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At Ahil’s residence

sanam enters the room with the hunter, remembering ahil’s scare of the hunter, and wonders if this is the same one that ahil talks about, and if his father used to hit him with this. she decides that she cant show him this, as it would haunt him terribly, and that he wont be able to handle it, and she wont be able to see him traumatised like that. sher wonders how else would she be able to find out. As ahil enters, sanam hides the hunter below the blanket. Ahil asks why’s she so tensed. she says that she was thinking about the dreamhouse, and she is very happy with it. ahil says that he too is very hapy. He goes to freshen up. she is relieved that ahil didnt see the hunter, or else he would have been in a rage.

Later, Sanam starts explaining the rooms, and their interior and decor. Ahil is surprised to find that sanam has planned a baby’s room alongside their master bedroom, in their dreamhouse, and tries to ask sanam, hesitatingly if she is insinuating about their kids. she is shy and embarassed as she eyes him awkwardly, while he eyes her with a mischievous smile. She urgently says that they would be faiz and haya’s kids, and hence would need a separate room. He amusingly plays along with this excuse. she starts explaining the kids’ room. He insistently keeps verifying that they are for faiz and haya’s kids, and places him incharge of english and sports like cricket, adding that she knows that he was the captain of his sports team. He asks how does she know that. she says that she saw his trophies. he says that they are in the attic. she says that she went eher only, just like that. He gets in a rage, saying that she went there with a motive to find about the past. she asks whats so wrong with it. He says that he has been telling her not to dig up her past, and she continues to defy him. she asks whats so wrong and she just wanted to know. He continues to lash at her. Just then, altif comes and tells him that he has been called by tanveer. He leaves angrily. Sanam wonders how could she be so stupid, and got 

At Faiz’s residence

As Faiz begins to go, haya gives him a lunch box. he irritatedly asks whats this. she says that she packed some food for them, as she cant undo whats already done, and wants to make up for the mistake that she did. faiz rudely says that when she cant change, then why does she bother. She is tensed, but still tries to please him. faiz gets a call, and says that he would reach in two minutes. but is told that the director doesnt need him at all, and asks him not to come. faiz is super upset. haya asks whose phone it was, and if everything is alright. faiz angrily asks her how is everything right, and why would someone give him work, after the way she insulted them. She asks why can they do this, and insists to talk to them. He stops her what would she say and how would she talk. Faiz asks why did she get married to her, and why did she ruin his life, if she was to behave like this. He asks why doesnt she even let him get close to her In their scuffle, she jerks him away, and his head hits the table and starts bleeding. she runs off, while his aunt comes rushing to her, and starts instigating him against haya. Faiz says that it isnt haya’s fault, and asks her not to interfere. He leaves. his aunt thinks that when things happen once, its an accident, but when they recur, its a habit, and now which would happen, shall lead to their divorce.

Haya cry desperately and then eyeing the phone, she dials rahat’s call, and as she hears him speak Hello, she is apalled, and tries hard to speak, so that rahat can understand. rahat thinks that the line isnt clear, but then the sound of haya’s bangles, make her recognise that its haya on the other end. He is taken back to his memories with her, and gets emotional, getting a call from her. He identifies her, and he is sick with helplessness, as she cries on the other end, as she distraughtedly clangs her bagles to express what she feels, and he keeps uttering her name over and over again. She finally cancels the call. Rehaan is disturbed.

At Rehaan’s office

rehaan gives seher some office work, saying that he would be back in 2-3 hours. Seher is excited thinking that she gets her time to pry open the safe. she is about to get into it, when a door knock scares her. she turns around to find that same irritable doorman, saying that a woman came from the orphanage to give a packet to rehaan. She vents out her frustration at him for coming at the wrong time. she takes the packet and thwarts him away. she finds pics of rehaan with a small girl, and finds that a girl from the orphanage who has sent him a birthday card, and whose fees for education, rehaan takes care of. She smiels thinking that rehaan is weird, and that people dont have times for their own kids, and he cares for orphans. She gets to her work, distracting herself from rehaan’s thoughts and tries to pry open into the safe, but is haunted by rehaan’s concern for her. She starts reprimanding herself as to whats taking so long for her this time, and wonders why are rehaan’s good deeds stopping her from working.

