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Sanam get ready and think that only he cant be a good husband, she too would be a good wife, and would make such a delicious meal, that the Sheikh would love it.

Razia and Latif are working in the kitchen, where Latif is reprimanding Razia to work faster, a fight ensues, and Sanam comes in to break them. Sanam sees their animosity and asks them to leave, as she would make it herself. Latif and Razia leave. Sanam gets to making food.

As the Sheikh get down the car with his wives, Seher, lustily eyes the jewelry, and money that the wives are loaded with, and think this time she is in for a bigger plan. As Seher, aka Sunehri enters Tanveer’s mansion, disguised as one of sheikh’s wife, underneath the burqa, she starts looking at the bigger picture, thinking she was after the petty Sheikh, whereas the real treasure hunt is in this house. Oblivious to all this, Sanam is gleefully preparing dessert, not knowing that her own sister would be tasting it.

Saher enter wearing a black burka with a veil, saying ”They are fools who call this a mansion, this is a palace. Fortune has smiled on me” She has flash backs of being little and being with Sanam in that house. The sheikh introduces his 3 wives. There’s an awkward moment when the 2 wives show their faces, but Saher doesn’t. Sanam enter, Aahil couldn’t take his eyes off her, as she’s dressed in one of the outfits he had chosen for her. Saher turns around and sees, only Sanam’s back .

Faiz got the best designer dresses, begs Rahat to show them to Haya, he refuse, saying that he has done all else, but won’t do this. Faiz continues to beg, saying that he has no one but Rahat and who else would do it. Rahat finally agree, Faiz calls him the best bro.

Saher ask to go to the washroom. The Sheikh praise Sanam’s beauty, he gives a gift to Sanam. A diamond necklace worth 5 million saying that the glow of the diamond is nothing compared to Sanam’s beauty. Sanam refuses at first, saying it’s too expensive, Aahil says don’t refuse, Sheikh asks if there is a problem? Sanam says no and accept it. Tanveer takes the necklace for safe keeping and asks for the safe keys from Sanam. Saher watch all this while on her way to the washroom, she is being escorted by Latif. Saher wants to steal the necklace at any cost, she says: ”Oh my God, they are filthy rich!! If I succeed in robbing them, I’ll be rich”. She tells Latif that she’ll be fine on her own when they get to the washroom. Saher sees Tanveer walking past with the necklace and follows her. She enters Ahil’s room, saying God that she wants this room with all it’s amenities, big bed, cupboards, 3 televisions etc. Tanveer passes outside and Saher hides very close to AsYa picture. Tanveer passes without sensing her presence. Saher drop the picture and the locket while getting up. She resets the picture. but looks at the locket and decides to keep it. She then watches as Tanveer stores the necklace in the safe.

Rahat gives the dresses to Haya. She asks if he selected the dresses? He says no it was Faiz. She says he’s very lucky to have a brother who cares for his family. She gave Rahat a Sherwani and when Rahat asks who is it for, she says it’s for the groom. (why couldn't she just say that it’s for you Rahat 🙄).

At the dinner table, Ahil and the Sheikh talk about business. Ahil assure him of quality rates and services and says that their meeting is being recorded on camera, so as to avoid future conflict about their interaction. Sanam notice that the Sheikh’s 3rd wife is missing and offers to search for her. Saher is shown cracking open the safe code and stealing the cash and jewelry, placing it below her burka, while Sanam is walking outside.

At Ahil’s residence

Rehaan gets the deal signed by Ahil and Sheikh, and they both congratulate each other. Tanveer ask for sanam. The Sheikh comment how fortunate this day is. Meanwhile, Seher, collides into a center table, and tears her burqa, and is frustrated, wondering what can she do now, to get out of this problem, as her modern clothes are visible through the burqa. Later, she eyes Sanam, who’s also searching for her, from behind, talking to Haya on the phone, excited about her happiness, and after cancelling the call, she thanks the lord, and asks him to be as kind to them always. She try to stealthily leave from there, without catching Sanam’s attention, and manages to do so. As she hides in a room, she is shocked to find Tanveer, who catches hold of her hand and asks Sanam if its her. Seher confirms that she is blind, and then identify herself as Alisha, and makes that fake voice, saying that she needed to go to the restroom, and that the Sheikh shall make do with the other two wives. Tanveer comply. Seher leaves. Tanveer thinks that this one is little weird.

