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At Ahil’s residence

Tanveer sits with some guests, when ahil comesd and says that he would come in the evening. the guests tease him for his marriage, and his wife, and when he gets tensed, they reprimand him teasingly for being shy. tanveer smiles. latif brings a necklace to sanam, and asks her to wear and receive tanveer’s guests downstairs, while she questions if this is really necessary. latif asks her to do as tanveer said, as she is waiting for her. As sanam descends, ahil is mesmerised looking at her. He pretends to be extremely romantic to her, and has fun when she is at discomfort, with him holding her hand. The guests are amused at this. He asks her to escort him outside, and sanam complies. the guests wish the couple luck and all the love in the world. Out of hearing range, sanam asks him not to get too close, as there is no lawyer to check on them, and hence asks him to stop the drama. Ahil says that he doesnt want mouths chattering against her, and asks her to continue with the drama, and kisses her on the palm, much to her disgust. As he leaves, she too refers to him as an endearment term, and rubs his hand hardly that it pains to him in a similar manner that he had done to her, and asks him to take care of himself, and call when he reaches. He too pinches her cheeks, to show love, but extra hard, so that it pains her. she is irritated. ahil leaves.

Sanam overhears guests gushing about their love, and tanveer talking about how lovable and amiable she is. the guests say that she too is very loving towards sanam, and asks what did the girl bring from her house. tanveer and sanam are tensed. tanveer clarifies that she doesnt have parents, but has been brought up by her badi ammi. As sanam is attending to the guests, she is tensed and hurt when the guests express their horror at her being an orphan in front of tanveer, and that she having no clue about her parents at all, and her background. they start reprimanding tanveer, for marrying ahil with a girl like this. tanveer tries to clarify, but stops when sanam starts speaking. sanam says that she does know about her parents. they insistently ask her to tell it then. Sanam says that her parents used to stay in Bhopal only, and got married here, and her father had a huge business, but her parents died when she was very young, and starts saying their names. tanveer is oblivious about what she is about to say, and her connection to her parents. She is curious and tensed. Just then her phone rings, and sanam picks it up seeing that its from the hospital. she attends to it and says that she would have to leave for the hospital rightaway. tanveer allows her and asks her to call if she needs any help. sanam leaves.

At Munisa’s residence

While haya is packing, rahat and munisa come in. rahat asks her to say it. Munisa apologises for what she said, and asks her not to misunderstand what she said, and that her staying here doesnt bother her at all, and she can stay as long as she wants. she says that if she goes, she would feel that haya didnt forgive her. Munisa leaves tensedly. rahat and haya are tensed too. haya eyes rahat overwhelmed with emotions, saying that he shouldnt have done this, Rahat says that he wont hear anything, and asks her to please stay back, for his sake atleast. she eyes him emotionally, and then finally complies, getting him happy. he says that she cant go anywhere, as he wants her to meet someone special, and that shall be a surprise. He leaves, while she eyes him.

At Ahil’s office

Ahil is lost in the office, when rehaan comes in with official work. ahil notices him with a scrutinising manner, remembering rehaan’s equation with sanam, and how he came in between them. Rehaan continues nonchalantly. rehaan notices this and excuses himself. but ahil stops him, saying that he wants to talk to him. rehaan stays back. Ahil comes upto him, and then hesitatingly says that in the past few days, he had never imagined, that things and life would change so much. he says that he didnt want this at all, and wants rehaan to believe it. he says that he has realised, that rehaan is under a shock due to this marriage. rehaan turns and says that he doesnt want to talk in this marriage. Ahil tries to talk, but rehaan says that whats happening is for the benefit of everyone, and that he has full faith on ahil. ahil says that he knows that he is in pain. but rehaan stops him yet again. Ahil lets go of the topic. rehaan asks him what does he want him to say, and that nothing is okay, and what happened was wrong, and shouldnt have happened, and that these talks are futile, as whats done cant be undone, and that this is their life, and his destiny. ahil is shocked, while rehaan leaves in a huff. Ahil says that rehaan thinks that time would heal his wounds, but some wounds arent destined to be healed. Outside, rehaan thinks that ahil blames himself for all this, not realising that he is just a pawn in tanveer’s game. rehaan is disturbed.

At Hospital

Sanam and haya wait anc=xiously outside dilshad’s room. The nurse comes out and tells sanam and haya that dilshad woulkd take some time to come to her senses. sanam tells it to haya. haya asks if she is okay. sanam asks why. haya asks how is she coping with this forceful marriage. sanam lies that she is very happy, and that the marriage was in haste, and everything is okay now and praises tanveer and her noble nature. haya asks about her husband. sanam remembers ahil’s stinging remarks, and his rude behaviour towards her, but still lies that he loves her very much and cares for her. She asks haya not to care for her, and assures that dilshad would be fine soon. sanam is tensed as she hugs haya.