At Ahil’s residence

Tnveer tells ahil that she has had a talk with the lawyer, saying that the divorce papers shall be ready in two days, along with the property papers, and onmce the property is transferred he would be free. He is astounded. she asks if she isnt happy. He resignedly sits on the bed. she reminds him that h ewanted life like this, and didnt want to get married, and now those days would be back again for him, like his past life. But ahil is far from being happy. tanveer asks whats the matter. she says that he must be thinking about sanam, and her life having a divorced status, and asks him not to care fo sanam, as she has done all this for money only. She tells him that such girls can go to any length for money. ahil says that he doesnt think so, and that they may be being hasty in judging her, and that he doesnt think sanam is a girl like that. tanveer says that he did fall into her words, and that he cant see the reality, and that he is being swayed away by emotions. He says that it isnt like that. She asks if it isnt like that, then why is he having nightmares again. He asks how does she know. Tanveer evilly tells her that sanam came to her to tell this. Tanveer also tells ahil that sanam is taking much interest in his childhood, and tells how she came asking from tanveer about the same. She asks ahil how much would she know if she continues to probe about his childhood like this, and about his father and how would that affect him. ahil is tensed and disturbed. tanveer pretends to be tensed, but says that she has borne a lot due to him, and always wanted good for him, but now when its all paying off, he shouldnt do anything hasty that spoils it all. he is disturbed. she asks him to remember that those who are close to the heart are the one who always hurt it. Ahil is disturbed, and leaves.

At Ahil’s residence

Ahil comes out tensed, remembering tanveer’s statements about sanam’s character, and storms straight to his room, as he remembers tanveer talking about sanam’s interest in the past. he finds sanam making their dreamhouse. sanam smiles as he enters and excitedly shows him the change in the dreamhouse’s doors. She takes his hand, and tries to take him, but he jerks his hand away surprising her, asking what happened. ahil asks why did she talk to tanveer about his past. sanam is silent and speechless. she fumbles, while he reprimands her that she pretends to be concerned, caring and loving towards him, as everything is actually a lie. he asks why does she want to know about his past. He asks why does it affect her if he has nightmares, or if he is dead or alive. ahil’s eyes suddenly fall on the hunter kept on the top of the almirah, while she continues to try and make him understand but in vain. Sanam is shocked and distraught that ahil finally finds the hunter, and revisits the nightmares that it caused him, that she had hidden to escape ahil’s eyes. sanam tries to clarify that it isnt what it reflects, and tries to say that actually she hid it so that he wont be affected. He says that things actually arent what they seem, as he cant believe that she married him for money and they cant prove anything, by winning this couple, when they arent even one. He gets into a rage, and breaks their dreamhouse with that hunter. Ahil asks sanam that he finally realised that she did marry him for money. He says that this marriage is wrong and false, and this relation is fake, and that he doesnt care for either of them. sanam is shocked. They are both stunned to look at their broken dreamhouse, while sanma desperately tries to stop him. She asks him what he did. ahil gets out in a rage, as sanam, eyes the broken dreamhouse distraughtedly.

At Rehaan’s office

As rehaan and seher come down from the car, a sound calling her from the back startles her. She is shocked to see a middle aged couple, and asks rehaan to get ahead, as he gets curious, adding that she would just join him. rehaan complies. Seher tries to handle the couple asking why did they come here. They tell her the reason, while she says that she cant steal from rehaan. She is advised to not think from the heart, as all men want the same thing from a woman. she advocates for rehaan, while she is silenced asking her to come to reality, as they say that if she is unable to, then they shall do it, and tonight only. Seher is tensed. just then, rehaan’s voice startles her. He asks seher if they are family. They disguise themselves as her parents, and he introduces himself to them. he asks sehere that she had said that her parents were angry. The lady pretends to be caring and concerned, while seher is irritated with their overacting, as rehaan hates liars and he is surrounded by them oblivious of this. rehaan asks seher where shall they stay. Sehere tries to suggest a hotel, but her father gets to getting rehaan to invite them in the house. seher hoeps to handle the situation before things get worse.

At Faiz’s residence

Faiz try his hand at various auditions, through calls. his aunt confronts him asking what else would he sacrifice to save his marriage. She again starts talking that a loveless marriage is useless. faiz says that haya loves him much, but is tensed for dilshad. She asks if thats so, then why hasnt he consummated his marriage with him. He is speechless. His aunt tells him that he knows about their lie. Faiz is embarassed. his aunt continues to instigate faiz to head for a divorce than carry the burden of this relation all life with haya.

