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At Rehaan’s office

Seher nonchalantly asks him to sleep on the sofa, while rehaan is boggled. He decides to go outside and sleep, but she jerks him back, saying that she is scared to be alone. Rehaan is amused. she lies on the bed. she wakes up yet again saying that she’s hungry. Rehaan remembers her diet at the Dhaba. she innocently asks him to get pizza for her, saying that she wants to eat light. Rehaan irritatedly tells her that they arent in the city that they can get pizza. She then says that they can have dal makhani and butter naan too. He asks her to make herself, as it wont be available and then says that she wont be able to, as they just got here and the kitchen is empty. she asks him that he hasnt eaten anything it means. He says that there’s nothing hence he cant. she asks for the kitchen and heads towards it. She finds noodles and rants about what good noodles she makes. Seher gets noodles for rehaan and excitedly gives it to him, and he too comments that its good. she starts ranting thazt she would make such noodles for him everyday. rehaan thinks that she is looking for excuses to stay here. she also thinks that he can eat, as he has to bear a huge trauma ahead, when she would run after having broken the safe. they eye each other awkwardly, when she asks him what would he have eaten had she not come here. He says that he would have slept hungry. She goes on to a rant as usual, while rehaan emotionally eyes her.

At Faiz’s residence

Faiz’s aunt gets inside haya’s room, stealthily thinking that there’s something she’s hiding, like a long lost love, due to which she isnt letting faiz get close to her. She snoops around, carefree that haya is asleep and that she wont be able to hear any noise, being deaf. she finally finds that sweater that haya had made for rahat. just then haya wakes up, to find the almirah closed but a vase broken that the aunt had and someone hiding behind the curtains. His aunt is scared that haya might see her. But when haya finds behind the curtains, she doesnt find anyone, by which time, the aunt stealthily moves past ducking her, and making her way out of the room, while haya looks in the other way boggled and tensed.

Outside, his aunt is about to open the sweater and find out about it, when haya comes and snactches it from her. she asks if she’s hiding the name of her lost long lover, and a struggle between the two ensues. Faiz comes in and asks whats going on. His aunt instigates him, and he checkes it to find rahat’s name, while she is scared. he asks if she knit it for rahat, and when she complies, he asks why didnt she give it to him. she is relieved, and he tells her that he would courier it to rahat rightaway. She smiles but then gets sad, remembering her dreams with that sweater. On second thoughts, he thinks that when rahat comes back, she should give it herself. haya takes the sweater, and eyeing his aunt storms inside. his aunt is boggled. faiz tells her that there’s nothing wrong with haya ldoing this for rahat and asks her not to have any confusion. He leaves, while his aunt thinks that now to get haya out of the house, she would have to do something else.

At Ahil’s residence

Tanveer reprimands her people on the phone that they still havent found dilshad. tanveer tells on the phone that she doesnt want to listen to anything, saying that till the time her dead body isnt found, dilshad would be alive for her. just then, razia comes in with the lady, who she had claimed to be her paternal sister. tanveer is aware of someone’s presence, and she hollers at razia, to get hot water ready for her. razia complies and leaves. tanveer moves towards the lady in the wheelchair. it turns out to be dilshad, but tanveer is oblivious of that. Dilshad is shocked and angered to see tanveer, remembering the massacre that she caused of her family. She raises her hand and is about to grab her, but tanveer swiftly passes by unaware of her presence. Just then asma’s mother in law comes and tries to lift the veil to be able to se the face, but razia shuts her away, while she is susprised. She leaves fuming. dilshad is relieved. Ahil comes down to find both of them, and she identifies her too as the paternal sister.

Dilshad eyes ahil from the veil, and then tries to reach her hand to him. Razia puts her hand down. He gets a call and leaves, while razia says that she got paralysed. dilshad is distraught inside the veil. Razia takes dilshad inside the wheelchair, thinking that now she would change the entire game with dilshad’s entry in the haveli. she smiles evilly, thinking that now she could cut tanveer down to size, when dilshad breaks her silence. razia thinks that she would keep dilshad in this very haveli, right in front of tanveer’s eyes. She welcomes Dilshad in the house.