On the road

When haya is walking on the road, with an umbrella, trying to hail a cab, and cites a boulder, she decides to move it away. she gets down to doing it. Just then, a person rides on the motorbike in huge speed, in a stylish and heroic manner, in the rain, skirting dirt and mud all over her, as she stands shocked, after she doesnt respond to his repeated beeps. the biker, in a bid to save her, too skids, and takes off his helmet in anger. He comes to her and asks if she’s deaf and all. she vents out his anger in disgust, by signalling. They have a signal spat, and haya storms ahead, giving one last angry look at him. the man too is angry.

At Ahil’s residence

Ahil comes home to find the lawyer with tanveer, who has the papers ready, for his and sanam’s signature. tanveer says that she would be relieved once the property goes rightfully to ahil. sanam comes and sits down beside ahil, on his and tanveer’s insistence. Tanveer suggets that they should go to the property to view it along with the lawyer. ahil asks her not to worry as he would go. tanveer distracts him saying that he needs to spend time with his wife, and that she would do this herself, and insists when ahil tries to talk her out of it. The lawyer asks Ahil to sign his name after writing right below his father’s name. He is tensed hearing the mention of his father. Sanam notices that ahil is tensed, as he remembers his haunting memories of childhood, and is unable to compose himself and sign the papers. While sanam is tensed, he finally gets to signing.

At Ahil’s residence

Ahil signs amidst much tension, and then excuses himself, surprising sanam. The lawyer asks sanam of her details, and she is about to tell of her father’s name, when tanveer butts in asking about the list of the properties listed under their name. the lawyer gets busy with her, while tanveer asks sanam to fill the form herself. she signs her father’s name as Asad ahmad Khan, not knowing what tanveer had done to her parents. tanveerr smiles, as sanam says that its all done. She asks the lawyer if any other formalities are left, and when he denies, she asks if they can leave then. tanveer begins to leave with the lawyer, asking sanam to take care of the house, and gives her the keys, saying that she has to handle everything very soon. Sanam is shocked but still complies. As they all come out, the same peer baba again tells tanveer to give her evils to him. She gets tensed, while sanam is shocked. She asks the baba what does he want. He says to tanveer that her death is very near to her. tanveer is irritated, while he says that her past would very soon confront her for balancing of what she did and that noone can save her. He says that noone can save her, and that she has done wrong, and now its her time to be punished. She calls for security, and is seated in the car, and drives off with the lawyer, while he continues to rant that noone can save her. the guards try to throw him out. sanam is boggled and surprised. The baba turns around and comes to sanam. The same peer baba who had haunted tanveer about her fate, scares sanam too, as he tells her, despite being restrained by security guards, that he can see clearly in her eyes, that her life is going to go topsy turvy in the near future, and that she would get to know a shattering truth, that would change her life forever and shock her to the core. she is shocked to hear this. she rushes inside, while he is thrown out. she wonders who was this and why was she talking like this. she is very tensed.

Later in night, ahil is tensed, but composes himself, when he finds sanam coming in with an extra blanket. He makes space for her, and she sits, and then lies down draping her own blanket over herself. He pretends to ignore her, but actually has his eye on every move of hers, while she too is conscious of his gaze. they play this hide and seek for sometime, while she falls asleep, and then he doses off too. But it turns out that she was just pretending to be asleep, until they both finally dose off.

While asma and latif are working hard in the kitchen, azhar’s mother is stuffing herself with food, and ordering her to make even more food. latif laments at asma’s tough luck to have a mother-in-law like her. She asks her to be more cautious in her food habits. She pretends to have seen a big worm in azhar’s mother’s head and she goes berserk, and rushes out. latif asks asma to take some rest, but she says that she wants to finish the work, to be able to be a good daughter in law. Latif smiles.

At Munisa’s residence

haya comes out from the bathroom, after her bath, drying her hair, when rahat walks in, and is mesmerised to see her reflection in the mirror, while she is oblivious of his presence. Finally she sees him and gets conscious and drapes a dupatta around herself. He comes and asks if he bathed at this time. she tells him about the incident on the road with that brat. rahat talks about the surprise saying that the person, who means the world to him, his brother has finally come. He takes her to meet him. he hollers at faiz and when he turns around, both faiz and haya reognise each other, and remember their spat. He comes hastily to him, and then takes him away saying that this is the same girl, and she too adds that he is the same guy. rahat is sandwiched between the two, until finally he asks both of them to calm down. He asks whats the matter. faiz starts blaming haya, for not moving, sarcastically commenting on her sense of hearing. rahat tries to clarify that she is deaf and dumb, and faiz is shocked, and embarassed too. he sits resignedly on the sofa, and then understands his mistake. rahat turns it casual, and formally introduces them. they greet each other and nicely this time, after he apologises to haya and she too reciprocates. he extends his hand for friendship, and when she agrees, he withdraws at the last minute stylishly, just to irritate haya, and has that effect.