Later, as faiz sits tensed, his aunt gives him milk, but he refuses to take it saying that he is going to get a steam bath. he heads for the bathroom. faiz finds that the door knob of the bathroom is broken. He says that he wont be able to open the door, and asks her to open the door after ten minutes. She says that its her namaaz time, and he should instead ask haya as she can do this atleast this much, being his wife. Faiz reluctantly agrees to telling haya and narrates everything. haya complies after understanding. His aunt evilly smiles. faiz sets the temperature on the steam bath and gets inside. His aunt stealthily escapes, and goes to faiz’s room.As haya gets to opening the door his aunt lies to her that faiz wants to stay for some more time, and asks haya to go and come after sometime. haya complies. His aunt turns up the switch of the steam bath to maximum.

At Ahil’s residence

Ahil storms out of the house, with sanam in tow. tanveer tells sanam that she should remember to stay in her limits, and not try and achieve the impossible. She tells sanam that she shouldnt lament on the dreamhouse as it was just an imaginary one. sanam stands hurt and distraught, as tanveer tells that they arent a match for each other, and that she shouldnt be angry with her, as ahil would have known that she was snooping around, as ahil would get to know that eventually as it is. she tells her that she is a mere servant and a fake wife and she should remember that. she leaves, Sanam is distraught.

At Ahil’s residence

sanam comes to her room, and eyes the broken dreamhouse, and breaks down reprimanding herself for believing in something that was utterly fictional and imaginary. She says that when she knew all of this was never going to be real, why did she build up hopes for it to be true, and in end get left with shattered deramhouse, and along with it dahsed hopes and expectations. Ahil watches her tensed from a distance, as she picks up the broken pieces.

The next morning, the ladies come and talk about their expectations with ahil’s and sanam’s dreamhouse, as they have performed so well in the audition rounds. They ask for sanam, and when she descends, they tell her that they are excited to see their dreamhouse. tanveer asks sanam to show them the dreamhouse, that she and ahil so lovingly prepared with much effort and toil, and which the ladies are very anxious to see, how it has turned out to be. tanveer smiles with a sadiostic pleasure understanding sanam’s plight. sanam says that she wont be able to show the dreamhouse. Before she can give an answer and satisfy tanveer, ahil comes in saying that its right here, and tanveer is shocked, while sanam is unable to believe. She is shocked to find ahil coming in with their dreamhouse, with lowered eyes. All the ladies get up and gasp in amazement. As ahil descends down the stairs, sanam is still in a state of shock and beweilderment, as she sees first at the dreamhouse and then at ahil, boggled at what she sees. their eyes meet in a romantic yet awkward gaze. sanam asks ahil how did this happen. Ahil says that he knows it wasnt complete but now it is, and smiles at her. She too smiles back, still curious as to why and how this happened. tanveer however is frustrated that ahil has badly fallen for sanam. The ladies have praises galore for them and their dreamhouse, and is asked to explain the house. ahil starst from the kitchen, saying the reason being his wife is the best chef, and that a woman always wants the kitchen to be perfect. tanveer is disturbed to find ahil talking about sanam and their furture. As Ahil talks about the kids’ ropom, and the ladies are amused, he rectifies it adding that its actually haya’s kids’ room. sanam is abffled and looks dumbstruck, while ahil takes over explaining the dreamhouse. sanam gets emotional and teary eyed. the ladies say that theirs is the best. tanveer pretends to be happy too. the ladies unofficially almost decxlares them the winner. they also comment to tanveer about how lucky she is to have a son and daughter in law like them. The ladies leave. Sanam asks how did ahil manage alone. Ahil tells sanam that broken dreams can again be seen, and maybe their house was a dream, but they build it together, and thats a reality that he can spend the rest of his life with. he apologises for having overreacted and then excuses himself. sanam smiles. tanveer tells sanam now to consider this small win her victory, and always remember what her stature is, and how dreams for her wont change into reality. Sanam says that another truth is that, sometimes beyomnd stature too, if a person has convictions in her thought, she can face the odds, and turn even the most hostile persomn loving and caring and make them turn a new leaf, and that every dream is fulfilled if wanted with a pure heart. tanveer stands irritated, as sanam leaves.

Sanam goes to Ahil, and thanks him for doing what was completely unexpected for her, as that dreamhouse meant a lot to her, and they wont his round completely due to him. He says that they both won it. sanam also apologises saying that maybe she shouldnt have done what she did, but adds that she cant see him tensed, and hence just tries to see that he get rid of that tension. she says that she never fathomed that she would end up hurting him more, than solving them. she says every person has to face problems but at the right time. She says she wont ever ask anything from him about his past, till the time he doesnt utter it himself. he casually says that its okay. She says it seems he didnt feel it really. she goes out saying that she would truly impress him now. Ahil is baffled.

