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Later, Sanam and Latif are working, when latif teases her about her love hate relation with ahil. just then, sanam winces in pain, while latif is boggled. Sanam exclaims that she always gets such pain, without any wounds, as if she is bearing the pain of someone else’s wounds inflicted on her. latif goes to get some medicine for it, asking her to show it to a doctor. Sanam is oblivious that actually, she has another twin sister, both their pics being on the locket that she has placed on her parents’ framed pic. After latif puts an ointment, she takes the pic that had fallen down, and starts commenting that sanam looks exactly like her mom. She asks if sanam remembers them very much and sanam complies, saying that she didnt know much about them, having been very small. she tells that since she came to Bhopal, she feels that she is very close to their past. Sanam tells latif that she feels if she tried the hardest, she would definitely be able to find out everything about her parents. tanveer overhears this and thinks that sanam is desperate now to find her parents’ secrets with every passing day, and hence she would have to be stopped somehow, before she goes any futher, and tanveer herself would have to be alert.

On the road

Sanam comes outside the door, and rehaan gives her a call, saying that some people have come to meet her. sanam thanks him profusely, while he says that he hopes that she would definitely get to know about her parents. She then meets those people, and talks about what rehaan had a talk with them. the person praises her parents’ galore, and she asks if he knew anything about their house, and he points out to one, and sanam looks at it shockingly, thinking that its tanveer’s house. She confirms it again, and he looks through and says that the house was kinda his big only, and that the hgouses have changed much in the past years. He says that he may have been old, but he still hasnt forgotten the tragic incident that killed her parents. she talks about the road accident, as told by dilshad. He tells her that they didnt die in a road accident. She is puzzled. sanam gets to know from the person that her parents didnt die in a road accident, but in a gruesome conspiracy, and that they werent a part of a tragedy but of a pre conceived and well thought betrayal. sanam is shocked, that it actually was a conspiracy. tanveer overhears this and wonders who is sanam talking to. then the boy along with the old man, takes him away, while sanam is frazzled, wondering what to believe and what not, as this isnt possible, that dilshad lied to her. Tanveer meanwhile, asks the driver to look who she is talking to. Just then, razia comes in and hands over sanam the bag of veggies. the driver gets the wrong idea, and tells this to tanveer, which confirms her worst fears.

At Rahat’s residence

Rahat holds haya’s hand catching her unawares. haya is confused, and he lets go. He then says that he wants to say something, that which he had wanted to say for a long time, but since dilshad was in the hospital and she was tensed, he couldnt say, and now that dilshad is home, he thought to say it. Haya says that he can share anything with her, without being scared. He is about to spill his feelings, when faiz comes in and holds haya’s hand, and whispers to rahat that he is taking haya to the terrace. rahat watches resignedly and hurt as faiz takes haya, who’s confused and boggled.

At Ahil’s residence

Later, while razia is relaxing, tanveer comes in hastily, and drags razia out, and says that her brain is enough to keep an eye on her, and that she knows that she has been feeding sanam the news. razia tries to prove innocence, but tanveer doesnt listen to anything, saying that she cant be blackmailed with her past. razia continues to try to say that she didnt do this, but tanveer doesnt pay heed. tanveer throws razia out of the house, while all passer by people stare at her, while Razia herself is mortified. 

At Ahil’s residence

Razia is embarrassed and begs tanveer not to do this, while she stands tensed. Tanveer doesn't believe her innocent claims, while razia keeps pleading. finally tanveer snatches her with the head, and her wig falls off, revealing her partially bald head, embarrassing her in front of everyone. All start laughing at her. Tanveer too smirks at her, and tells her not to enter this house again, and return back where she came from. all go inside, while she stands tensed.

In her room, while sanam eyes her parents’ pic, with the locket, she breaks into tears, thinking about the old man’s words. Ahil comes in and finds her distraught and upset, and gets concerned. But he doesnt show it, and sits down on the sofa, and hears her muffled screams. He hears her say, that there must be some link that would get her to connect to her parents’ past. Ahil gets tensed fir her, and asks what happened. she is startled to see him, and denies that nothing happened. he asks why is she crying. She again says nothing and asks why is he even asking. As she rushes out, he says that he is her husband after all. sanam is overwhelmed and surprised, and stops. Ahil comes up to her.

At Munisa’s residence

Faiz asks haya to stay happy, if she wants dilshad to get better. haya gets emotional. he asks her to try it. She gives a big smile to dilshad, taking her hand in hers, thinking that she shouldnt bother, as she is okay, and that she is smiling too. haya is shocked to find her hands clasp around hers. haya is very happy and tells faiz and rahat, who has just entered about the same. All are happy for dilshad. as haya kisses dilshad, both eye her longingly.

Meanwhile, rahat is about to talk his feelings to faiz, he comes in excitedly saying that he has something very important to share. Rahat asks him top go ahead first. rahat is happy to find from faiz, that he has finally fallen in love with a girl. faiz clarifies that he is in love with haya so much so that he wants to marry her. rahat is distraught, apalled, and shattered. As faiz continues on his rant for haya, and his love for him, rahat tries to advise haya to take marriage responsibly, while faiz says that he would lose his carelessness, if he gets married to haya, as her concern would make him serious. rahat is shattered. Faiz asks for his permission to be with haya. rahat says that faiz must first know whats in haya’s mind. faiz requests him to talk to haya on his behalf. Rahat stays silent, while he is distraught. Faiz then asks what he wanted to talk about, but rahat ignores it. faiz leaves, while rahat is immersed sadly in his memories with haya.

