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At Ahil’s residence

tanveer is stunned to think about seher’s stance, and seher is reminded of how she had demanded for 2 crores from razia, and that too before marriage. Razia asks how can she threaten her, having been brought here by her only. Sehere says that she deserves way more than this for the job, but she should comply, and that if she gives the money, then she would stay till their wedding night, and get the signatures and then leave, or else she would leave right now. Razia asks her not to show attitude, and complies to Seher’s demand, and warns her that now she shouldnt even talk about leaving the job midway. They are about to move out, when they find the hidden camera, and then deduce that azhar’s parents were after it. They think of a plan.

Later, latif gives sweets to everyone, at ahil and sanam’s remarriage. razia and seher too join them. Azhar’s parents are frustrated. razia taunts Latif, while she too retorts back at her loss of hair. Razia fumes, while azhar’s parents enjoy. tanveer is frustrated. Ahil comes and tells Sanam, that rahat called to say that they shall get married tomorrow, and he was thinking that they should get married after that, with all the rituals. Seher is tensed, while rehaan overwhelmed with hapiness, hugs ahil in glee. Rehaan comments that happiness is finally returning. tanveer says that now the happiness shall be theirs, and soon she shall end Sanam’s drama. ahil excuses himself to attend a call. Others leave too. Seher taunts tanveer, when left alone, by giving her sweets, and she refuses. Seher continues to tease her, at ahil and her remarriage, and that she says that she wishes tanveer could see what was recorded in the camera, and asks her to understand that the Lord is with her, and for such a person, no person can stand in the way, especially noone blind. tanveer asks her to fly high, as soon she would snatch it all away, and after that, she wont be left with anything. tanveer leaves. Seher eyes rehaan, thinking that she has already lost her happinbess, what more could tanveer snatch.

While tanveer is lost in thoughts, azhar’s parents wonder how did sanam know about the camera, and that she would have to be taught a lesson. Azhar’s parents complain and point out how they can torture sanam, by locking her, or cutting off her limbs, while tanveer listens to them halfheartedly. tanveer remembers how sanam knew about her killing ahil’s father and how she has been torturing Tanveer in the recent days. tanveer finally says in frustration that she should be killed, shocking them. They ask who would sign the papers then. tanveer says that the signatures could be fake too, and reminds that sanam had signed in front of everyone at the party, and noone knew if she signed fully or not. she says that tomorrow sanam would go to meet haya, and shouldnt return back from there. They ask how would this happen. tanveer explains them how to murder sanam, and they are excited.

At an Undisclosed Location

Razia comes with a box of sweets, to taunt sanam, that she came to give her a good news, and tries to forcibly get her to eat. she tells her about haya’s marriage with Rahat. sanam says that she is married to faiz already. razia teasingly tells her that haya had to suffer a lot, and that marriage broke off long back, and that haya always liked rahat and it was better late than never. sanam expresses her desire to meet and talk to haya, in tension, while razia adds that she is in seventh heaven, and her sister’s family too is attending her marriage. sanam is shocked. razia makes her believe that noone at the family is bothered for her and her disappearance, as soon she vanished from their eyes. sanam refuses to believe it, and asks her to let her go. razia clutches at her mouth, and says that she would never let her go, and that noone shall come to save her here, and asks her to stop tghe drama of being hungry. She says that she would stop coming if she gets into a rage, and she wouldnt know anything, about her family. Razia hollers at the guard and gives him the tray of food, asking him to feed her, and if she creates any nonsense, then she should be force fed. Razia leaves. sanam wonders why is she no nervous, and feels that something is wrong, and she can feel ahil distancing from her. She is highly tensed.

At Rahat’s residence

Rahat confrontys faiz, saying that he wanted to say things a long way back, but couldnt, and now he cant stay quiet anymore. He tells faiz the real reason of him marrying Haya. faiz is shocked, and asks whats he saying, and reminds him of his promise. rahat says that it was his helplessness, to save faiz’s life, and faiz remembers it. Rahat says that the truth is he cant live without haya and she too loves him desperately. Faiz asks whats nonsense is this. Rahat clarifies everything, but faiz refuses to believe it all, asking why haya would have married him, if she hadnt loved him. Rahat clarifies the misunderstanding all along, and faiz is unable to believe. rahat explains what happened till after the marriage, and how he coaxed her to stay back in the marriage, and agrees to comply to his wish, and that she agreed to the marriage, but not him. Faiz is shocked. rahat says that he tried to tell him earlier, but didnt get the chance. faiz reprimands him how could he not tell him this, and rahat tries to pl;ead his innocence. Rahat asks him to trust him, but faiz says that he cant believe the person, who never opened his mouth, while he was burning in the guilt of himself ruining his relationship. rahat asks him to stop talking like this. Faiz reprimands rahat, that nowe he has started loving haya, and his desires have begun to grow, and hence he is betraying his own brother. Rahat gets angry and slaps him tight across the face. Faiz says that its true that the truth is bitter, and that he hadnt known that he would use their misunderstanding to his advantage like this. rahat tells him that he has already sacrificed his happiness once, as haya doesnt love faiz, but him. faiz leaves in haste, and confronts haya, stamnding in the doorway. He is shocked, as she passes by him, to meet rahat, who smiles back. she asks him not to be so tensed, as its sufficient that he marries her. Faiz is determined that they would be husband and wife, but they wont be together ever, as he would never let them be. 