As the dinner progresses, and Sanam is laying out food, Seher hides behind the sofa, and try to duck her way out of the building, thinking this is the best chance. She hides herself in the kitchen, to avoid being seen. She talks to her lord, saying she had a close shave today. Just then, her eyes fall on the kheer. She is happily gorging on the Kheer that Sanam, her own sister had made with much effort, and is surprised as she remembers something, wondering why does she remember her childhood, and feels that she ate kheer before too. Just then, seeing a girl from behind, Ahil hollers at her, and Seher turns around, and he, confusing her to be Sanam, is shocked to see her in western attire.

Downstairs, Sanam is complimented for her marvellous food, and asks for his third wife, and Tanveer tells that she went to the washroom. Tanveer asks Latif to go and get the kheer. Ahil asks her what’s all these makeup and all that attire? What’s wrong with her? Saher is confused. She says the burqa got torn. Ahil reprimand her thinking that she’s Sanam. He leaves, asking her to change, while she is confused, that Ahil saw her in the burqa, and still could identify her as Sheikh’s wife even without the burqa. She starts eating the kheer again, but ducks when she hears someone approaching. Latif comes and notices the half eaten kheer in horror wondering who ate it, while Seher gets frustrated listening to her rant. Seher carefully slips out of the room. Ahil comes back and is surprised to find that Sanam is again dressed in traditional attire and confusion ensues, while Ahil is confused when Sanam vehemently deny.

In the store, Seher is frustrated that she is unable to come out of the building. She search around for a burqa and finally finds one. Seher is in burka (without veil), when sanam comes in searching for someone. Sanam comes there and they see each other. they are both shocked to see each other. But its later revealed that they are standing in the two faced mirror, facing the other, so that they see only their reflection and not the other sister, on the other side of the mirror. Hearing a noise, sanam walks to the other side, just in time, for seher to cover her face with the burqa. before she can talk, latif comes in searching for alisha, and she instantly goes out, where the other wife too comes and hastily takes her, as the sheikh is getting ready. Latif and sanam find this weird.

At Rahat’s residence

As Rahat is laying out his bed, haya sees him and comes to him, shyly. She gives him the sheet, offering to lay it out. Rahat resignedly comply. In doing so, their hands meet, and they awkwardly look at each other, while haya shyly smiles. He lets go, while she asks him to rest, while he says that he isnt sleepy. she asks him if he is that happy. he confusedly says yes. she smiles and then turns around, while rahat is baffled at her reaction. Rahat holds haya’s hand, and she turns around shyly. rahat asks if she truly is happy with this marriage. She nods in a yes. Rahat is confused and apalled and lets go of her hand. haya asks about him, and he too says yes. Faiz comes out sleepily. Rahat notices and asks Haya to leave, as its said that the bride and the groom shouldn't see each other before marriage. She leaves.

Ahil wakes up annoyingly as alarm rings. He wonders who set that alarm. He sees a letter there and reads it.. I know you are not used to waking up early, but today it’s Haya’s Nikaah and he has to be present there. He says so Sanam set that alarm. He read further.. I have taken clothes out for you. He looks at it and is impressed. Sanam comes in. He puts his clothes away. She says time was less and he remains busy so she thought to buy new clothes for him. She hopes he liked them. He says it’s good. Sanam is surprised, relived, and happy! She turns back and smiles. Latif comes and tells them Tanveer is calling them urgently.