At Ahil’s residence

Sanam finds a cake, and wonders who got it. she asks Ahil, who’s also there in the room working quietly on the laptop, if he was behind this. he complies. Ahil says that the difference maybe between them, but that doesnt mean he cant respect her parents, as any other elderly people. He says that he didnt know what happened with her parents 20 years ago, but knows that its her birthday and that she should be remembered. Sanam is overwhelmed while ahil eyes her concernedly. She turns around to the cake and sits glancing at him, who turns away just in time, so as to pretend that he doesnt care. sanam wishes zoya a happy birthday, saying that she would always regret not knowing hr. She says that on her anniversary, she promies to find out everything about them, and if their murder was a conspiracy and if it was, she would find out the deepest secrets about it. she prays to the lord to give her strength, while ahil also prays with her for her mission. she blows off the candle, and cuts the cake. 

At Ahil’s residence

sanam is sitting quietly when tanveer comes in, and is startled by sanam’s presence. she asks her whats she doing here. sanam says that she couldnt sleep. tanveer says that she sounds very disturbed and upset and asks her to clarify whats the matter. Sanam says that its nothing. Tanveer insists. Sanam says that its been 20 years, her parents died, but she continuously feels that there’s some link, somewhere, which links her to them, and that she doesnt know the person, but knows that the person links her to her parents. Tanveer gets disturbed and asks how can this happen. Sanam asks what. tanveer composes herself and asks why she feels so, that there’s still some link. Sanam says that she doesnt know, but she got to know about the conspiracy, and not a disaster that took her parents’ life. She thinks that she still feels that everything isnt lost, but there’s still someone, who’s her own. tanveer is highly disturbed. sanam wonders who could it be. tanveer comes to her and tries to put her mind away and asks her not to think too much, about what she doesnt have a control over. She says that whats happened doesnt need deliberation, and that she’s just here for 3 more months, and she cant change her destiny. sanam says that she knows that she cant get her parents’ back, but she feels that she would know about them, their past, and their tragedy very soon, and since she got to know that they styed here, somewhere near to this place, she knows that she is destined to be near her parents, as fate wants her, hence she came to bhopal of all places. she thought it was a coincidence, but it wasn't, as fate wanted her to be in this city, work here and know her parents’ past, and that there’s something somewhere, but what she doesnt know, but she definitely would, and mayeb she didnt get the answers today, but one day she definitely would. she turns to tanveer asking her if she would help her in seeking the truth. tanveer is tensed, but resignedly comply.

While Razia dreams of that horrific incident, she wakes with a startle, and drops Latif accidentally on the floor. she starts cursing razia, while razia laments that she’s dropped down to such a low levels, that she has to stay here. latif gets angry and throws her blanket and pillow on the floor, and reprimands Razia to sleep there, while razia is shocked. But resignedly comply, since she doesnt have any other choice. Later, while she is unable to get a sleep, she is startled when Tanveer comes in and drags her outside. Tanveer asks razia that 20 years back, when she killed everyone, was there anyone who got away? razia is unable to remember, while tanveer urgently asks her to remember, as she was blind, and hence couldnt confirm, and had to go underground for a long time, but she was there and must have known. Razia reminds her that she wasnt there when she did the massacre. Tanveer asks if she is sure? Razia says the police didnt find anyone after that. Tanveer says she killed everyone, Asad, Zoya, Nazma and everyone else. Tanveer asks if she saw anyone’s dead body? Razia deny adding that police wasnt letting anyone go inside, but she got to know that there was no one there. Razia asks whats the matter? Tanveer try to convince herself that her past can't resurface, and that its just Sanam’s hallucination, and that it has nothing to do with reality, as the dead people can't speak up.

At Munisa’s residence

While Haya is working in the kitchen, faiz asks Rahat to chill, and not to be nervous and confidently talk to Haya, unaware that Rahat is distraught and appalled from within. rahat remembers faiz’s confession. He comes to Haya and says he wants to talk to her. He says that he has been wanting this for a long time, and that he shouldn't delay or hesitate to talk about matters of the heart. She takes Rahat’s hand, and asks him to speak. He withdraws tensely, and says he wanted to talk about marriage. haya thinks she knew he wanted to ask this. As Rahat asks Haya if she is ready for marriage, she shys away and agrees, but then turns away, when she misses to lipread that he is talking about faiz. Rahat is apalled at her conviction to marry faiz, while she actually conceded to marry Rahat. He asks her if she is sure. She shyly says yes. A huge confession follows. rahat leaves. haya thanks the lord that rahat finally did ask her, as she was waiting for long, and romantically relives the memory of his proposal.

Rahat goes to faiz, and tells that haya said yes, and faiz gets super excited and thanks rahat profusely. While faiz is all cheered up, rahat’s world just shattered. haya comes outside, and shyly smiles at rahat, while faiz eyes her longingly. faiz thanks haya for saying yes, and asks how does she want to do it. haya eyes rahat, and says that however rahat likes it. faiz agrees, and adds that they can have a simple marriage, with close and near and dear ones, with just some special invitees. He asks haya and rahat if its okay. rahat says whatever he likes. Faiz asks haya that they should get married early then. haya complies. rahat is apalled, while haya shyly smiles.

At Ahil’s residence and on the road

sanam wakes up and finds the candle blown off. Meanwhile, an old lady is shown to be walking on the road. In the middle of the night, while sanam is sleeping, on a desolate road somewhere, the same old lady gets hit by a car, which is actually seher, sanam’s long lost twin sister, and she falls on the ground. Creating the twin repurcussion in sanam, she too falls off ther bed, and wakes up with a startle, as she finds blood coming out of the corner of her head, at the same place that seher has actually got hurt. 

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