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At Rahat’s residence

Rahat takes Haya by the hand, as she eyes him overwhelmingly, and comes inisde, while faiz, sanam and ahil are confused. haya is tensed and emotional as he places her beside faiz, placing their hands together. sanam is boggled to find haya crying and tensedly looking at rahat, while he says that he hopes that they stay happy forever. faiz begs him not to go. rahat says that he has to go, but he should take such care of haya that she never has to regret her descision. sanam is baffled seeing haya in a tensed state. Rahat bids everyone goodbye, and accidentally his hand brushes past haya’s as she eyes him with a steely glance, as he retreats back and then walks out. He gives her one last glance before leaving, while she is emotional and teary eyed. He starts to rush to her, but then composes himself and leaves hastily.

At Rahat’s residence

Tanveer tells sanam that she needs to go due to some important work, and instructs ahil to come soon with sanam. Sanam offers to take her out, while tanveer says that she can see herself out. tanveer begins to leave and thinks that she already did what she had to do, and dilshad must have died by now. Sanam asks haya to take dilshad’s blessings, while haya is still in a daze. Tanveer thinks that haya can go all she wants, but dilshad wont be able to bless them. faiz also wants to go, and sanam takes him along too. Ahil stands dejected. Faiz invites ahil too, while sanam is tensed of his reaction. Sanam asks faiz to come along and rush. Faiz says that he cant say no to her, and complies to her wish. the trio leave, leaving behind ahil, who finally unable to control himself, says that he too shall come to meet dilshad. Sanam is shocked but smiles quietly nevertheless. She looks back at him tensedly, and he joins them too. Faiz gives ahil’s hand in sanam’s while they eye each other awkwardly. haya is distraught as faiz holds her hand, saying that love never decreases by this gesture. Haya is tensed to hear this. she starts following him mutely, her hand in his, as she remembers her intimacy with rahat. sanam and ahil too walk hand in hand, as they both remember their heated arguements, yet liking this new proximity. Finally, they both let the other’s hand go.

As they reach dilshad’s room, they find gas which ahil identifies to be poisonous, and asks faiz to get help. Ahil turns them away, while sanam is super tensed for dilshad, but ahil asks her to stand still and have faith on her. He gets inside, while sanam and haya are shocked. As ahil makes his way through the haze of gas, he finds dilshad lying unconscious on the floor, and is shocked. he rushes to her, and begins to check her pulse, and finds that the gas is increasing. He decides to take her out, and carries her in his arms, and asks sanam to open the door. she complies, and they take her out, and rush her down, while the room is filled with gas. Ahil assures her that dilshad shall be alright,. while he himself goes to check on the gas. sanam stops him. Ahil says that the poisonous gas can fill up in the entire house, and has to be stopped. he asks her not to bother for him. he asks her not to worry for him, as he shall be okay. while she is tensed, he rushes to the room. Sanam attends to dilshad. ahil enters the room, and tries to find the source of the gas. Meanwhile faiz comes with the doctor downstairs. Finally, ahil finds the can, and he dips it in water. Sanam hears an explosion, and is shocked. she screams out ahil’s name, and enters dilshad’s room, filled with gas, and is shocked. She finds ahil coming out in a daze, blood splattered all over him, as he succumbs in her arms, while she is shocked.

At Jewellery shop

Seher disguises herself as a rich english woman, and comes to the same jewellery shop, where she had sold the jewellery, with much airs and attitude, pretending to be the Princess of Baluchistan, and loving india and its culture. The owner considers himself lucky, while she starts saying that she came for the marriage of her younger sister, and wants to gift her something expensive and rare, and adds that she thinks that she wont find it in his small shop. the owner gets into a bid to please her, and goes to get the items. She demands for a glass of water, from the security fellow, and he turns around to give it. She injects him into unconsciousness. She starts taking everything, and the jeweller catches her red handed, and as sehere makes a mad dash with the cash and jewellery, the jeweller presses the alarm button, and the security guards run after her, on the owner’s instructions.

On the road, Razia is asking for seher from the people, when seher starts running towards her. While running, seher collides into razia, and razia lashes out at her. Seher turns around, and in a fit of anger, throws the fake wig at razia, and she is shocked to find seher. She then runs off, with the security after her. razia identifies her as seher, and is amused that she has turned into a thief, and that now that she knows that seher is alive, she would find him at any cost. Just then, ahil’s ambulance wheezes past headed to the hospital.

In the hospital

Sanam screams at ahil to come back to senses, as he is carried on the stretcher. she is distraught when he doesnt respond. the nurse prohibit her from coming any further so that they can begin their treatment. As ahil keeps slipping in and out of unconsciousness, sanam keeps assuring him, his hand in hers, that she wont let anything happen to him. as he doses off, sanam is tensed. He is taken outside, while sanam stands tensed, watching him being taken away.