Its morning, Rehaan wakes up and finds himself alone in the room. Right then Sehar enters after having showered. He drools on her as she sets her wet hair. He recollects the moments spent with Sanam. Sehar notices him staring at her and asks if she is looking very pretty. Rehaan says no. Sehar fumes what. Rehaan stammers. He stares at her and asks about her clothes. Sehar asks why.. are they bad. Rehaan says they are nice. Sehar says.. the guests who stayed before.. left it back. She says.. i dont like old clothes. Rehaan asks how can it fit so well on you. Sehar says my body type is such that all clothes fit. Sehar asks done with interview.. lets have breakfast. Rehaan asks from where. Sehar says .. we have to make this .. i made it. She hides the packets. But ends up tripping and Rehaan holds her in time. Rehaan asks where did all the cooking stuff come from. Sehar says ur name should be ..question mark… what did u think . .i went stealing shops in the morning. I searched it and found it. Rehaan stares at her. Sehar says.. u are staring at me with so much doubt.. do u think i steal.. all u do.. is doubt on me. She starts to cry. Rehaan says.. no nothing like that.. sorry. He leaves from there. Sehar says.. in entire life.. havent acted so much.. as have to now… from where did this 007 come in my life. All i want is to steal ..and he is busy eating my head. My patience is running thin.. wanna clean up his locker. Rehaan tells Sehar.. u stay back here.. i have to go for a meeting. I will lock the office. Sehar asks.. if u lock office.. how will i work. Rehaan says fine.. come along. Sehar is taken aback. Sehar wonders.. how much more efforts do i have to put to steal this sawalo ki dukaan ki tijori..!

Sanam wakes up and wonders where is Ahil. She recollects Ahil tossing and turning and goes out of the room and asks Latif where is Ahil. Latif says ..went for a meeting. Sanam turns and finds a lady in veil ..staring at her. Its Dilshad but she can only stare at Sanam ..unable to talk. Sanam asks Latif who it is and he says.. Razias relative.. she is paralysed. Dilshads hands are shaking.. she is trying to reach out to Sanam. Razia comes and notices. She goes to check the matter and sees Sanam leaving from there. Razia smirks …so seeing ur own blood . .u got active too Dilshad. She says.. it is Sanam .. ur grand daughter. Razia says.. there is something interesting about ur grand daughter and only i know it. She tells Dilshad.. ur grand daughter is alive .. not this one.. the twin.. Sehar. Dilshad is taken aback and stares blankly at Razia. Flashback shown of Dilshad playing with the kids and the gruesome attack.

Sehar is talking on phone and says.. that am 200 kms off from Bhopal… the moment i get mauka. .will maro chauka. Rehaan comes back in the car and asks who u talking to. Sehar says .. family. Rehaan says .. u said ur family is upset with u running away. Sehar says.. mom dad are upset .. have .. bro .. sis. Rehaan is about to drive when a guy comes in front and Rehaan puts brake. Sehar says.. lets leave. Rehaan says .. the guy must be hurt. Sehar says.. look at the way he is lying down. .. he is a thief .. we cant see his hands. .what if he has a weapon. We shouldnt help anyone on deserted street. Rehaan says i found u on deserted street too. He gets out of car to check on the person while Sehar ..cribs .. people like these cant have brains.

Rehaan finds himself surrounded by thugs and asks what do u need. The thugs say.. pay up. Sehar prays to God and gets out of car. Rehaan assures to pay up. Sehar says.. this is money earned by hardwork .. no way are u giving this up. Sehar asks the thugs.. who is ur boss. One of the thug says. .am the boss. Sehar asks him to come aside. Rehaan asks Sehar to go sit in the car .. Sehar says u din listen to me. .so i wont listen to u. Sehar asks the thugs..what drama is this.. The thugs say.. robbing him. Sehar starts to punch the guy but he is unaffected. He holds her hand and slaps her. Rehaan is furious and beats up the thugs. Sehar is taken aback. She says.. thought .. he is PREM of Maine Pyaar Kiya but he turned into Pandey ji from Dabang. He beats up all the thugs. Sehar asks the boss of the thugs.. so how u doing. He asks. .why din u tell us .. he is our boss. Sehar says.. so u found out.. now..wait. Sehar slaps the thug and they run away. Sehar gushes to Rehaan about his bashing the thugs but he fumes on her and asks her to get in the car.