While rahat is working in the night on his laptop, he is amused at faiz’s enthusiasm for video games, but then just to irritate him, he switches off the game at the last minute. faiza asks why did he do so. rahat asks him to continue in his own room, as its been made. faiz turns into a drama queen,and says that he wont go anywhere, and starts taunting him for sending him away on the first night that he came here. he inncently asks if his place in the heart has been replaced by someone else. rahat gets amusedly angry at him, when faiz turns serious, saying that he actually is serious that he cant stay away from him. they both hug each other, while he says that he knows rahat loves him too much, and hence knows how to take advantage of it. rahat says that even his life would be for him. A brotherly camaraderie follows.

At Ahil’s residence

In the middle of the might, ahil’s childhood memories of his father ruthlessly beating him, awaken and haunt him, and it turns nightmarish for him, as he starts screaming incoherently that he doesnt want to be beaten. this wakes up sanam, who is puzzled. she touches ahil and asks if he is okay. he immediately clasps on her, asking her to hold him, while he seeks solace in her grasp and lap, shocking and boggling sanam to the core. she comforts him that there’s noone, and asks him not to be scared, while he continues ranting that she shouldnt leave him, almost childishly. He falls asleep again, but doesnt let go of her hand’s clasp. she is boggled, as to what happened to him suddenly that caused him to be scared so much. she draps his blanket around him, and lies awake herself, so that he has a peaceful sleep. 

At Ahil’s residence

As the night passes away and day dawns on, sanam puts him slowly on the pillow, but he clutches at her dupatta tightly, and she tries slowly to take it out of his grasp, but he clutches at it more tightly. As sanam gives a jerk, Ahil finally wakes up and finds sanam reclining on him. They both compose themselves, while sanam gets up. sanam concernedly asks if he is okay. Ahil says of course. sanam talks about how scared he was last night, and talks about his nightmares. He rudely says that its none of her business as she is just a wife by name, and shouldnt interfere in his matters behaving like an actual one. He leaves to freshen up. sanam thinks what kind of a man is he, as he doesnt like anyone doing anything nice for him.

Asma tells sanam about the Chaand Raat, while she compliments asma about her beauty. she compliments her bangles too, and asma shyly tells that azhar gave this to her, as its a ritual. she says that sanam too would get them, even beautiful than this is. Sanam however is frustrated that ahil wont get anything for her.

Meanwhile, Rehaan gets a gift and places it in Sanam’s room stealthily, thinking that he had thought that he would give this to her on their first eid together, when little did he know that she wouldnt be his, and would be someone else’s wife by then, still since he has bought the gift, he decides to keep it there for her.

Azhar’s parents are looking for the moon, when they find latif with lots of bangles. they ask about them. latif tells them that tanveer has sent them for sanam, due to ahil, as she has herself gone for property inspection. sanam gets dressed and is about to go out, when she stops and finding the gift, misconstrues it to be ahil’s gift to her, and takes it to find bangles inside, which she happily dons, as she remembers asma’s comment. She thinks that its impossible to understand ahil.

Downstairs, rehaan and ahil tensedly walk to meet the rest of the family. latif stops him to ask him to see the moon. Ahil gets tensed, and starts looking around for sanam, and latif teases that she would get it. meanwhile, all are excited to have finally seen the moon, at the exact moment, of which, sanam descends down, and ahil and rehaan both are mesmerised to see her. rahaan takes his eyes away as he finds sanam staring at ahil. all congratulate each other, while ahil and rehaan are tensed as they confront each other. they do hug though. Sanam eyes ahil, as he comes towards her, and she too starts walking. they finally wish each other too, and eye the moon together. rahaan is disturbed. Latif reprimands her for wearing such normal bangles from god knows where, reminding her that on this day, the newly wed wife only wears bangles, gifted to her by her husband only. Sanam is tensed, and says these are the bangles kept in her room, gift wrapped. rahaan is highly disturbed. latif shows her an entire rack of bangles that ahil has arranged for her, to choose from and wear for herself. sanam shockingly tells ahil that she thought he kept it in the room for her. Ahil is tensed. latif asks her to let it be, and try to take the bangles off, but it gets stuck, and comments that its not coming out. rehaan and ahil are both tensed. latif remembers that she has to go for food serving, and asks ahil to do the honours, of taking them out and making her wear new ones. Ahil and sanam are tensed. azhar’s parents leave to gorge on food, while ahil and sanam stay behind, as rahaan resignedly watches and then leaves too. Ahil comes to her, while she is tensed. Ahil looks at her tensedly too. She closes her eyes, as he takes her palm, and try to take it out, and gets tensed, as she wince in pain and scream. he is finally able to take them out, while Sanam stands tensed, and Rehaan is disturbed and distraught as he watches from behind the pillar.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8pm

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