While running, seher too comes inside the hospital, with the security guards at her to find her. She ducks just in time, to evade them. She begins to play hide and seek with the guards, dressed in a patient’s dress.

Meanwhile, haya is about to faint, when faiz asks her to compose herself. Sanam asks her to go home, but haya refuses to leave. Sanam says that she is here for her, and the doctor wont allow much people around dilshad. haya asks her to go instead and she offers to stay back instead. sanam looks at faiz, and he asks haya to comply to sanam’s wishes, who promises that she would give an update by calling her. Finally haya and faiz leave.

Rehaan and tanveer come in asking how this happened. sanam says that she feels there was a motive for murder looking at dilshad’s condition. Sanam is sure, while tanveer asks her not to think so. Sanam tells about ahil to tanveer, that he critical and severely wounded, and had immense blood loss. Tanveer is shocked, rehaan is distraught. tanveer is frustrated that dilshad didnt die, and is tensed that if ahil dies, she would be in big trouble.

In the hospital

The nurse tells sanam that dilshad needs blood, and sanam finds that her blood group is the same. She asks sanam to get ready. sanam hastily leaves. the nurse moves ahead, and collides into seher, who she confuses to be sanam, and asks her to come to donate blood. sehere starts asking if she has gone mad. The nurse is baffled how could she be so trivial at such a delicate condition. Seher, in a bid to evade the guards decides to donate blood. As fate would have it, dilshad is donated blood by both the sisters, while sanam is tensed, and seher casually donates blood, oblivious that she is doing so for her own grandmother.

Tanveer is happy to hear, the doctor tell someone on the phone, that the patient is very critical, thinking that its dilshad. The doctor says that it was very poisonous gas, but dilshad is out of danegr, and due to the blood loss, she has been given blood. rehaan gets tensed, when the doctor says that ahil’s condition is very critical and they are unsure whether they shall be able to save her. tanveer is frustrated. the doctor says that he cant say anything right now. Sanam comes from having donated blood. She asks rehaan what the doctor was saying. Sanam is relieved to know that dilshad is out of danger, but is stunned to know that ahil is critical. tanveer thinks that if anything happens to ahil, she would be destroyed, and he cant die before signing the property papers. She says that dilshad has to die. she decides to sends off sanam first. She tells sanam to go home and rest, as dilshad is out of danger. sanam asks about ahil. tanveer says that she is here for ahil, and says that they are pretending very nice to be a husband and a wife, but they dont need to here. sanam says thsat she cant go, and is concerned for ahil. tanveer is frustrated with both dilshad and sanam. both the nurses come out cribbing that they each collected blood from dilshad’s granddaughter, confusing between sanam and seher. sanam comes and when she gets to know the matter, she says that they cant waste time in arguing, and asks them to give blood to dilshad first. she looks at ahil, and says that she cant go and leave him alone. She sees around, and stealthily goes inside. Seher comes out relieved that she evaded the guards, but is drawn to sanam’s cries, from across the glass, as she watches her from behind. Seher finds sanam from the back, seated by ahil’s bed. Ahil’s hand is held by sanam, who says that he cant have his way all the time, and do what he wants to, as she owns him now, being his wife. She remembers their fights, and asks desperately for a chance to apologise for the bad way that she behaved, and asks him not to go. She asks him to get well soon, as he cant leave her here, and that noone can steal him from her. seeing this, seher starts crying, and wonders why is she crying seeing the girl cry, not knowing that its the siamese twin effect. Finally sanam turns around, her face blocked by the hand on her face, and sehere is curious to look at her, as past memories of both the sisters flash before. Seher is about to turn when she is shocked. As sanam turns around, both the sisters look at each other through the glass window in between them. Seher is shocked, while sanam is tensed. seher wonders how is this possible, and asks whats all this, as this is the exact same face like her. sanam is unable to see sehere, due to the one sided glass, but seher sees sanam clearly.

Later, as sanam and tanveer wait impatiently, sanam is shocked to find ahil being taken out urgently and into the emergency room, as his heart rate continues to drop. The doctors begin to take drastic measures. Sanam is apallled to see this and starts rushing through the corridor. sanam distraughtedly breaks down into tears, as she remembers ahil’s past moments with her, and how he risked his life to save her dilshad, and how he had saved her too on numerous occassions, and even take a stand for her against tanveer. As sanam desperately prays, the doctors try to revive ahil, with elctrical impulses to be able to get a heartbeat, and revive him back. Sanam is very shattered to remember their last fight.

