed each other. Ahil eyes her overwhelmingly, while sanam asks whats the matter. He says that beautiful is too less a word to describe what she looks today. She giggles and smiles, and thanks him for the compliment. The serum starts affecting, and tanveer is frustrated, as they laugh incoherently, and ahil compliments her yet again. Due to the effect of the truth serum, ahil starts spilling out the truth, that he has always been in love with her, amidst the guffaws. Tanveer confirms whether they mixed it in the right food, and Azhar’s parents say that they did, but maybe it overreacted. tanveer is frustrated and wonders whats happening. They lie on the bed, while she refers to him as PAGLOL, and he says naughtily that she shall be punished for this, and bends down to kiss her. She starts hiccuping at the last second, and he does too, by the effect of the powder mixed.

Razia tries to force fed Dilshad the juice, while Dilshad desperately tries to resist. But razia finally makes her drink it. Razia leaves, and Dilshad starts getting dizzy. when razia turns around, she finds that dilshad has dozed off instantly. She tries to wake her up, but dilshad doesnt wake up. Razia is shocked and scared now, as to how she slept through this serum. Razia is frustrated and rants that this also didnt work.

On the road

Rehaan asks why she refused to come along. she lies that she had a stomach ache. he asks her to think through, as she cant lie to him. she says that she didnt feel like. while rehaan gloat about her good luck, that she is fortunate to have a family like this, she starts feeling guilty and very wrong that she is lying to a person who hates lies to the core, and even more so now, when she shouldnt at all. Their car comes to a screeching halt, and seher understands that the couple is behind this. Seher is tensed as she finds that they have resorted to their normal course of stealing pattern, and tells that rehaan mustn't be finding the petrol tank leak. Rehaan agrees and tries their number so that they could pick the both of them up. she asks him not to, as the phone must be off. when rehaan finds that its actually not going through, she says that she knows them better than him. He is boggled and tries the number of the mechanic. Seher thinks that before the identity of hers is revealed, she discusses with herself, if she should leave when she has the chance. After trying on the phone, for the mechanic, he finds that seher uis walking away, and when he tries to stop her, she insists on being let go, as she doesnt know where she is going, but wants to leave from here. in their scuffle, she accidentally slips, and pulls her arms around his shoulders, and an awkward romantic eye gaze follows. She eyes the locket that rehaan is wearing, and asks whats it. He says that there’s an extra key, to the safe which is a prerequisite need to opening the safe. Seher confirms that no one can break the safe, without this key. rehaan confirms. She gets very excited hearing that this is the second key. She starts ranting again, happy that now the stealing cant happen, while rehaan is boggled with her excitement and overexuberance. Just then a truck comes, and the drivers get down saying that the Bhole Baba’s prashad, and serves them Bhaang. seher loves it and forcibly make rehaan drink it too. they starts guffawing loudly, as the truck drivers drive away.

At Rahat’s office

Meanwhile, seher’s supposed parents try to break into rehaan’s safe, but in vain, and finally deduce that they wont be able to steal it today, as it needs another key too.

At Ahil’s residence and on the road

Ahil and sanam go for water, and then start dancing under the influence of the powder. Both the couples, Rehaan and seher and Ahil and sanam, behaving completely inebriated and drunk, enjoy and revel each other’s company, as they engage in a romantic, sensual number, in which both the couples get naughty with each other, and particularly seeing ahil and sanam, tanveer is frustrated, while azhar’s parents are amused. Both the couples start getting naughty and intimate with each other, both not in their senses. Finally both the men, carry their women each in their arms, as a romantic eye gaze ensues. tanveer stands helpless, as ahil carries sanam into his arms, and takes her inside, getting intimate with her. tanveer gets the competition ladies’ phone and asks her not to send anyone for the video and pic today. 