Meanwhile, Tanveer is shocked to know from the lawyer, over the phone, that Ahil took the property papers from the lawyer two days back, but never gave it to her. Tanveer throw away the phone is disgust, disbelieving that Ahil lied to her, and blames it all on Sanam, and her mother’s blood, responsible for ruining her life just like her mother did too. She says she wont tolerate it anymore, as before they both get together against her, she would stop this love story and put it to an end.

Meanwhile, razia coaxes dilshad frustratedly to talk, so that she can get evidence against tanveer, that puts her in jail. Dilshad stares her mutely. razia says that she shouldnt force her to resort to wrong ways to get the truth out of her. Dilshad is tensed, as razia comes back with a packet that contains some sort of truth serum. But dilshad is unfazed due to helplessness. razia decides to use the serum, and says that she would get her to reveal the truth, and speak up today. Dilshad is tensed.

At Faiz’s residence

Faiz notice the extra steam coming in and thinks that its been 10 minutes, and wonders why haya didnt open the door yet. He starts getting choked up, and starts screaming for haya and his aunt, while his aunt outside, crueely stands outside thinking that he should bear for some more time, before he gets free forever. Haya meanwhile, is impatiently waiting for preparation of tea. She pours out tea, obnlivious that faiz is calling out for her. As his aunt finds haya approaching the door, she runs and opens the door. faiz is oblivious of everything, and falls on the floor. His aunt pretends to be shocked, while haya stands distraught as she drops the tea plate and eyes disbelievingly, while faiz lies unconscious on the floor.

As his aunt gets to reprimanding haya for trying to ruin faiz’s life, while she clarifies that she went for tea on her saying. his aunt however turns to haya reprimanding her for turning this on her. haya asks faiz to believe her, and that his aunt is lying. but his aunt plays the cards right, saying that she again misunderstood, and asks faiz to remember that he loves her but she doesnt love him, and that if something happens to morrow to rahat and her due to haya, would he be able to forgive himself. faiz remembers haya’s indifference since they got married, and shoves her hand away, while haya tries to clarify that this is all wrong. faiz says that its all over, and then agrees with his aunt, saying that their marriage cant be a success, and tghat they have no mutual understanding as a couple, while his aunt is amused that things are going according to their plan. Faiz says that he doesnt want this relation to go from bad to worse now. faiz says that they should end this now, while haya asks whats he saying. faiz says that she shall never be a good wife, as she has many faults. Faiz tells haya that they shall have to end this relation, and gives her the traditional divorce, uttering the word three times. His aunt is elated, while haya is distraught and still continues to plead with him, while he tells her to get out. his aunt leaves in amusement. haya walks out in a daze, as her feet lands on the broken cup pieces, and leaving behind a bloody trail, while faiz stands angered and fuming, as haya collapses against the pillar outside. haya breaks into inconsolable tears, remembering faiz’s bitter words, as they pioerce in her ears. When faiz comes out, he again finds her lying there. haya asks him to listen to her once, as she knows that he spoke in anger and asks for one last chance. she says that they shall write and talk, and tries to give how they shall be compatible. But his aunt comes in asking haya not top cry, as the divorce papers are ready whioch she got done rightaway. haya is distraught and continues to rant to faiz that she needs one chance, and asks if he even rea,lises what he is about to do. faiz hastily takes the papers and signs them, while haya desperately tries to stop him, but in vain. he hands the papers and pen to haya, and says that he has nothing else to give her, neither love, nor wait. He leaves. his aunt takes her to sign the papers asking her to leave after she has signed. His aunt starts reprimanding haya in her room, for even trying to ruin faiz’s life, whiloe she stands mute. haya is distraught, while his aunt orders her to sign the papers without any more drama. she begs his aunt for mercy, but she says that its in vain, as after faiz’s sign, this relation as it is, has gone down the drain. she asks haya to sign, without any more nuisance. haya resignedly takes the pen and paper and does the needful. His aunt stands amused.


Tanveer continues to irritate Sanam by giving her blank calls. Meanwhile, Azhar’s parents are about to mix something , which is in a similar yellow packet, that razia had the truth serum in. Sensing someone coming in, they keep the pakcet on the silk, and hide underneath it to avoid being seen. razia also keeps her pakcet on the silk, and then goes to fridge to take the juice to mix the serum in so that Dilshad speaks up finally. In the meantime, Azhar’s parents take a packet, and mistakenly take the other packet that razia had got. razia takes hosanna, azhar’s mother’s packet, and leaves. In faiz’s house, his aunt throws haya out of the house, and she swirls outside with a jerk. haya is shocked as she lands in Rahat’s arms, who is distraught too.
I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8pm

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