Ahil is on his way back and looks at his mobile, missed calls from Sanam. Right then someone from Lawyers office comes with papers for Tanveer. Ahil takes the papers and reads them. Its Property papers of Ahil. Ahil recollects Sanam caring for him. Ahil rues.. why does the things we are scared of always come infront of us. Sehar asks Rehaan if he is fine. Rehaan says small injury. Sehar notices his neck bleeding and says.. lets go to doc. Rehaan says.. go in my cabin and get the first aid box. Sehar smirks and goes. Rehaans moby rings.. its Tanveer. She asks him where he is…and why he wasnt receving her calls. Tanveer says am ur mom I care for you. She asks Rehaan if all is well and he is well placed. Rehaan stays quiet. Tanveer says to Rehaan I know ur upset with mebut am under compulsion. Till I get the property papers have to listen to Ahil .. u know how much i love u .. dont u. Ahil overhears the whole convo.

At Ahil’s residence

Rehaan is frustrated that tanveer is still talking about harming Ahil, but getting the property papers first. Ahil comes in asking whose life is she changing. Tanveer makes up a story, and then tells him that she has told the lawyers to get their divorce papers. She then again says that she is concerned whether the lawyer got the property papers ready. Ahil refuses and tanveer leave in tension, as Ahil remembers Sanam’s care. Ahil wonders why he lied to his own mother for the first time and is tensed as he is unwilling to face the truth about himself, that he loves Sanam.

Razia tells Dilshad that she tries to search for seher everyday for 3 hours when she goes missing. Razia tells that in return, dilshad must speak. Dilshad is distraught, while Razia rants furiously that she wants to send tanveer to jail. Finally dilshad tries to speak, but is unable to. razia says that she couldnt speak, but now she would take her to the person who killed her family, i.e. tanveer. Dilshad is shocked.

Dilshad eyes tanveer venomously, while razia does her hair, telling that she looks tensed, and asks if dilshad is bothering her, as she has gone missing. tanveer gets tensed and asks how does she know. Razia says that she overheard it all, and asks if dilshad’s car’s accident is a tragedy or planned. tanveer cuts short blaming her. Razia amusingly asks her if she feels dilshad is dead or alive. she amusingly eyes tanveer’s and dilshad’s reaction. tanveer frustratedly says that she doesnt know. Razia says that it might be that dilshad is alive and comes one day in front of her. Tanveer asks her to stay put and shut up. Dilshad tries to lifet her hand in agression. Razia says that she knows nothing like this would happen, but still asks tanveer to consider the possibility once. tanveer shuts razia and razia complies, but adds that life does come around in a full circle. Tanveer remembers rehaan’s outburst against her. razia is amused while dilshad is in a rage.

At Rehaan’s Office

Seher comes in and excitedly eyes the safe whose keys she has. she try to open the safe, but remembers Rehaan fighting the goons, and thinks that he was in pain and saved her, hence is concerned. Seher is in a dilemma and starts doubting her own reactions. she wonders whats wrong with her, as she never thought like this before. She is unable to break in again, and thinks that she cant handle these feelings, and decides to go for first aid to rehaan.


Ahil tears the property papers. Later.. he and Sanam are decorating a model of a house with lush green fields. Sanam tells Ahil that she wants a small but beautiful and open place for her dream home. Ahil says.. he wants a room where there are no bad thoughts and one that has thick walls so the noise of hunter doesnt pierce through them. Sanam looks at him caringly. Rehaan gets a call, from tanveer and sees it tensedly, canceliing it. Seher says that she understood he is angry at his mother, and they have fought.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8pm

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