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At Ahil’s residence

Tanveer reprimands them for snooping around and asks what are they looking for. rehaan takes the entire blame on him for being inquisitive, saying that he got sanam to go with him. She is boggled. sanam says that it looks like someone stayed in that room, and tanveer is reminded of zoya’s room, and says that its an old room and they dont need to go. sanam says that if she permits could she see it nicely. But tanveer refuses and says that it was old room, and that the walls are weak and can collapse anytime, and hence would get latif to redo it tomorrow. She asks them both to leave, and they resignedly comply. razia takes the credit for alerting tanveer in time, or else her secret would have been exposed to Sanam. Tanveer smiles.

Ahil is tensed watching Sanam and Rehaan with each other and bidding each other goodnight, he get jealous. In the room, Ahil discreetly places a taunt on her being with Rehaan, without bothering about his wifely duties. Sanam try to explain, but he clearly tells that he isnt interested.

At Ahil’s residence

As sanam goes the bed, Ahil comes out with bare torso, and try to get intimate Sanam, while she is uncomfortable. As she keeps the clothes for washing, she also keeps the dupatta that had Zoya’s locket entangled in it. Latif comes and leeringly eyes Ahil, and then Sanam comes in between like a jealous wife. latif leaves, with the clothes, while the locket falls on the ground. Ahil gets dressed and sees the locket, but doesnt pay attention, just stops there for a minute, and leaves, saying he is going to work, and would retrun home soon, like a typical husband. Sanam eye him as he leaves, and then her eyes fall on the locket. she picks it up and is surprised to see it. she takes it and eyes her parents’ picture. Sanam places it around the picture, that she had seen in the newspaper, and comments that she feels very close to her parents, as if they are around her. she gets emotional.

Tanveer along with razia, gets azhar’s parents to seal the wall back again, and gloats that Sanam would never get to know the past. tanveer tells razia that her past can never stand in front of her. razia however warns that one problem is solved but the other still remains. tanveer questions what. razia says that the walls may have been silenced, but what if dilshad wakes up and opens her secrets, and tells that sanam was talking to the doctor, that dilshad is better than before, and if she comes out of the coma, then things can take a reverse gear. tanveer is set to thinking.

At Munisa’s residence

haya comes inisde to find rahat packing, angrily, and gets tensed. She places her hand around rahat, and he turns around with a jerk, startling her. They eye each other helplessly. rahat says that he never thought his family would betray him, and that what happened today, they cant stay here after this. He finds haya tensed. He says that she must be wondering where they would stay, but asks her not to be bothered, as he would find a solution, and dilshad too would stay with them. faiz comes with his packed bags too, saying that he would be wherever he is. rahat is overwhelmed while tensed too.

At The Farmhouse

Rahat tells haya and faiz, that his colonel friend gave this farmhouse, for their temporary stay. faiz amusingly says that he would select his room, while rahat asks haya to choose one. they both want the same room. faiz says that they should run to the room, and race to first occupy it. They both begin, while haya almost slips, and faiz catches her, and a romantic embrace follows.

Meanwhile, rahat finds a picture of medina, and says that he is lucky to have a girl like haya and a bro like faiz, and hopes that with dilshad’s arrival, he would tell haya what he feels for her. He is oblivious to the fact that haya and faiz are naughtily getting closer to each other. As haya composes herself, and makes a mad dash, teasing him, having outrun him, faiz emotionally eyes him.

In the hospital

Meanwhile, tanveer enters dilshad’s ward, and then asks the nurse how is she feeling. when she doesnt get any response, she understands that she is alone with dilshad. she drapes the curtains. she evilly smiles and begins to prepare and administer a lethal injection in dilshad’s arm while she is unconscious. Just then, she is startled to feel a hand on her shoulder, and gets scared. But she doesnt lose her composure, and staelthily puts the injection back in her purse. she is tensed as to who is it. tanveer asks who is it. Sanam replies and identifies herself. Tanveer is shocked. sanam is boggled and asks her whats she doing here. Tanveer is tensed. But then she pretends to be very concerned, and says that she was feeling restless, and thought of dilshad and came here. sanam says that she is very nice and caring, but the doctor has asked not to let anyone come here for risk of infection to dilshad. tanveer apologises. sanam says that the doctor says that she is recovering, and soon would be able to be discharged in another couple of days. tanveer is scared, but pretends to be happy. sanam asks her to come along reminding her of the doctor’s strict instructions to let dilshad be alone. Just then, sanam remembers that the doctor had asked for some meds, and leaves hastily to get it. Tanveer thinks that she made a huge mistake, that when she finished dilshad’s entire family, she should have killed her too, but little did she know that her past and the mistakes would resurface after 20 years. She thinks that the sooner she rectifies the mistake, the better, and decides to kill her tomorrow. She hopes to return here yet again. 