At Ahil’s residence and in a garden

In their inebriated state, finally Rehaan is brought to a garden by seher, and he is boggled whats going on. Similar is the situation with ahil and sanam. She casually asks him who he hates the most, and laughingly replies that it definitely must be her. he gets tensed and says no, as he remembers his father’s beating. she insistently asks him, and then he says that the nightmares arent actually dreams, and that actually it has happened with him in real, and sanam is shocked, as ahil recounts that horror, and tells her about his father’s atrocities. Ahil tells sanam about his past and how his dad used to beat. He tells how tanveer has sacrificed everything for him, and even went to jail, having taken the blame for his own heinous crimes on herself. sanam is tensed to hear this. He says that his father used to beat while his mother used to save him, and sanam hugs ahil and calms him down, drawing him close to herself. Rehaan starts complimenting that seher is very good, and when he is with her, he is at peace, and that he has given her the love that even his own mother never gave him. Seher is tensed. Rehaan too tells seher how his own mother never did anything for him, and only loves herself or money, and how she had been completely selfish and ill motivated all the time. He says how his own mother can use anyone even him, for money, upto whatever extent possible. Seher is boggled and puzzled. he says that he can never repay back the favour, as he made her realise the importance and feeling of family, and whats loving the family. He asks her to promise one thing, and thats not to lie, as whoever he has met has always broken his heart, but expects that she wont do it. Seher is tensed, as he lays his head on her shoulder. They finally dose off. When Rehaan wakes up the next morning, and tries to gently shake her off, as her head in nestled against his shoulder, she all the more draws in all the more closer to him, and then puts his arm around him. he too leans back to give him comfort. Seher wakes up finally and gets awkward seeing how she is lying in his arms. they both compose themselves. Rehaan is tensed as he remembers his confession last night. Seher is tensed too. Rehaan tries to tell her, that maybe he spoke too much. Seher thinks what if he gets to know completely what all he said about his mother. she pretends to have forgotten everything, and says that she doesnt remember anything. rehaan is relieved, and apologises for having mentioned it.

At Faiz’s residence

Faiz tries to tell rehaan that he isnt compatible with her, while rehaan tries to make him realise the severity of it, and hoiw marriages cant be broken off so easily, and reminds him the promises and responsibilities that he had undertaken when he had self confessedly fallen in love with her, and then married her. Faiz asks what does he think that he didnt try it, and says that he respects his thinking, and says that he has actually relieved haya from this bruden of a relation. Rahat is shocked. Faiz tells that haya never even want him to touch her, nor let him, and when she doesnt want this marriage to be successful, there’s no point in him trying alone to salvage the relation. Rahat is left speechless. He comes outside, to meet haya, who’s sitting by the swing, and asks her to eat for his sake atleast. rahat is shocked. As haya begins to eat, she is surprised to find rahat laying down a piece of paper, and then clarifying that faiz has given half of his property to her, and this is for her. She angrily tears down the paper, and asks rahat what does he think fo herself, if she is a toy, that can be played with anytime. She asks him if he is trying to appease her for her ruined life, by giving her wealth. He tries to convince her, but she says that he doesnt know anything, and had he wanted, he wouldnt have let her get married to faiz. She tells him that his heart is very weak, and that love needs great courage which he doesnt have. He is shocked. As she turns away, he holds her hand, but she jerks it away and leaves, while rahat is distraught. He goes after her and again takes her by the hand, and bends on his kness, and begs for forgiveness, and that he would stand by for her happiness, and their life together. he says that he has understood what love is, and what a big mistake he did. Haya is still angry. rahat asks her for one chance, so that she can rectify it all, and asks her to believe him. He pleads while she stands stoically. finally he leaves, and haya eyes him teary eyed.

At Ahil’s residence

The next morning, Ahil screams forSsanam, and then says that he has a bad headache, and Sanam immediately comes with a drink to get over the hangover. He wakes up wondering how did they both get a hangover. Ahil says that he hopes that he didnt say anything stupid last night. Sanam remembers his confession, and thinks that this is the right time for her to tell that he told everything about his childhood. ahil finds her tensed and asks if he said anything wrong like that. sanam says that it would be wrong for him to say that he shouldnt have said all that he did, as he didnt do anything wrong, and that he did talk and open up finally. Ahil tensedly asks what did he say. she says that he told everything about his childhood, and then relates it all. He is shocked and distraught. Finally he asks her to stop it, and says that she mixed him something in his food so that he would fall prey to his curiosity. Sanam clarifies that she didnt mix anything. She says that she wouldnt have herself eaten it, had she mixed it. He gets up angrily, and then tries to search arounmd for something, while she keeps asking whats the matter. he says that its none of her business, and frantically searches for something. She follows him outside till he reaches the car, continuously asking whats the matter. he says that what happened last night was a big mistake, and that ity would never happen again. Finally he finds a bottle of wine and is about to drink it, when she takes it from his hand and breaks it on the floor. she asks what does he want and why is he doing this. He asks her to stop it. She finds him opening another bottle, and then makes him swear on her name, that he wouldnt, reminding him how he had promised that he would leave alcohol. He is tensed, but cant bring himself to drink it. she asks him not to be so weak. He tries to take a sip and is unable to. She comes to take the bottle, and he throws it away in disgust, while she is tensed. he asks whats the problem, and why isnt she leaving him alone. She says that she doesnt want him to be tensed of his past. he says that its his identity, and no one can change it. He finds that the driver is standing listening to all of it, and shuts him away. he leaves. he says that no one can understand her and especially not her. she asks him vehemently whats his problem and why is he behaving so weird. She says that it isnt so, and that everyone has problems, and brings joys and sorrows together and that everyone is witness to it. She says that he always keeps thinking about his past and hence is tensed. she says that whatever life gives them, they should accept it as god’s grace and not overthink about it. she says that since she always keeps thinking of his past, he isnt able to get rid of it. she says that everyone has problems but one has to learn to deal with it. He breaks saying that he doesnt need anyone and especially his help, and that he doesnt need anyone’s help. she is hurt and leaves inside, and seeing that, Ahil is frustrated with himself. 