All family members are in Tanveer’s room and she’s saying she hate it when things go missing from her room. Ahil asks her if all is okay? She tells him about the necklace going missing. All are shocked. Ahil says it must be somewhere here. She says it’s not here and I am not that irresponsible to put it anywhere. Razia look at broken lock. Azhar’s mum ask how can someone open lock without keys? Tanveer remembers about giving the keys to Sanam and takes her name. Sanam get shocked. Tanveer asks another key remains with her, right? and says she took the necklace. Sanam says what are you saying? Tanveer says it was yours only, I only took it so I can keep it safe. If you didn’t like that, then you could have said it instead of taking it away like this. Sanam says she didn’t take it. Tanveer get furious and asks who else took it then? You’re saying there’s a thief in this house? Sanam swears of Badi Ammi. Tanveer calms down and says it’s ok. I understand you may have never seen necklace like that before. If you took it, then say it clearly. Ahil interrupts and asks why would Sanam lie? If she’s saying she didn’t take it, then she must be correct. Sanam is surprised. Ahil tells Tanveer that the necklace could be elsewhere. They should search other places. Tanveer in shock says it’s possible. She starts talking about other possibilities that her or Sanam might have misplaced the keys and someone else took. Ahil says anything is possible, necklace could have lost too. We are making a big deal of this. We have to get ready to go to Nikah as well. He’s leaving. Tanveer stop him and says she only wants things like this to be in safe place and asks Sanam to return the keys. Sanam says ok, but Ahil again interrupts. He asks Tanveer why she wants to take all responsibilities, let Sanam do some of the duties as well. Sanam is again surprised. Ahil leave with Sanam.

In their room, Sanam thank Ahil. He says it’s ok. She says when no one trusted her, he stood with her. Everyone was against her, but he was with her. She didn’t expect this, but she was wrong. She knows he hates her and doesn’t like her, but still he did this for her today and it means a lot to her. She now also knows that Ahil doesn’t blame anyone unless it’s their fault. She thank him from her heart. Her phone rings when Ahil turns to her. She tells Faiz they are about to leave. While she’s on phone, Ahil leaves from there. She wonders what happened to him now.

Tanveer is frustrated as Ahil went against her because of that servant, Sanam. Razia add more fuel in fire. She tells Tanveer not to forget she’s Zoya’s daughter and pray Sanam didn’t go on Zoya else she can say good bye to her sleep. In coming time, she will be taking revenge.. Allah knows what worse is going to happen. Tanveer remembers a baba telling her she’ll be punished for her crimes and get freaked out.

Rehan is doing some formalities for their deal. He gets a call. Razia trY to look into his laptop where video is playing that he recorded when sheikh was there. He goes away. Razia goes to his laptop and sees Seher in the video and gets shocked. She remembers the twins from childhood and says she’s no duplicate, she’s a twin of Sanam. Neither Sanam nor Tanveer would know about her. She laughs and says it’s a strange game by destiny. She hopes to teach a lesson to Tanveer now.. Allah gave her ace of this game and now she will win this game.

Rehan is going somewhere. Sanam stops him and asks him if he’s going somewhere. He says he’s going for land deal. He sees her upset face and says Tanveer shouldn’t have talked like that to her. She was very wrong. She should have kept faith in her and he will talk to her. Sanam says, what will you talk? Ahil is her son and she didn’t listen to him. You’re just a worker here. She then apologizes and says she shouldn’t have said that. She just doesn’t want to repeat all that. They can’t change what’s happened already. She felt bad, but what can they do? She’s happy because Ahil stood for her. She has also started feeling now that Ahil is not that bad. She never expected him to fight for her rights. It means a lot for her. He also got ready to go to Haya’s Nikah and she’s very happy with all this. Rehan says he always does the unexpected. He asks her if she has any work. She says she wanted to buy gifts for Haya and asks about her salary before marriage. He gives all money that he has and tells her to ask more if she ever needs. She says she just needs 5000 and returns the rest. She thank him. He asks her if she’s happy. Ahil comes outside and watches them. She says no.. in reality she is not that happy because one important part of her life is not with her. She wants that part of her life. Without that part, she feels incomplete, all happiness seem incomplete. Hopefully all will be okay soon. He says hopefully. Ahil seems to have heard that and doesn’t seem happy.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8pm

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