At Rahat’s residence

In his room, faiz is beyond reprieve, as he remembers rahat’s betrayal to him, and how haya tended to rahat and not him. he starts breaking things in rage, and then resignedly sits frustratedly, as he eyes the sketch that he made, and remembers how rahat had stopped faiz from completing the painting. He eyes the painting with venom, and tears it to pieces in anger, as he remembers his intimate moments with haya.

Outside, haya says that she can sense something wrong, which he isnt telling her. but rahat assures her that there shall be nothing wrong now, and she is bothered for no reason, and now that they are together, nothing wrong can happen. He hugs her, and she too hugs him back. faiz eyes them from the window of his room, and then eyeing rahat’s pic, he thinks that his own brother betrayed him, by marrying haya, and they might be a couple, but never become one, as he wont let that happen. Faiz decides that if haya cant be his, then he shall not be rahat’s too. He breaks the picture frame, into pieces.

The next day, rahat’s house is fully dedecked and decorated for their big day, with rahat anxiously taking over all the preparations. rahat finds haya, looking emotionally at their family pic, thinking that she is finally getting some happiness, and her life is going to be complete and hopes that she was with her right now, when she is getting to spend her life with the person that she wants. rahat comes and wipes her tears, saying that he knows that she is missing dilshad, and then gets her to cheer up, as they eye each other romantically. faiz comes in, eyeing them with hatred, and turning his eyes away. He breaks their eyelock, and when they get tensed, faiz asks rahat to come outside, as he wanted to talk to rahat alone. rahat excuses himself. Haya is tensed.

At Ahil’s residence

Tanveer expresses her happiness at ahil’s idea of remarrying, and starts talking about the preparations that she wants for their marriage. Ahil says that he is very busy right now, as they have to go to haya’s marriage. tanveer says that she knows how important it is for Sanam to go to haya’s place. Tanveer tells ahil, that he should go with her in her car, after finalising the details, while sanam goes in the previous one. tanveer tries to explain that they definitely need to finalise the details, of ahil’s dream wedding with sanam, which is her dream too. He agrees and leaves to meet sanam, before she leaves. tanveer smirkingly adds that he can go and meet sanam definitely, as this would be the last time, he shall meet sanam, as she would go very far away today.

As sanam gets out of the house, Azhar’s parents load her with gifts, that tanveer has herself selected for Haya. seher too wonders why they got so caring about her all of a sudden. They go on a rant as to how tanveer has decided on the gifts. She agrees and takes the gifts. As seher takes the gifts towards the car, azhar’s father places a red packed gift on top. As seher moves away, Azhar’s father tells his wife, that he has placed a time bomb, in the red packed gift, of which seher is oblivious. she is unable to balance and rehaan comes just in time to balance her, as she eyes him overwhelmingly. He helps her with the gifts to place them in the car. As he does, she eyes him silently, reminisceing their romance and intimate meoments, and then rehaan’s frustration vented out at her. He takes the red pakced gift too and places it. She thanks him. He says that they should work together, as that lessens time. sher says that everyone wants company, but not always that happens, which people want. Rehaan remembers sunehri being taken away by the police. she says that a person generally is the most lonely, when he needs someone the most. He agrees. Then, Rehaan tells seher that he is finally going to get what very lucky people do, and thats true love, and that he is very happy that she would finally be with the person who she loves the most in her life, as atleast someone’s love story is finally getting fulfilled. she eyes him overwhelmingly, thinking that she and her story is incomplete without him. he asks her what happened. She says that its best that some storeis are incomplete, as then they can can end it the way they want to. he is boggled, while she bids him goodbye, and then gets inside the car. seher sits in the car, distraught and apalled at the irnony of the situation and how her life isnt as lucky as it seems to rehaan. Rehaan thinks that sanam doesnt know what is the pain of incomplete love.