At Ahil’s residence

Sanam begins to pack her stuff. Ahil comes and is tensed to find her doing so, and asks if she is going, and says that she doesnt need to. but she doesnt listen and begins to go. Ahil rushedly comes to sanam and asks her where’s she going, as she finds her taking care of her things. he apologises profusely for his behavior and assures her that it wont ever happen again. She says that these bags are for the orphanage and she isnt going anywhere. He takes her hand and apologises to hr, for the way he behaved outside, which was completely wrong and he shouldnt have done it. She is tensed. He asks her if she would forgive him. She says that she cant. He is tensed and asks why cant she do that, and begs her again to reconsider, as he is genuinely sorry. She stoically says that she has a condition. He is tensed.

On the road

Razia keeps asking for Seher, oblivious that she is standing right behind her with Rehaan. They both drive off. Razia thinks that someone from the orphanage must definitely know her. she starts asking people, and when they aren't able to identify her, she is tensed. Razia is shown some woman who can tell her everything about any person here. Razia finds a gaudily dressed lady and wonders whats this now, as people pay homage to her and their respect. She comes to her stealthily, while that lady responds that she knows why she came here, and how she has been searching for someone for long. Razia is surprised and tries to show her the pic. but with her eyes closed, she says that she knows and also knows where she would find that woman. Just then, another woman comes in and starts praising her. razia asks her to tell then. The lady opens her eyes and asks why. razia says that she has some work. The lady says whats her favour in this. razia asks what she wants. The lady says that she wants 3 things, and razia is eager to fulfill them. The lady says that first, she would have to pluck 100 flowers from the Red kothi. razia starts fuming at her. As razia begins to go, the lady says that her name is Sunehri and she herself is razia. this stuns razia, and the lady asks her to do what she has been told, if she wants to know sunehri’s address. razia complies. the lady asks her to finish this task, then she would be told the next one. razia leaves hurriedly.

At Rehaan’s office

Seher comes to the room to find herself face to face with the couple. The supposed couple accuse her of knowing before hand that another key is required, while she says that she didnt know. The lady tells her that she wont be able to change her lifestyle, as she is basically a thief and would remain so. The man tells her that they wont even let her forget and tell her that if she doesnt comply, then rehaan would know her truth. The lady asks what would be rehaan’s reaction if she knows her truth. seher’s supposed parents tell her that love isnt for people like them as it doesnt suit them. Seher says that there’s nothing like that and she just doesnt want to hurt a nice person like rehaan. the lady relates her that her experience tells her that she has fallen in love. moreover, now she would have to steal for them, and gives her a deadline of tomorrow 7 in the evening, by which time if she doesn't get the loot and hand it over to them at the station, they would come and tell her secret to rehaan. seher is tensed and teary eyed. They compose themselves as they find rehaan coming in, they make excuses as to how they couldnt come yesterday, and ask about their dinner. rehaan says that it was okay and then says that they got food for them, and asks seher about her headache. The couple shows concern, and then thanks rehaan for his hospitality. Rehaan says that he likes them and being with them, and then giving them their food, he leaves for his meeting. Seher is tensed..


Ahil rushed to sanam and asks her where’s she going, as she finds her taking care of her things. he apologises profusely for his behaviour and assures her that it wont ever happen again. He ask her if she would forgive him. She says that she cant. He is tensed and asks why cant she do that, and begs her again to reconsider. She stoically says that she has a condition. He is tensed. Tanveer vents out her frustration angrily at azhar’s parents, asking how dare they lie to her. meanwhile, while seher stealthily tries to break in the safe, when rehaan comes in and she is tensed. She points out to him, that the safe is open. He gives her the key and asks her to close it herself. She asks does he trust her like that. Rehaan says that he trusts her more than himself. He says that in his world of lies, she is only truth in his life. Seher is extremely tensed and guilty.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8pm

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