At Rahat’s residence

haya remembers again the confusion, as sits dazed and crying next to the swing, that has their last memories, of her with rahat, as she relives them. faiz comes and misunderstands the tears to be her concern for dilshad. He comes to her and calls her. she soon composes herself. Faiz tells her that dilshad is out of danger, and she is relieved. She asks about ahil, if he is okay and and is out of unconsciousness. Faiz is unable to understand first what she tries to convey, but when he does, he says that he shall get better soon. Haya is tensed, while faiz looks upset. He takes haya by her hand, and takes her to their room, which is all decked and decorated for their wedding night. haya is apalled to see this, and she lets go of her hand from his clutches. faiz looks at her.

In the hospital

Sanam says that she knos that their relation has no existence, and that she knows he hates her, and is with her only for the wold, but she cant see him like this, as he always helped her and her family. She apologises for anything that she said wrong about him, as he isnt bad from the heart, and that she should be punished if anyone has to, she used bad words, and also insulted him. Sanam prays to the lord, to be given one chance, so that she can apologise to ahil for her behaviour, and begs for ahil’s life from the Lord. She breaks down inconsolably. She says that his life is invaluable, and asks for it to be spared. 

At the Hotel room

Seher is still unable to believe that she actually saw her exact lookalike, but doesnt really consider it very seriously. she eyes her idol of ganesha, and says that she felt that she knows this person who she saw at the hospital. Seher has tears in her eyes, and is surprised again as sanam is tearfully praying to the lord. Seher questions why does she get senti all of a sudden, and feels for someone who she hasnt met yet, and doesnt even know, but feels who needs her, and wants her to come near to that person.

In the hospital

As sanam runs apalled to Rehaan, and asks him about ahil, he relieves her by saying that ahil is out of danger. She says that she got very scared. rehaan says that she prayed with much devotion. Sanam says that she never saw tanveer with such tension, as she is the mother to ahil after all, but rehaan is disturbed remembering the real truth. tanveer is very happy to think that ahil is safe, as had he died, her efforts would have gone in vain.

In his ward, ahil gets impatient and wants to be discharged, asking where’s rehaan. tanveer asks him to rest as its needed. Sanam comes in and asks if he is okay and if its paining a lot. Ahil misunderstands again between rehaan and sanam coming together. he gets frustrated and jerks her hand away and tries to get up groggily, shocking sanam. sanam asks where is he trying to go. he gets up somehow and begins to leave with tanveer’s insistence. sanam follows as they both come out. The doctor comes and asks him to rest which is much needed. ahil says that he feels restless here, and wants to leave as he feels suffocated here. the doctor agrees, and ahil thanks him. As ahil is being discharged, and taken by tanveer, with sanam in tow, the doctor tells ahil that his condition was very critical, but maybe the medicines were way less effective in curing him, that someone’s desperate prayers. Sanam stands tensed, while ahil turns around and looks at her. But he then asks about dilshad. sanam says that she is out of danger too. hil asks her to be taken care of, and call if anything is needed. ahil begins to go, and tanveer says that she thinks that she should stay back, and sanam go with him. But ahil says that she can stay, while tanveer herself comes with ahil. He doesnt comply to tanveer’s demands, and she gets frustrated. he takes tanveer by her hand and walks out, as sanam stands dazed.

At Faiz’s residence

Faiz asks haya to relax, as he knows that this isnt the ideal time for their wedding night, and he just wanted her to have dinner together, pointing out to the dinner spread that he has laid out in one corner of the room. haya is shocked and in a daze. she sits and faiz sits beside him too, but she is unable to take her mind off rahat’s memories. faiz finds her upset and drwas her attention back again, asking whats she thinking. She gets up hastily and rushes from there, but is shocked, when she finds that has has caught her hand. he surprisingly asks what happened. she frees her hand with a jerk, and runs away while he stands shocked.

In her room, haya cries profusely, remembering rahat’s departure. she hears the room knock, and pretends to be sleep. faiz finds her lying on her back, and sits by her side, caressing her on the head, while she bears with much discomfort, but not moving still. He draws the blanket over her, and then says that he loves her. As she finds him gone, she again starts crying.

At the Restaurant

The next morning, while rehaan discusses business with a client, seher comes disguised as a good natured girl, dressed in traditional attire, as she eyes her next victim, the top business couple of Bhopal, who are issueless, and hence keep donating charity. she tries to get into a sob sympathetic story, in loud tones, talking on the phoen, pretending to be terribly distraught, and finds that its actually affecting the couple. She starts threatening to commit suicide, and the couple gets the notice. But just then, rehaan’s meeting gets over and he gets up. Rehaan finds seher, at a restaurant, in a diferent attire, and demeanour, and confusing her to be sanam, he is surprised. he is tensed. seher is tensed too to look to rehaan. He refers to her as sanam.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8pm

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