At Ahil’s residence and in the hospital

Sanam gets tanveer back to the house, and she expresses her desire to rest and leaves hastily, boggling sanam. sher is about to leave herself, when she is called by rehaan. Rehaan tells sanam that he needs to talk to her urgently. Sanam asks whats the matter. He says that he found something about her parents. rehaan tells her that a mad man near the masjid told him that asad used to stay here only, and was a very nice man. Sanam thanks him, and asks if she can meet him. He says that he would himself take her to meet that person. sanam thanks him profusely by holding his hand. Ahil again gets the wrong message seeing them both like this and is frustrated, and leaves from there. sanam says that its of great importance to her, this piece of news, and that she is very happy to know so much about her parents, and again thanks him. she leaves. rehaan eyes her emotionally.

Sanam enters the room. Ahil corners sanam, and pins her against the wall, by blocking her, and asks where was she with rehaan again. Sanam shockingly asks him whats he doing, and demands to let go of her. But he doesnt comply, scaring her. She gets angry with ahil’s doubts. she clarifies that she went to the hospital with tanveer. Ahil keeps accusing her. Sanam asks him to go and check from tanveer, and asks him to let go of her hand. ahil says that when rehaan holds, she doesnt want to let go of his hand. sanam is shocked, and says that when a person’s thinking is bad, she cant help it. She says that she doesnt want to talk to him, and he says that he wants to, and holds her still. sanam asks what difference does it make to him, that where is she going, and with whom, and why is he so concerned, as after all what does she mean to him. ahil is shocked to hear this and left speechless. He lets her go, but whgen she is about to leave, he blocks her ways from either side, by placing his hand, and eyes her, while she looks at him angrily, that he is jealous of rehaan, and their increasing friednship. he gets angry at this mention, and says that he is doing this, since tanveer wants them to behave like a couple for the property and he wants to keep her happy. sanam rebukes him, saying that he is acting as if he doesnt care. He says that he does, hence he married a girl like her. she starts venting out her frustration at his stupid choice of girls, and the way they were all over him. he asks the same question from her, asking if she is jealous. she is shocked into silence and forced to think. she composes herself, and asks why would that happen, as this marriage doesnt mean anything to him. He asks what about her. she changes the topic and demands to let go. He complies. He says that its final, that they both dont care for this marrige. sanam speechlessly eyes him. She begins to go, but he catches her and holding her near to him, says that for the world, they have to behave like a couple. Sanam says that right now, there’s noone to see, hence he doesnt need to do this. she leaves angrily.

Tanveer talks on the phone, to Razia, saying that right now, the time has come to put her to sleep, asking her to be very cautious. razia asks tanveer that she doesnt understand one thing, whats going in her mind, and she is puzzled why she chose her. tanveer says that she doesnt trust anyone other than her. She asks razia to administer the injection. Razia asks what would happen with this injection. tanveer says that which didnt happen 20 years ago, and informs her that it contains poison. Razia complies, and asks for the room number. sanam enters and finding her busy on the phone, she comes in and keeps the clothes on the stand. She overhears tanveer giving directions to someone to some particular room. sanam is boggled. razia begins searching for dilshad’s room, and finds it closed. tanveer asks her to open it, also saying that she shouldnt be seen by anyone, and asks her to do only what which she tells her to do. Sanam is puzzled and startled. razia stealthily enters and gets inside, and bolts it back, and finds a patient lying on the bed, draped in the sheet. she eyes the injection ready to administer it. Just then, on her way out, sanam collides into the table, and creates a noise, which prompts tanveer to ask who is it, and when sanam identifies herself, tanveer is frustrated. meanwhile, razia approaches the bed, and decides to see dilshad’s face first and when she takes off the dcrapes, she realises that it isnt dilshad. She is shocked. just then, a nurse comes in, startling her, and she hides the injection. The nurse asks whats she doing here. razia says that she came to see a patient, but entered the wrong room probably. tanveer gets angry at sanam, asking why didnt she knock, before entering. sanam apologises and gives the excuse of her talking on the phone. She tells sanam that she isnt a servant now, and should know such things. she asks her to leave. She gets razia’s call, who tells her that she isnt there. Tanveer is shocked, and asks if she went to the right room. sanam is tensed. tanveer is frustrated, while sanam expresses her concern and asks if she is alright. tanveer asks her to get lost as she was just doing business. sanam asks her not to take tension, as it isnt good for her health. sanam says that dilshad says that if something doesnt happen to her choice, that means its happening according to the lord’s choice. She leaves, but tanveer composes herself, and asks how is her badi ammi now, and expresses her desire to go and see her tomorrow. sanam says that she forgot to tell her that dilshad has already been discharged. Tanveer is shocked.