At Undisclosed location

After sanam finishes the food, she asks for water, and as the guard bends down to fill the glass, she hits him on the head with an iron rod, and knocks him unconnscious. She then locks the door, of the room, in which the guard is, and then starts searching for exit, but finds it locked. She tries to break open the lock with the rod, and is able to finally open it, but not before the guard having regained his conscious, grabs her from behind. But she jerks him away and blinds him by throwing coal powder in his eyes. sanam is finally able to get out of her bondage, and catching the guard in a a weak moment, she escapes.

On the road and Ahil’s residence

Azhar’s parents come and tell Tanveer that they planted the bomb in the car and now they have the remote. Tanveer says the story is at the last turn, and that sanam has flown enough, and now its time to curb her down, and her one finger shall end her life, and her own new story can start. she says now the story is going to be completed due to her. She smiles evilly, as azhar’s parents are amused too. Razia overhears this, from outside the door and is shocked, and thinks Sunehri should remain alive for her dream being alive, as she is her protagonist.

At Ahil’s residence and on the road

Seher is in the car oblivious of the time bomb, kept, and is drawn back to rehaan’s hateful memories of her. She is tensed. razia enters her room, and tries to call her, but her phone is on vibrate and she doesnt pay heed. Razia is tensed. She then gets the guard’s call. Dilshad is tensed, as he gives razia the news that sanam has escaped, and then razia instructs him to get sanam before she reaches to the Badi Masjid, to meet ahil. razia overhears tanveer saying that this game is about to end, and that sanam’s life is captive in that one button, and with its press, she too shall reach to her mother, forever. razia is tensed while dilshad is distraught to hear this. razia continues trying seher’s room, but she doesnt realise the call. Razia is super tensed, thinking that both the sisters are out of her control. tanveer smirks while razia is tensed. Finally, seher picks up, and razia hastily tries to speak to her.

As seher is in her car, unable to hear what razia is saying, sanam starts running dishevelledly from the other direction, both oblivious of their relation, and to save a collision, seher’s car avoids collision into sanam, by taking a turn, and hits on a big boulder by the side of the road. Meanwhile, Sanam sees ahil’s car’s number, and is shocked. tanveer presses the button, much to dilshad and razia’s horror. A beep starts ringing from the remote. The beep starts saying that the bomb is out of range, and tanveer is frustrated when she gets to know that the bomb shall deactivate only when its in the range of the bomb, and that sanam finally had a clse shave from death. razia is relieved, while dilshad too is prayful that seher got saved. seher is unable to find her phone. Sanam is very happy that she would be able to contact ahil now. Just then, seher walks out of the car and starts venting out her frustration on the driver, for his rash driving, despite many reminders. sanam is shocked to see her own sister, and then understands that razia was saying all along, that noone misses her there. She is extremely shocked.

At Rahat’s residence

Rahat asks whats the matter. Faiz says that he knows what he is going to say doesnt make any sense, particularly when he has decided to marry haya, and she agrees to it too, but his saying this is imperative, and he needs the answer. rahat asks what. faiz asks rahat, if the halala marriage was always fake to him, and if he never once believed his love for haya. rahat asks how can he say this. Rahat is oblivious that faiz has switched the camera of his phone, on to record mode, to record whatever he is saying, frontal. He says that for his happiness, he agreed to marry haya and then divorce her, for faiz’s happiness, but now he would have to understand that haya loves him, and he wants to give her that happiness. faiz says that maybe he is right, and that he truly is hurt definitely, but time shall heal all wounds, and he is hopeful of the same for him too. He wishes rahat all the happiness, as nothing matters to him more than his and haya’s marriage, and hopes that their love has such power, that rahat and haya’s marriage stands the test of time. rahat hugs faiz, while he smiles evilly.

As haya is ready for marriage, and reminiscient of her memories with Rahat, she is suddenly aware that faiz is there. she turns around nervously. faiz comes up with an evil idea. faiz tells her that this marriage isnt real, and it pains her to break his heart like that. haya asks if he has gone mad. He says that he is saying the truth, that rahat is just doing halala Nikah. Haya vehemently says that rahat loves her, and hence is marrying him. Faiz says that he loved her even when she married faiz. haya remembers rahat’s request. faiz asks her why does she think, that he wont sacrifice his romantic love for brotherly affection. haya is extremely tensed.


As seher is in her car, sanam starts running dishevelledly from the other direction, and to save a collision, seher’s car avoiuds collision into sanam, by taking a turn, and hits on a big boulder by the side of the road. Just then, seher walks out of the car and starts venting out her frustration on the driver, for his reash driving, despite many reminders. Meanwhile, Sanam sees her own twin sister, and is shocked.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8pm

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