At Rahat’s residence

Haya comes and finds rahat unpacking, and insistently helps him to put his clothes in his wardrobe. As she does so, he eyes her, while she asks him to wear bright red which would look good on him. he says that he doesnt wear such clothes now. She asks him to have a change of clothes. When he denies, she gives the cloth to him, and leaves sadly. Later, she is happy wqhen she finds him coming down in red, the colour that she had chosen. he shyly smiles, while she says that he looks very good. Faiz too sees him and compliments. haya and rahat eye each other.

At Ahil’s residence

Tanveer composes herself, expresses her happiness, and asks if she is out of coma. sanam tells her that she isnt out yet, but would soon regain her senses. She is pleased and tells sanam, that they can get dilshad to live here, so that she can be nicely taken care of. sanam thanks her and adds that haya has already taken her with herself, along with rahat, in their new house.

At Rahat’s residence

As the nurse attends to Dilshad, haya thanks rahat for doing so much for her, as its due to her that she could bring dilshad here.

At Ahil’s residence

Sanam expresses her thankfulness, to tanveer, that due to her, dilshad is getting better. She leaves. tanveer is super frustrated with herself. 

While tanveer is tensed at the dining table, sanam remembers her pic with her parents, sanam interrupts and asks tanveer if she remembered anything about her parents. tanveer denies, and begins to move. Sanam asks again. Sanam tells tanveer what rehaan told her about her parents, and that she couldnt trace their house. Tanveer is irritated and says that she has told several times that she doesnt know anything about her parents, nor wants to and leaves. Sanam wonders how is this possible that they stayed so close and yet tanveer didnt know her parents.

Tanveer expresses her frustration at dilshad’s good luck, and razia’s delay. Razia asks her not to bother unnecessarily, as dilshad is as good as dead, being in a coma. tanveer says that everything is falling apart, and that sanam wants to know about asad and zoya, and wonders who told sanam about all facts regarding her parents. she places her doubts on razia, and razia asks who is she pointing to. tanveer names her only, as she cant believe her at all. She asks razia if she is double crossing her, and then is convinced that razia may actually have been playing from the other side. tanveer starts blaming razia for everything, while she watches amused, as she is accused of being jealous of tanveer, of ruling the house instead of her. tanveer asks if she wants to take her property back. razia smiles evilly, and says that she has been blinded by power, and has lost her sanity. razia says that if she had to do this only, she would have done it long back, but she didnt, as she knows very well, that her real benefit is not in digging her grave, but in keeping tanveer’s secrets. tanveer says that she doesnt believe her, as she has lived a life of lies, and wants to continue doing so. Tanveer warns her not to go against her, as she maynot be able to see her, but she has her eyes on her, and if she knows that razia is double crossing her, she would have to bear her consequences. tanveer smiles adding that she knows very well what tanveer is capable of. razia eyes her sternly, as she remembers the massacre. She gets tensed.

Later, Sanam and Latif are working, when latif teases her about her love hate relation with ahil. just then, sanam winces in pain, while latif is boggled. Sanam exclaims that she always gets such pain, without any wounds, as if she is bearing the pain of someone else’s wounds inflicted on her. latif goes to get some medicine for it, asking her to show it to a doctor. Sanam is oblivious that actually, she has another twin sister, both their pics being on the locket that she has placed on her parents’ framed pic. After latif puts an ointment, she takes the pic that had fallen down, and starts commenting that sanam looks exactly like her mom. She asks if sanam remembers them very much and sanam complies, saying that she didnt know much about them, having been very small. she tells that since she came to Bhopal, she feels that she is very close to their past. Sanam tells latif that she feels if she tried the hardest, she would definitely be able to find out everything about her parents. tanveer overhears this and thinks that sanam is desperate now to find her parents’ secrets with every passing day, and hence she would have to be stopped somehow, before she goes any futher, and tanveer herself would have to be alert.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8pm

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